Tmux - A Great Terminal Multiplexer

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Tmux - A Great Terminal Multiplexer

1 The Itches

Isn't it boring and inefficient that

  • Loosing everything when the connection to a server break.
  • Switching among dozens of terminal windows.
  • Drag&drop again and again to tile terminal windows
  • Can not share current terminal with others.
  • Only a single command line available (when connected via a serial lineetc.).

2 Why Tmux

A terminal multiplexer capable of

  1. tabbed windowing
  2. detach/re-attach
  3. remote-share, pair-working (esp. remote pair-working)
  4. window split and tiling
  5. grouping windows
  6. re-sizing windows

Meanwhile, it is

  1. Easy to install & use
  2. Well defined command line interface
    • For interactive use and for scripting.
  3. Well documented
  4. BSD licensed

3 Why NOT xxx

  • 3.1 Why NOT VNC
  • 3.2 Why NOT GNU "screen"
  • 3.3 Why NOT secureCRT

3.1 Why NOT VNC

The cons of VNC:

  1. Depends on X (GUI environment).
  2. Consume more CPU and network traffic (I think).
  3. Can not resize the desktop (Latest realvnc can).
  4. Does not tile (To be accurate, you can start a tiling WM in VNC.Average engineers just don't bother or able to do that).
  5. Non-native windows that response slowly

The pros of VNC:

  1. Uses dedicated password instead of login/password for sharing
  2. Supports X applications

3.2 Why NOT GNU "screen"

Tmux is kind of the next-gen of screen. People say tmux is superiorsince it

  1. Is easier to configure.
  2. Is easier to split window and change layout.
  3. Is able to resize window.
  4. Is easier to scripting.
  5. Cleaner architecture, code, document etc.

3.3 Why NOT secureCRT

I prefer "putty + tmux + to" since, as far as I know, secureCRT

  1. can not detach/attach
  2. can not group windows per projects(or bug/escalation etc.)
  3. can not remote share
  4. can not tile (?)
  5. seems it does not support UTF-8
  6. not convenient if the host list is really long
  7. can not jump to destination host via an intermediate server
  8. your hot-keys is not available other PCs, or after re-install
  9. non-free

4 Feature Highlights

  • 4.1 Detach and re-attach
  • 4.2 Multiple "tabbed" windows on one connection
  • 4.3 Remote share and auto-resize
  • 4.4 Split windows at will
  • 4.5 Tile windows with preset layouts
  • 4.6 Group windows into sessions
  • 4.7 Easy to use
  • 4.8 Suports scripting
  • 4.9 Free (as in "freedom")

4.1 Detach and re-attach

  • Network unstable?
  • Has to bring laptop home or meeting room?
  • Laptop crashed?
  • Mistakenly closed the terminal?

Does NOT matter! just re-attach.

4.2 Multiple "tabbed" windows on one connection


4.3 Remote share and auto-resize


This is a window auto-resized since my peer's terminal window is smaller thanmine.

4.4 Split windows at will

  • 4.4.1 Real-world example: working with TL1
  • 4.4.2 Real-world example: upgrade ATCA blades simultaneously
4.4.1 Real-world example: working with TL1


One window for each of the following:

  1. Emacs to compose TL1 commands
  2. TL1 session to launch TL1 commands
  3. MYSQL session to inspect DB
  4. Another session to query DB to verify TL1 commands
  5. Misc. tasks
4.4.2 Real-world example: upgrade ATCA blades simultaneously


Each window monitors one blade.

4.5 Tile windows with preset layouts

  • 4.5.1 tiled
  • 4.5.2 main horizontal
  • 4.5.3 main vertical
4.5.1 tiled


4.5.2 main horizontal


4.5.3 main vertical


Other layouts not shown in this slides:

  • even horizontal
  • even vertical

4.6 Group windows into sessions


Focus on what you are working on right now.

Say, one session per project/work-item. Easily switch among the handfulwindows within current session. Windows in other sessions does not distractyou.

4.7 Easy to use

  • A simplistic setup procedure (the section of setup)
  • A minimal set of hotkeys (the basic operations)
  • A nice support of mouse even though it is a CLI (how to enable mousesupport)

4.8 Suports scripting

  • Automatically create or attach to a session
    function tg {
        local session_name="$1"
        if [ -n "$session_name" ]; then
            tmux -2 attach -t "$session_name" || tmux -2 new -s "$session_name"
            tmux -2 attach || tmux -2 new -s 'misc'
  • Retrieve content of the clipboard of tmux in Emacs
    (defun lgfang-get-tmux-copied ()
      "Get current tmux buffer"
      (call-process "tmux" nil t nil "show-buffer"))
  • A more complicated example can be found here

4.9 Free (as in "freedom")

Last but not least: it is BSD-licensed.

That means it is free to

  • Use
  • Modify
  • Re-distribute
  • Or even make profit from it.

