描述配置文件( .mobileconfig)


  配置描述文件是XML 文件,包含以下内容:设备安全策略、VPN 配置信息、Wi-Fi 设置、APN 设置、Exchange帐户设置、邮件设置以及允许 iPhone 和 iPod touch 与企业系统配合使用的证书。




  目前所知的,安装这个配置文件除了上述的使用“iphone配置实用工具”之外,还可以通过邮件附件或通过使用safari浏览包含有下载的网页的方式激活安装(install profile窗口)。




Over-the-air IPhone Setup Using a Signed .mobileconfig File

Note: this does not push your configuration to an iPhone. The user of the iPhone must go to a web address and install aconfiguration profile.

   Suppose that you have a few iPhones that you need to support, but you don't want to spend the time typing in all of the e-mail (IMAP or POP), LDAP, wireless network, or other settings into each phone. Perhaps you have foundApple's Enterprise Deployment Guide but you don't really feellike setting up a whole SCEP Certification Authority to get things done either since your requirements are so simple. But you do realize that it is much easier to tell your user to go to https://example.com/iphone/ on their iPhone than to step themthrough all the individual setup routines.

   Amazingly enough, there is not much documentation out there on how to hand-roll a.mobileconfig file that you can pass out on an HTTPS server to your users. We also want it to be "Verified" by the iPhone so that your users can see it is from you. While they can install untrusted profiles, it sure adds a nice touch to have the green checkmark.

   Perhaps you've scoured the Internet since you've read that you can "just useopenssl smime" to sign your .mobileconfig file, but no one seems to tell you how. We'll go over that here as well.


1) Create a configuration(.mobileconfig) file

   This file will contain all the configuration you want for your users' iPhones. I believe youcan use Apple'siPhoneConfiguration Utility to create this file. You don't have to,but it'll probably save you some typing.

   The Enterprise Deployment Guide defines the syntax of the profilesin Appendix B. You can do some pretty fancy request/responsescripting between the phone and your server, but I'll just go overa simpler method that just sends a configuration file from your webserver to their phone.

Your .mobileconfig file will end up looking something likethis:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple/DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">






   <string>LDAP Settings</string>










   <string>Company Contacts</string>




   <false />







     <string>Company Contacts</string>








     <string>Sales Departments</string>










   <string>Email Settings</string>










   <string>Company E-mail</string>


   <string>Full Name</string>










   <true />




   <true />






   <true />






 <string>Your Organization's Name</string>


 <string>Organization iPhone Settings</string>








 <string>Sets up Organization's LDAP directories and email on the iPhone</string>






   I'll talk just brieflyabout the configuration above. The iPhone, as far as I can tell,uses the UUIDs to know whether or not it is replacing or installinga new profile onto the phone. On a Mac or Linux box, you cangenerate a UUID with the commanduuidgen. You'll notice that I did not include any passwords above. With thesesettings, the iPhone will prompt the user for their e-mail password upon installation of the profile. (The LDAP password will beprompted on first use if logging in fails.)

   I actually wrote a PHP script that would take a template .mobileconfig file for me and fill in the username fields for me depending on PHP_AUTH_USER.After you get the basics down, you can go back and do that. Thereis also a way to encrypt the .mobileconfig files, but we are not covering that here.


Sign the .mobileconfig file

   This is the part that no one else seems to go over. Signing your configuration profile is an optional step, but it's not too hard if you already have an X.509 web server or email certificate.

For this step, I'll use the following notations:

  • company.mobileconfig is your unsigned configuration profile
  • server.crt is your server's certificate to signthe profile with
  • server.key is your server's private key
  • cert-chain.crt is the certificate bundle for the CA that issued your server's certificate.
  • signed.mobileconfig will be your signedconfiguration profile

   Once you have all the fileslisted above, you will run a command like the following:
openssl smime -sign -in company.mobileconfig -outsigned.mobileconfig -signer server.crt -inkey server.key -certfilecert-chain.crt -outform der -nodetach

The -outform der and -nodetach are your real tickets here in getting it into a form that the iPhone wants. Now you take signed.mobileconfig and move on to the next step!

   Help for those that will use PHP scripting: You'll want to look at openssl_pkcs7_sign() function with the $flags field set to 0. This will create a file that isbase-64 encoded. After you strip off the e-mail headers at the top,you can base64_decode() to get the same output. Forexample:
$mobileconfig = base64_decode(preg_replace('/(.+\n)+\n/', '',$signed, 1));


Serve up the file on your HTTPS server

   Okay, it'll probably work on your HTTP server as well. Just another configuration I didn't bother testing.

   There is just one caveats when it comes to serving up this file. It needs to be served upwith a MIME Content-Type of application/x-apple-aspen-config. You may be able to do this by adding a line to your server's configuration or.htaccess file in the folder with:

<IfModule mod_mime.c>
        AddType application/x-apple-aspen-config .mobileconfig

If serving the file from within PHP, you may do somethinglike:

header('Content-type: application/x-apple-aspen-config; chatset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="company.mobileconfig"');
echo $mobileconfig;

Try it out on your iPhone

Get your iPhone and load up Safari. Go to the web address of where your profile is saved, e.g. https://www.example.com/iphone/.Your phone should prompt you to install the profile.

You can see and remove profiles from Settings >General on your iPhone. Note, that it is possible to create aprofile that cannot be removed except for by the original profile identifier and signed by the same authority. Be careful that you don't lock yourself out.



At this point, we are finished. See the Enterprise Deployment Guide for other configuration profiles that you can create. It doesn't let you create or set everything that I wish it did (especially when it comes to setting up IMAPdefaults), but it lets you do quite a bit.

I hope that this helps you! This is obviously a very brief guide and I glazed over a few details. If you have any comments, let me know. My e-mail address can be deduced from the very bottom of the document.


See Also



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