



  • 这是一个for-else方法,循环遍历列表时使用else语句
  • 下面举个例子,比如我们想检查一个列表中是否包含奇数
  • 那么可以通过for循环,遍历查找
numbers = \[2, 4, 6, 8, 1\]  
for number in numbers:  
if number % 2 == 1:  
print("No odd numbers")
  • 如果找到了奇数,就会打印该数值,并且执行break语句,跳过else语句。
  • 没有的话,就不会执行break语句,而是执行else语句。


my\_list = \[1, 2, 3, 4, 5\]  
one, two, three, four, five = my\_list


import heapq  
scores = \[51, 33, 64, 87, 91, 75, 15, 49, 33, 82\]    
print(heapq.nlargest(3, scores))  # \[91, 87, 82\]  
print(heapq.nsmallest(5, scores))  # \[15, 33, 33, 49, 51\]


  • 我们可以使用 * 号,提取列表中所有的元素
my\_list = \[1, 2, 3, 4\]    
print(my\_list)  # \[1, 2, 3, 4\]  
print(\*my\_list)  # 1 2 3 4  
  • 如此便可以将列表中的所有元素,作为参数传递给函数
def sum\_of\_elements(\*arg):  
total = 0  
for i in arg:  
total += i  
return total  
result = sum\_of\_elements(\*\[1, 2, 3, 4\])  
print(result)  # 10  


\_, \*elements\_in\_the\_middle, \_ = \[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8\]  
print(elements\_in\_the\_middle)  # \[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7\]


one, two, three, four = 1, 2, 3, 4


  • 只用一行代码,便可完成对数组的迭代以及运算。
  • 比如,将列表中的每个数字提高一倍。
numbers = \[1, 2, 3, 4, 5\]  
squared\_numbers = \[num \* num for num in numbers\]    
print(squared\_numbers) # \[1, 4, 9, 16, 25\]  
  • 推导式不仅列表能用,字典、集合、生成器也能使用。
  • 下面看一下,使用字典推导式,将字典的值提高一倍。
dictionary = {'a': 4, 'b': 5}  
squared\_dictionary = {key: num \* num for (key, num) in dictionary.items()}    
print(squared\_dictionary)  # {'a': 16, 'b': 25}


  • 枚举是绑定到唯一的常量值的一组符号名称(成员)。
  • 在枚举中,成员可以通过身份进行比较,枚举本身可以迭代。
from enum import Enum  
class Status(Enum):  
    NO\_STATUS = \-1  
    NOT\_STARTED = 0  
    IN\_PROGRESS = 1  
    COMPLETED = 2    
print(Status.IN\_PROGRESS.name)  # IN\_PROGRESS  
print(Status.COMPLETED.value)  # 2


name = "Banana"  
print(name \* 4)  # BananaBananaBananaBanana


  • 如果想比较一个值和其他两个值的大小情况,你可以使用简单的数学表达式。
1 < x < 10  
  • 这个是最简单的代数表达式,在Python中也是可以使用的。
x = 3    
print(1 < x < 10)  # True  
print(1 < x and x < 10)  # True


first\_dictionary = {'name': 'Fan', 'location': 'Guangzhou'}  
second\_dictionary = {'name': 'Fan', 'surname': 'Xiao', 'location': 'Guangdong, Guangzhou'}    
result = first\_dictionary | second\_dictionary  
# {'name': 'Fan', 'location': 'Guangdong, Guangzhou', 'surname': 'Xiao'}


books = ('Atomic habits', 'Ego is the enemy', 'Outliers', 'Mastery')    
print(books.index('Mastery'))   # 3  


  • 假设你在函数中获得输出,原本应该是一个列表,但实际上却是一个字符串。
input = "\[1,2,3\]"
  • 你可能第一时间会想到使用索引或者正则表达式。
  • 实际上,使用ast模块的literal_eval方法就能搞定。
import ast    
def string\_to\_list(string):  
return ast.literal\_eval(string)  
string = "\[1, 2, 3\]"  
my\_list = string\_to\_list(string)  
print(my\_list)  # \[1, 2, 3\]    
string = "\[\[1, 2, 3\],\[4, 5, 6\]\]"  
my\_list = string\_to\_list(string)  
print(my\_list)  # \[\[1, 2, 3\], \[4, 5, 6\]\]


