Mamba 环境安装踩坑问题汇总及解决方法


最近Mamba有关的论文引起了众多人的关注,虽然Mamba论文自身被ICLR 2024拒稿,但是其衍生的模型层出不穷,诸如 VimUmamba 等。笔者在配置相关环境(版本安装要求:PyTorch 1.12+CUDA 11.6+)时,发现按照他们给的安装方法12安装时会遇到非常多的bug,主要集中在causal-conv1dmamba-ssm上,原因都是版本兼容问题,特此记录。
P.S. 经过和网友的深入讨论,本文内容已经有大幅扩充,大家如果有遇到新的问题及解决方法,希望大家可以告诉我,经我们共同验证有效的bug解决方法将会及时更新进本文!
有问题 / 资源下载 / 有论文合作想法可+vx:931744281


直接 pip 安装或者下载工程文件再setup,出现了以下报错但不限于:

  1. Building wheel for causal-conv1d ( ... error
  2. error: command '/usr/bin/gcc' failed with exit code 1
  3. RuntimeError: Error compiling objects for extension
  4. ERROR: Could not build wheels for causal-conv1d, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
  5. Connection timed out> [end of output]
  6. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging'
  7. FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc'
  8. error: subprocess-exited-with-error




  1. 使用网友配置好的Docker环境,参考:解决causal_conv1d和mamba_ssm无法安装 -> 直接使用Mamba基础环境docker镜像
    代码:docker pull kom4cr0/cuda11.7-pytorch1.13-mamba1.1.1:1.1.1

  2. 直接下载工程文件,再setup。具体可参考:运行Mamba项目时无法直接用pip install安装causal_conv1d和mamba_ssm复现U-Mamba笔者依然未安装成功,但是原作者以及GitHub issue 里有部分人可以安装成功

    git clone
    cd causal-conv1d
    git checkout v1.1.1 # current latest version tag
    cd ..
    git clone
    cd mamba
    git checkout v1.1.1 # current latest version tag
    pip install . # 方式一,下载whl安装,两种方式选择一个即可
    MAMBA_FORCE_BUILD=TRUE pip install . # 方式二,强制在本地编译安装,Win 下无法识别此命令
  3. 受博文 “flash-attention踩坑:使用conda管理CUDA”启发,合理调整安装顺序,先安装CUDA,并且安装cuda-nvcc,正确的安装步骤如下:

    conda create -n your_env_name python=3.10.13
    conda activate your_env_name
    conda install cudatoolkit==11.8 -c nvidia
    pip install torch==2.1.1 torchvision==0.16.1 torchaudio==2.1.1 --index-url
    conda install -c "nvidia/label/cuda-11.8.0" cuda-nvcc
    conda install packaging
    pip install causal-conv1d==1.1.1  # 版本号根据实际情况选择,或者不指定直接安装最新
    pip install mamba-ssm==1.1.3.post1  # 版本号根据实际情况选择,1.1 和 1.2 实测有函数不兼容,不设定默认装最新版本


  1. 采用 Docker环境;
  2. 按照 20240313更新 中步骤的修改代码,注意由于跳过了核心部分的CUDA加速,虽然可以跑通,但是速度很慢;
  3. 采用 20240329更新,利用 Win 中的 WSL,或者Linux虚拟机。


  1. 如果方法三中倒数第二步无法安装,则需要从项目源码编译。

  2. Windows 下安装mamba-ssm在方法三倒数第三步之后会不一样,即需要先安装 'triton’包,之后从causal-conv1d 以及mamba源码编译,并且修改源码

    • 或者在 pip install . 命令之前设置 set MAMBA_FORCE_BUILD=TRUE 以及 set MAMBA_SKIP_CUDA_BUILD=TRUE 。Linux 的命令 MAMBA_FORCE_BUILD=TRUE pip install . 在 Win 下会报错。
    • 此时,可以编译完成,但是无法将 selective_scan_cuda 包括进去,导入模块还是会出错。
    • 故编译前,需要修改源码,可参考:Windows Support #12
    • 即在ops/ 文件下,注释掉
    import selective_scan_cuda

    def selective_scan_fn(u, delta, A, B, C, D=None, z=None, delta_bias=None, delta_softplus=False,
        """if return_last_state is True, returns (out, last_state)
        last_state has shape (batch, dim, dstate). Note that the gradient of the last state is
        not considered in the backward pass.
        return SelectiveScanFn.apply(u, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, delta_softplus, return_last_state)
    def mamba_inner_fn(
        xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
        out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
        A, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
        C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True
        return MambaInnerFn.apply(xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
                                  out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
                                  A, B, C, D, delta_bias, B_proj_bias, C_proj_bias, delta_softplus)


    def selective_scan_fn(u, delta, A, B, C, D=None, z=None, delta_bias=None, delta_softplus=False,
        """if return_last_state is True, returns (out, last_state)
        last_state has shape (batch, dim, dstate). Note that the gradient of the last state is
        not considered in the backward pass.
        return selective_scan_ref(u, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, delta_softplus, return_last_state)
    def mamba_inner_fn(
        xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
        out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
        A, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
        C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True
        return mamba_inner_ref(xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
                                  out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
                                  A, B, C, D, delta_bias, B_proj_bias, C_proj_bias, delta_softplus)

