给大家提供一个相互交流的平台~ ~呵呵原创 2008-01-21 08:27:00 · 2139 阅读 · 0 评论 -
绘制3维文字标注(IText3DElement )
发一个如何在ArcGLobe中绘制三维文字标注的程序,呵呵,希望和大家交流一下~~ static IGraphicsLayer m_GraphLayer = null; public static void Draw3DText(IGlobe pGlobe, double thisx, double thisy, string text, int Fsize原创 2008-01-03 08:12:00 · 3519 阅读 · 0 评论 -
/**//// /// 根据图层名找到图层 /// /// /// 图层名称 /// 图层 public static IFeatureLayer GetLayer(IGlobe pGlobe, string layerName) ...{ IE原创 2008-01-07 15:46:00 · 6796 阅读 · 0 评论 -
axGlobeControl1.Globe.GlobeDisplay.Scene.ClearSelection(); IQueryFilter QueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); QueryFilter.WhereClause = "OBJECTID=3"; IFe原创 2008-01-08 12:04:00 · 3627 阅读 · 2 评论 -
如何在ArcGlobe中实现zoomtolayer (How to zoom to layer in globe)
Zooming to a layer in globe1.To zoom to a layer in globe get a handle to the layer as shown in the following code example. To get a handle to a specific layer, pass in the layer index.翻译 2008-01-14 16:01:00 · 6205 阅读 · 6 评论 -
在ArcGlobe中如何聚焦到选择的图元(How to zoom to selected features in globe)
Zooming to selected features in globe1.Get all the layers present in the current globe document. Once you have a handle to the layers, loop through the layers and get all the features that are s翻译 2008-01-15 15:33:00 · 4472 阅读 · 1 评论 -
designer,92,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,WEJ7LNA3D187XH46C097 standardengine,92,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,WELDC7PPE00LTJT46220 gdbedit,92,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,WEJFRREAJCNJJ7GPE219 streetmapengine,92,ecp.arc原创 2008-04-11 12:45:00 · 3996 阅读 · 51 评论