  • 计算出2个数字之间的差值。
def subtract(a, b):  
return a - b    
print((subtract(1, 3)))  # -2  
print((subtract(3, 1)))  # 2  
  • 上面的这个方法,需要考虑数值的先后顺序。
def subtract(a, b):  
return a - b    
print((subtract(a=1, b=3)))  # -2  
print((subtract(b=3, a=1)))  # -2  
  • 使用命名参数,安排顺序,这样就不会出错了。


print(1, 2, 3, "a", "z", "this is here", "here is something else")


print("Hello", end="")  
print("World")  # HelloWorld    
print("Hello", end=" ")  
print("World")  # Hello World    
print('words',   'with', 'commas', 'in', 'between', sep=', ')  
# words, with, commas, in, between


print("29", "01", "2022", sep="/")  # 29/01/2022    
print("name", "domain.com", sep="@")  # name@domain.com


four\_letters = "abcd" # this works  
4\_letters = "abcd" # this doesn’t work  
  • 这是Python的变量命名规则。


+variable = "abcd"  # this doesn’t work


number = 0110 # this doesn't work  
  • 这个确实挺神奇的。


a\_\_\_\_\_\_b = "abcd"  # this works  
\_a\_b\_c\_d = "abcd"  # this also works  
  • 这并不意味着,你可以无限使用,为了代码的易读性,还是需要合理使用。


print(1\_000\_000\_000)  # 1000000000  
print(1\_234\_567)  # 1234567  
  • 如此,看到一大堆数字时,也能轻松阅读。


my\_list = \['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'\]    
print(my\_list)  # \['d', 'c', 'b', 'a'\]


my\_string = "This is just a sentence"  
print(my\_string\[0:5\])  # This    
# Take three steps forward  
print(my\_string\[0:10:3\])  # Tsse


my\_string = "This is just a sentence"  
print(my\_string\[10:0:\-1\])  # suj si sih    
# Take two steps forward  
print(my\_string\[10:0:\-2\])  # sjs i


my\_string = "This is just a sentence"  
print(my\_string\[4:\])  # is just a sentence  
print(my\_string\[:3\])  # Thi


print(3/2)  # 1.5  
print(3//2)  # 1


first\_list = \[1, 2, 3\]  
second\_list = \[1, 2, 3\]    
# 比较两个值  
print(first\_list == second\_list)  # True    
# 是否指向同一内存  
print(first\_list is second\_list)    
# False  
third\_list = first\_list  
print(third\_list is first\_list)    
# True


dictionary\_one = {"a": 1, "b": 2}  
dictionary\_two = {"c": 3, "d": 4}  
merged = {\*\*dictionary\_one, \*\*dictionary\_two}    
print(merged)  # {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}


first = "abc"  
second = "def"    
print(first < second)  # True  
second = "ab"  
print(first < second)  # False


my\_string = "abcdef"  
print(my\_string.startswith("b"))  # False


print(id(1))  # 4325776624  
print(id(2))  # 4325776656  
print(id("string"))  # 4327978288


  • 当变量被赋值为整数、浮点数、字符串、布尔值、元组这些不可变类型后,该变量就会指向一个内存对象。
  • 如果重新给变量再赋值,它的内存对象就会发生改变。
number = 1  
print(id(number))  # 4325215472  
print(id(1))  # 4325215472    
number = 3  
print(id(number))  # 4325215536  
print(id(1))  # 4325215472


  • 此处再说明一次。
name = "Fatos"  
print(id(name))  # 4422282544  
name = "fatos"  
print(id(name))  # 4422346608


  • 这意味着发生更改时,不会改变其内存对象。
cities = \["Beijing", "Guangzhou", "chengdu"\]  
print(id(cities))  # 4482699712    
print(id(cities))  # 4482699712  
  • 下面是字典。
my\_set = {1, 2, 3, 4}  
print(id(my\_set))  # 4352726176    
print(id(my\_set))  # 4352726176


my\_set = frozenset(\['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'\])    
  • 使用frozenset()后,你就无法更改了。


