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原创 Lesson one hundred thirty seven A pleasant dream.
Are you doing the football pools,Brian?Yes,Ive nearly finished,Julie.Im sure well win something this week.You always say that,but we never win anything.What will you do if you win a lot of mon
2008-04-17 22:05:00 502
原创 Lesson one hundred thirty three Sensational news.
Have you just make a new film,Miss Marsh?Yes,I have.Are you going to make another?No,Im not.Im going to retire.I feel very tired.I dont want to make another film for a long time.Lets buy a
2008-04-14 16:19:00 395
原创 Lesson one hundred thirty one Don't be so sure.
Where are you going to spend your holidays this year,Gary?We may go abroad.Im not sure.My wife wants to go to Egypt.Id like to go there,too.We cant make up our minds.Will you travel by sea o
2008-04-13 20:57:00 441
原创 Lesson one hundred twenty-nine Seventy miles an hour.
Look,Gary.Thats policemans waving to you.He wants you to stop.Where do you think you are?On a race track?You must have been at seventy miles an hour.I cant have been.I was doing eighty when
2008-04-12 15:15:00 468
原创 Lesson one hundred twenty-seven A famous actress.
Can you recognize that woman,Liz?I think I can,Kate.That must be Karen Marsh,the actress.I thought so.Whos that beside her?That must be Conrad Reeves.Conrad Reeves,the actor?It cant be.Let
2008-04-11 21:45:00 525
原创 Lesson one hundred twenty five Tea for two.
Cant you come in and have tea now,Peter?Not yet.I must water the garden frist.Do you have to water it now?Im afraid I must.Look at it.Its terribly dry.What a nuisance.Last summer it was ve
2008-04-10 23:01:00 477
原创 Lesson one hundred twenty three A trip to Australia.
Look,Scott.This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia.Let me see it,Mike.This is a good photograph.Who are these people?Theyre people I met during the trip.Thats the ship we trav
2008-04-10 14:04:00 361
原创 Lesson one hundred twenty three A trip to Australia.
Look,Scott.This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia.Let me see it,Mike.This is a good photograph.Who are these people?Theyre people I met during the trip.Thats the ship we trav
2008-04-09 23:03:00 385
原创 Lesson one hundred twenty one The man in a hat.
I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago.But I forgot to take them with me.Who served you,sir?The lady who is standing behind the counter.Which books did you buy?The books which
2008-04-07 12:36:00 361
原创 Lesson one hundred thirteen Small change.
Fares,please.Trafalgar square,please.Im sorry,sir.I cant change a ten-pound note.Havent you got any small change?Ive got no small change,Im afraid.Ill ask some of the passengers.Have you
2008-03-05 10:42:00 367
原创 Lesson one hundred and nine A good idea.
Shall I make some coffee,Jane.Thats a good idea,Charlotte.Its ready.Do you want any milk?Just a little,please.What about some sugar?Tow teaspoonfuls?No,less than that.One and half teaspoonf
2008-02-29 11:31:00 443
原创 Lesson one hundred and five Full of mistakes.
Wheres Sandra,Bob.I want her.Do you want to speak to her?Yes,I do.I want her to come to my office.Tell her to come at once.Did you want to see me?Ah,yes,Sandra.How do you spell "intelligent"
2008-02-28 09:12:00 533
原创 Lesson one hundred and three The French test.
How was the exam,Richard?Not too bad.I think I passed in English and Mathematics.The questions were very easy.How about you,Gary?The English and Maths papers werent eays enough for me.I hope I
2008-02-27 10:44:00 511
原创 Lesson ninety seven A small bule case.
I left a suit case on the train to London the other day.Can you describe it,sir.Its a small blue case and its got a zip.Theres a lable on the handle with my name and addree on it.Is this case
2008-02-24 09:11:00 353
原创 Lesson ninety five Tickets,please.
Two return tickets to London,please.What time will the next train leave?At nineteen minutes past eight.Which platform?Platform two,over the bridge.What time will the next train leave?At eight n
2008-02-24 09:01:00 402
原创 Lesson ninety seven A small bule case.
I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.Can you describe it,sir?Its a smll blue case and its got a zip.Theres a lable on the handle with my name and address on it.Is this case y
2008-02-23 11:14:00 388
原创 Lesson ninety five Tickets,please.
