Scala学习笔记4 (Object-Oriented Programming)

4.   OOP

4.1.     class

4.1.1.  定义


class User {

  var name = "anonymous"

  var age:Int = _

  val country = "china"

  def email = name + "@mail"



val u = new User

// var定义的属性可读可写 = "qh"; u.age = 30

println( + ", " + u.age) // "qh, 30"

// val 定义的属性只读不可写 = "usa" // 报错

println( // "china"

// def 定义的是方法每次调用时重新计算 // "qh@mail"



// 定义

class Person(ln : String, fn : String, s : Person = null) {

  def lastName = ln;   // def定义后才是属性,lnfns不可见

  def firstName = fn;

  def spouse = s;

  def introduction() : String =

    return (

("Hi, " + firstName + " " + lastName) +

(if (spouse != null) " and spouse, " + spouse.firstName + " " + spouse.lastName + "."

 else ".")



// 调用

new Person("aa","bb", new Person("cc","dd")).introduction();


4.1.2.  构造方法

class c1(x:String) // 等同于:class c1(private var x:String)

val o1 = new c1("aaa")

o1.x // 报错,因为是private的,定义成 class c1(var x:String) 或者 class c1(val x:String) 才能这样用



object construct1 {

  class c1(name:String, age:Int) { // (1)直接在类定义处

    def this() { this("anonymous", 20) } // (2)this定义

    def m1() = {  printf("%s=%d\n", name, age) }


  def main(args:Array[String]) = {

    new c1().m1()

    new c1("qh", 30).m1()



编译:fsc construct1.scala

运行:java construct1



class c2(name:String, age:Int, female:Boolean=false) extends c1(name,age) {

    override def toString = { name + "," +  age + "," + female }



4.1.3.  override

不同于Java的使用 @Override,或者直接使用相同名字覆盖父类方法。

    override def toString = { name + "," +  age + "," + female }


4.1.4.  object单例对象 天然的Singleton

classes in Scala cannot have static members. Instead, Scala has singleton objects.
A singleton object definition looks like a class definition, except instead of the keyword class you use the keyword object.
Defining a singleton object doesn't define a type.

When a singleton object shares the same name with a class, it is called that class’s companion object. You must define both the class and its companion object in the same source file. The class is called the companion class of the singleton object. A class and its companion object can access each other's private members.

A singleton object is more than a holder of static methods, however. It is a first-class object. A singleton object is initialized the first time some code accesses it.




[java]  view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片 派生到我的代码片
  1. public class User {  
  2.   private String name;  
  3.   private User(String name) {; }  
  4.   private static theUser = new User("Nick");  
  5.   public static User instance() {  
  6.     return theUser;  
  7.   }  
  8. }  

[java]  view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片 派生到我的代码片
  1. object User {      
  2.   var name:String = _  
  3.   def apply(name:String){; this}  
  4.   override def toString = "name: " + name  
  5. }  
[java]  view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片 派生到我的代码片

 A singleton object that does not share the same name with a companion class is called a standalone object. You can use standalone objects for many purposes, including collecting related utility methods together, or defining an entry point to a Scala application.

4.1.5.  静态方法


object Stringx {

    def left(s0:String, s:String) = ...


直接调用Stringx.left(s0, s),或者 Stringx left (s0, s)




--------- ImportSub.scala

object ImportSub {

  def fac(n: Int) = 1 to n reduceLeft (_ * _)

  implicit def foo(n: Int) = new { def ! = fac(n) }


--------- ImportMain.scala

import ImportSub._

object ImportMain {

  def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {

      println(5!// 调用ImportSub中定义的implicit函数



4.1.6.  case class(条件类)


case class Person(name:String, age:Int)   


l  新建类实例不用new Person(..),直接用Person("qh",20)

l  自动定义好getXX方法,Person("qh",20).name // "qh"

l  提供默认的toString(), Person("qh",20) // "Person(qh,20)"

l  结合类继承可以通过模式匹配进行分解


abstract class Person

case class Man(power:Int) extends Person

case class Woman(beauty:Int, from:String) extends Person


val w1 = Woman(100,"china")

val w2 = w1.copy(from="usa") // Woman(100,"usa")


def f(t:Person) = t match {

case Man(x) => "man's power:" + x

case Woman(x,y) => y + " beauty:" + x


f(Man(100)) // man's power:100

f(Woman(90, "china")) // china beauty:90


注:基本类型直接可以用math case



case class C1(var s: String, var ops: Int) { 

  def >>= (f: (String=>String)) = {

    s = f(s)  // s改变

    ops += 1  // ops改变

    this // 返回自身,可以连续调用



val C1(res, ops) = C1("ab", 0) >>= (_ * 3) >>= (_ drop 3)