  • 但是elif不能在没有if语句之前独立存在。
def check\_number(number):  
    if number > 0:  
        return "Positive"  
    elif number == 0:  
        return "Zero"    
    return "Negative"  
print(check\_number(1))  # Positive


def check\_if\_anagram(first\_word, second\_word):  
    first\_word = first\_word.lower()  
    second\_word = second\_word.lower()  
    return sorted(first\_word) == sorted(second\_word)    
print(check\_if\_anagram("testinG", "Testing"))  # True  
print(check\_if\_anagram("Here", "Rehe"))  # True  
print(check\_if\_anagram("Know", "Now"))  # False


print(ord("A"))  # 65  
print(ord("B"))  # 66  
print(ord("C"))  # 66  
print(ord("a"))  # 97


dictionary = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}    
keys = dictionary.keys()  
print(list(keys))  # \['a', 'b', 'c'\]


dictionary = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}    
values = dictionary.values()  
print(list(values))  # \[1, 2, 3\]


dictionary = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}    
reversed\_dictionary = {j: i for i, j in dictionary.items()}  
print(reversed)  # {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}


print(int(False))  # 0  
print(float(True))  # 1.0  


x = 10  
y = 12  
result = (x - False)/(y \* True)  
print(result)  # 0.8333333333333334  


print(bool(.0))  # False  
print(bool(3))  # True  
print(bool("-"))  # True  
print(bool("string"))  # True  
print(bool(" "))  # True  


print(complex(10, 2))  # (10+2j)  
  • 也可以将数字转换为十六进制数。
print(hex(11))  # 0xb  


  • 如果使用append(),将从列表的最后一个位置插入新值。
  • 可以通过使用insert(),来指定插入新元素的索引和数值。
  • 那么列表的第一个位置为0,即下标为0。
my\_list = \[3, 4, 5\]    
my\_list.insert(0, 2)  
print(my\_list)  # \[2, 3, 4, 5, 6\]


  • 无法通过多行代码,来使用lambda函数。
comparison = lambda x: if x > 3:  
print("x > 3")  
print("x is not greater than 3")  
  • 报错。


comparison = lambda x: "x > 3" if x > 3  
  • 运行上面的代码,报错。
  • 这是由于条件表达式的特性,而不是lambda的导致的。


my\_list = \[1, 2, 3, 4\]    
odd = filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 1, my\_list)    
print(list(odd))   # \[1, 3\]  
print(my\_list)  # \[1, 2, 3, 4\]  


  • map()函数将给定函数应用于可迭代对象(列表、元组等),然后返回结果(map对象)。
my\_list = \[1, 2, 3, 4\]    
squared = map(lambda x: x \*\* 2, my\_list)    
print(list(squared))   # \[1, 4, 9, 16\]  
print(my\_list)  # \[1, 2, 3, 4\]  


for number in range(1, 10, 3):  
print(number, end=" ")  
# 1 4 7


def range\_with\_zero(number):  
for i in range(0, number):  
print(i, end=' ')  
def range\_with\_no\_zero(number):  
for i in range(number):  
print(i, end=' ')    
range\_with\_zero(3)  # 0 1 2  
range\_with\_no\_zero(3)  # 0 1 2


  • 如果长度大于0,则默认为True。
def get\_element\_with\_comparison(my\_list):  
if len(my\_list) > 0:  
return my\_list\[0\]  
def get\_first\_element(my\_list):  
if len(my\_list):  
return my\_list\[0\]  
elements = \[1, 2, 3, 4\]  
first\_result = get\_element\_with\_comparison(elements)  
second\_result = get\_element\_with\_comparison(elements)    
print(first\_result == second\_result)  # True


  • 但是,只有最后一个会被调用,覆盖以前。
def get\_address():  
    return "First address"  
def get\_address():  
    return "Second address"  
def get\_address():  
    return "Third address"  
print(get\_address())  # Third address  


  • 在定义属性或方法时,在属性名或者方法名前增加两个下划线,定义的就是私有属性或方法。
  • 如果想要在外部访问,那么只需要在名称前面加上 ‘_类名’ 变成 ‘_类名__名称’。
class Engineer:  
def \_\_init\_\_(self, name):  
        self.name = name  
        self.\_\_starting\_salary = 62000  
dain = Engineer('Dain')  
print(dain.\_Engineer\_\_starting\_salary)  # 62000


import sys    
print(sys.getsizeof("bitcoin"))  # 56


def get\_sum(\*arguments):  
result = 0  
for i in arguments:  
result += i  
return result    
print(get\_sum(1, 2, 3))  # 6  
print(get\_sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))  # 15  
print(get\_sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))  # 28  


  • 使用super函数调用父类的初始化方法。
class Parent:  
    def \_\_init\_\_(self, city, address):  
        self.city = city  
        self.address = address  
class Child(Parent):  
    def \_\_init\_\_(self, city, address, university):  
        super().\_\_init\_\_(city, address)  
        self.university = university  
child = Child('Peking University', 'Fudan University', 'Tsinghua University')  
print(child.university)  # Tsinghua University  
  • 使用父类的名称调用父类。
class Parent:  
def \_\_init\_\_(self, city, address):  
        self.city = city  
        self.address = address  
class Child(Parent):  
    def \_\_init\_\_(self, city, address, university):  
        Parent.\_\_init\_\_(self, city, address)  
        self.university = university  
child = Child('Peking University', 'Fudan University', 'Tsinghua University')  
print(child.university)  # Tsinghua University  

