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原创 ChatBI开源实现: 基于SuperSonic的AI+BI的产品设计

主角的精湛演技提升了作品的艺术高度,而工程化的精妙则稳固了作品的坚实基础。合理评估手中的筹码,保持积极的心态,在牌局明朗之际,我们仍将坚守在牌桌上,才有资格争取最后的胜利。企业级特性完善:安全(可扩展的4A、原生支持多层级细粒度的数据权限)、准确(基于语义模型-headerless bi理念的设计,有助于为大模型提供更准确的业务知识)权限设计:功能权限(菜单权限、助手权限)、数据权限(数据集、语义模型、行权限、列权限)3、生态集成:更多数据源、更多大模型、更多语义模型、更多数据工程生态;

2024-06-25 23:01:12 2116 3

原创 Supervisor运行Java程序启动不成功,单独运行正常常见问题

Supervisor 只支持监管前端运行的模式,如果java启动脚本中有nohup指令,可能无法正常监管。Supervisor 运行环境和手动单独运行环境的Java变量不一致;

2024-06-07 08:36:53 161

原创 智慧工厂云边协同:如何设计质量预警平台


2023-03-22 23:17:11 479

原创 ChatBI- ChatGPT的垂直领域思考


2023-03-22 23:15:17 12335 3

原创 12款开源数据资产(元数据)管理平台选型分析(三)


2023-02-11 07:57:46 7554

原创 12款开源数据资产(元数据)管理平台选型分析(二)


2023-02-08 00:26:16 8417

原创 12款开源数据资产(元数据)管理平台选型分析(一)


2023-02-06 00:08:14 14147 2

原创 如何根据Hive SQL代码生成Datahub数据集及血缘

识别、解析Hive、PG SQL代码,自动生成Datahub 表级、字段级血缘

2023-02-04 17:42:39 4086 2

原创 sqllineage解析FineBI数据集导入Datahub生成血缘


2023-01-30 21:51:13 3687 5

原创 hive 如何实现If else 逻辑,根据条件,取不同表的数据,数仓处理上游表记录行为0场景

hive 如何实现If else 逻辑,根据条件,取不同表的数据,数仓处理上游表记录行为0场景

2023-01-28 22:16:58 1232

原创 社会最底层的人,如何突破人生圈层,改变命运?


2023-01-26 20:54:24 985

原创 深挖程序员的喵,人一生有三次死亡


2023-01-24 09:21:50 1022

原创 imac risingwave编译记录:please_compile_with_a_simd_compatible_cpu_setting_read_the_simdjsonrs_readme()

参考:https://github.com/risingwavelabs/risingwave/issues/7375。参考文档:https://github.com/risingwavelabs/risingwave。23年1月15日,git clone代码编译。

2023-01-18 23:32:50 150

原创 制造企业数据/经营分析框架


2023-01-15 17:41:47 1272 3

原创 SQL实现FIFO算法:库龄继承、配额分析

本文详细介绍了使用SQL实现FIFO算法的逻辑,同时例如了,库存FIFO分配,采购数量SQL实现FIFO分配、订单物料的FIFO SQL、库存转卖FIFO算法实现、库存转卖,账龄继承的方案。

2022-12-04 18:00:02 1329

原创 Hive日分区表如何快速导入到StarRocks


2022-11-27 12:16:40 1892

原创 CDH5.12.0-HiveServer2-java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

HiveServer2-java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out问题,主要还是和连接数密切相关,有的可能是BUG导致的连接数不释放,例如https://blog.csdn.net/xin_jmail/article/details/85004967提高。有的可能是客户端和服务端,通信异常,导致大量的异常连接占用连接数,而不释放。还有的可能就是性能不足。

2022-11-27 08:31:45 1324

原创 py4j.Py4JException: Method getCodeAndVersion([class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String, class

py4j.Py4JException: Method getCodeAndVersion([class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String, class java.lang.String]) does not existNo module named 'pydolphinscheduler'

2022-11-27 07:46:29 620

原创 从0到1搭建Tauri开发环境


2022-05-29 07:52:04 3462

原创 大数据入门最全组件思维导图


2022-04-26 06:49:06 3963

原创 Trino兼容Hive SQL方案探索

本文介绍了Trino,Presto兼容Hive SQL语法的多种方案,其中Coral是最好的方案。

2022-04-26 06:28:26 2175

原创 Apache NiFi自定义Processor

介绍Apache NiFi自定义开发Processor详细步骤

2022-04-26 06:17:50 2147 1

原创 重写NiFi PutDatabaseRecord实现Oracle Merge/Upsert

通过自定义Processor,通过借助Oracle 内置的Merge into语法实现NiFi Oracle Upsert功能。

2022-04-26 06:13:57 973 1

原创 NiFi PutKudu错误:the number of replicas does not equal the number of servers解决方案