// res="ab"->"ababab"->"bab", ops=0-> 0+1+1->2



例子3:用case class代替tuple

val p = ("qh",20) // p._1 = "qh", p._2 = 20;好处是简洁,但无意义

case class person(name:String, age:Int)

val p = person("qh",20) // = "qh", p.age = 20; 好处是有名字,自说明,可读性强


例子4:用case class来描述元数据


<todo name = "housework">

<item priority = "high">Clean the hose</item>

<item priority = "medium">Wash the dishes</item>

<item priority = "medium">Buy more soap</item>



    case class item(priority:String, s:String)

    case class todo(name:String, items:List[item])

    todo (name="housework",

items=item("high","Clean the house")::

item("medium","Wash the dishes")::

item("medium","Buy more soap")::Nil)


4.1.7.  case object(条件单例对象)


case object Start

case object Stop


4.1.8.  枚举


   enum fruits { apple, banana, cherry }


sealed abstract class Fruits // sealed类似于javafinal

case object Apple extends Fruits

case object Banana extends Fruits

case object Cherry extends Fruits

也可以是 case class


4.1.9.  属性和Bean


class c {

var name = "anonymous" // var定义的是r/w的属性

val age = 20  // val定义的是只r属性



val o = new c = "qh" // "qh"

o.age = 10 // 错误

o.age // 20




class c2 {

@reflect.BeanProperty var name = "anonymous"


val o2 = new c2 = "qh" // 也可以直接存取 // "qh"

o2.setName("james") // 增加了set/get方法

o2.getName() // "james"

4.1.10.      反射


    case o:FooClass1 => ...

相关还有isInstanceOf[T], asInstanceOf[T]



"hello"<_).mkString(", ")



classOf[String] // 相当于java中的String.class

"aaa".isInstanceOf[String] // true



4.2.     trait超级接口

注:trait  [treit] n.特征,特点,特性




Tom,可能是Engine Son两个trait的混合;



4.2.1.  trait使用

trait Runnable {

  def run(): Unit;




class c1 extends Runnable {...}



class c1 extends c0 with Runnable {

    def run(): Unit = {...}




class c1 extends t1 with t2 with t3 {...}


4.2.2.  mixin

class Human

class Child


trait Dad {

    private var children:List[Child] = Nil

    def add(child:Child) = child :: children



class Man1(name:String) extends Human with Dad // 静态mixin

class Man2(name:String) extends Human // 先不具备Dad trait


val m1 = new Man1("qh")

m1.add(new Child)


val m2 = new Man2("小孩")

//    m2.add(new Child) // 报错   

val m2$ = new Man2("james"with Dad // 动态mixin

m2$.add(new Child)



4.3.     协变和逆变(co-|contra-)variance


4.3.1.  概念


Function[A, B]Function[-A, +B]的区别图示:




trait Queue[T] {}


trait Queue[+T] {}


如果S extends A (S为子类型,A为父类型)


S <: A => Queue[S] <: Queue[A]            

trait Queue[-T] {}


如果S extends A (S为子类型,A为父类型)


S <: A => Queue[S] >: Queue[A]





4.3.2.  类型上下界




foo[T <% Ordered[T]](...)



foo[T <: Ordered[T]](...)



foo[T >: A](...)



4.3.3.  协变、逆变结合上下界


trait c1[+T] {

def m[K >: T](x:K) = x }

trait c1[-T] {

def m[K <: T](x:K) = x }

object c2 extends c1[Int]

c2.m(3) // 3

c2.m(3.0) // 3.0

c2.m("abc") // "abc"

object c2 extends c1[Int]

c2.m(3) // 3

c2.m(3.0) // 报错

c2.m("abc") // 报错





// 非变

case class T1[T](e:T)

val v1:T1[java.lang.Integer] = new T1(100)

val v2:T1[java.lang.Integer] = v1

v2.e // 100

val v3:T1[java.lang.Number] = v1 // 报错


// 协变

case class T1[+T](e:T)

val v1:T1[java.lang.Integer] = new T1(100)

val v2:T1[java.lang.Integer] = v1

v2.e // 100

val v3:T1[java.lang.Number] = v1 // 合法

v3.e // 100

val v4:T1[java.lang.Integer] = v3 //非法


// 逆变

class T1[-T](e:T)

val v1:T1[java.lang.Number] = new T1(100)