5 Demo

If scheduled, demonstrate window/pane/attach/session/nesting

  1. Connect to server HOST-A (say, a server hosts UDR virtual machines) which Ialready has at least one tmux session.
  2. Create a demo session with "tg demo"
  3. Create windows/panes and ssh to HOST-B, which is only accessible fromHOST-A (say the pilot card with 10.* IPs)
  4. Changing layout, rotate panes within the window
  5. Join/swap panes
  6. Share
  7. Disconnect and re-attach
  8. Create a nested tmux session on HOST-B and create windows within it.
  9. Switch between the sessions on host-A
  10. Explain the naming rule "session_name:window_index.pane_index"
  11. Moving windows/panes between sessions
  12. Automatically attach to tmux upon login
    • the putty way
    • the command line way

6 Installation

  • 6.1 The most simple way
  • 6.2 The preferred way
  • 6.3 Install from source

6.1 The most simple way

Copy a statically-linked "tmux" binary to the server.

6.2 The preferred way

Most modern linux/unix variants have package manage system like yum/portswhich download and install tmux for you in a single command.

For instance, for fedora/rhel

yum install tmux

6.3 Install from source

Here is how you install tmux from source code in case needed. (NOTE: compilea statically linked, 32-bit binary for portability)

# install libevent if not already
tar xvfz libevent-1.4.14b-stable.tar.gz
cd libevent-1.4.14b-stable
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local
make && make install
tar xvfz tmux-1.6.tar.gz && cd tmux-1.6/
./configure --enable-static --prefix=$HOME/.local \
    CFLAGS="-I$HOME/.local/include" LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/.local/lib"
make && make install

# echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile

For cygwin, refer to here.

7 Setup

  1. Server side

    Make sure your locale is a uft-8 one, such as en_US.utf8 or zh_CN.utf8.

    # in your profile
    export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.utf8 # or "LC_ALL" if you prefer
  2. Make sure your terminal emulator
    1. deals with UTF8 chars correctly.
    2. does not intercept hot-keys sent to tmux.
    3. has a way to NOT send keys to application.

    Let's take PuTTY for example:

    • Window -> Translation -> Received data...character set: UTF-8

      Your putty can display UTF-8 characters (the TMUX pane border and theChinese chars).

    • Terminal -> Keyboard -> The Function keys and keypad: XtermR6
    • Window -> Selection -> Shift overrides applications use of mouse.

      This enables you to copy/paste in your PuTTY as usual except you need tohold down <shift> key in the meantime.

      NOTE: refer to copy mode for more sophisticate copy/paste.

8 Basic operations

All that you need for your daily work (Note that I bind the prefix key toF12):

  1. New session :: tmux [new -s session-name]
  2. Attach :: tmux attach [-t session-name]
  3. Detach :: F12 d
  4. New window :: F12 c
  5. Split vertically :: F12 _
  6. Split horizontally :: F12 |
  7. Change layout :: F12 <space>
  8. Kill pane :: F12 x (Use this only when the pane does notresponse)
set-option -g prefix F12

9 Enable mouse support

set-option -g mouse-select-pane on
set-option -g mouse-resize-pane on
set-option -g mouse-select-window on
set-window-option -g mode-mouse on

10 Intermediate Usages

You are ready to get started already. However, you may find followingslides useful.

  • 10.1 Important concepts
  • 10.2 Customization
  • 10.3 Eye candy
  • 10.4 Windows
  • 10.5 Panes
  • 10.6 Copy mode
  • 10.7 Sessions within tmux client
  • 10.8 Run complicated commands
  • 10.9 About configuration

10.1 Important concepts

  • Server instance
  • Sessions
  • Windows
  • Panes
  • Handover of key-stokes

10.2 Customization

Refer to my ~/.tmux.conf at ./tmux.html.

Some examples:

# Emacser can not use default prefix 'C-b' :)
set-option -g prefix F12
bind-key | split-window -h
bind-key _ split-window -v

10.3 Eye candy


10.4 Windows

  1. Select previous working window :: F12 l
  2. Select the N^th window :: F12 N
  3. Select next window (index+1) :: F12 n
  4. Select previous window (index-1) :: F12 p
  5. To rename a window :: =F12 ,= then input new name

10.5 Panes

  1. Select pane :: F12 <Tab>/<left>/<right>/<up>/<down>
  2. Swap two adjacent panes :: F12 {
  3. Break current pane to a new window :: F12 !
  4. Join pane y in window x to current window :: F12 j then type in x.y
  5. Swap with pane y of window x :: F12 m then type in x.y
  6. Toggle Synchronize mode, i.e. duplicate input (key-stokes) to allpanes in the same window :: F12 Ctrl-s. Sometimes, this is canbe handy for testers
bind-key Tab select-pane -t:.+
bind-key BTab select-pane -t:.-
set-option -g display-time 3000
bind-key j command-prompt "join-pane -s '%1'"
bind-key m command-prompt -p "move (swap) current pane with: " "swap-pane -s %1"
bind-key C-s setw synchronize-panes