    当然,本人编译好的已经修改源码绕过 selective_scan_cuda 的Windows 下的whl 也有:mamba_ssm-1.2.0.post1,可直接下载安装(嘿嘿,想交朋友请+vx直接给你)。


Win 下Mamaba的安装除了利用docker、修改源码编译之外,也有人通过WSL成功跑通最新mamba模型,参考:


1. 关于CDUA版本

不少小伙伴在装完 cuda-nvcc 以后,安装 causal-conv1d 时还是会显示CUDA版本不对的错误,这是由于环境中还可能有CUDA_HOME (Linux)或 CUDA_PATH (Windows)变量指定到错误的位置,此时需要检查:

nvcc -V
python -c "import torch.utils.cpp_extension; print(torch.utils.cpp_extension.CUDA_HOME)"


在 Linux 下,如果第二句命令输出位置是base环境的,使用 which nvcc 获取虚拟环境正确的路径,然后在 .bashrc 里面设置成这个位置 export CUDA_HOME='....'source ~/.bashrc 激活配置,然后再继续安装过程。

在 Win 下,则使用 where nvcc 虚拟环境正确的路径(路径到bin,不包括 nvcc.exe),把系统环境变量里的 CUDA_PATH 修改为该路径,然后继续安装过程。


2. 关于 setup 之后卡住不动

在Linux下卡住不动是因为它在下载对应的 *.whl 文件,需要科学上网,可以等它下载失败输出正确的网址,然后手动下载再pip install 这个 whl 文件。


1. 成功安装causal_conv1d_cudaselective_scan_cuda还是报错

不少小伙伴在成功安装 causal-conv1d 之后还是会出现 import causal_conv1d_cuda 提示没有名称为 causal_conv1d_cuda 的包,或者在成功安装 mamba-ssm 之后出现 import selective_scan_cuda 提示没有名称为 selective_scan_cuda 的包,这还是CUDA环境不兼容导致的。

此时建议用源码方式在本地强制编译安装(CAUSAL_CONV1D_FORCE_BUILD=TRUE pip install . 或者 MAMBA_FORCE_BUILD=TRUE pip install .),此时有的小伙伴会成功,有的小伙伴还是会报错,但是报错会给出具体信息,譬如 ImportError xxxx undefined symbol (可以用编译好的文件直接替换,,【嘿嘿,想交朋友请+vx直接给你】),由于大家环境不一样,根据各自相应报错情况再针对性解决。

此外,可以按照Win下的方法,修改源文件绕过对 causal_conv1d_cudaselective_scan_cuda 的调用。

2. Win 下 绕过对 causal_conv1d_cudaselective_scan_cuda 的调用

  • causal_conv1d_cuda:在 文件中,注释掉 import causal_conv1d_cuda,且将

    def causal_conv1d_fn(
        x: (batch, dim, seqlen)
        weight: (dim, width)
        bias: (dim,)
        seq_idx: (batch, seqlen)
        initial_states: (batch, dim, width - 1)
        final_states_out: (batch, dim, width - 1), to be written to
        activation: either None or "silu" or "swish"
        out: (batch, dim, seqlen)
        return CausalConv1dFn.apply(


    def causal_conv1d_fn(
        x: (batch, dim, seqlen)
        weight: (dim, width)
        bias: (dim,)
        seq_idx: (batch, seqlen)
        initial_states: (batch, dim, width - 1)
        final_states_out: (batch, dim, width - 1), to be written to
        activation: either None or "silu" or "swish"
        out: (batch, dim, seqlen)
        return causal_conv1d_ref(


  • selective_scan_cuda:见 20240313更新

  • selective_scan_cuda for Vim ( Vision Mamba: Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional State Space Model ):由于它对源码做了修改,所以如果想在Window下跑通 Vision Mamba 为了避开这个函数也需要相应修改,如下所示。