val v2:T1[java.lang.Number] = v1

val v3:T1[java.lang.Integer] = v1 // 合法

val v4:T1[java.lang.Number] = v3 // 非法

Title: R Object-Oriented Programming Author: Kelly Black Length: 190 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2014-10-23 ISBN-10: 1783986689 ISBN-13: 9781783986682 A practical guide to help you learn and understand the programming techniques necessary to exploit the full power of R About This Book Learn and understand the programming techniques necessary to solve specific problems and speed up development processes for statistical models and applications Explore the fundamentals of building objects and how they program individual aspects of larger data designs Step-by-step guide to understand how OOP can be applied to application and data models within R Who This Book Is For This book is designed for people with some experience in basic programming practices. It is also assumed that they have some basic experience using R and are familiar using the command line in an R environment. Our primary goal is to raise a beginner to a more advanced level to make him/her more comfortable creating programs and extending R to solve common problems. In Detail R is best suited to produce data and visual analytics through customizable scripts and commands, instead of typical statistical tools that provide tick boxes and drop-down menus for users. The book is divided into three parts to help you perform these steps. It starts by providing you with an overview of the basic data types, data structures, and tools available in R that are used to solve common tasks. It then moves on to offer insights and examples on object-oriented programming with R; this includes an introduction to the basic control structures available in R with examples. It also includes details on how to implement S3 and S4 classes. Finally, the book provides three detailed examples that demonstrate how to bring all of these ideas together. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Data Types Chapter 2. Organizing Data Chapter 3. Saving Data and Printing Results Chapter 4. Calculating Probabilities and Random Numbers Chapter 5. Character and String Operations Chapter 6. Converting and Defining Time Variables Chapter 7. Basic Programming Chapter 8. S3 Classes Chapter 9. S4 Classes Chapter 10. Case Study – Course Grades Chapter 11. Case Study – Simulation
Build sophisticated web applications by mastering the art of Object-Oriented Javascript About This Book Learn popular Object-Oriented programming (OOP) principles and design patterns to build robust apps Implement Object-Oriented concepts in a wide range of frontend architectures Capture objects from real-world elements and create object-oriented code that represents them Learn the latest ES6 features and how to test and debug issues with JavaScript code using various modern mechanisms Who This Book Is For JavaScript developers looking to enhance their web developments skills by learning object-oriented programming. What You Will Learn Get acquainted with the basics of JavaScript language constructs along with object-oriented programming and its application. Learn to build scalable server application in JavaScript using Node.js Generate instances in three programming languages: Python, JavaScript, and C# Work with a combination of access modifiers, prefixes, properties, fields, attributes, and local variables to encapsulate and hide data Master DOM manipulation, cross-browser strategies, and ES6 Identify and apply the most common design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, Observer, Model-View-Controller, and Mediator Patterns Design applications using a modular architecture based on SOLID principles In Detail JavaScript is the behavior, the third pillar in today's paradigm that looks at web pages as something that consists of : content (HTML), presentation (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript). Using JavaScript, you can create interactive web pages along with desktop widgets, browser, and application extensions, and other pieces of software. Object-oriented programming, which is popularly known as OOP, is basically based on the concept of objects rather than actions. The first module will help you master JavaScript and build futuristic web applications. You will start by getting acquainted with the language constructs and how to organize code easily. You develop concrete understanding of variable scoping, loops, and best practices on using types and data structures, as well as the coding style and recommended code organization patterns in JavaScript. The book will also teach you how to use arrays and objects as data structures. By the end of the book, you will understand how reactive JavaScript is going to be the new paradigm. The second module is an easy-to-follow course, which includes hands-on examples of solutions to common problems with object-oriented code. It will help to identify objects from real-life scenarios, to protect and hide data with the data encapsulation features of Python, JavaScript, and C#. You will discover the advantage of duck typing in both Python and JavaScript, while you work with interfaces and generics in C#. With a fair understanding of interfaces, multiple inheritance, and composition, you will move on to refactor existing code and to organize your source for easy maintenance and extension. The third module takes you through all the in-depth and exciting futures hidden behind the facade. You should read through this course if you want to be able to take your JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication. Style and approach This course is a comprehensive guide where each chapter consists of best practices, constructive advice, and few easy-to-follow examples that will build up your skills as you advance through the book. Get object oriented with this course, which takes you on a journey to get acquainted with few useful hands-on tools, features, and ways to enhance your productivity using OOP techniques. It will also act as a reference guide with useful examples on resolving problems with object-oriented code in Python, JavaScript, and C#. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Javascript Primer Chapter 2: Functions, Closures, And Modules Chapter 3: Data Structures And Manipulation Chapter 4: Object-Oriented Javascript Chapter 5: Javascript Patterns Chapter 6: Testing And Debugging Chapter 7: Ecmascript 6 Chapter 8: Dom Manipulation And Events Chapter 9: Server-Side Javascript Chapter 10: Objects Everywhere Chapter 11: Classes And Instances Chapter 12: Encapsulation Of Data Chapter 13: Inheritance And Specialization Chapter 14: Interfaces, Multiple Inheritance, And Composition Chapter 15: Duck Typing And Generics Chapter 16: Organization Of Object-Oriented Code Chapter 17: Taking Full Advantage Of Object-Oriented Programming Chapter 18: Object-Oriented Javascript Chapter 19: Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, And Conditions Chapter 20: Functions Chapter 21: Objects Chapter 22: Prototype Chapter 23: Inheritance Chapter 24: The Browser Environment Chapter 25: Coding And Design Patterns Chapter 26: Reserved Words Chapter 27: Built-In Functions Chapter 28: Built-In Objects Chapter 29: Regular Expressions




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