10.6 Copy mode

  1. F12 [ or F12 <PageUp> to enter ``copy mode'', and then view,search and copy screen output as described below.
    • Scroll up/down: <PageUp> / <PageDown>, or Emacs(or vi if youconfigured that way) key bindings, or mouse wheel.
    • Search, just use Emacs key bindings for search (or that of vi based onyour configure):
      1. Ctrl-r
      2. Type in string to search
      3. Enter
      4. Press n/N for next/previous match
    • Copy: Emacs/vi key bindings
  2. Paste: F12 ]
  3. Show "clip board": F12 =
  4. Customize if you want
    set-window-option -g mode-keys emacs
    set-option -g history-limit 600000

10.7 Sessions within tmux client

  1. New session :: F12 : new-session -s session_name
  2. Choose(switch) session :: F12 s
  3. Move window among sessions :: F12 : move-window -t session_name

10.8 Run complicated commands

  1. Command mode: F12 : source-file .tmux.conf
  2. Command line command: tmux source-file .tmux.conf

10.9 About configuration

  1. F12 : source-file .tmux.conf
  2. "restart" tmux does not make new configure take effect?

    You just "restarted" a session, not the tmux server.

  3. What does -g in set-option -g mean?

    Without -g, the option applies to current session only.

11 Advanced

  • 11.1 Log screen outputs
  • 11.2 Another way
  • 11.3 Nesting tmux
  • 11.4 Types of hot-keys
  • 11.5 Maximize a pane temporary
  • 11.6 Command line auto-complete

11.1 Log screen outputs

When you want screen log of current pane, save it with F12 Ctrl-h

bind-key C-h command-prompt -p "save log to:" "copy-mode; send-keys 'M->' C-e C-space 'M-<' C-a C-w; save-buffer %%"
# # if "set-window-option -g mode-keys vi", use this one:
# bind-key C-h command-prompt -p "save log to:" "copy-mode; send-keys g 'space' G 'enter'; save-buffer %%"

11.2 Another way

Though I do not recommend this one, here it is:

  1. Start logging :: F12 h
  2. Stop logging :: F12 H
# for mode-keys emacs
bind-key h pipe-pane "cat >>$HOME/#S-#I-#P.log" \; display-message "Start logging($HOME/#S-#I-#P.log)"
bind-key H pipe-pane \; display-message "Stop logging(#S-#I-#P.log)"

11.3 Nesting tmux

There are sometimes the need to nest tmux sessions. For example:Start a tmux session on local Linux box. Then, from within that tmuxsession, ssh to a server and run another tmux session.

To send prefix to

  1. Outer tmux session :: F12
  2. Nested tmux session :: F11
  3. tmux session nested twice :: F11 Ctrl-b
  4. One more layer :: F11 Ctrl-b Ctrl-b (do you really want a nestednested nested … session?)
bind-key -n F11 send-prefix
bind-key C-b send-prefix

11.4 Types of hot-keys

  1. Normal (follows the prefix) :: bind-key Tab select-pane -t:.+
  2. Repeatable :: bind-key -r Space next-layout
  3. Without prefix :: bind-key -n F11 send-prefix

11.5 Maximize a pane temporary

Use cases:

  1. Show more in the pane for a little while
  2. Maximize, copy (drag mouse) and restore

For latest tmux (version 1.8), already has built-in support. F12 zto toggle.

For older versions, here is a trick :

unbind z
bind-key z run "if [[ $(tmux list-window) =~ MAX ]]; then \
     tmux last-window;\
     tmux swap-pane -s MAX.0; \
     tmux kill-window -t MAX; \
     else tmux new-window -d -n MAX; \
     tmux swap-pane -s MAX.0; \
     tmux select-window -t MAX;fi"

11.6 Command line auto-complete

if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" -a -f $HOME/.local/bin/ ]; then
    source $HOME/.local/bin/
# -n $BASH_VERSION ==> we are in bash

13 Backup

  • 13.1 Reference card according to my conf
  • 13.2 Auto-login and hot-keys

13.1 Reference card according to my conf

List KeysF12 ?
DetachF12 d
New windowF12 c
Split verticallyF12 _
Split horizontallyF12 |
Change layoutF12 <space>
Kill paneF12 x
Select windowF12 idx
Last windowF12 l
Rename windowF12 , new-name
Save logF12 Ctrl-h
Select paneF12 <Tab>/<left>/<right>/<up>/<down>
Break current paneF12 !
Join a paneF12 j x.y
Swap two panesF12 {

13.2 Auto-login and hot-keys

Some can not live without

  1. auto-login: the emulators remember hostip/username/password.
  2. auto-hotkey: a windows software enable you to define your ownhotkeys.

I wrote "to" in expect, which is IMHO more convenient.

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