


select deptno,ename,job,sal,case when sal = max_by_dept then 'TOP SAL IN DEPT' when sal = min_by_dept then 'LOW SAL IN DEPT' end dept_status,case when sal = max_by_job then 'TOP SAL IN JOB' when sal = min_by_job then 'LOW SAL IN JOB' end job_status from (select deptno,ename,job,sal,max(sal)over(partition by deptno) max_by_dept,max(sal)over(partition by job) max_by_job,min(sal)over(partition by deptno) min_by_dept,min(sal)over(partition by job) min_by_job from emp) emp_sals where sal in (max_by_dept,max_by_job,min_by_dept,min_by_job)


select deptno,ename,job,sal,case when sal = max_by_dept then 'TOP SAL IN DEPT' when sal = min_by_dept then 'LOW SAL IN DEPT' end as dept_status,case when sal = max_by_job then 'TOP SAL IN JOB' when sal = min_by_job then 'LOW SAL IN JOB' end as job_status from (select e.deptno,e.ename,e.job,e.sal,(select max(sal) from emp d where d.deptno = e.deptno) as max_by_dept,(select max(sal) from emp d where d.job = e.job) as max_by_job,(select min(sal) from emp d where d.deptno = e.deptno) as min_by_dept,(select min(sal) from emp d where d.job = e.job) as min_by_job from emp e) x where sal in (max_by_dept,max_by_job,min_by_dept,min_by_job)



select case grouping(job) when 0 then job else ‘TOTAL’ end job,sum(sal) sal from emp group by rollup(job)


select coalesce(job,’TOTAL’) job,sum(sal) sal from emp group by job with rollup


select job, sum(sal) as sal from emp group by job union all select ‘TOTAL’, sum(sal) from emp



select deptno,job,case cast(grouping(deptno) as char(1))|| cast(grouping(job) as char(1)) when ‘00′ then ‘TOTAL BY DEPT AND JOB’ when ‘10′ then ‘TOTAL BY JOB’ when ‘01′ then ‘TOTAL BY DEPT’ when ‘11′ then ‘TOTAL FOR TABLE’ end category,sum(sal) from emp group by cube (deptno,job) order by grouping(job),grouping(deptno)


select deptno,job,case grouping(deptno)||grouping(job) when ‘00′ then ‘TOTAL BY DEPT AND JOB’ when ‘10′ then ‘TOTAL BY JOB’ when ‘01′ then ‘TOTAL BY DEPT’ when ‘11′ then ‘GRAND TOTAL FOR TABLE’ end category,sum(sal) sal from emp group by cube(deptno,job) order by grouping(job),grouping(deptno)


select deptno,job,case cast(grouping(deptno)as char(1))+cast(grouping(job)as char(1)) when ‘00′ then ‘TOTAL BY DEPT AND JOB’ when ‘10′ then ‘TOTAL BY JOB’ when ‘01′ then ‘TOTAL BY DEPT’ when ‘11′ then ‘GRAND TOTAL FOR TABLE’ end category,sum(sal) sal from emp group by deptno,job with cube order by grouping(job),grouping(deptno)


select deptno, job,’TOTAL BY DEPT AND JOB’ as category,sum(sal) as sal from emp group by deptno, job union all select null, job, ‘TOTAL BY JOB’, sum(sal) from emp group by job union all select deptno, null, ‘TOTAL BY DEPT’, sum(sal) from emp group by deptno union all select null,null,’GRAND TOTAL FOR TABLE’, sum(sal) from emp


select deptno, job, sum(sal) sal,grouping(deptno) deptno_subtotals,grouping(job) job_subtotals from emp group by cube(deptno,job) select deptno, job, sum(sal) sal,grouping(deptno) deptno_subtotals,grouping(job) job_subtotals from emp group by deptno,job with cube


select ename,case when job = ‘CLERK’ then 1 else 0 end as is_clerk, case when job = ‘SALESMAN’ then 1 else 0 end as is_sales,case when job = ‘MANAGER’ then 1 else 0 end as is_mgr,case when job = ‘ANALYST’ then 1 else 0 end as is_analyst,case when job = ‘PRESIDENT’ then 1 else 0 end as is_prez from emp order by 2,3,4,5,6


select case deptno when 10 then ename end as d10,case deptno when 20 then ename end as d20,case deptno when 30 then ename end as d30,case job when ‘CLERK’ then ename end as clerks,case job when ‘MANAGER’ then ename end as mgrs,case job when ‘PRESIDENT’ then ename end as prez,case job when ‘ANALYST’ then ename end as anals,case job when ‘SALESMAN’ then ename end as sales from emp


select ceil(trx_id/5.0) as grp,min(trx_date) as trx_start,max(trx_date) as trx_end,sum(trx_cnt) as total from trx_log group by ceil(trx_id/5.0)



select ename,deptno,count(*)over(partition by deptno) deptno_cnt,job,count(*)over(partition by job) job_cnt,count(*)over() total from emp


select e.ename,e.deptno,(select count(*) from emp d where d.deptno = e.deptno) as deptno_cnt,job,(select count(*) from emp d where d.job = e.job) as job_cnt,(select count(*) from emp) as total from emp e



select hiredate,sal,sum(sal)over(order by days(hiredate) range between 90 preceding and current row) spending_pattern from emp e select hiredate,sal,sum(sal)over(order by hiredate range between 90 preceding and current row) spending_pattern from emp e


select e.hiredate,e.sal,(select sum(sal) from emp d where d.hiredate between e.hiredate-90 and e.hiredate) as spending_pattern from emp e order by 1