    # Copyright (c) 2023, Tri Dao, Albert Gu.
    import torch
    import torch.nn.functional as F
    from torch.cuda.amp import custom_bwd, custom_fwd
    from einops import rearrange, repeat
        from causal_conv1d import causal_conv1d_fn
        import causal_conv1d_cuda
    except ImportError:
        causal_conv1d_fn = None
        causal_conv1d_cuda = None
    # import selective_scan_cuda
    class SelectiveScanFn(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(ctx, u, delta, A, B, C, D=None, z=None, delta_bias=None, delta_softplus=False,
            if u.stride(-1) != 1:
                u = u.contiguous()
            if delta.stride(-1) != 1:
                delta = delta.contiguous()
            if D is not None:
                D = D.contiguous()
            if B.stride(-1) != 1:
                B = B.contiguous()
            if C.stride(-1) != 1:
                C = C.contiguous()
            if z is not None and z.stride(-1) != 1:
                z = z.contiguous()
            if B.dim() == 3:
                B = rearrange(B, "b dstate l -> b 1 dstate l")
                ctx.squeeze_B = True
            if C.dim() == 3:
                C = rearrange(C, "b dstate l -> b 1 dstate l")
                ctx.squeeze_C = True
            out, x, *rest = selective_scan_cuda.fwd(u, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, delta_softplus)
            ctx.delta_softplus = delta_softplus
            ctx.has_z = z is not None
            last_state = x[:, :, -1, 1::2]  # (batch, dim, dstate)
            if not ctx.has_z:
                ctx.save_for_backward(u, delta, A, B, C, D, delta_bias, x)
                return out if not return_last_state else (out, last_state)
                ctx.save_for_backward(u, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, x, out)
                out_z = rest[0]
                return out_z if not return_last_state else (out_z, last_state)
        def backward(ctx, dout, *args):
            if not ctx.has_z:
                u, delta, A, B, C, D, delta_bias, x = ctx.saved_tensors
                z = None
                out = None
                u, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, x, out = ctx.saved_tensors
            if dout.stride(-1) != 1:
                dout = dout.contiguous()
            # The kernel supports passing in a pre-allocated dz (e.g., in case we want to fuse the
            # backward of selective_scan_cuda with the backward of chunk).
            # Here we just pass in None and dz will be allocated in the C++ code.
            du, ddelta, dA, dB, dC, dD, ddelta_bias, *rest = selective_scan_cuda.bwd(
                u, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, dout, x, out, None, ctx.delta_softplus,
                False  # option to recompute out_z, not used here
            dz = rest[0] if ctx.has_z else None
            dB = dB.squeeze(1) if getattr(ctx, "squeeze_B", False) else dB
            dC = dC.squeeze(1) if getattr(ctx, "squeeze_C", False) else dC
            return (du, ddelta, dA, dB, dC,
                    dD if D is not None else None,
                    ddelta_bias if delta_bias is not None else None,
    def selective_scan_fn(u, delta, A, B, C, D=None, z=None, delta_bias=None, delta_softplus=False,
        """if return_last_state is True, returns (out, last_state)
        last_state has shape (batch, dim, dstate). Note that the gradient of the last state is
        not considered in the backward pass.
        return selective_scan_ref(u, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, delta_softplus, return_last_state)
    def selective_scan_ref(u, delta, A, B, C, D=None, z=None, delta_bias=None, delta_softplus=False,
        u: r(B D L)
        delta: r(B D L)
        A: c(D N) or r(D N)
        B: c(D N) or r(B N L) or r(B N 2L) or r(B G N L) or (B G N L)
        C: c(D N) or r(B N L) or r(B N 2L) or r(B G N L) or (B G N L)
        D: r(D)
        z: r(B D L)
        delta_bias: r(D), fp32
        out: r(B D L)
        last_state (optional): r(B D dstate) or c(B D dstate)
        dtype_in = u.dtype
        u = u.float()
        delta = delta.float()
        if delta_bias is not None:
            delta = delta + delta_bias[..., None].float()
        if delta_softplus:
            delta = F.softplus(delta)
        batch, dim, dstate = u.shape[0], A.shape[0], A.shape[1]
        is_variable_B = B.dim() >= 3
        is_variable_C = C.dim() >= 3
        if A.is_complex():
            if is_variable_B:
                B = torch.view_as_complex(rearrange(B.float(), "... (L two) -> ... L two", two=2))
            if is_variable_C:
                C = torch.view_as_complex(rearrange(C.float(), "... (L two) -> ... L two", two=2))
            B = B.float()
            C = C.float()
        x = A.new_zeros((batch, dim, dstate))
        ys = []
        deltaA = torch.exp(torch.einsum('bdl,dn->bdln', delta, A))
        if not is_variable_B:
            deltaB_u = torch.einsum('bdl,dn,bdl->bdln', delta, B, u)
            if B.dim() == 3:
                deltaB_u = torch.einsum('bdl,bnl,bdl->bdln', delta, B, u)
                B = repeat(B, "B G N L -> B (G H) N L", H=dim // B.shape[1])
                deltaB_u = torch.einsum('bdl,bdnl,bdl->bdln', delta, B, u)
        if is_variable_C and C.dim() == 4:
            C = repeat(C, "B G N L -> B (G H) N L", H=dim // C.shape[1])
        last_state = None
        for i in range(u.shape[2]):
            x = deltaA[:, :, i] * x + deltaB_u[:, :, i]
            if not is_variable_C:
                y = torch.einsum('bdn,dn->bd', x, C)
                if C.dim() == 3:
                    y = torch.einsum('bdn,bn->bd', x, C[:, :, i])
                    y = torch.einsum('bdn,bdn->bd', x, C[:, :, :, i])
            if i == u.shape[2] - 1:
                last_state = x
            if y.is_complex():
                y = y.real * 2
        y = torch.stack(ys, dim=2) # (batch dim L)
        out = y if D is None else y + u * rearrange(D, "d -> d 1")
        if z is not None:
            out = out * F.silu(z)
        out =
        return out if not return_last_state else (out, last_state)
    class MambaInnerFn(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(ctx, xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
                    out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
                    A, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
