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原创 08.09.25

1.Today is 25th.I bought a train ticket for the traveling to Shanghai.But Im not very happy. 2.Too busy to study C++.But I will go on,be persistent.

2008-09-25 22:02:00 319

原创 08.09.24

1.A new word :existing 2.Now Im reading a new book,named Effective C++,its a good book.3.Tomorrow I will go on.

2008-09-24 22:44:00 290

原创 08.09.23

1.Table includes :blocktable、layertable... 2.acdbHostA.....->wor...->getLayerTable(); If you want to create a new layer or modify an existing layer ,you should create a new layer record or o

2008-09-23 22:44:00 330

原创 08.09.22

1.AcDbBlockReference(***); It can create a AcDbBlockReference object. 2.if(****){       acutPrintf("Wrong Operation!");       p->close();      return;} The "if" sentence can help

2008-09-22 22:33:00 339

原创 08.09.21

1.COM:组件对象模型A very important area in programme field. 2.The format of the result of the function clone() is AcRxObject*If required,you should change it.AcDbEntity::cast(pEnt->clone()); 3

2008-09-21 20:56:00 335

原创 08.09.20

1.The way of creating a new 3d-solidpsolid->AcDb3dSolid();psolid->create... 2.booleanOper() has three ways :unite,intersect,subtract. 3.ways of transforming:setToProjectingsetToRotatin

2008-09-20 22:42:00 439

原创 08.09.19 (You can not insert a new class with the name of CAux )

data structure 1.线性表的逻辑结构:每个元素具有相同的结构和类型,所占的存储空间也同样大。 2.线性表的存储结构:2.1 顺序存储:按顺序排开存储(如数组),储存单元连续,可地址++来寻找其他元素特点:读取方便,但插、删不便,且不可变长 2.2 链式存储:结点的形式,结点由数据域和指针域组成,内存中为零散状态,并不连续,不可用地址++来读取数据(单向

2008-09-19 22:28:00 433

原创 08.09.18

1.dynamic drag function:int acedGrRead(                             int track                     int *type                     struct resbuf* result );This function can help you to drag an

2008-09-18 19:41:00 409

原创 08.09.17

1.If you want to edit an dimension entity,you should add the entity into the database first.And then,open it ,so you edit it now.After everthing is done,you should close it also .2.Pointer alterin

2008-09-17 22:11:00 241

原创 08.09.15

Yesterday is the Chinese traditional day--Middle Autumn Day.I was alone and lonely.1.Ive finished the book ObjectARX.I dont think its a good way of reading books.Its the best time when you cann

2008-09-15 22:07:00 225

原创 deeply understand pointer in C


2008-09-13 20:21:00 259

原创 08.09.12

1.Handle is saved with the graphics,but not ID or the pointer to the object.The specifically pointer die while closing the graphics.So does the ID of the object while saving the graphics.2.An obje

2008-09-12 20:39:00 268

原创 08.09,11

1.six ARX class unionsAcRx: for register and recognition/identification.(key function:cast());AcEd: in support reactor(Undo,ESC).AcDb: to store users data of graphics including the info of laye

2008-09-11 22:02:00 308

原创 08.09.10 a new class and a new function

1.Built a new class called CreateEnts successfully.A new function named PostToModalSpace,it made me glad ,very glad. AcDbObjectId CCreateEnt::PostToModalSpace(AcDbEntity* pEnt){ AcDbBlockTable*

2008-09-10 22:37:00 236

原创 08.09.08 some characters

 Some characters as follows:pow Calculates x raised to the power of y. #include #include void main( void ){   double x = 2.0, y = 3.0, z;   z = pow( x, y );   printf( "%.1f to the power of %

2008-09-08 22:48:00 248

原创 ARX里第一个程序的疑问(宏、EXTERN、对话框、typdef、&、const)

  一.after #include is 标准库文件用用户自己定义的头文件用“” 二。acdeRegCmds->addCommand(); //第一个为宏,第二个为增加命令组,用了后要用removeGroup("Command") 删除命令组; #define : 符号常量、宏1.符号常量:#define PI 3.14159 2.宏:      

2008-09-07 11:26:00 369

原创 08.08.23——就从今天开始吧

       就从今天开始吧,一切又好像从零开始一样,学了几个月的编程,又断了下来,就好像什么都不懂了一样,就像以前学英语一样,中间断了下来,就真的会忘记掉很多的东西。      眼看着二年后就要毕业了,很害怕自己的前途。     后面的二年,就CSDN来陪我渡过吧!

2008-08-23 15:41:00 313



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