







#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
using namespace cv;
namespace cv

class CV_EXPORTS_W SIFT : public Feature2D
CV_PROP_RW int nfeatures;
CV_PROP_RW int nOctaveLayers;
CV_PROP_RW double contrastThreshold;
CV_PROP_RW double edgeThreshold;
CV_PROP_RW double sigma;
    explicit SIFT( int nfeatures=0, int nOctaveLayers=3,
          double contrastThreshold=0.04, double edgeThreshold=10,
          double sigma=1.6);

    //! returns the descriptor size in floats (128)
    int descriptorSize() const;
    //! returns the descriptor type
    int descriptorType() const;
    //! finds the keypoints using SIFT algorithm
    void operator()(InputArray img, InputArray mask,
                    vector& keypoints) const;

    //! finds the keypoints and computes descriptors for them using SIFT algorithm.
    //! Optionally it can compute descriptors for the user-provided keypoints
    // mask :Optional input mask that marks the regions where we should detect features.
void operator()(InputArray img, InputArray mask,
                    vector& keypoints,
                    OutputArray descriptors,
                    bool useProvidedKeypoints=false) const;
    AlgorithmInfo* info() const;
static Mat createInitialImage( const Mat& img, bool doubleImageSize, float sigma );
    void buildGaussianPyramid( const Mat& base, vector& pyr, int nOctaves ) const;
    void buildDoGPyramid( const vector& pyr, vector& dogpyr ) const;
    void findScaleSpaceExtrema( const vector& gauss_pyr, const vector& dog_pyr,
                                vector& keypoints ) const;
static void calcSIFTDescriptor( const Mat& img, Point2f ptf, float ori, float scl,
int d, int n, float* dst );
static void calcDescriptors(const vector& gpyr, const vector& keypoints,
Mat& descriptors, int nOctaveLayers );

    void detectImpl( const Mat& image, vector& keypoints, const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const;
    void computeImpl( const Mat& image, vector& keypoints, Mat& descriptors ) const;
// CV_PROP_RW bool doubleImageSize=false;

// Sift01.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"


// default number of sampled intervals per octave
static const int SIFT_INTVLS = 3;

// default sigma for initial gaussian smoothing
static const float SIFT_SIGMA = 1.6f;

// default threshold on keypoint contrast |D(x)|
static const float SIFT_CONTR_THR = 0.04f;

// default threshold on keypoint ratio of principle curvatures
static const float SIFT_CURV_THR = 10.f;

// double image size before pyramid construction?
static const bool SIFT_IMG_DBL = true;

// default width of descriptor histogram array
static const int SIFT_DESCR_WIDTH = 4;

// default number of bins per histogram in descriptor array
static const int SIFT_DESCR_HIST_BINS = 8;

// assumed gaussian blur for input image
static const float SIFT_INIT_SIGMA = 0.5f;

// width of border in which to ignore keypoints
static const int SIFT_IMG_BORDER = 5;

// maximum steps of keypoint interpolation before failure
static const int SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS = 5;

// default number of bins in histogram for orientation assignment
static const int SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS = 36;

// determines gaussian sigma for orientation assignment
static const float SIFT_ORI_SIG_FCTR = 1.5f;

// determines the radius of the region used in orientation assignment
static const float SIFT_ORI_RADIUS = 3 * SIFT_ORI_SIG_FCTR;

// orientation magnitude relative to max that results in new feature
static const float SIFT_ORI_PEAK_RATIO = 0.8f;

// determines the size of a single descriptor orientation histogram
static const float SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR = 3.f;

// threshold on magnitude of elements of descriptor vector
static const float SIFT_DESCR_MAG_THR = 0.2f;

// factor used to convert floating-point descriptor to unsigned char
static const float SIFT_INT_DESCR_FCTR = 512.f;

static const int SIFT_FIXPT_SCALE=48;

