Hyperledger Fabric BYFN之配置进阶篇


1. byfn.sh up down会清理所有容器镜像,生成的配置文件和证书,现实场景应该可以停止或恢复区块链网络,该如何处理?


byfn.sh down会调用networkdDown去销毁整个网络和已生成的配置。byfn.sh restart则不会清理。


# Tear down running network

function networkDown() {

  # stop org3 containers also in addition to org1 and org2, in case we were running sample to add org3

  docker-compose -f $COMPOSE_FILE -f $COMPOSE_FILE_COUCH -f $COMPOSE_FILE_ORG3 down --volumes --remove-orphans


  # Don't remove the generated artifacts -- note, the ledgers are always removed

  if [ "$MODE" != "restart" ]; then

    # Bring down the network, deleting the volumes

    #Delete any ledger backups

    docker run -v $PWD:/tmp/first-network --rm hyperledger/fabric-tools:$IMAGETAG rm -Rf /tmp/first-network/ledgers-backup

    #Cleanup the chaincode containers


    #Cleanup images


    # remove orderer block and other channel configuration transactions and certs

    rm -rf channel-artifacts/*.block channel-artifacts/*.tx crypto-config ./org3-artifacts/crypto-config/ channel-artifacts/org3.json

    # remove the docker-compose yaml file that was customized to the example

    rm -f docker-compose-e2e.yaml




# Generate the needed certificates, the genesis block and start the network.

function networkUp() {


  # generate artifacts if they don't exist

  if [ ! -d "crypto-config" ]; then





  if [ "${IF_COUCHDB}" == "couchdb" ]; then

    IMAGE_TAG=$IMAGETAG docker-compose -f $COMPOSE_FILE -f $COMPOSE_FILE_COUCH up -d 2>&1


    IMAGE_TAG=$IMAGETAG docker-compose -f $COMPOSE_FILE up -d 2>&1


  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

    echo "ERROR !!!! Unable to start network"

    exit 1


  # now run the end to end script

  docker exec cli scripts/script.sh $CHANNEL_NAME $CLI_DELAY $LANGUAGE $CLI_TIMEOUT $VERBOSE

  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

    echo "ERROR !!!! Test failed"

    exit 1






docker-compose down会停止和删除容器,网络,镜像和映射的卷。

只是停止服务的话的会最好使用docker-compose stop。

docker-compose up则是创建和启动容器服务, 这里用于启动。


我们也可以参考例子fabric-samples/fabcar, 它会重用fabric-samples/basic-network中的start.sh, stop.sh允许停止和重启。


2. byfn.sh还是fabcar两个例子即使重启区块链网络,通道需要创新创建,节点需要重新加入通道,链码也要全要重新安装,如果节点多维护起来就麻烦且费时,重启的时候能让通道,节点,链码,State DB自动恢复?


这自然是有的,但是必须开启orderer, peer等的持久化配置。


以/fabric-samples/basic-networkd的docker-compose.yaml为例, 配置services, 容器路径通常包含production的则是持久化路径的映射配置, 见蓝色部分。



    container_name: orderer.example.com

    image: hyperledger/fabric-orderer





      - ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISFILE=/etc/hyperledger/configtx/genesis.block


      - ORDERER_GENERAL_LOCALMSPDIR=/etc/hyperledger/msp/orderer/msp

    working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer

    command: orderer


      - 7050:7050


        - ./config/:/etc/hyperledger/configtx

        - ./crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/:/etc/hyperledger/msp/orderer

        - ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/peers/peer0.org1.example.com/:/etc/hyperledger/msp/peerOrg1

        - /mnt/hyperledger/orderer:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer





    container_name: peer0.org1.example.com

    image: hyperledger/fabric-peer


      - CORE_VM_ENDPOINT=unix:///host/var/run/docker.sock

      - CORE_PEER_ID=peer0.org1.example.com

      - CORE_LOGGING_PEER=info



      - CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/peer/

      - CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0.org1.example.com:7051

      # # the following setting starts chaincode containers on the same

      # # bridge network as the peers

      # # https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/





      # provide the credentials for ledger to connect to CouchDB.  The username and password must

      # match the username and password set for the associated CouchDB.



    working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric

    command: peer node start

    # command: peer node start --peer-chaincodedev=true


      - 7051:7051

      - 7053:7053


        - /var/run/:/host/var/run/

        - ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/peers/peer0.org1.example.com/msp:/etc/hyperledger/msp/peer

        - ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users:/etc/hyperledger/msp/users