                    C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True, checkpoint_lvl=1):
                 xz: (batch, dim, seqlen)
            assert causal_conv1d_cuda is not None, "causal_conv1d_cuda is not available. Please install causal-conv1d."
            assert checkpoint_lvl in [0, 1]
            L = xz.shape[-1]
            delta_rank = delta_proj_weight.shape[1]
            d_state = A.shape[-1] * (1 if not A.is_complex() else 2)
            if torch.is_autocast_enabled():
                x_proj_weight =
                delta_proj_weight =
                out_proj_weight =
                out_proj_bias = (
                                 if out_proj_bias is not None else None)
            if xz.stride(-1) != 1:
                xz = xz.contiguous()
            conv1d_weight = rearrange(conv1d_weight, "d 1 w -> d w")
            x, z = xz.chunk(2, dim=1)
            conv1d_bias = conv1d_bias.contiguous() if conv1d_bias is not None else None
            conv1d_out = causal_conv1d_cuda.causal_conv1d_fwd(
                x, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, None, None, None, True
            # We're being very careful here about the layout, to avoid extra transposes.
            # We want delta to have d as the slowest moving dimension
            # and L as the fastest moving dimension, since those are what the ssm_scan kernel expects.
            x_dbl = F.linear(rearrange(conv1d_out, 'b d l -> (b l) d'), x_proj_weight)  # (bl d)
            delta = rearrange(delta_proj_weight @ x_dbl[:, :delta_rank].t(), "d (b l) -> b d l", l = L)
            ctx.is_variable_B = B is None
            ctx.is_variable_C = C is None
            ctx.B_proj_bias_is_None = B_proj_bias is None
            ctx.C_proj_bias_is_None = C_proj_bias is None
            if B is None:  # variable B
                B = x_dbl[:, delta_rank:delta_rank + d_state]  # (bl dstate)
                if B_proj_bias is not None:
                    B = B +
                if not A.is_complex():
                    # B = rearrange(B, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                    B = rearrange(B, "(b l) dstate -> b 1 dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                    B = rearrange(B, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b 1 dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
                if B.stride(-1) != 1:
                    B = B.contiguous()
            if C is None:  # variable C
                C = x_dbl[:, -d_state:]  # (bl dstate)
                if C_proj_bias is not None:
                    C = C +
                if not A.is_complex():
                    # C = rearrange(C, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                    C = rearrange(C, "(b l) dstate -> b 1 dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                    C = rearrange(C, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b 1 dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
                if C.stride(-1) != 1:
                    C = C.contiguous()
            if D is not None:
                D = D.contiguous()
            out, scan_intermediates, out_z = selective_scan_cuda.fwd(
                conv1d_out, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, delta_softplus
            ctx.delta_softplus = delta_softplus
            ctx.out_proj_bias_is_None = out_proj_bias is None
            ctx.checkpoint_lvl = checkpoint_lvl
            if checkpoint_lvl >= 1:  # Will recompute conv1d_out and delta in the backward pass
                conv1d_out, delta = None, None
            ctx.save_for_backward(xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_dbl, x_proj_weight,
                                  delta_proj_weight, out_proj_weight, conv1d_out, delta,
                                  A, B, C, D, delta_bias, scan_intermediates, out)
            return F.linear(rearrange(out_z, "b d l -> b l d"), out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias)
        def backward(ctx, dout):
            # dout: (batch, seqlen, dim)
            assert causal_conv1d_cuda is not None, "causal_conv1d_cuda is not available. Please install causal-conv1d."
            (xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_dbl, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight, out_proj_weight,
             conv1d_out, delta, A, B, C, D, delta_bias, scan_intermediates, out) = ctx.saved_tensors
            L = xz.shape[-1]
            delta_rank = delta_proj_weight.shape[1]
            d_state = A.shape[-1] * (1 if not A.is_complex() else 2)
            x, z = xz.chunk(2, dim=1)
            if dout.stride(-1) != 1:
                dout = dout.contiguous()
            if ctx.checkpoint_lvl == 1:
                conv1d_out = causal_conv1d_cuda.causal_conv1d_fwd(
                    x, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, None, None, None, True
                delta = rearrange(delta_proj_weight @ x_dbl[:, :delta_rank].t(),
                                  "d (b l) -> b d l", l = L)
            # The kernel supports passing in a pre-allocated dz (e.g., in case we want to fuse the
            # backward of selective_scan_cuda with the backward of chunk).
            dxz = torch.empty_like(xz)  # (batch, dim, seqlen)
            dx, dz = dxz.chunk(2, dim=1)
            dout = rearrange(dout, "b l e -> e (b l)")
            dout_y = rearrange(out_proj_weight.t() @ dout, "d (b l) -> b d l", l=L)
            dconv1d_out, ddelta, dA, dB, dC, dD, ddelta_bias, dz, out_z = selective_scan_cuda.bwd(
                conv1d_out, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, dout_y, scan_intermediates, out, dz,
                True  # option to recompute out_z
            dout_proj_weight = torch.einsum("eB,dB->ed", dout, rearrange(out_z, "b d l -> d (b l)"))
            dout_proj_bias = dout.sum(dim=(0, 1)) if not ctx.out_proj_bias_is_None else None
            dD = dD if D is not None else None
            dx_dbl = torch.empty_like(x_dbl)
            dB_proj_bias = None
            if ctx.is_variable_B:
                if not A.is_complex():
                    dB = rearrange(dB, "b 1 dstate l -> (b l) dstate").contiguous()
                    dB = rearrange(dB, "b 1 dstate (l two) -> (b l) (dstate two)", two=2).contiguous()
                dB_proj_bias = dB.sum(0) if not ctx.B_proj_bias_is_None else None
