MFC OnFileNew OnFileOpen过程分析代码(一)







A) OnFileNew()执行过程分析

1.     void CWinApp::OnFileNew()


       if (m_pDocManager != NULL)




2.     void CDocManager::OnFileNew()


       if (m_templateList.IsEmpty())


              TRACE0("Error: no document templates registered with CWinApp./n");





       CDocTemplate* pTemplate = (CDocTemplate*)m_templateList.GetHead();

       if (m_templateList.GetCount() > 1)


              // more than one document template to choose from

              // bring up dialog prompting user

              CNewTypeDlg dlg(&m_templateList);

              int nID = dlg.DoModal();

              if (nID == IDOK)

                     pTemplate = dlg.m_pSelectedTemplate;


                     return;     // none - cancel operation



       ASSERT(pTemplate != NULL);

       ASSERT_KINDOF(CDocTemplate, pTemplate);



              // if returns NULL, the user has already been alerted



3.     CDocument* CMultiDocTemplate::OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpszPathName,BOOL bMakeVisible)


       CDocument* pDocument = CreateNewDocument();

       if (pDocument == NULL)


              TRACE0("CDocTemplate::CreateNewDocument returned NULL./n");


              return NULL;




       BOOL bAutoDelete = pDocument->m_bAutoDelete;

       pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;   // don't destroy if something goes wrong

       CFrameWnd* pFrame = CreateNewFrame(pDocument, NULL);

       pDocument->m_bAutoDelete = bAutoDelete;

       if (pFrame == NULL)



              delete pDocument;       // explicit delete on error

              return NULL;




       if (lpszPathName == NULL)


              // create a new document - with default document name



              // avoid creating temporary compound file when starting up invisible

              if (!bMakeVisible)

                     pDocument->m_bEmbedded = TRUE;


              if (!pDocument->OnNewDocument())


                     // user has be alerted to what failed in OnNewDocument

                     TRACE0("CDocument::OnNewDocument returned FALSE./n");


                     return NULL;



              // it worked, now bump untitled count





              // open an existing document

              CWaitCursor wait;

              if (!pDocument->OnOpenDocument(lpszPathName))


                     // user has be alerted to what failed in OnOpenDocument

                     TRACE0("CDocument::OnOpenDocument returned FALSE./n");


                     return NULL;





       InitialUpdateFrame(pFrame, pDocument, bMakeVisible);

       return pDocument;


4.     CDocument* CDocTemplate::CreateNewDocument()


       // default implementation constructs one from CRuntimeClass

       if (m_pDocClass == NULL)


              TRACE0("Error: you must override CDocTemplate::CreateNewDocument./n");


              return NULL;


       CDocument* pDocument = (CDocument*)m_pDocClass->CreateObject();

       if (pDocument == NULL)


              TRACE1("Warning: Dynamic create of document type %hs failed./n",


              return NULL;


       ASSERT_KINDOF(CDocument, pDocument);


       return pDocument;



5.     CFrameWnd* CDocTemplate::CreateNewFrame(CDocument* pDoc, CFrameWnd* pOther)


       if (pDoc != NULL)


       // create a frame wired to the specified document


       ASSERT(m_nIDResource != 0); // must have a resource ID to load from

       CCreateContext context;

       context.m_pCurrentFrame = pOther;

       context.m_pCurrentDoc = pDoc;

       context.m_pNewViewClass = m_pViewClass;

       context.m_pNewDocTemplate = this;


       if (m_pFrameClass == NULL)


              TRACE0("Error: you must override CDocTemplate::CreateNewFrame./n");


              return NULL;


       CFrameWnd* pFrame = (CFrameWnd*)m_pFrameClass->CreateObject();

       if (pFrame == NULL)


              TRACE1("Warning: Dynamic create of frame %hs failed./n",


              return NULL;


       ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, pFrame);


       if (context.m_pNewViewClass == NULL)

              TRACE0("Warning: creating frame with no default view./n");


       // create new from resource

       if (!pFrame->LoadFrame(m_nIDResource,

                     WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | FWS_ADDTOTITLE,   // default frame styles

                     NULL, &context))


              TRACE0("Warning: CDocTemplate couldn't create a frame./n");