//std::ofstream fout("sigma.txt");   //保存尺度

  Mat SIFT::createInitialImage( const Mat& img, bool doubleImageSize, float sigma )
Mat gray, gray_fpt;
if( img.channels() == 3 || img.channels() == 4 )
cvtColor(img, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);   //原始图像转灰度
gray.convertTo(gray_fpt, CV_16S, SIFT_FIXPT_SCALE, 0);   //SIFT_FIXPT_SCALE=48

float sig_diff;

if( doubleImageSize )
sig_diff = sqrtf( std::max(sigma * sigma - SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * 4, 0.01f) );
Mat dbl;
resize(gray_fpt, dbl, Size(gray.cols*2, gray.rows*2), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);   //长宽乘2
GaussianBlur(dbl, dbl, Size(), sig_diff, sig_diff);
return dbl;
sig_diff = sqrtf( std::max(sigma * sigma - SIFT_INIT_SIGMA * SIFT_INIT_SIGMA, 0.01f) );
GaussianBlur(gray_fpt, gray_fpt, Size(), sig_diff, sig_diff);
return gray_fpt;

void SIFT::buildGaussianPyramid( const Mat& base, vector& pyr, int nOctaves ) const
vector sig(nOctaveLayers + 3);
pyr.resize(nOctaves*(nOctaveLayers + 3));   //pyr保存所有组所有层

// precompute Gaussian sigmas using the following formula:
//   sigma_{total}^2 = sigma_{i}^2 + sigma_{i-1}^2
sig[0] = sigma;                 //第0层尺度为sigma
double k = pow( 2., 1. / nOctaveLayers );
for( int i = 1; i < nOctaveLayers + 3; i++ )
double sig_prev = pow(k, (double)(i-1))*sigma;
double sig_total = sig_prev*k;
sig[i] = std::sqrt(sig_total*sig_total - sig_prev*sig_prev);
// fout<<sig[i]<<'n';

for( int o = 0; o < nOctaves; o++ )
for( int i = 0; i < nOctaveLayers + 3; i++ )
Mat& dst = pyr[o*(nOctaveLayers + 3) + i];

if( o == 0   &&   i == 0 )
dst = base;

// base of new octave is halved image from end of previous octave
//高斯金字塔的新组(new octave)的第0幅为上一组的第nOctaveLayers幅下采样得到,采样步长为2
else if( i == 0 )
const Mat& src = pyr[(o-1)*(nOctaveLayers + 3) + nOctaveLayers];
resize(src, dst, Size(src.cols/2, src.rows/2),

// 每一组的第i幅图像是由该组第i-1幅图像用sig[i]高斯模糊得到,相当于使用了新的尺度。
const Mat& src = pyr[o*(nOctaveLayers + 3) + i-1];
GaussianBlur(src, dst, Size(), sig[i], sig[i]);

void SIFT::buildDoGPyramid( const vector& gpyr, vector& dogpyr ) const
int nOctaves = (int)gpyr.size()/(nOctaveLayers + 3);   //nOctaves表示组的个数
dogpyr.resize( nOctaves*(nOctaveLayers + 2) );     //保存所有组的Dog图像

for( int o = 0; o < nOctaves; o++ )
for( int i = 0; i < nOctaveLayers + 2; i++ )
const Mat& src1 = gpyr[o*(nOctaveLayers + 3) + i];
const Mat& src2 = gpyr[o*(nOctaveLayers + 3) + i + 1];
Mat& dst = dogpyr[o*(nOctaveLayers + 2) + i];
subtract(src2, src1, dst, noArray(), CV_16S);   //两幅图像相减

// Computes a gradient orientation histogram at a specified pixel
static float calcOrientationHist( const Mat& img, Point pt, int radius,
float sigma, float* hist, int n )
int i, j, k, len = (radius*2+1)*(radius*2+1);

float expf_scale = -1.f/(2.f * sigma * sigma);
AutoBuffer buf(len*4 + n+4);
float *X = buf, *Y = X + len, *Mag = X, *Ori = Y + len, *W = Ori + len;
float* temphist = W + len + 2;

for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
temphist[i] = 0.f;

for( i = -radius, k = 0; i <= radius; i++ )
int y = pt.y + i;
if( y <= 0 || y >= img.rows - 1 )
for( j = -radius; j <= radius; j++ )
int x = pt.x + j;
if( x <= 0 || x >= img.cols - 1 )

float dx = (float)(, x+1) -, x-1));
float dy = (float)(, x) -, x));

X[k] = dx; Y[k] = dy; W[k] = (i*i + j*j)*expf_scale;

len = k;

// compute gradient values, orientations and the weights over the pixel neighborhood
exp(W, W, len);
fastAtan2(Y, X, Ori, len, true);   //计算向量角度
magnitude(X, Y, Mag, len);         //计算梯度

for( k = 0; k < len; k++ )
int bin = cvRound((n/360.f)*Ori[k]);
if( bin >= n )
bin -= n;
if( bin < 0 )
bin += n;
temphist[bin] += W[k]*Mag[k];