        - ./config:/etc/hyperledger/configtx

        - /mnt/hyperledger/org1/peer0:/var/hyperledger/production



      - orderer.example.com

      - couchdb


      - basic



    container_name: couchdb

    image: hyperledger/fabric-couchdb

    # Populate the COUCHDB_USER and COUCHDB_PASSWORD to set an admin user and password

    # for CouchDB.  This will prevent CouchDB from operating in an "Admin Party" mode.





      - 5984:5984


      - basic


      - /mnt/hyperledger/couchdb:/opt/couchdb/data



3. Peer节点默认使用level DB作为state DB, key-value键值对查询较弱, couch DB支付富查询,如何配置?

byfn.sh up -c mychannel -s couchdb 实际使用的配置文件是cker-compose-couch.yaml,




    container_name: couchdb0

    image: hyperledger/fabric-couchdb

    # Populate the COUCHDB_USER and COUCHDB_PASSWORD to set an admin user and password

    # for CouchDB.  This will prevent CouchDB from operating in an "Admin Party" mode.




    # Comment/Uncomment the port mapping if you want to hide/expose the CouchDB service,

    # for example map it to utilize Fauxton User Interface in dev environments.


      - "5984:5984"


      - byfn







      # provide the credentials for ledger to connect to CouchDB.  The username and password must

      # match the username and password set for the associated CouchDB.




      - couchdb0


peer主要设置连接的couchdb地址和账号, couchdb主要是配置对应端口号,couchDB还支持一些字段的索引,在学习链码的时候我们再深入。


4. Peer节点我们配置了两个端口,配置用来做什么?





    container_name: peer0.org1.example.com


      file: peer-base.yaml

      service: peer-base


      - CORE_PEER_ID=peer0.org1.example.com

      - CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0.org1.example.com:7051

      - CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_BOOTSTRAP=peer1.org1.example.com:7051

      - CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_EXTERNALENDPOINT=peer0.org1.example.com:7051



        - /var/run/:/host/var/run/

        - ../crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/peers/peer0.org1.example.com/msp:/etc/hyperledger/fabric/msp

        - ../crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/peers/peer0.org1.example.com/tls:/etc/hyperledger/fabric/tls

        - peer0.org1.example.com:/var/hyperledger/production


      - 7051:7051

      - 7053:7053



7051是Peer启动的gRPC, 一般是客户端应用接入。

7053是事件端口(Peer Event)


Fabric 1.1之前, 被定位为Event Hub(节点的消息中心), 当Peer节点记账本副本追加了新的区块的时候,都会通知订阅了这些消息的客户端应用。以fabcar的invoke.js代码为例



                        'Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - %s, message - "%s"',

                        proposalResponses[0].response.status, proposalResponses[0].response.message));


                // build up the request for the orderer to have the transaction committed

                var request = {

                        proposalResponses: proposalResponses,

                        proposal: proposal



                // set the transaction listener and set a timeout of 30 sec

                // if the transaction did not get committed within the timeout period,

                // report a TIMEOUT status

                var transaction_id_string = tx_id.getTransactionID(); //Get the transaction ID string to be used by the event processing

                var promises = [];


                var sendPromise = channel.sendTransaction(request);

                promises.push(sendPromise); //we want the send transaction first, so that we know where to check status


                // get an eventhub once the fabric client has a user assigned. The user

                // is required bacause the event registration must be signed

                let event_hub = fabric_client.newEventHub();



                // using resolve the promise so that result status may be processed

                // under the then clause rather than having the catch clause process

                // the status

                let txPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

                        let handle = setTimeout(() => {


                                resolve({event_status : 'TIMEOUT'}); //we could use reject(new Error('Trnasaction did not complete within 30 seconds'));

                        }, 3000);


                        event_hub.registerTxEvent(transaction_id_string, (tx, code) => {

                                // this is the callback for transaction event status

                                // first some clean up of event listener





                                // now let the application know what happened

                                var return_status = {event_status : code, tx_id : transaction_id_string};

                                if (code !== 'VALID') {

                                        console.error('The transaction was invalid, code = ' + code);

                                        resolve(return_status); // we could use reject(new Error('Problem with the tranaction, event status ::'+code));

                                } else {

                                        console.log('The transaction has been committed on peer ' + event_hub._ep._endpoint.addr);



                        }, (err) => {

                                //this is the callback if something goes wrong with the event registration or processing

                                reject(new Error('There was a problem with the eventhub ::'+err));





                return Promise.all(promises);




Fabric 1.1之后peer event做了完全不同的设计,消息的监听不在peer节点了,而是基于channel,这样设计提供了对Peer数据更细粒度的采访控制和提供了接收消息的可靠性。(官方文档是这么扯,我也有点疑惑) 主要提供两种服务,Deliver(通知提交到记账本的整个区块内容) 和DeliverFiltered(过滤一些区块减少消息通知返回的区块大小)


有点晦涩, 找了下Java SDK的代码看下。



     * This code test the replay feature of the new peer event services.