                dx_dbl[:, delta_rank:delta_rank + d_state] = dB  # (bl d)
                dB = None
            dC_proj_bias = None
            if ctx.is_variable_C:
                if not A.is_complex():
                    dC = rearrange(dC, "b 1 dstate l -> (b l) dstate").contiguous()
                    dC = rearrange(dC, "b 1 dstate (l two) -> (b l) (dstate two)", two=2).contiguous()
                dC_proj_bias = dC.sum(0) if not ctx.C_proj_bias_is_None else None
                dx_dbl[:, -d_state:] = dC  # (bl d)
                dC = None
            ddelta = rearrange(ddelta, "b d l -> d (b l)")
            ddelta_proj_weight = torch.einsum("dB,Br->dr", ddelta, x_dbl[:, :delta_rank])
            dx_dbl[:, :delta_rank] = torch.einsum("dB,dr->Br", ddelta, delta_proj_weight)
            dconv1d_out = rearrange(dconv1d_out, "b d l -> d (b l)")
            dx_proj_weight = torch.einsum("Br,Bd->rd", dx_dbl, rearrange(conv1d_out, "b d l -> (b l) d"))
            dconv1d_out = torch.addmm(dconv1d_out, x_proj_weight.t(), dx_dbl.t(), out=dconv1d_out)
            dconv1d_out = rearrange(dconv1d_out, "d (b l) -> b d l", b=x.shape[0], l=x.shape[-1])
            # The kernel supports passing in a pre-allocated dx (e.g., in case we want to fuse the
            # backward of conv1d with the backward of chunk).
            dx, dconv1d_weight, dconv1d_bias, *_ = causal_conv1d_cuda.causal_conv1d_bwd(
                x, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, dconv1d_out, None, None, None, dx, False, True
            dconv1d_bias = dconv1d_bias if conv1d_bias is not None else None
            dconv1d_weight = rearrange(dconv1d_weight, "d w -> d 1 w")
            return (dxz, dconv1d_weight, dconv1d_bias, dx_proj_weight, ddelta_proj_weight,
                    dout_proj_weight, dout_proj_bias,
                    dA, dB, dC, dD,
                    ddelta_bias if delta_bias is not None else None,
                    dB_proj_bias, dC_proj_bias, None)
    class BiMambaInnerFn(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(ctx, xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
                    out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
                    A, A_b, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
                    C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True, checkpoint_lvl=1):
                 xz: (batch, dim, seqlen)
            assert checkpoint_lvl in [0, 1]
            L = xz.shape[-1]
            delta_rank = delta_proj_weight.shape[1]
            d_state = A.shape[-1] * (1 if not A.is_complex() else 2)
            if torch.is_autocast_enabled():
                x_proj_weight =
                delta_proj_weight =
                out_proj_weight =
                out_proj_bias = (
                                 if out_proj_bias is not None else None)
            if xz.stride(-1) != 1:
                xz = xz.contiguous()
            conv1d_weight = rearrange(conv1d_weight, "d 1 w -> d w")
            x, z = xz.chunk(2, dim=1)
            conv1d_bias = conv1d_bias.contiguous() if conv1d_bias is not None else None
            conv1d_out = causal_conv1d_cuda.causal_conv1d_fwd(x, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias,None, True)
            # We're being very careful here about the layout, to avoid extra transposes.
            # We want delta to have d as the slowest moving dimension
            # and L as the fastest moving dimension, since those are what the ssm_scan kernel expects.
            x_dbl = F.linear(rearrange(conv1d_out, 'b d l -> (b l) d'), x_proj_weight)  # (bl d)
            delta = rearrange(delta_proj_weight @ x_dbl[:, :delta_rank].t(), "d (b l) -> b d l", l = L)
            ctx.is_variable_B = B is None
            ctx.is_variable_C = C is None
            ctx.B_proj_bias_is_None = B_proj_bias is None
            ctx.C_proj_bias_is_None = C_proj_bias is None
            if B is None:  # variable B
                B = x_dbl[:, delta_rank:delta_rank + d_state]  # (bl dstate)
                if B_proj_bias is not None:
                    B = B +
                if not A.is_complex():
                    # B = rearrange(B, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                    B = rearrange(B, "(b l) dstate -> b 1 dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                    B = rearrange(B, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b 1 dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
                if B.stride(-1) != 1:
                    B = B.contiguous()
            if C is None:  # variable C
                C = x_dbl[:, -d_state:]  # (bl dstate)
                if C_proj_bias is not None:
                    C = C +
                if not A.is_complex():
                    # C = rearrange(C, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                    C = rearrange(C, "(b l) dstate -> b 1 dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                    C = rearrange(C, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b 1 dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
                if C.stride(-1) != 1:
                    C = C.contiguous()
            if D is not None:
                D = D.contiguous()
            out_f, scan_intermediates_f, out_z_f = selective_scan_cuda.fwd(
                conv1d_out, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, delta_softplus
            assert not A_b.is_complex(), "A should not be complex!!"
            out_b, scan_intermediates_b, out_z_b = selective_scan_cuda.fwd(
                conv1d_out.flip([-1]), delta.flip([-1]), A_b, B.flip([-1]), C.flip([-1]), D, z.flip([-1]), delta_bias, delta_softplus,
            out_z = out_z_f + out_z_b.flip([-1])
            ctx.delta_softplus = delta_softplus
            ctx.out_proj_bias_is_None = out_proj_bias is None
            ctx.checkpoint_lvl = checkpoint_lvl
            if checkpoint_lvl >= 1:  # Will recompute conv1d_out and delta in the backward pass
                conv1d_out, delta = None, None
            ctx.save_for_backward(xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_dbl, x_proj_weight,
                                  delta_proj_weight, out_proj_weight, conv1d_out, delta,
                                  A, A_b, B, C, D, delta_bias, scan_intermediates_f, scan_intermediates_b, out_f, out_b)