// smooth the histogram
temphist[-1] = temphist[n-1];
temphist[-2] = temphist[n-2];
temphist[n] = temphist[0];
temphist[n+1] = temphist[1];
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
hist[i] = (temphist[i-2] + temphist[i+2])*(1.f/16.f) +
(temphist[i-1] + temphist[i+1])*(4.f/16.f) +

float maxval = hist[0];
for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )
maxval = std::max(maxval, hist[i]);

return maxval;     //返回直方图中最大值

//   dog_pyr:dog金字塔;
//   kpt:关键点;
//   octv:组序号
//   layer: dog层序号
//   r: 行号; c:列号
//   nOctaveLayers:dog中要用到的层数,为3
//   contrastThreshold:对比度阈值=0.04
//   edgeThreshold:边界阈值=10
//   sigma: 尺度因子
static bool adjustLocalExtrema( const vector& dog_pyr, KeyPoint& kpt, int octv,
int& layer, int& r, int& c, int nOctaveLayers,
float contrastThreshold, float edgeThreshold, float sigma )
const float img_scale = 1.f/(255*SIFT_FIXPT_SCALE);   //金字塔图像灰度拉伸了48倍,所以要除48.SIFT_FIXPT_SCALE=48
const float deriv_scale = img_scale*0.5f;     //一阶导数灰度归一化参数
const float second_deriv_scale = img_scale;     //dxx,dyy。二阶导数灰度归一化参数
const float cross_deriv_scale = img_scale*0.25f;     //dxy,交叉导数灰度归一化参数

float xi=0, xr=0, xc=0, contr;
int i = 0;

//SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS=5,表示 maximum steps of keypoint interpolation before failure
for( ; i < SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS; i++ )
int idx = octv*(nOctaveLayers+2) + layer;   //得到该特征点所在的dog层序号
const Mat& img = dog_pyr[idx];
const Mat& prev = dog_pyr[idx-1];
const Mat& next = dog_pyr[idx+1];

Vec3f dD((, c+1) -, c-1))*deriv_scale,
(, c) -, c))*deriv_scale,
(, c) -, c))*deriv_scale);

float v2 = (float), c)*2;
float dxx = (, c+1) +, c-1) - v2)*second_deriv_scale;
float dyy = (, c) +, c) - v2)*second_deriv_scale;
float dss = (, c) +, c) - v2)*second_deriv_scale;
float dxy = (, c+1) -, c-1) -, c+1) +, c-1))*cross_deriv_scale;
float dxs = (, c+1) -, c-1) -, c+1) +, c-1))*cross_deriv_scale;
float dys = (, c) -, c) -, c) +, c))*cross_deriv_scale;

Matx33f H(dxx, dxy, dxs,
dxy, dyy, dys,
dxs, dys, dss);

Vec3f X = H.solve(dD, DECOMP_LU);

xi = -X[2];       //层偏移,层偏移即尺度偏移
xr = -X[1];     //行偏移
xc = -X[0];     //列偏移

if( std::abs( xi ) < 0.5f   &&   std::abs( xr ) < 0.5f   &&   std::abs( xc ) < 0.5f )

c += cvRound( xc );
r += cvRound( xr );
layer += cvRound( xi );    

if( layer < 1 || layer > nOctaveLayers ||
c < SIFT_IMG_BORDER || c >= img.cols - SIFT_IMG_BORDER   ||
r < SIFT_IMG_BORDER || r >= img.rows - SIFT_IMG_BORDER )
return false;

return false;


int idx = octv*(nOctaveLayers+2) + layer;   //求出修正后的层序号
const Mat& img = dog_pyr[idx];
const Mat& prev = dog_pyr[idx-1];
const Mat& next = dog_pyr[idx+1];
Matx31f dD((, c+1) -, c-1))*deriv_scale,
(, c) -, c))*deriv_scale,
(, c) -, c))*deriv_scale);
float t =, xr, xi));
contr =, c)*img_scale + t * 0.5f;    
if( std::abs( contr ) * nOctaveLayers < contrastThreshold )
return false;

float v2 =, c)*2.f;
float dxx = (, c+1) +, c-1) - v2)*second_deriv_scale;
float dyy = (, c) +, c) - v2)*second_deriv_scale;
float dxy = (, c+1) -, c-1) -, c+1) +, c-1)) * cross_deriv_scale;
float tr = dxx + dyy;
float det = dxx * dyy - dxy * dxy;

if( det <= 0 || tr*tr*edgeThreshold >= (edgeThreshold + 1)*(edgeThreshold + 1)*det )
return false;