select mgr,sum(case deptno when 10 then sal else 0 end) dept10,sum(case deptno when 20 then sal else 0 end) dept20,sum(case deptno when 30 then sal else 0 end) dept30,sum(case flag when ‘11′ then sal else null end) total from (select deptno,mgr,sum(sal) sal,cast(grouping (deptno) as char(1))||cast(grouping(mgr) as char(1)) flag from emp where mgr is not null group by rollup(deptno,mgr)) x group by mgr


select mgr,sum(case deptno when 10 then sal else 0 end) dept10,sum(case deptno when 20 then sal else 0 end) dept20,sum(case deptno when 30 then sal else 0 end) dept30,sum(case flag when ‘11′ then sal else null end) total from (select deptno,mgr,sum(sal) sal,cast(grouping (deptno) as char(1))+cast(grouping(mgr) as char(1)) flag from emp where mgr is not null group by deptno,mgr with rollup) x group by mgr

select a.ename || ‘ works for ‘ || b.ename as emps_and_mgrs from emp a, emp b where a.mgr =


select concat(a.ename, ‘ works for ‘,b.ename) as emps_and_mgrs from emp a, emp b where a.mgr

= b.empno

select a.ename + ‘ works for ‘ + b.ename as emps_and_mgrs from emp a, emp b where a.mgr =


with x (tree,mgr,depth) as (select cast(ename as varchar(100)),mgr, 0 from emp where

ename = ‘MILLER’ union all select cast(x.tree+’–>’+e.ename as varchar(100)),e.mgr,

x.depth+1 from emp e, x where x.mgr = e.empno)
select tree leaf___branch___root from x where depth = 2

select ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(ename,’–>’),’–>’) leaf___branch___root from emp where

level = 3 start with ename = ‘MILLER’ connect by prior mgr = empno

select a.ename||’–>’||b.ename||’–>’||c.ename as leaf___branch___root from emp a, emp b,

emp c where a.ename = ‘MILLER’ and a.mgr = b.empno and b.mgr = c.empno

with x (ename,empno) as (select cast(ename as varchar(100)),empno from emp where mgr is null

union all select cast(x.ename||’ - ‘||e.ename as varchar(100)),e.empno from emp e, x where

e.mgr = x.empno)
select ename as emp_tree from x order by 1

select ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(ename,’ - ‘),’ - ‘) emp_tree from emp start with mgr is

null connect by prior empno=mgr order by 1

select emp_tree from (select ename as emp_tree from emp where mgr is null union select

a.ename||’ - ‘||b.ename from emp a join emp b on (a.empno=b.mgr) where a.mgr is null union

select rtrim(a.ename||’ - ‘||b.ename||’ - ‘||c.ename,’ - ‘) from emp a join emp b on

(a.empno=b.mgr) left join emp c on (b.empno=c.mgr) where a.ename = ‘KING’ union select

rtrim(a.ename||’ - ‘||b.ename||’ - ‘||c.ename||’ - ‘||d.ename,’ - ‘) from emp a join emp b

on (a.empno=b.mgr) join emp c on (b.empno=c.mgr) left join emp d on (c.empno=d.mgr) where

a.ename = ‘KING’) x where tree is not null order by 1

select emp_tree from (select ename as emp_tree from emp where mgr is null union select

concat(a.ename,’ - ‘,b.ename) from emp a join emp b on (a.empno=b.mgr) where a.mgr is null

union select concat(a.ename,’ - ‘,b.ename,’ - ‘,c.ename) from emp a join emp b on

(a.empno=b.mgr) left join emp c on (b.empno=c.mgr) where a.ename = ‘KING’ union select

concat(a.ename,’ - ‘,b.ename,’ - ‘,c.ename,’ - ‘,d.ename) from emp a join emp b on

(a.empno=b.mgr) join emp c on (b.empno=c.mgr) left join emp d on (c.empno=d.mgr) where

a.ename = ‘KING’) x where tree is not null order by 1

with x (ename,empno) as (select ename,empno from emp where ename = ‘JONES’ union all select

e.ename, e.empno from emp e, x where x.empno = e.mgr)
select ename from x

select ename from emp start with ename = ‘JONES’ connect by prior empno = mgr

select distinct case t100.id when 1 then root when 2 then branch else leaf end as

JONES_SUBORDINATES from (select a.ename as root,b.ename as branch,c.ename as leaf from emp

a, emp b, emp c where a.ename = ‘JONES’ and a.empno = b.mgr and b.empno = c.mgr) x,t100

where t100.id < = 6

create view v1 as select ename,mgr,empno from emp where ename = 'JONES'
create view v2 as select ename,mgr,empno from emp where mgr = (select empno from v1)
create view v3 as select ename,mgr,empno from emp where mgr in (select empno from v2)

select ename from v1 union select ename from v2 union select ename from v3

select e.ename,(select sign(count(*)) from emp d where 0 =(select count(*) from emp f where

f.mgr = e.empno)) as is_leaf,(select sign(count(*)) from emp d where d.mgr = e.empno and

e.mgr is not null) as is_branch,(select sign(count(*)) from emp d where d.empno = e.empno
and d.mgr is null) as is_root from emp e order by 4 desc,3 desc

select ename,connect_by_isleaf is_leaf,(select count(*) from emp e where e.mgr = emp.empno
and emp.mgr is not null and rownum = 1) is_branch,decode(ename,connect_by_root(ename),1,0)

is_root from emp start with mgr is null connect by prior empno = mgr order by 4 desc, 3 desc




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