            return F.linear(rearrange(out_z, "b d l -> b l d"), out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias)
        def backward(ctx, dout):
            # dout: (batch, seqlen, dim)
            (xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_dbl, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight, out_proj_weight,
             conv1d_out, delta, A, A_b, B, C, D, delta_bias, scan_intermediates_f, scan_intermediates_b, out_f, out_b) = ctx.saved_tensors
            L = xz.shape[-1]
            delta_rank = delta_proj_weight.shape[1]
            d_state = A.shape[-1] * (1 if not A.is_complex() else 2)
            x, z = xz.chunk(2, dim=1)
            if dout.stride(-1) != 1:
                dout = dout.contiguous()
            if ctx.checkpoint_lvl == 1:
                conv1d_out = causal_conv1d_cuda.causal_conv1d_fwd(x, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, None, True)
                delta = rearrange(delta_proj_weight @ x_dbl[:, :delta_rank].t(),
                                  "d (b l) -> b d l", l = L)
            # The kernel supports passing in a pre-allocated dz (e.g., in case we want to fuse the
            # backward of selective_scan_cuda with the backward of chunk).
            dxz = torch.empty_like(xz)  # (batch, dim, seqlen)
            dx, dz = dxz.chunk(2, dim=1)
            dout = rearrange(dout, "b l e -> e (b l)")
            dout_y = rearrange(out_proj_weight.t() @ dout, "d (b l) -> b d l", l=L)
            dconv1d_out, ddelta, dA, dB, dC, dD, ddelta_bias, dz, out_z_f = selective_scan_cuda.bwd(
                conv1d_out, delta, A, B, C, D, z, delta_bias, dout_y, scan_intermediates_f, out_f, dz,
                True  # option to recompute out_z
            # flip one
            dz_b = torch.empty_like(dz)
            dconv1d_out_f_b, ddelta_f_b, dA_b, dB_f_b, dC_f_b, dD_b, ddelta_bias_b, dz_b, out_z_b = selective_scan_cuda.bwd(
                conv1d_out.flip([-1]), delta.flip([-1]), A_b, B.flip([-1]), C.flip([-1]), D, z.flip([-1]), delta_bias, dout_y.flip([-1]), scan_intermediates_b, out_b, dz_b,
                True  # option to recompute out_z
            dconv1d_out = dconv1d_out + dconv1d_out_f_b.flip([-1])
            ddelta = ddelta + ddelta_f_b.flip([-1])
            dB = dB + dB_f_b.flip([-1])
            dC = dC + dC_f_b.flip([-1])
            dD = dD + dD_b
            ddelta_bias = ddelta_bias + ddelta_bias_b
            dz = dz + dz_b.flip([-1])
            out_z = out_z_f + out_z_b.flip([-1])
            dout_proj_weight = torch.einsum("eB,dB->ed", dout, rearrange(out_z, "b d l -> d (b l)"))
            dout_proj_bias = dout.sum(dim=(0, 1)) if not ctx.out_proj_bias_is_None else None
            dD = dD if D is not None else None
            dx_dbl = torch.empty_like(x_dbl)
            dB_proj_bias = None
            if ctx.is_variable_B:
                if not A.is_complex():
                    dB = rearrange(dB, "b 1 dstate l -> (b l) dstate").contiguous()
                    dB = rearrange(dB, "b 1 dstate (l two) -> (b l) (dstate two)", two=2).contiguous()
                dB_proj_bias = dB.sum(0) if not ctx.B_proj_bias_is_None else None
                dx_dbl[:, delta_rank:delta_rank + d_state] = dB  # (bl d)
                dB = None
            dC_proj_bias = None
            if ctx.is_variable_C:
                if not A.is_complex():
                    dC = rearrange(dC, "b 1 dstate l -> (b l) dstate").contiguous()
                    dC = rearrange(dC, "b 1 dstate (l two) -> (b l) (dstate two)", two=2).contiguous()
                dC_proj_bias = dC.sum(0) if not ctx.C_proj_bias_is_None else None
                dx_dbl[:, -d_state:] = dC  # (bl d)
                dC = None
            ddelta = rearrange(ddelta, "b d l -> d (b l)")
            ddelta_proj_weight = torch.einsum("dB,Br->dr", ddelta, x_dbl[:, :delta_rank])
            dx_dbl[:, :delta_rank] = torch.einsum("dB,dr->Br", ddelta, delta_proj_weight)
            dconv1d_out = rearrange(dconv1d_out, "b d l -> d (b l)")
            dx_proj_weight = torch.einsum("Br,Bd->rd", dx_dbl, rearrange(conv1d_out, "b d l -> (b l) d"))
            dconv1d_out = torch.addmm(dconv1d_out, x_proj_weight.t(), dx_dbl.t(), out=dconv1d_out)
            dconv1d_out = rearrange(dconv1d_out, "d (b l) -> b d l", b=x.shape[0], l=x.shape[-1])
            # The kernel supports passing in a pre-allocated dx (e.g., in case we want to fuse the
            # backward of conv1d with the backward of chunk).
            dx, dconv1d_weight, dconv1d_bias = causal_conv1d_cuda.causal_conv1d_bwd(
                x, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, dconv1d_out, None, dx, True
            dconv1d_bias = dconv1d_bias if conv1d_bias is not None else None
            dconv1d_weight = rearrange(dconv1d_weight, "d w -> d 1 w")
            return (dxz, dconv1d_weight, dconv1d_bias, dx_proj_weight, ddelta_proj_weight,
                    dout_proj_weight, dout_proj_bias,
                    dA, dA_b, dB, dC, dD,
                    ddelta_bias if delta_bias is not None else None,
                    dB_proj_bias, dC_proj_bias, None)
    def mamba_inner_fn(
        xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
        out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
        A, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
        C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True
        return mamba_inner_ref(xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
                                  out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
                                  A, B, C, D, delta_bias, B_proj_bias, C_proj_bias, delta_softplus)
    def mamba_inner_ref(
        xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
        out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
        A, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
        C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True
        assert causal_conv1d_fn is not None, "causal_conv1d_fn is not available. Please install causal-conv1d."
        L = xz.shape[-1]
        delta_rank = delta_proj_weight.shape[1]
        d_state = A.shape[-1] * (1 if not A.is_complex() else 2)
        x, z = xz.chunk(2, dim=1)
        x = causal_conv1d_fn(x, rearrange(conv1d_weight, "d 1 w -> d w"), conv1d_bias, activation="silu")