Two return tickets to London,please.What time will the next train leave?At nineteen minutes past eight.Which platform?Platform two,over the bridge.What time will the next train leave?At eight n
2008-02-22 20:48:00 533
原创 Lesson 89 For sale.
Good afternoon.I believe that this house is for sale.Thats right.May I have a look at it,please.Yes,of course,Come in.How long have you lieve here?Ive lived here for twenty years.Twenty year
2008-02-18 09:40:00 505
原创 两种Java容器类List和Set分析
容器类可以大大提高编程效率和编程能力,在Java2中,所有的容器都由SUN公司的Joshua Bloch进行了重新设计,丰富了容器类库的功能。 Java2容器类类库的用途是"保存对象",它分为两类: Collection----一组独立的元素,通常这些元素都服从某种规则。List必须保持元素特定的顺序,而Set不能有重复元素。 Map----一组成对的"键值对"对象,即其元素是成对的对象,最
2007-08-05 18:11:00 383
原创 谨慎使用类变量及正确使用单例模式
昨天发现JDBMonitor在多数据源的情况下会有问题,这个问题就是对单例模式理解不深造成的。为了减少系统中的对象数目,我用单例模式设计 DBLogger,也就是提供一个getLogger方法返回一个日志处理器,getLogger则返回的是一个缓存了的DBLogger实例。昨天我用一个大型的信息系统测试了一下,发现当有多个数据源存在的时候,所有的日志都记录到了第一个启动的JDBMonitor的配置
2007-08-05 18:11:00 489
原创 使用JDBC连接MYSQL数据库
2007-08-05 18:09:00 830
原创 IBM WebSphere源代码暴露漏洞
bugtraq id 1500class Access Validation Errorcve GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCHremote Yeslocal Yespublished July 24, 2000updated July 24, 2000vulnerable IBM Websphere Application Server 3.0.21- Sun Solaris 8.0- M
2007-08-05 18:07:00 445
原创 NetBeans能否承载JSF中兴之重?
工具是JSF曾经的痛,没有可视化开发工具支持的JSF,无法将其简化Java Web开发的特性发挥得淋漓尽致。在经历了缓慢的发展历程后,NetBeans终于脱颖而出,实现了真正意义上的JSF可视化开发。NetBeans的 Visual Web Pack 是JSF可视化开发的工具包,具有多项创新的开发技术,正是这些突破常规的手法,造就了NetBeans在JSF可视化开发领域的先锋地位。全文阅读
2007-08-05 18:07:00 366
原创 Java世界的Ruby
2007-08-05 18:05:00 352
原创 Liferay中整合tinyMCE详解
2007-08-05 18:04:00 303
原创 EasyDBO中Java注解配置映射的原理及使用
我们知道,在EasyDBO最后一个测试版本中,增加了使用注解来配置对象及关系表映射的功能。前段时间看到有人在问注解中怎么配置主键属性及主键生成器,由于在开发文档中使用的是默认配置,所以文档中使用了下面的例子:import java.io.Serializable;import java.util.Date;import com.easyjf.dbo.annotation.*;@Table(tabl
2007-08-05 18:02:00 386
原创 jsp源码实例4(搜索引擎)
package coreservlets;import java.io.*;import javax.servlet.*;import javax.servlet.http.*;import java.net.*;public class SearchEngines extends HttpServlet {public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
2007-08-05 18:01:00 426
原创 jsp源码实例3(获取jsp各种参数)
package coreservlets;import java.io.*;import javax.servlet.*;import javax.servlet.http.*;import java.util.*;/** Creates a table showing the current value of each* of the standard CGI variables.** Ta
2007-08-05 18:00:00 380
原创 jsp源码实例2(获取表单参数)
package coreservlets;import java.io.*;import javax.servlet.*;import javax.servlet.http.*;import java.util.*;/** Shows all the parameters sent to the servlet via either* GET or POST. Specially marks pa
2007-08-05 09:20:00 452
原创 jsp源码实例1(输出)