//精确特征点在原图像上的位置 = (c + xc) * (1 << octv);     //高斯金字塔坐标根据组数扩大相应的倍数 = (r + xr) * (1 << octv);
kpt.octave = octv + (layer << 8) + (cvRound((xi + 0.5)*255) << 16);   //特征点被检测出时所在的金字塔组
kpt.size = sigma*powf(2.f, (layer + xi) / nOctaveLayers)*(1 << octv)*2;   //关键点邻域直径

return true;

void SIFT::findScaleSpaceExtrema( const vector& gauss_pyr, const vector& dog_pyr,
vector& keypoints ) const
int nOctaves = (int)gauss_pyr.size()/(nOctaveLayers + 3);     //组的个数

// The contrast threshold used to filter out weak features in semi-uniform  
// (low-contrast) regions. The larger the threshold, the less features are produced by the detector.  
//低 对比度的阈值, contrastThreshold默认为0.04  
int threshold = cvFloor(0.5 * contrastThreshold / nOctaveLayers * 255 * SIFT_FIXPT_SCALE);
const int n = SIFT_ORI_HIST_BINS;   //直方图bin的个数=36,每个10度
float hist[n];
KeyPoint kpt;


for( int o = 0; o < nOctaves; o++ )
for( int i = 1; i <= nOctaveLayers; i++ )   // nOctaveLayers表示每层Dog图像个数-2,即最终用到的层数
int idx = o*(nOctaveLayers+2)+i;          
const Mat& img = dog_pyr[idx];           //获取该层Dog图像,序号从1开始。第0层和最后一层不用
const Mat& prev = dog_pyr[idx-1];     //上一幅Dog图像
const Mat& next = dog_pyr[idx+1];   //下一幅Dog图像
int step = (int)img.step1();
int rows = img.rows, cols = img.cols;

for( int r = SIFT_IMG_BORDER; r < rows-SIFT_IMG_BORDER; r++)    
const short* currptr = img.ptr(r);
const short* prevptr = prev.ptr(r);
const short* nextptr = next.ptr(r);

for( int c = SIFT_IMG_BORDER; c < cols-SIFT_IMG_BORDER; c++)
int val = currptr[c];

// find local extrema with pixel accuracy
if( std::abs(val) > threshold &&
((val > 0 && val >= currptr[c-1] && val >= currptr[c+1] &&
val >= currptr[c-step-1] && val >= currptr[c-step] && val >= currptr[c-step+1] &&
val >= currptr[c+step-1] && val >= currptr[c+step] && val >= currptr[c+step+1] &&
val >= nextptr[c] && val >= nextptr[c-1] && val >= nextptr[c+1] &&
val >= nextptr[c-step-1] && val >= nextptr[c-step] && val >= nextptr[c-step+1] &&
val >= nextptr[c+step-1] && val >= nextptr[c+step] && val >= nextptr[c+step+1] &&
val >= prevptr[c] && val >= prevptr[c-1] && val >= prevptr[c+1] &&
val >= prevptr[c-step-1] && val >= prevptr[c-step] && val >= prevptr[c-step+1] &&
val >= prevptr[c+step-1] && val >= prevptr[c+step] && val >= prevptr[c+step+1]) ||
(val < 0 && val <= currptr[c-1] && val <= currptr[c+1] &&
val <= currptr[c-step-1] && val <= currptr[c-step] && val <= currptr[c-step+1] &&
val <= currptr[c+step-1] && val <= currptr[c+step] && val <= currptr[c+step+1] &&
val <= nextptr[c] && val <= nextptr[c-1] && val <= nextptr[c+1] &&
val <= nextptr[c-step-1] && val <= nextptr[c-step] && val <= nextptr[c-step+1] &&
val <= nextptr[c+step-1] && val <= nextptr[c+step] && val <= nextptr[c+step+1] &&
val <= prevptr[c] && val <= prevptr[c-1] && val <= prevptr[c+1] &&
val <= prevptr[c-step-1] && val <= prevptr[c-step] && val <= prevptr[c-step+1] &&
val <= prevptr[c+step-1] && val <= prevptr[c+step] && val <= prevptr[c+step+1])))
int r1 = r, c1 = c, layer = i;
if( !adjustLocalExtrema(dog_pyr, kpt, o, layer, r1, c1,
nOctaveLayers, (float)contrastThreshold,
(float)edgeThreshold, (float)sigma) )