使用NiFi 1.15.2 的PutKudu操作Kudu表(1.4.0-1.cdh5.12.2.p0.8)时,出现:the number of replicas does not equal the number of servers错误。错误配置kudu master:在10.10.135.35服务器。执行写入报错:the number of replicas does not equal the number of servers。通过impala-shell执行同样的插入,更新无错误。

2022-04-20 20:58:04 2759

原创 Win7安装Docker指南

Win7安装Docker指南参考文献Docker学习系列(一):windows下安装dockerDOCKER windows安装系统配置操作步骤文献1中提供的地址https://get.daocloud.io/toolbox/下载最新版本 DockerToolbox-1.13.0-rc4.exe 双击DockerToolbox-1.13.0-rc4.exe将出现文献2中步骤3之后的所

2017-01-07 08:45:16 1338

原创 C/C++ printf 输入16进制文本数据 多出许多ffffff的问题


2014-06-25 07:54:18 3540

翻译 C++11: unordered_map实例化时传参的两种方式


2014-04-10 00:07:26 4596

原创 全网页批量图片下载办法

如果你是淘宝卖家,或者你是图片收藏者,你可能用到这些工具批量下载全网页内的图片。根据使用的浏览器,有不同的下载工具,当原理都是一样的使用js编写的扩展组件。        1、Chrome浏览器         在扩展程序中输入Batchdownload或批量下载搜索,可以得到如下结果:            选择第一或者第二个应用,笔者选择第二个。安装后在浏览器地址栏

2014-03-10 23:34:34 1452

原创 [Window XP]Wireshark 无法识别网卡 提示“There are no interfaces on which a capture can be done ”

【分享原因】1、被这个问题折磨了很久;2、网上大部分文字记录的是Linux(ubantu)或win 7环境下出现的这个问题的解决办法; 【问题解决】重装wirshark,其中【注意】务必保证winpcap正常重装。【问题环境】0、操作系统:window  xp                        1、之前wireshark一直正常服役,世界一直很美好……2、安装了一系列端

2014-01-16 11:21:14 4088

原创 如何在Eclipse 中找回误删除或覆盖掉的代码(SVN)

应用场景:在Eclipse开发、编写程序时,操作svn失误,如自己辛苦写的大量重要代码尚未提交,误点了SVN的还原覆盖,导致自己的代码不翼而飞。 解决问题:恢复因为误操作,导致Eclipse中自己本机代码被覆盖的问题。 解决方法: 方法一、class文件反编译  如果你在开发过程中,通过Eclipse自动编译过或手动编译过这些代码,恭喜你,直接找到class文件,覆盖掉的代码可以反

2013-11-29 10:14:33 5232

原创 Dll调用主程序(客户端、外部程序、宿主)函数的实现

      参考了大量网址(现列表如下),也只找到一些零星的代码段。如我般菜鸟,实在难以轻松地写出具体实现代码。          http://topic.csdn.net/t/20060719/14/4890502.html          http://tech.techweb.com.cn/archiver/tid-224521.html          http://gr

2011-06-10 15:52:00 4139

Kettle Web版最新代码

Kettle Web版最新代码;更新至2017.7月











开源协议压力测试工具 Seagull 源码

http://gull.sourceforge.net/ Seagull is a free, Open Source (GPL) multi-protocol traffic generator test tool. Primarily aimed at IMS (3GPP, TISPAN, CableLabs) protocols (and thus being the perfect complement to SIPp for IMS testing), Seagull is a powerful traffic generator for functional, load, endurance, stress and performance/benchmark tests for almost any kind of protocol. In addition, its openness allows to add the support of a brand new protocol in less than 2 hours - with no programming knowledge. For that, Seagull comes with several protocol families embedded in the source code: •Binary/TLV (Diameter, Radius and many 3GPP and IETF protocols) •External library (TCAP, SCTP) •Text (XCAP, HTTP, H248 ASCII)


IMS EPC 信令模拟器Seagull 使用文档及开发手册

Seagull是一款IMS EPC等信令模拟器,通过脚本配置交互场景,做Diameter SIP H248等LTE协议的压力测试工具。 Seagull is ahttp://gull.sourceforge.net/ free, Open Source (GPL) multi-protocol traffic generator test tool. Primarily aimed at IMS (3GPP, TISPAN, CableLabs) protocols (and thus being the perfect complement to SIPp for IMS testing), Seagull is a powerful traffic generator for functional, load, endurance, stress and performance/benchmark tests for almost any kind of protocol. In addition, its openness allows to add the support of a brand new protocol in less than 2 hours - with no programming knowledge. For that, Seagull comes with several protocol families embedded in the source code: •Binary/TLV (Diameter, Radius and many 3GPP and IETF protocols) •External library (TCAP, SCTP) •Text (XCAP, HTTP, H248 ASCII)


httrack源码 开源网站下载器webzip

httrack源码 类webzip 下载网页js css 代码 程序 HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.



