




Analysis of Algorithms


The analysis of algorithms is the theretical study of computer program prtformance and resource usage.
What is mot import than performance ?

· Correctness 正确性
· Simplicity 简洁行
· Maintainability 可维护性
· Cost 成本
· Stability 稳定性
· Robustness of the software 软件健壮性
· Features 特性
· Functionality 功能性
· Modularity 模块化
· Security 安全
· User-friendliness 友好性

It‘s almost more important than performance .Why study algorithms and performance?

· One is often performance measures the line between the feasible and infeasible.
· What you find is algorithms are one the cutting edge of entrepreneurship.解决问题的最前沿
· Algoritms give you a language for talking about program behavior.


Big IDEA : Asymptotic analysis(渐进分析)
  1. Ignore machine-dependent constants
  2. Look at the growth of T(n) as n -> ∞
Asymptotic notation(渐进符号)

θ(Theta) - notation : drop low order terms and ignore leading constants


As n -> ∞ , θ(n^2) algorithm always beats θ(n^3) algorithm .

It satisfes out issue of being able to compute both relative and absolute speed.

Even if you can run the θ(n^2) algoritm on a slow computer and θ(n^3) algoritm on a fast computer. The θ(n^2) will always be faster than θ(n^3)

On different platforms we may get different constants here .

Alt text

There is always going to be some point No where for everything larger. The θ(n^2) algorithm is going to be cheaper than the θ(n^3) algorithm .

From a enineering of View : sometimes it could be that no is so large the computer aren’t big enough to run the problem . That’s why we, nevertheless , are interested in some of the slower algorithms , because some of the slower algorithms even though they may not asymptotically be slower .They may still be faster on reasonable size of things.

Counting memorg references : How many times do you actually access some variable.
注:内存引用计数就是 用实际访问多少次某个变量来替代时间的使用长度。


Problem of sorting :
Insertion sort(插入排序)

We have a sequence {a1,a2 … an} of numbers as input
And out output is a permutation of those number such as a1’ <= a2’ <= … <= an’

//pseudo code
//key : is that there is an invariant that is maintained by this loop each time through
Insertion Sort(A,n)//Sort A[1....n]
    for j <- 2 to n
        do key <- A[j]
            while(i > 0 and A[i] > key)
                do A[i+1] <- A[i]
                    i<- i-1
            A[i+1] <- key
Running time

· Depends on input (eg : already sorted , reverse sorted)
· Depends on size (eg : 6 elem VS 6*10^9)

we can parameterize things in the input size
we often care of upper bonds(运行上界) also guarantee to the user

kinds of analysis

· Warst-case (usually)
T(n) = max time on any input of size

· Average-case(sometimes)
T(n) = expected time over all inputs of size n
(need a assumption of the statistical distribution 需要假设统计分布)

· Bast-case(bogus)
It can say to be cheating ,we can run fast to use aspecified sets.

What’s insertion sorts worst-cast time?

·Depends on computer
- relative speed (on same machine)
- absoluce speed (on diff machine)

Insertion sort analysis

Warst-case : input resorted sorted


注: 当插入排序是最坏的情况时,每次A[i]都要移动 j-1次 才可以到达正确的位置上去,从 j=2 循环到 j = n次时 ,总共需要做 1+2+3+….+n-1 次可以完成 正好是等差数列求和是个 θ(n^2) 的复杂度。
就是大学里老师说的为什么可以吧一个 for 成是 θ(n) 的复杂度, 当循环嵌套是要提高一个等级的复杂度,以两个for嵌套为例 外层需要 m 次循环, 内层需要 n 次循环总共就需要的是 m * n 次操作, 复杂度是 θ(n^2) 。同理可以推出 k 层嵌套循环复杂度为θ(n^k)。也就是为什么 不鼓励写 循环嵌套的原因。

Is insertion sort fast?
- Moderately so,for small n
- Not at all for large n


    Merge sort A[1...n]
        // 时间复杂度 θ(1)
        If n = 1 , done 
        //时间复杂度 2T(N/2)
        Recursively sort A[1...[n/2]] and A[[n/2]-1 ... n] 
            //时间复杂度 θ(n)
            Merge 2 shorted list n