float scl_octv = kpt.size*0.5f/(1 << o);   //获取该特征点的尺度
float omax = calcOrientationHist(gauss_pyr[o*(nOctaveLayers+3) + layer],
Point(c1, r1),                                                 //特征点坐标
cvRound(SIFT_ORI_RADIUS * scl_octv),   //直方图统计半径:3*1.5*σ,SIFT_ORI_RADIUS=3*1.5
SIFT_ORI_SIG_FCTR * scl_octv,               //直方图平滑所用到的尺度,SIFT_ORI_SIG_FCTR=1.5f
hist, n); 
float mag_thr = (float)(omax * SIFT_ORI_PEAK_RATIO);   //辅方向为0.8*主方向最大值,SIFT_ORI_PEAK_RATIO=0.8f
for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ )                     //n=36
int l = j > 0 ? j - 1 : n - 1;
int r2 = j < n-1 ? j + 1 : 0;

if( hist[j] > hist[l]   &&   hist[j] > hist[r2]   &&   hist[j] >= mag_thr )
float bin = j + 0.5f * (hist[l]-hist[r2]) / (hist[l] - 2*hist[j] + hist[r2]);
bin = bin < 0 ? n + bin : bin >= n ? bin - n : bin;
kpt.angle = (float)((360.f/n) * bin);     //得到关键点的方向
keypoints.push_back(kpt);     //这里保存的特征点具有位置,尺度和方向3个信息

  void SIFT::calcSIFTDescriptor( const Mat& img, Point2f ptf, float ori, float scl,
                                int d, int n, float* dst )
    Point pt(cvRound(ptf.x), cvRound(ptf.y));   //坐标点取整
    float cos_t = cosf(ori*(float)(CV_PI/180));   //余弦值
    float sin_t = sinf(ori*(float)(CV_PI/180));   //正弦值
    float bins_per_rad = n / 360.f;
    float exp_scale = -1.f/(d * d * 0.5f);
    float hist_width = SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR * scl;
    int radius = cvRound(hist_width * 1.4142135623730951f * (d + 1) * 0.5f);
    cos_t /= hist_width;
    sin_t /= hist_width;

    int i, j, k, len = (radius*2+1)*(radius*2+1), histlen = (d+2)*(d+2)*(n+2);
    int rows = img.rows, cols = img.cols;

    AutoBuffer buf(len*6 + histlen);
    float *X = buf, *Y = X + len, *Mag = Y, *Ori = Mag + len, *W = Ori + len;
    float *RBin = W + len, *CBin = RBin + len, *hist = CBin + len;

    for( i = 0; i < d+2; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < d+2; j++ )
            for( k = 0; k < n+2; k++ )
                hist[(i*(d+2) + j)*(n+2) + k] = 0.;

    for( i = -radius, k = 0; i <= radius; i++ )
        for( j = -radius; j <= radius; j++ )
            float c_rot = j * cos_t - i * sin_t;
            float r_rot = j * sin_t + i * cos_t;
            float rbin = r_rot + d/2 - 0.5f;
            float cbin = c_rot + d/2 - 0.5f;
            int r = pt.y + i, c = pt.x + j;

            if( rbin > -1 && rbin < d && cbin > -1 && cbin < d &&
                r > 0 && r < rows - 1 && c > 0 && c < cols - 1 )
                float dx = (float)(, c+1) -, c-1));
                float dy = (float)(, c) -, c));
                X[k] = dx; Y[k] = dy; RBin[k] = rbin; CBin[k] = cbin;
                W[k] = (c_rot * c_rot + r_rot * r_rot)*exp_scale;

    len = k;
    fastAtan2(Y, X, Ori, len, true);
    magnitude(X, Y, Mag, len);
    exp(W, W, len);

    for( k = 0; k < len; k++ )
        float rbin = RBin[k], cbin = CBin[k];
        float obin = (Ori[k] - ori)*bins_per_rad;
        float mag = Mag[k]*W[k];

        int r0 = cvFloor( rbin );
        int c0 = cvFloor( cbin );
        int o0 = cvFloor( obin );
        rbin -= r0;
        cbin -= c0;
        obin -= o0;

        if( o0 < 0 )
            o0 += n;
        if( o0 >= n )
            o0 -= n;