              // frame will be deleted in PostNcDestroy cleanup

              return NULL;



       // it worked !

       return pFrame;


6.     BOOL CDocument::OnNewDocument()


       if (IsModified())

              TRACE0("Warning: OnNewDocument replaces an unsaved document./n");



       m_strPathName.Empty();      // no path name yet

       SetModifiedFlag(FALSE);     // make clean


       return TRUE;


7.     BOOL CDocument::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName)


       if (IsModified())

              TRACE0("Warning: OnOpenDocument replaces an unsaved document./n");


       CFileException fe;

       CFile* pFile = GetFile(lpszPathName,

              CFile::modeRead|CFile::shareDenyWrite, &fe);

       if (pFile == NULL)


              ReportSaveLoadException(lpszPathName, &fe,

                     FALSE, AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_DOC);

              return FALSE;



       SetModifiedFlag();  // dirty during de-serialize


       CArchive loadArchive(pFile, CArchive::load | CArchive::bNoFlushOnDelete);

       loadArchive.m_pDocument = this;

       loadArchive.m_bForceFlat = FALSE;



              CWaitCursor wait;

              if (pFile->GetLength() != 0)

                     Serialize(loadArchive);     // load me


              ReleaseFile(pFile, FALSE);




              ReleaseFile(pFile, TRUE);

              DeleteContents();   // remove failed contents




                     ReportSaveLoadException(lpszPathName, e,

                            FALSE, AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_DOC);




              return FALSE;




       SetModifiedFlag(FALSE);     // start off with unmodified


       return TRUE;


8.     BOOL CFrameWnd::LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle,  CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext)


       // only do this once


       ASSERT(m_nIDHelp == 0 || m_nIDHelp == nIDResource);


       m_nIDHelp = nIDResource;    // ID for help context (+HID_BASE_RESOURCE)


       CString strFullString;

       if (strFullString.LoadString(nIDResource))

              AfxExtractSubString(m_strTitle, strFullString, 0);    // first sub-string




       // attempt to create the window

       LPCTSTR lpszClass = GetIconWndClass(dwDefaultStyle, nIDResource);

       LPCTSTR lpszTitle = m_strTitle;

       if (!Create(lpszClass, lpszTitle, dwDefaultStyle, rectDefault,

         pParentWnd, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource), 0L, pContext))


              return FALSE;   // will self destruct on failure normally



       // save the default menu handle

       ASSERT(m_hWnd != NULL);

       m_hMenuDefault = ::GetMenu(m_hWnd);


       // load accelerator resource



       if (pContext == NULL)   // send initial update

              SendMessageToDescendants(WM_INITIALUPDATE, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE);


       return TRUE;


9.     void DocTemplate::InitialUpdateFrame(CFrameWnd* pFrame, CDocument* pDoc,BOOL bMakeVisible)


       // just delagate to implementation in CFrameWnd

       pFrame->InitialUpdateFrame(pDoc, bMakeVisible);



10.     void CFrameWnd::InitialUpdateFrame(CDocument* pDoc, BOOL bMakeVisible)


       // if the frame does not have an active view, set to first pane

       CView* pView = NULL;

       if (GetActiveView() == NULL)


              CWnd* pWnd = GetDescendantWindow(AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, TRUE);

              if (pWnd != NULL && pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CView)))


                     pView = (CView*)pWnd;

                     SetActiveView(pView, FALSE);




       if (bMakeVisible)


              // send initial update to all views (and other controls) in the frame

              SendMessageToDescendants(WM_INITIALUPDATE, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE);


              // give view a chance to save the focus (CFormView needs this)

              if (pView != NULL)

                     pView->OnActivateFrame(WA_INACTIVE, this);


              // finally, activate the frame

              // (send the default show command unless the main desktop window)

              int nCmdShow = -1;      // default

              CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();

              if (pApp != NULL && pApp->m_pMainWnd == this)


                     nCmdShow = pApp->m_nCmdShow; // use the parameter from WinMain

                     pApp->m_nCmdShow = -1; // set to default after first time



              if (pView != NULL)

                     pView->OnActivateView(TRUE, pView, pView);



       // update frame counts and frame title (may already have been visible)

       if (pDoc != NULL)








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