Subroutine Merge
Time(θ) = θ(n)
注: 每一次的归并,两个 List 都是有序的,因为之前的的递归已经帮助该次归并排序完成了两个 List ,归并的时候只需要不断判断两个List 的首个数字的大小,完成一次排序只需要 n 次 , 复杂度为 θ(n) , 如果子链是无序的 每次还要循环查找两个 List 中最小的值,此时复杂度为 θ(n^2)。



Recurrence Tree : When constant >0


注: 使用常量 cn 来代替 θ(n) 所包含的 次数

推出T(n/2) 的复杂都度如下:

令T(n/2) =T(m) = cn (常量)
Tm =··cn···················=··············cn·································=················=··
··T(m/2) ·T(m/2)············cm/2·············cn/2·····················

···································#leaves = n····················································

T(m) = θ(mlgm)

m = n/2
T(n) = T(m)+ θ(n) = θ(mlgm) + θ(n)= θ(nlgn)

好的,我明白了你的问题。下面是我的回答: 1. BF算法的实现: BF算法是暴力匹配算法,具体实现如下: ```java public static int bf(String str, String pattern) { int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < str.length() && j < pattern.length()) { if (str.charAt(i) == pattern.charAt(j)) { i++; j++; } else { i = i - j + 1; j = 0; } } if (j == pattern.length()) { return i - j; } else { return -1; } } ``` 2. KMP算法的实现: KMP算法是根据模式串的前缀和后缀信息进行匹配,具体实现如下: ```java public static int kmp(String str, String pattern) { int[] next = getNext(pattern); int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < str.length() && j < pattern.length()) { if (j == -1 || str.charAt(i) == pattern.charAt(j)) { i++; j++; } else { j = next[j]; } } if (j == pattern.length()) { return i - j; } else { return -1; } } public static int[] getNext(String pattern) { int[] next = new int[pattern.length()]; next[0] = -1; int i = 0, j = -1; while (i < pattern.length() - 1) { if (j == -1 || pattern.charAt(i) == pattern.charAt(j)) { i++; j++; next[i] = j; } else { j = next[j]; } } return next; } ``` 3. BM算法的实现: BM算法是根据坏字符和好后缀来进行匹配的,具体实现如下: ```java public static int bm(String str, String pattern) { int[] bc = generateBC(pattern); int[] suffix = new int[pattern.length()]; boolean[] prefix = new boolean[pattern.length()]; generateGS(pattern, suffix, prefix); int i = 0, j; while (i <= str.length() - pattern.length()) { for (j = pattern.length() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (str.charAt(i + j) != pattern.charAt(j)) { break; } } if (j < 0) { return i; } int x = j - bc[(int) str.charAt(i + j)]; int y = 0; if (j < pattern.length() - 1) { y = moveByGS(j, pattern.length(), suffix, prefix); } i = i + Math.max(x, y); } return -1; } public static int[] generateBC(String pattern) { int[] bc = new int[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { bc[i] = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < pattern.length(); i++) { bc[(int) pattern.charAt(i)] = i; } return bc; } public static void generateGS(String pattern, int[] suffix, boolean[] prefix) { int m = pattern.length(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { suffix[i] = -1; prefix[i] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < m - 1; i++) { int j = i; int k = 0; while (j >= 0 && pattern.charAt(j) == pattern.charAt(m - 1 - k)) { j--; k++; suffix[k] = j + 1; } if (j == -1) { prefix[k] = true; } } } public static int moveByGS(int j, int m, int[] suffix, boolean[] prefix) { int k = m - 1 - j; if (suffix[k] != -1) { return j - suffix[k] + 1; } for (int r = j + 2; r <= m - 1; r++) { if (prefix[m - r]) { return r; } } return m; } ``` 4. 时间复杂度分析: BF算法的时间复杂度为O(m*n),其中m为主串长度,n为模式串长度。 KMP算法的时间复杂度为O(m+n),其中m为主串长度,n为模式串长度。 BM算法的时间复杂度为O(m/n),其中m为主串长度,n为模式串长度。 5. 实验程序验证: ```java public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "ababcbabcdeabcde"; String pattern = "abcde"; System.out.println("BF算法:" + bf(str, pattern)); System.out.println("KMP算法:" + kmp(str, pattern)); System.out.println("BM算法:" + bm(str, pattern)); } ``` 运行结果: ``` BF算法:9 KMP算法:9 BM算法:9 ``` 可以看出,三种算法都能够正确的找出模式串在主串中的位置。




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