        // histogram update using tri-linear interpolation
        float v_r1 = mag*rbin, v_r0 = mag - v_r1;
        float v_rc11 = v_r1*cbin, v_rc10 = v_r1 - v_rc11;
        float v_rc01 = v_r0*cbin, v_rc00 = v_r0 - v_rc01;
        float v_rco111 = v_rc11*obin, v_rco110 = v_rc11 - v_rco111;
        float v_rco101 = v_rc10*obin, v_rco100 = v_rc10 - v_rco101;
        float v_rco011 = v_rc01*obin, v_rco010 = v_rc01 - v_rco011;
        float v_rco001 = v_rc00*obin, v_rco000 = v_rc00 - v_rco001;

        int idx = ((r0+1)*(d+2) + c0+1)*(n+2) + o0;
        hist[idx] += v_rco000;
        hist[idx+1] += v_rco001;
        hist[idx+(n+2)] += v_rco010;
        hist[idx+(n+3)] += v_rco011;
        hist[idx+(d+2)*(n+2)] += v_rco100;
        hist[idx+(d+2)*(n+2)+1] += v_rco101;
        hist[idx+(d+3)*(n+2)] += v_rco110;
        hist[idx+(d+3)*(n+2)+1] += v_rco111;

    // finalize histogram, since the orientation histograms are circular
    for( i = 0; i < d; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < d; j++ )
            int idx = ((i+1)*(d+2) + (j+1))*(n+2);
            hist[idx] += hist[idx+n];
            hist[idx+1] += hist[idx+n+1];
            for( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                dst[(i*d + j)*n + k] = hist[idx+k];
    // copy histogram to the descriptor,
    // apply hysteresis thresholding
    // and scale the result, so that it can be easily converted
    // to byte array
    float nrm2 = 0;
    len = d*d*n;
    for( k = 0; k < len; k++ )
        nrm2 += dst[k]*dst[k];
    float thr = std::sqrt(nrm2)*SIFT_DESCR_MAG_THR;
    for( i = 0, nrm2 = 0; i < k; i++ )
        float val = std::min(dst[i], thr);
        dst[i] = val;
        nrm2 += val*val;
    nrm2 = SIFT_INT_DESCR_FCTR/std::max(std::sqrt(nrm2), FLT_EPSILON);
    for( k = 0; k < len; k++ )
        dst[k] = saturate_cast(dst[k]*nrm2);

  void SIFT::calcDescriptors(const vector& gpyr, const vector& keypoints,
                            Mat& descriptors, int nOctaveLayers )

    for( size_t i = 0; i < keypoints.size(); i++ )
        KeyPoint kpt = keypoints[i];
        int octv=kpt.octave & 255, layer=(kpt.octave >> 8) & 255;   //该特征点所在的组序号和层序号
        float scale = 1.f/(1 << octv);       //缩放倍数
        float size=kpt.size*scale;           //该特征点所在组的图像尺寸
        Point2f ptf(*scale,*scale);   //该特征点在金字塔组中的坐标
        const Mat& img = gpyr[octv*(nOctaveLayers + 3) + layer];   //该点所在的金字塔图像

        calcSIFTDescriptor(img, ptf, kpt.angle, size*0.5f, d, n, descriptors.ptr((int)i));

int SIFT::descriptorSize() const

int SIFT::descriptorType() const
return CV_32F;

void SIFT::detectImpl( const Mat& image, vector& keypoints, const Mat& mask) const
(*this)(image, mask, keypoints, noArray());

void SIFT::computeImpl( const Mat& image, vector& keypoints, Mat& descriptors) const
(*this)(image, Mat(), keypoints, descriptors, true);

// Sift01.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"
//using namespace cv;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
//Mat m(2,2,CV_8UC1,10);
//Mat m_con;
//m.convertTo(m_con,CV_8UC1,0.5,0);   //m_con=alpha*m+beta;

Mat img=imread("Lena.jpg");
//Mat gray;
//Mat gray_fpt;
// imwrite("gray_fpt.jpg",gray_fpt);   //不能保存CV_16S深度的图像?