▍60、在类中使用 + 操作符

  • 在两个int数据类型之间使用 + 运算符时,将得到它们的和。
  • 而在两个字符串数据类型之间使用它时,会将其合并。
print(10 + 1)  \# 两数相加  
print('first' + 'second')  # 字符串相加
  • 这个就是操作符重载,你还可以在类中使用(__add__)。
class Expenses:  
    def \_\_init\_\_(self, rent, groceries):  
        self.rent = rent  
        self.groceries = groceries  
def \_\_add\_\_(self, other):  
return Expenses(self.rent + other.rent,  
self.groceries + other.groceries)    
april\_expenses = Expenses(1000, 200)  
may\_expenses = Expenses(1000, 300)    
total\_expenses = april\_expenses + may\_expenses  
print(total\_expenses.rent)  # 2000  
print(total\_expenses.groceries)  # 500  

▍61、在类中使用 < 和 == 操作符

  • 下面定义一个操作重载示例( < 操作符),使用__lt__方法。
class Game:  
def \_\_init\_\_(self, score):  
        self.score = score  
def \_\_lt\_\_(self, other):  
        return self.score < other.score  
first = Game(1)  
second = Game(2)  
print(first < second)  # True  
  • 同样的,== 操作符使用__eq__方法。
class Journey:  
def \_\_init\_\_(self, location, destination, duration):  
        self.location = location  
        self.destination = destination  
        self.duration = duration  
def \_\_eq\_\_(self, other):  
return ((self.location == other.location) and  
                (self.destination == other.destination) and  
                (self.duration == other.duration))  
first = Journey('Location A', 'Destination A', '30min')  
second = Journey('Location B', 'Destination B', '30min')  
print(first == second)  
  • 还有一些其他的定义。
\_\_sub\_\_() for -  
\_\_mul\_\_() for \*  
\_\_truediv\_\_() for /  
\_\_ne\_\_() for !=  
\_\_ge\_\_() for >=  
\_\_gt\_\_() for >


class Rectangle:  
def \_\_init\_\_(self, a, b):  
        self.a = a  
        self.b = b  
def \_\_repr\_\_(self):  
return repr('Rectangle with area=' + str(self.a \* self.b))  
print(Rectangle(3, 4))  # 'Rectangle with area=12'


string = "This is just a sentence."  
result = string.swapcase()  
print(result)  # tHIS IS JUST A SENTENCE.


string = "  "  
result = string.isspace()    
print(result)  # True  


name = "Password"  
print(name.isalnum())  # True  
name = "Secure Password "  
print(name.isalnum())  # False  
name = "S3cur3P4ssw0rd"  
print(name.isalnum())  # True  
name = "133"  
print(name.isalnum())  # True


string = "Name"  
print(string.isalpha())  # True  
string = "Firstname Lastname"  
print(string.isalpha())  # False  
string = "P4ssw0rd"  
print(string.isalpha())  # False


  • 从右侧开始。
string = "This is a sentence with"  
print(string.rstrip())  # "This is a sentence with"    
string = "this here is a sentence…..,,,,aaaaasd"  
print(string.rstrip(".,dsa"))  # "this here is a sentence"  
  • 同样的,左侧也能操作。
string = "ffffffffFirst"  
print(string.lstrip("f"))  # First


string = "seven"  
print(string.isdigit())  # False    
string = "1337"  
print(string.isdigit())  # True    
string = "5a"  
print(string.isdigit())  # False    
string = "2\*\*5"  
print(string.isdigit())  # False


# 42673  
string = "四二六七三"    
print(string.isdigit())  # False  
print(string.isnumeric())  # True  


string = "This is a sentence"  
print(string.istitle())  # False    
string = "10 Python Tips"  
print(string.istitle())  # True    
string = "How to Print A String in Python"  
# False  
string = "PYTHON"  
print(string.istitle())  # False


numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4)    
print(numbers\[\-1\])  # 4  
print(numbers\[\-4\])  # 1


mixed\_tuple = (("a"\*10, 3, 4), \['first', 'second', 'third'\])    
print(mixed\_tuple\[1\])  # \['first', 'second', 'third'\]  
print(mixed\_tuple\[0\])  # ('aaaaaaaaaa', 3, 4)


names = \["Besim", "Albert", "Besim", "Fisnik", "Meriton"\]    
print(names.count("Besim"))  # 2