     * Instead of the default of starting the eventing peer to retrieve the newest block it sets it

     * retrieve starting from the start parameter. Also checks with block and filterblock replays.

     * Depends on end2end and end2endAndBackagain of have fully run to have the blocks need to work with.


     * @param client

     * @param replayTestChannel

     * @param start

     * @param stop

     * @param useFilteredBlocks

     * @throws InvalidArgumentException



    private void testPeerServiceEventingReplay(HFClient client, Channel replayTestChannel, final long start, final long stop,

                                               final boolean useFilteredBlocks) throws InvalidArgumentException {


        if (testConfig.isRunningAgainstFabric10()) {

            return; // not supported for v1.0



        assertFalse(replayTestChannel.isInitialized()); //not yet initialized

        assertFalse(replayTestChannel.isShutdown()); // not yet shutdown.


        //Remove all peers just have one ledger peer and one eventing peer.

        List<Peer> savedPeers = new ArrayList<>(replayTestChannel.getPeers());

        for (Peer peer : savedPeers) {



        assertTrue(savedPeers.size() > 1); //need at least two

        Peer eventingPeer = savedPeers.remove(0);

        eventingPeer = client.newPeer(eventingPeer.getName(), eventingPeer.getUrl(), eventingPeer.getProperties());

        Peer ledgerPeer = savedPeers.remove(0);

        ledgerPeer = client.newPeer(ledgerPeer.getName(), ledgerPeer.getUrl(), ledgerPeer.getProperties());


        assertTrue(replayTestChannel.getPeers().isEmpty()); // no more peers.

        assertTrue(replayTestChannel.getPeers(EnumSet.of(PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY, PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER)).isEmpty()); // just checking :)

        assertTrue(replayTestChannel.getPeers(EnumSet.of(PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY)).isEmpty()); // just checking


        assertNotNull(client.getChannel(replayTestChannel.getName())); // should be known by client.


        final PeerOptions eventingPeerOptions = createPeerOptions().setPeerRoles(EnumSet.of(PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE));

        if (useFilteredBlocks) {




        if (-1L == stop) { //the height of the blockchain


            replayTestChannel.addPeer(eventingPeer, eventingPeerOptions.startEvents(start)); // Eventing peer start getting blocks from block 0

        } else {

            replayTestChannel.addPeer(eventingPeer, eventingPeerOptions

                    .startEvents(start).stopEvents(stop)); // Eventing peer start getting blocks from block 0


        //add a ledger peer

        replayTestChannel.addPeer(ledgerPeer, createPeerOptions().setPeerRoles(EnumSet.of(PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY)));


        CompletableFuture<Long> done = new CompletableFuture<>(); // future to set when done.

        // some variable used by the block listener being set up.

        final AtomicLong bcount = new AtomicLong(0);

        final AtomicLong stopValue = new AtomicLong(stop == -1L ? Long.MAX_VALUE : stop);

        final Channel finalChannel = replayTestChannel;


        final Map<Long, BlockEvent> blockEvents = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>(100));


        final String blockListenerHandle = replayTestChannel.registerBlockListener(blockEvent -> { // register a block listener


            try {

                final long blockNumber = blockEvent.getBlockNumber();

                BlockEvent seen = blockEvents.put(blockNumber, blockEvent);

                assertNull(format("Block number %d seen twice", blockNumber), seen);


                assertTrue(format("Wrong type of block seen block number %d. expected filtered block %b but got %b",

                        blockNumber, useFilteredBlocks, blockEvent.isFiltered()),

                        useFilteredBlocks ? blockEvent.isFiltered() : !blockEvent.isFiltered());

                final long count = bcount.getAndIncrement(); //count starts with 0 not 1 !


                //out("Block count: %d, block number: %d  received from peer: %s", count, blockNumber, blockEvent.getPeer().getName());


                if (count == 0 && stop == -1L) {

                    final BlockchainInfo blockchainInfo = finalChannel.queryBlockchainInfo();


                    long lh = blockchainInfo.getHeight();

                    stopValue.set(lh - 1L);  // blocks 0L 9L are on chain height 10 .. stop on 9

                    //  out("height: %d", lh);

                    if (bcount.get() + start > stopValue.longValue()) { // test with latest count.

                        done.complete(bcount.get()); // report back latest count.



                } else {

                    if (bcount.longValue() + start > stopValue.longValue()) {




            } catch (AssertionError | Exception e) {







        try {

            replayTestChannel.initialize(); // start it all up.

            done.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // give a timeout here.