UCT PCF Policy Control Framework UCT PCF是由南非开普敦大学开发 OpenPCRF openEPC 参考论文:IMS策略与计费控制的分析与设计


Bus route plan/transport algorithm

ulti-Modal Route Planning. Master's thesis, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Fakultät für Informatik, 2009. online available at http://i11www.ira.uka.de/extra/publications/p-mmrp-09.pdf the section on railway routing also applies for bus routing. The gist of it: the naive approach of expanding space and time into a single graph does not work for large networks. There are smarter solutions.


Design and Implementation Voip Service On Open IMS and Asterisk Servers

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION VOIP SERVICE ON OPEN IMS AND ASTERISK SERVERS INTERCONNECTED THROUGH ENUM SERVER Rendy Munadi 1) , Effan Najwaini 2) , Asep Mulyana 3) , R.Rumani.M 4) Telkom Institute of Technology , Bandung 40257 West Java-INDONESIA Email : rnd@ittelkom.ac.id. 1) effan_86@yahoo.com 2) , asm@ittelkom.ac.id 3) , rrm@ittelkom.ac.id 4) ABSTRACT Asterisk and Open IMS use SIP signal protocol to enable both of them can be connected. To facilitate both relationships, Enum server- that is able to translate the numbering address such as PSTN (E.164) to URI address (Uniform Resource Identifier)- can be used. In this research, we interconnect Open IMS and Asterisk server Enum server. We then analyze the server performance and PDD (Post Dial Delay) values resulted by the system. As the result of the experiment, we found that, for a call from Open IMS user to analog Asterisk telephone (FXS) with a arrival call each servers is 30 call/sec, the maximum PDD value is 493.656 ms. Open IMS is able to serve maximum 30 call/s with computer processor 1.55 GHz, while the Asterisk with computer processor 3.0 GHz, may serve up to 55 call/sec. Enum on server with 1.15 GHz computer processor have the capability of serving maximum of 8156 queries/sec. KEYWORDS Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Open IMS, Asterisk and ENUM server, Post Dial Delay (PDD). 1. INTRODUCTION Interconnection and convergence among PSTN, PLMN and data network are expected to develop very powerful system; this system will provide PSTN services, mobility, PLMN features and internet-based application. This convergence will support multimedia service with adequate bandwidth and high mobility. The IMS technology is resulted from combination of multimedia, mobile and IP concepts in order to complete the NGN technology [3,4]. .IMS acts as a standard platform for multimedia service through IP/SIP protocol with which it is possible for the operator to use one’s platform for many multimedia service. IMS is a part of arhitecture standard of Next Generation Network (NGN). Services for fixed, mobile and wireless networks can be operated through IMS platform with IP based service and supported by SIP protocol [1,5]. .Originally, IMS is developed for telephone connection in mobile network, but together with TISPAN release-7, it is also has the possibility for fixed network, resulting term Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) which is a key industries trend in 2005 [5]. Software based on NGN architecture has been developed today. OpenIMS is constitute of the software based on IMS architecture; it has the capability for various multimedia features.On the other hand, Asterisk is a software based on softswitch architecture which is capable to connect packet network and circuit network. With those both software, we can build a simple NGN technology with lower cost investment. To demonstrate the above cases, we design and implement a VoIP service, using the above software, with the aid of Enum server which the function is to mapping the number among servers. 2. BAS


Integrating IMS and Asterisk 对接IMS 与Asterisk指南

Executive Summary Objective To create an open source test bed for validating th e end to end VOIP calls originating or terminating at 3G/4G mobile network for use cases like PSTN-IMS an d IMS-PSTN call flows. • Conformance to the 3GPP IMS standards using open s ource elements which can provide advantages like Standard conformance Negligible cost Potential for wide usage across different 3G/4G te chnologies Approach © Nokia Siemens Networks • Selection of the open source softwares to emulate IMS and PSTN gateway functionalities. • Integration of the above components into the test bed which enables the testing of Mobile-Mobile (M-M), Mobile to Land (M-L) and Land to Mobile (L-M ) VOIP calls. Results Availability of cost effective test solution for va lidation of end to end VOIP calls for M-L, L-M and M-M scenarios


Manning C plus plus CLI in Action Apr 2007.pdf C++/CLI in action

PART 1 THE C++/CLI LANGUAGE ........................................ 1 1 ■ Introduction to C++/CLI 3 2 ■ Getting into the CLI: properties, delegates and arrays 46 3 ■ More C++/CLI: stack semantics, function overriding, and generic programming 86 PART 2 MIXING MANAGED AND NATIVE CODE .................. 131 4 ■ Introduction to mixed-mode programming 133 5 ■ Interoping with native libraries from managed applications 179 PART 3 USING MANAGED FRAMEWORKS FROM NATIVE APPLICATIONS .......................................... 229 6 ■ Interoping Windows Forms with MFC 231 7 ■ Using C++/CLI to target Windows Presentation


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