package coreservlets;import java.io.*;import javax.servlet.*;import javax.servlet.http.*;/** Simple servlet that generates HTML.** Taken from Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages* from Prentice Hall a
2007-08-05 09:19:00 396
原创 jsp计数器代码
JSP-Hitcounter counts sessions.Copyright (C) 2000 Jesper Schmitz Mouridsen.Visit www.webappcabaret/jsm2/webapps.jsp?find=jsphcs for more info.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
2007-08-05 09:19:00 387
原创 一个可以防止刷新的JSP计数器
//out.println(request.getHeader("Cookie"));String currentRecord = null;//保存文本的变量BufferedReader file; //BufferedReader对象,用于读取文件数据String nameOfTextFile = "count.txt";//读取file = new BufferedReader(ne
2007-08-05 09:17:00 414
原创 jsp文件操作之读取篇
文件操作是网站编程的重要内容之一,asp关于文件操作讨论的已经很多了,让我们来看看jsp中是如何实现的。 这里用到了两个文件,一个jsp文件一个javabean文件,通过jsp中调用javabean可以轻松读取文本文件,注意请放置一个文本文件 afile.txt到web根目录的test目录下,javabean文件编译后将class文件放到对应的class目录下(tomcat环境)。Read.js
2007-08-05 09:17:00 440
原创 jsp文件操作之追加篇
文件操作是网站编程的重要内容之一,asp关于文件操作讨论的已经很多了,让我们来看看jsp中是如何实现的。 这里用到了两个文件,一个jsp文件一个javabean文件,通过jsp中调用javabean可以轻松追加数据到文本文件,如果大家读了上写入篇的话,会发现这篇文章同上一篇有很多相似之处,读起来也很容易了。注意请放置一个文本文件afile.txt到web根目录的test目录下,以便程序追加数据,
2007-08-05 09:17:00 385
原创 jsp计数器制作手册
计数器是一般网站必备的东东,别小看它了,每当站长看着小小计数器上的数字飞速增长的时候,感觉实在是好极了。以前我们用cgi、asp来写计数器,这方面的文章很多了,在这里,我们将会采用目前比较流行的jsp技术演示如何做一个计数器。 其中我们用到了两个文件,test.jsp文件用于在浏览器中运行,counter.java是后台的一个小java bean程序,用来读计数器的值和写入计数器的值。而对于
2007-08-05 09:17:00 391
原创 Struts VS Turbine
Struts 和 Turbine 我都用过并且做过项目,我想在这个问题上我还是有点发言权的:-) Struts 比 Turbine 的结构简单多了,换而言之,Struts是一个非常纯的 Web Framework,它也仅仅只是一个 Framework.Struts 的官方定义中说了其符合 MVC,我并不是非常认同.Struts 很好的完成了 VC(Visual & Control),但它并没
2007-08-05 09:16:00 298
原创 运用Jakarta Struts的七大实战心法
编者按:当作者 Chuck Cavaness(著有《Programming Jakarta Struts》一书)所在的网络公司决定采用Struts框架之后,Chuck曾经花费了好几个月来研究如何用它来构建公司的应用系统。本文叙述的正是作者在运用Struts过程中来之不易的若干经验和心得。如果你是个负责通过jsp和servlet开发Web应用的Java程序员,并且也正在考虑采用基于Struts的构建
2007-08-05 09:16:00 361
原创 Struts 用户指南
1. 介绍 1.1 Model-View-Controller (MVC) 设计模式 FIXME - 需要一个对该模式一般性的介绍。(译注:可以参考机械工业出版社的《设计模式》。) 1.2 将MVC概念映射到Struts组件中 Struts 的体系结构实现了Model-View-Controller设计模式的概念,它将这些概念映射到web应用程序的组件和概念中,如下图所示: 这一体
2007-08-05 09:11:00 322
原创 jsp文件操作之写入篇
文件操作是网站编程的重要内容之一,asp关于文件操作讨论的已经很多了,让我们来看看jsp中是如何实现的。 这里用到了两个文件,一个jsp文件一个javabean文件,通过jsp中调用javabean可以轻松写文本文件,注意请建立一个test目录到 web根目录下,程序将会建立一个afile.txt文件,javabean文件编译后将class文件放到对应的class目录下(tomcat环境)。
2007-08-05 00:50:00 457
原创 用Struts框架开发Java应用
Struts开始于2000年3月,是采用Java Servlet/JavaServer Pages技术,开发Web应用程序的开放源码的框架。当前最新的正式版本是1.0.2,本文内容就是针对这个版本的。采用Struts能开发出基于 MVC(Model-View-Controller)设计模式的Java Web前端应用。通常MVC设计模式把一个系统划分为相互协作的三个部分:全文阅读:http:
2007-08-05 00:47:00 345
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