            Thread.sleep(1000); // sleep a little to see if more blocks trickle in .. they should not



            final long expectNumber = stopValue.longValue() - start + 1L; // Start 2 and stop is 3  expect 2


            assertEquals(format("Didn't get number we expected %d but got %d block events. Start: %d, end: %d, height: %d",

                    expectNumber, blockEvents.size(), start, stop, stopValue.longValue()), expectNumber, blockEvents.size());


            for (long i = stopValue.longValue(); i >= start; i--) { //make sure all are there.

                final BlockEvent blockEvent = blockEvents.get(i);

                assertNotNull(format("Missing block event for block number %d. Start= %d", i, start), blockEvent);



            //light weight test just see if we get reasonable values for traversing the block. Test just whats common between

            // Block and FilteredBlock.


            int transactionEventCounts = 0;

            int chaincodeEventsCounts = 0;


            for (long i = stopValue.longValue(); i >= start; i--) {


                final BlockEvent blockEvent = blockEvents.get(i);

//                out("blockwalker %b, start: %d, stop: %d, i: %d, block %d", useFilteredBlocks, start, stopValue.longValue(), i, blockEvent.getBlockNumber());

                assertEquals(useFilteredBlocks, blockEvent.isFiltered()); // check again


                if (useFilteredBlocks) {

                    assertNull(blockEvent.getBlock()); // should not have raw block event.

                    assertNotNull(blockEvent.getFilteredBlock()); // should have raw filtered block.

                } else {

                    assertNotNull(blockEvent.getBlock()); // should not have raw block event.

                    assertNull(blockEvent.getFilteredBlock()); // should have raw filtered block.



                assertEquals(replayTestChannel.getName(), blockEvent.getChannelId());


                for (BlockInfo.EnvelopeInfo envelopeInfo : blockEvent.getEnvelopeInfos()) {

                    if (envelopeInfo.getType() == TRANSACTION_ENVELOPE) {


                        BlockInfo.TransactionEnvelopeInfo transactionEnvelopeInfo = (BlockInfo.TransactionEnvelopeInfo) envelopeInfo;

                        assertTrue(envelopeInfo.isValid()); // only have valid blocks.

                        assertEquals(envelopeInfo.getValidationCode(), 0);



                        for (BlockInfo.TransactionEnvelopeInfo.TransactionActionInfo ta : transactionEnvelopeInfo.getTransactionActionInfos()) {

                            //    out("\nTA:", ta + "\n\n");

                            ChaincodeEvent event = ta.getEvent();

                            if (event != null) {








                    } else {

                        assertEquals("Only non transaction block should be block 0.", blockEvent.getBlockNumber(), 0);








            assertTrue(transactionEventCounts > 0);


            if (expectNumber > 4) { // this should be enough blocks with CC events.


                assertTrue(chaincodeEventsCounts > 0);



            replayTestChannel.shutdown(true); //all done.

        } catch (Exception e) {








            boolean everyOther = false;


            for (String peerName : sampleOrg.getPeerNames()) {

                String peerLocation = sampleOrg.getPeerLocation(peerName);

                Properties peerProperties = testConfig.getPeerProperties(peerName);

                Peer peer = client.newPeer(peerName, peerLocation, peerProperties);

                final PeerOptions peerEventingOptions = // we have two peers on one use block on other use filtered

                        everyOther ?

                                createPeerOptions().registerEventsForBlocks().setPeerRoles(EnumSet.of(PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY, PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE)) :

                                createPeerOptions().registerEventsForFilteredBlocks().setPeerRoles(EnumSet.of(PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY, PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE));


                newChannel.addPeer(peer, IS_FABRIC_V10 ?

                        createPeerOptions().setPeerRoles(EnumSet.of(PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY)) : peerEventingOptions);


                everyOther = !everyOther;




Fabric-SDK在设计的时候,无论是查询,更新,大多操作都是基于org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.Channel作为入口, 例如:


Collection<ProposalResponse> queryProposals = channel.queryByChaincode(queryByChaincodeRequest, channel.getPeers());


Collection<ProposalResponse> transactionPropResp = channel.sendTransactionProposal(transactionProposalRequest, channel.getPeers());




Event Hub基于单个Peer去监听它的消息,可能单节点会不稳定等,而通道包含多节点,消息通知可能会更稳定一些,这个7053端口应该是专门给1.1前的Event Hub版本用的,1.1之后的具体怎么回调通知, 具体实现还有待查阅源码, 这里是保守的猜测吧。



5. Orderer大多例子都是SOLO配置的,Kafka如何配置?

















当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