        # We're being very careful here about the layout, to avoid extra transposes.
        # We want delta to have d as the slowest moving dimension
        # and L as the fastest moving dimension, since those are what the ssm_scan kernel expects.
        x_dbl = F.linear(rearrange(x, 'b d l -> (b l) d'), x_proj_weight)  # (bl d)
        delta = delta_proj_weight @ x_dbl[:, :delta_rank].t()
        delta = rearrange(delta, "d (b l) -> b d l", l=L)
        if B is None:  # variable B
            B = x_dbl[:, delta_rank:delta_rank + d_state]  # (bl d)
            if B_proj_bias is not None:
                B = B +
            if not A.is_complex():
                B = rearrange(B, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                B = rearrange(B, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
        if C is None:  # variable B
            C = x_dbl[:, -d_state:]  # (bl d)
            if C_proj_bias is not None:
                C = C +
            if not A.is_complex():
                C = rearrange(C, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                C = rearrange(C, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
        y = selective_scan_fn(x, delta, A, B, C, D, z=z, delta_bias=delta_bias, delta_softplus=True)
        return F.linear(rearrange(y, "b d l -> b l d"), out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias)
    def bimamba_inner_fn(
        xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
        out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
        A, A_b, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
        C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True
        return bimamba_inner_ref(xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
                                  out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
                                  A, A_b, B, C, D, delta_bias, B_proj_bias, C_proj_bias, delta_softplus)
    def mamba_inner_fn_no_out_proj(
        xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
        A, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
        C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True
        return MambaInnerFnNoOutProj.apply(xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
                                  A, B, C, D, delta_bias, B_proj_bias, C_proj_bias, delta_softplus)
    def mamba_inner_ref(
        xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
        out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
        A, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
        C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True
        L = xz.shape[-1]
        delta_rank = delta_proj_weight.shape[1]
        d_state = A.shape[-1] * (1 if not A.is_complex() else 2)
        x, z = xz.chunk(2, dim=1)
        x = causal_conv1d_fn(x, rearrange(conv1d_weight, "d 1 w -> d w"), conv1d_bias, "silu")
        # We're being very careful here about the layout, to avoid extra transposes.
        # We want delta to have d as the slowest moving dimension
        # and L as the fastest moving dimension, since those are what the ssm_scan kernel expects.
        x_dbl = F.linear(rearrange(x, 'b d l -> (b l) d'), x_proj_weight)  # (bl d)
        delta = delta_proj_weight @ x_dbl[:, :delta_rank].t()
        delta = rearrange(delta, "d (b l) -> b d l", l=L)
        if B is None:  # variable B
            B = x_dbl[:, delta_rank:delta_rank + d_state]  # (bl d)
            if B_proj_bias is not None:
                B = B +
            if not A.is_complex():
                B = rearrange(B, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                B = rearrange(B, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
        if C is None:  # variable B
            C = x_dbl[:, -d_state:]  # (bl d)
            if C_proj_bias is not None:
                C = C +
            if not A.is_complex():
                C = rearrange(C, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                C = rearrange(C, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
        y = selective_scan_fn(x, delta, A, B, C, D, z=z, delta_bias=delta_bias, delta_softplus=True)
        return F.linear(rearrange(y, "b d l -> b l d"), out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias)
    def bimamba_inner_ref(
        xz, conv1d_weight, conv1d_bias, x_proj_weight, delta_proj_weight,
        out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias,
        A, A_b, B=None, C=None, D=None, delta_bias=None, B_proj_bias=None,
        C_proj_bias=None, delta_softplus=True
        L = xz.shape[-1]
        delta_rank = delta_proj_weight.shape[1]
        d_state = A.shape[-1] * (1 if not A.is_complex() else 2)
        x, z = xz.chunk(2, dim=1)
        x = causal_conv1d_fn(x, rearrange(conv1d_weight, "d 1 w -> d w"), conv1d_bias, "silu")
        # We're being very careful here about the layout, to avoid extra transposes.
        # We want delta to have d as the slowest moving dimension
        # and L as the fastest moving dimension, since those are what the ssm_scan kernel expects.
        x_dbl = F.linear(rearrange(x, 'b d l -> (b l) d'), x_proj_weight)  # (bl d)
        delta = delta_proj_weight @ x_dbl[:, :delta_rank].t()
        delta = rearrange(delta, "d (b l) -> b d l", l=L)
        if B is None:  # variable B
            B = x_dbl[:, delta_rank:delta_rank + d_state]  # (bl d)
            if B_proj_bias is not None:
                B = B +
            if not A.is_complex():
                B = rearrange(B, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                B = rearrange(B, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
        if C is None:  # variable B
            C = x_dbl[:, -d_state:]  # (bl d)
            if C_proj_bias is not None:
                C = C +
            if not A.is_complex():
                C = rearrange(C, "(b l) dstate -> b dstate l", l=L).contiguous()
                C = rearrange(C, "(b l) (dstate two) -> b dstate (l two)", l=L, two=2).contiguous()
        y = selective_scan_fn(x, delta, A, B, C, D, z=z, delta_bias=delta_bias, delta_softplus=True)
        y_b = selective_scan_fn(x.flip([-1]), delta.flip([-1]), A_b, B.flip([-1]), C.flip([-1]), D, z.flip([-1]), delta_bias, delta_softplus=True)
        y = y + y_b.flip([-1])
        return F.linear(rearrange(y, "b d l -> b l d"), out_proj_weight, out_proj_bias)