  • 使用slice()获取最后n个元素。
my\_list = \[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\]  
slicing = slice(\-4, None)  
print(my\_list\[slicing\])  # \[4, 5, 6\]    
print(my\_list\[\-3\])  # 4  
  • 使用slice()做切片任务。
string = "Data Science"    
slice\_object = slice(5, None)  
print(string\[slice\_object\])   # Science  


my\_tuple = ('a', 1, 'f', 'a', 5, 'a')    
print(my\_tuple.count('a'))  # 3


my\_tuple = ('a', 1, 'f', 'a', 5, 'a')    
print(my\_tuple.index('f'))  #  2


my\_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)  
print(my\_tuple\[::3\])  # (1, 4, 7, 10)


my\_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)    
print(my\_tuple\[3:\])  # (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)


my\_list = \[1, 2, 3, 4\]  
print(my\_list)  # \[\]    
my\_set = {1, 2, 3}  
print(my\_set)  # set()    
my\_dict = {"a": 1, "b": 2}  
print(my\_dict)  # {}


  • 使用union()方法,返回一个新集合。
first\_set = {4, 5, 6}  
second\_set = {1, 2, 3}    
print(first\_set.union(second\_set))  # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}  
  • 还可以使用update()方法,将第二个集合的元素插入到第一个集合中去。
first\_set = {4, 5, 6}  
second\_set = {1, 2, 3}    
print(first\_set)  # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}


def is\_positive(number):  
print("Positive" if number > 0 else "Negative")  # Positive  


math\_points = 51  
biology\_points = 78  
physics\_points = 56  
history\_points = 72  
my\_conditions = \[math\_points > 50, biology\_points > 50,  
physics\_points > 50, history\_points > 50\]  
if all(my\_conditions):  
print("Congratulations! You have passed all of the exams.")  
print("I am sorry, but it seems that you have to repeat at least one exam.")  
# Congratulations! You have passed all of the exams.


math\_points = 40  
biology\_points = 78  
physics\_points = 56  
history\_points = 72  
my\_conditions = \[math\_points > 50, biology\_points > 50,  
physics\_points > 50, history\_points > 50\]  
if any(my\_conditions):  
print("Congratulations! You have passed all of the exams.")  
print("I am sorry, but it seems that you have to repeat at least one exam.")  
# Congratulations! You have passed all of the exams.  


print(bool("Non empty"))  # True  
print(bool(""))  # False


print(bool(\[\]))  # False  
print(bool(set(\[\])))  # False    
print(bool({}))  # False  
print(bool({"a": 1}))  # True


print(bool(False))  # False  
print(bool(None))  # False  
print(bool(0))  # False


  • 在函数无法直接修改全局变量的值。
string = "string"    
def do\_nothing():  
string = "inside a method"  
print(string)  # string  
  • 可通过修饰符global,修改全局变量的值。
string = "string"  
def do\_nothing():  
global string  
string = "inside a method"  
print(string)  # inside a method  


  • 使用collections中的Counter计算字符串或列表中元素的数量。
from collections import Counter  
result = Counter("Banana")  
print(result)  # Counter({'a': 3, 'n': 2, 'B': 1})  
result = Counter(\[1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6\])  
print(result)  # Counter({1: 5, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1})


  • 可以使用Counter()方法。
from collections import Counter  
def check\_if\_anagram(first\_string, second\_string):  
    first\_string = first\_string.lower()  
    second\_string = second\_string.lower()  
return Counter(first\_string) == Counter(second\_string)  
print(check\_if\_anagram('testinG', 'Testing'))  # True  
print(check\_if\_anagram('Here', 'Rehe'))  # True  
print(check\_if\_anagram('Know', 'Now'))  # False  
  • 可以使用sorted()方法。
def check\_if\_anagram(first\_word, second\_word):  
    first\_word = first\_word.lower()  
    second\_word = second\_word.lower()  
return sorted(first\_word) == sorted(second\_word)  
print(check\_if\_anagram("testinG", "Testing"))  # True  
print(check\_if\_anagram("Here", "Rehe"))  # True  
print(check\_if\_anagram("Know", "Now"))  # False


from itertools 
import count  
my\_vowels = \['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'\]  
current\_counter = count()  
string = "This is just a sentence."  
for i in string:  
if i in my\_vowels:  
print(f"Current vowel: {i}")  
print(f"Number of vowels found so far: {next(current\_counter)}")  
  • 输出如下。
Current vowel: i  
Number of vowels found so far: 0  
Current vowel: i  
Number of vowels found so far: 1  
Current vowel: u  
Number of vowels found so far: 2  
Current vowel: a  
Number of vowels found so far: 3  
Current vowel: e  
Number of vowels found so far: 4  
Current vowel: e  
Number of vowels found so far: 5  
Current vowel: e  
Number of vowels found so far: 6


