Lesson one hundred thirty three Sensational news.

Have you just make a new film,Miss Marsh?

Yes,I have.

Are you going to make another?

No,I'm not.

I'm going to retire.

I feel very tired.

I don't want to make another film for a long time.

Let's buy a newspaper,Liz.

Listen to this,'Karen Marsh:Sensational news! By our reporter,Alan Jones.

Karen Marsh arrived at London airport today.

She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.

She told me she had just a new film.

She said she was not going to make another.

She said she was going to retire.

She told reporters she felt very tired and didn't want to make another film for a long time.

I wonder why!

Hive 中可以使用 UDF(User-Defined Functions)来实现将数字转化为英文格式的功能。以下是一个示例 UDF 的代码实现: ```java import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class NumberToEnglish extends UDF { private static final String[] tensNames = {"", " ten", " twenty", " thirty", " forty", " fifty", " sixty", " seventy", " eighty", " ninety"}; private static final String[] numNames = {"", " one", " two", " three", " four", " five", " six", " seven", " eight", " nine", " ten", " eleven", " twelve", " thirteen", " fourteen", " fifteen", " sixteen", " seventeen", " eighteen", " nineteen"}; private static final String[] bigNames = {"", " thousand", " million", " billion"}; public String evaluate(Double num) { if (num == 0) { return "zero"; } DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.00"); String formatted = decimalFormat.format(num); String[] parts = formatted.split("\\."); long dollars = Long.parseLong(parts[0]); int cents = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); String dollarsInEnglish = convert(dollars); String centsInEnglish = convert(cents); String result = dollarsInEnglish + " dollars"; if (cents != 0) { result += " and " + centsInEnglish + " cents"; } return result.trim(); } private static String convert(long num) { if (num == 0) { return "zero"; } String prefix = ""; if (num < 0) { num = -num; prefix = "negative"; } String current = ""; int place = 0; do { long n = num % 1000; if (n != 0) { String s = convertLessThanOneThousand((int) n); current = s + bigNames[place] + current; } place++; num /= 1000; } while (num > 0); return (prefix + current).trim(); } private static String convertLessThanOneThousand(int num) { String current; if (num % 100 < 20) { current = numNames[num % 100]; num /= 100; } else { current = numNames[num % 10]; num /= 10; current = tensNames[num % 10] + current; num /= 10; } if (num == 0) { return current; } return numNames[num] + " hundred" + current; } } ``` 这个 UDF 接受一个 Double 类型的参数,然后将其转化为英文格式的字符串。在这个 UDF 中,我们使用了一个叫做 `convert()` 的函数来将数值转化为英文形式。这个函数将数值按照千位进行分组,然后对每一组的数值进行转化,最后将所有组的结果拼接起来。 例如,要将 USD24,217.45 转化为英文格式,可以使用如下的 HiveQL 语句: ```sql SELECT NumberToEnglish(24217.45); ``` 上面的语句将返回字符串 "twenty-four thousand two hundred seventeen dollars and forty-five cents"。




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