20240506 更新

在用 pip install mamba-ssm 安装完 mamba-ssm 发现原来正常运行的代码出现以下报错:

File "/home/xxx/.conda/envs/mamba/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mamba_ssm/ops/", line 187, in forward
    conv1d_out = causal_conv1d_cuda.causal_conv1d_fwd(
TypeError: causal_conv1d_fwd(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
    1. (arg0: torch.Tensor, arg1: torch.Tensor, arg2: Optional[torch.Tensor], arg3: Optional[torch.Tensor], arg4: bool) -> torch.Tensor

Invoked with: tensor(
        [-4.9056e-40, -4.9057e-40, -4.9074e-40, -4.9078e-40]], device='cuda:0',
       requires_grad=True), Parameter containing:
tensor([ 0.0322, -0.1139,  0.0770,  ..., -0.0320, -0.1266, -0.1096],
       device='cuda:0', requires_grad=True), None, None, None, True

经过检查发现是 mamba-ssm 版本的问题,报错的版本号为 1.2.0.post1,即 pip install mamba-ssm 安装的是最新版本,与之前的函数存在部分不兼容,而之前正常运行版本为 1.1.3.post1

20240523 更新

有网友在跑 Vision Mamba 时遭遇以下报错:

TypeError: Mamba.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bimamba_type'

因为 Vision Mamba 修改了 Mamba 的源代码,从 Mamba 官方途径安装的包中是没有这个函数的,所以需要先卸载原版Mamba ,再从 Vision Mamba 代码里的Mamba 源码手动安装,而不是从 Mamba 官方途径安装。不过实测也可以直接进行文件替换,用 Vision 替换。

Win 下则需要Vision Mamba 的源码,参考前文 20240424更新selective_scan_cuda for Vim

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  2. ↩︎

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