  • collections模块的Counter(),默认情况下是不会根据元素的频率对它们进行排序的。
result = Counter(\[1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2\])  
print(result)  # Counter({2: 5, 1: 1, 3: 1})  
print(result.most\_common())  # \[(2, 5), (1, 1), (3, 1)\]  
  • map()函数将给定函数应用于可迭代对象(列表、元组等),然后返回结果(map对象)。


my\_list = \['1', 1, 0, 'a', 'b', 2, 'a', 'c', 'a'\]    
print(max(set(my\_list), key=my\_list.count))  # a


  • 浅拷贝: 拷贝父对象,但是不会拷贝对象的内部的子对象。
  • 深拷贝: 拷贝父对象. 以及其内部的子对象。
  • 下面是一个copy()的例子。
first\_list = \[\[1, 2, 3\], \['a', 'b', 'c'\]\]    
second\_list = first\_list.copy()    
first\_list\[0\]\[2\] = 831  
print(first\_list)  # \[\[1, 2, 831\], \['a', 'b', 'c'\]\]  
print(second\_list)  # \[\[1, 2, 831\], \['a', 'b', 'c'\]\]  
  • 这里是一个deepcopy()的例子。
import copy  
first\_list = \[\[1, 2, 3\], \['a', 'b', 'c'\]\]  
second\_list = copy.deepcopy(first\_list)  
first\_list\[0\]\[2\] = 831  
print(first\_list)  # \[\[1, 2, 831\], \['a', 'b', 'c'\]\]  
print(second\_list)  # \[\[1, 2, 3\], \['a', 'b', 'c'\]\]


  • 如果你想访问字典一个不存在的键,代码会报错。
my\_dictonary = {"name": "Name", "surname": "Surname"}  
  • 错误如下。
KeyError: 'age'  
  • 可以通过使用defaultdict(),代码将不会报错。
my\_dictonary = defaultdict(str)  
my\_dictonary\['name'\] = "Name"  
my\_dictonary\['surname'\] = "Surname"    


class OddNumbers:  
def \_\_iter\_\_(self):  
self.a = 1  
return self  
def \_\_next\_\_(self):  
        x = self.a  
        self.a += 2  
return x  
odd\_numbers\_object = OddNumbers()  
iterator = iter(odd\_numbers\_object)  
print(next(iterator))  # 1  
print(next(iterator))  # 3  
print(next(iterator))  # 5


my\_set = set(\[1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5\])  
print(list(my\_set))  # \[1, 2, 3, 4, 5\]


import pandas  
print(pandas)  # <module 'torch' from '/Users/...'

▍98、使用not in检查一个值是否在列表中

odd\_numbers = \[1, 3, 5, 7, 9\]  
even\_numbers = \[\]  
for i in range(9):  
    if i not in odd\_numbers:  
print(even\_numbers)  # \[0, 2, 4, 6, 8\]


  • sort():对原始列表进行排序
  • sorted():返回一个新的排序列表
groceries = \['milk', 'bread', 'tea'\]  
new\_groceries = sorted(groceries)  
# new\_groceries = \['bread', 'milk', 'tea'\]  
# groceries = \['milk', 'bread', 'tea'\]  
# groceries = \['bread', 'milk', 'tea'\]  


  • UUID代表唯一标识符。
import uuid    
# 根据主机ID、序列号和当前时间生成UUID  
print(uuid.uuid1())  # 308490b6-afe4-11eb-95f7-0c4de9a0c5af    
# 生成一个随机UUID  
print(uuid.uuid4())  # 93bc700b-253e-4081-a358-24b60591076a



  • 最后希望你编程学习上不急不躁,按照计划有条不紊推进,把任何一件事做到极致,都是不容易的,加油,努力!相信自己!


  • 最后这里免费分享给大家一份Python全套学习资料,希望能帮到那些不满现状,想提升自己却又没有方向的朋友,也可以和我一起来学习交流呀。


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