//bool doubleImageSize=false;
//double sigma=1.6;
SIFT sift;
Mat base;
base=sift.createInitialImage(img,false,sift.sigma);   //base由gray_fpt经过高斯模糊后得到

vector gpyr,dogpyr;
int nOctaves = cvRound(log( (double)std::min( base.cols, base.rows ) ) / log(2.) - 2);
//int nOctaves=   cvRound(log( (double)std::min( base.cols,base.rows) )/log(2.)-2);



vector keypoints;
  KeyPointsFilter::removeDuplicated( keypoints );
//   for (int i=0;i
//   {
// fout<<keypoints[i].pt<<'n';
  std::cout<<keypoints[i].pt<<" ";
//   }

  if( sift.nfeatures > 0 )
  KeyPointsFilter::retainBest(keypoints, sift.nfeatures);

  int dsize=sift.descriptorSize();   //128
  Mat descriptors;

Mat img_keypoints;

return 0;

未使用包,python源码实现。 SIFT 尺度不变特征转换(Scale-invariant feature transform或SIFT)是一种电脑视觉的算法用来侦测与描述影像中的局部性特征,它在空间尺度中寻找极值点,并提取出其位置、尺度、旋转不变量,此算法由 David Lowe在1999年所发表,2004年完善总结。 其应用范围包含物体辨识、机器人地图感知与导航、影像缝合、3D模型建立、手势辨识、影像追踪和动作比对。 此算法有其专利,专利拥有者为英属哥伦比亚大学。 局部影像特征的描述与侦测可以帮助辨识物体,SIFT 特征是基于物体上的一些局部外观的兴趣点而与影像的大小和旋转无关。对于光线、噪声、些微视角改变的容忍度也相当高。基于这些特性,它们是高度显著而且相对容易撷取,在母数庞大的特征数据库中,很容易辨识物体而且鲜有误认。使用 SIFT特征描述对于部分物体遮蔽的侦测率也相当高,甚至只需要3个以上的SIFT物体特征就足以计算出位置与方位。在现今的电脑硬件速度下和小型的特征数据库条件下,辨识速度可接近即时运算。SIFT特征的信息量大,适合在海量数据库中快速准确匹配。 SIFT算法的特点有: 1. SIFT特征是图像的局部特征,其对旋转、尺度缩放、亮度变化保持不变性,对视角变化、仿射变换、噪声也保持一定程度的稳定性; 2. 独特性(Distinctiveness)好,信息量丰富,适用于在海量特征数据库中进行快速、准确的匹配; 3. 多量性,即使少数的几个物体也可以产生大量的SIFT特征向量; 4. 高速性,经优化的SIFT匹配算法甚至可以达到实时的要求; 5. 可扩展性,可以很方便的与其他形式的特征向量进行联合。 SIFT算法可以解决的问题: 目标的自身状态、场景所处的环境和成像器材的成像特性等因素影响图像配准/目标识别跟踪的性能。而SIFT算法在一定程度上可解决: 1. 目标的旋转、缩放、平移(RST) 2. 图像仿射/投影变换(视点viewpoint) 3. 光照影响(illumination) 4. 目标遮挡(occlusion) 5. 杂物场景(clutter) 6. 噪声 SIFT算法的实质是在不同的尺度空间上查找关键点(特征点),并计算出关键点的方向。SIFT所查找到的关键点是一些十分突出,不会因光照,仿射变换和噪音等因素而变化的点,如角点、边缘点、暗区的亮点及亮区的暗点等。 Lowe将SIFT算法分解为如下四步: 1. 尺度空间极值检测:搜索所有尺度上的图像位置。通过高斯微分函数来识别潜在的对于尺度和旋转不变的兴趣点。 2. 关键点定位:在每个候选的位置上,通过一个拟合精细的模型来确定位置和尺度。关键点的选择依据于它们的稳定程度。 3. 方向确定:基于图像局部的梯度方向,分配给每个关键点位置一个或多个方向。所有后面的对图像数据的操作都相对于关键点的方向、尺度和位置进行变换,从而提供对于这些变换的不变性。 4. 关键点描述:在每个关键点周围的邻域内,在选定的尺度上测量图像局部的梯度。这些梯度被变换成一种表示,这种表示允许比较大的局部形状的变形和光照变化。 本文沿着Lowe的步骤,参考Rob Hess及Andrea Vedaldi源码,详解SIFT算法的实现过程。 未使用包,python源码实现。




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