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ddison Wesley - A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification  
Addison Wesley - A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification A Comprehesive Primer, Second Edition 
Addison Wesley - Algorithms in Java Parts 1-4 Third Edition  
Addison Wesley - Algorithms in Java, Third Edition (Parts 1-4)   A
ddison Wesley - Applying Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1 Component-Based Development for the J2EE Platform (2nd Edition) 
Addison Wesley - Building J2EE Applications with the Rational Unified Process  
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Addison Wesley - Building Parsers With Java - 
Addison Wesley - Component Development For Java Platform  
Addison Wesley - Concurrent Programming in Java(TM) Design Principles and Pattern (2nd Edition)  
Manning - Java 3D Programming - 
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Manning - JDK 1.4 Tutorial 
Manning - Jess in Action Rule-Based Systems in Java  
Manning - JMX in Action   Manning - JSP Tag Libraries 
Manning - JSTL in Action  
Manning - JUnit in Action  
Manning - Practical Java Message Service 
Addison Wesley - Design Pattern java work book  
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Mark Watson - Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java  
McGraw Hill - Abstract_Data_Types_in_Java  
McGraw Hill - Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide 
McGraw-Hill - Java 2 The Complete Reference fifth edition  
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media - Practical J2EE Application Architecture  
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media - Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051) 
middleware - J2ee Best Practices  
Mike Murach - Murach's Beginning Java 2   A
ddison Wesley - Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform 
MIT Press - A Little Java, A Few Patterns  
MIT Press - Java Precisely  
Morgan Kaufmann - Java Practical Guide for Programmers 
Morgan Kaufmann - Programming Cameras and Pan-Tilts with DirectX and Java  
Morgan Kaufmann - Who's Afraid of Java  
New Riders - Java for the Web with Servlets, JSP, and EJB Ebook -fly 
New Riders - JSP and Tag Libraries for Web Development  
New Riders - Jython for Java Programmers  
New Riders - The Java 1.1 Certification Training Guide 
O'Reilly - Building Java Enterprise Applications vol Architecture  
Addison Wesley - Effective Java Programming Language Guide  
O'Reilly - Building Java Enterprise Applications, Vol. 1 
O'Reilly - Creating Effective Javahelp  
O'Reilly - Database Programming with JDBC and Java 2nd Edition  
O'Reilly - developing java beans 
O'Reilly - Developing Java Beans (Java Series)  
O'Reilly - Enterprise JavaBeans (3rd Edition)  
O'Reilly - enterprise javabeans 3rd edition 
O'Reilly - J2EE Design Patterns  
O'Reilly - J2ME in a Nutshell  
O'Reilly - J2ME in a Nutshell- 
Addison Wesley - Enterprise Java Programming with IBM WebSphere  
O'Reilly - Jakarta Struts  
O'Reilly - Java & XML, 2nd Edition Solutions to Real-World Problems 
O'Reilly - Java 2d graphics  
O'Reilly - Java and SOAP  
O'Reilly - Java and XML 
O'Reilly - Java and XML Binding  
O'Reilly - Java and XML, 2nd Edition  
O'Reilly - Java and xslt 
O'Reilly - Java cook book  
O'Reilly - Java Cryptography  
Addison Wesley - From Java to Csharp A Developer's Guide 
O'Reilly - Java Data Objects  
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O'Reilly - Java Extreme Programming Cookbook 
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O'Reilly - Java Message Service 
O'Reilly - Java Network Programming  
O'Reilly - Java NIO  
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O'Reilly - Java Performance Tuning (2nd Edition)  
Addison Wesley - Inside Java 2 Platform Security Architecture, API Design, and Implementation (2nd Edition)  
O'Reilly - Java Programming with Oracle JDBC 
O'Reilly - Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ  
O'Reilly - java rmi  
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O'Reilly - java server pages  
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O'Reilly - JavaServer Pages Pocket Reference  
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O'Reilly - Learning Wireless Java 
Addison Wesley - J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration  
OReilly - Enterprise JavaBeans 3rd  
OReilly - Java Enterprise Best Practices 
OReilly - Java Examples in a Nutshell 2ed  
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OReilly - Java Internationalization 
OReilly - Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition  
OReilly - Java Reference Library on the Web 1.2  
OReilly - Java Servlet Programming2nd 
OReilly - Java Swing, Second Edition  
OReilly - Java Threads, Second Edition  
Addison Wesley - J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration - 
OReilly - Java.Swing  
OReilly - JavaServer Pages 2nd Edition  
OReilly - Learning Java, Second Edition 
OReilly - Programming Jakarta Struts  
other - 500 JAVA Tips  
Other - CBT java 2 programming 
Other - Java Native Method  
Others - Essential Java2 Enterprise Edition Student Manual  
Paraglyph - Java 2 Core Language Little Black Book 
Paraglyph Press - Java 2 Core Language Little Black Book Ebook-fly  
Addison Wesley - J2EE in Practice  
Paraglyph Press - Java 2 Core Language Little Black Book 
Pearson Higher Education - Core Java 2, Volume II Advanced Features (5th Edition)  
Premier Press - J2EE Professional Projects  
Premier Press - Java Security 
Premier Press - Learn Java In a Weekend  
Prentice Hall - Advanced Java 2 Platform How to Program  
Prentice Hall - Advanced JAVA Networking 
Prentice Hall - Advanced JAVA Networking -  
Prentice Hall - Advanced Java Networking, 2nd Edition  
Prentice Hall - Applied Java Patterns 
Addison Wesley - Java and JMX  
Prentice Hall - Core J2EE patterns  
Prentice Hall - Core J2ME Technology 
Prentice Hall - Core Java 2, Volume 1 Fundamentals (5th Edition)  
Prentice Hall - Core Java 2, Volume 1 Fundamentals (5th Edition)  
Prentice Hall - Core Java 2, Volume I Fundamentals (6th Edition) 
Prentice Hall - Core Java 2, Volume II Advanced Features  
Prentice Hall - Core Java 2, Volume II Advanced Features (5th Edition)  
Prentice Hall - Core JSP 
Prentice Hall - Core JSTL Mastering the JSP Standard Tag Library  
Prentice Hall - Core JSTL - Mastering the JSP Standard Tag Library  
Addison Wesley - Java Data Objects 
Prentice Hall - J2EE App and BEA Weblogic -  
Prentice Hall - J2EE applications and Bea Weblogic Server ebook  
Prentice Hall - JAVA 2 Network Security 
Prentice Hall - Java for ColdFusion Developers  
Prentice Hall - Java Number Cruncher The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing 
Prentice Hall - Java Oracle Database Development 
Prentice Hall - java 核心(第二版)  
Prentice Hall - More Servlets and JavaServer Pages  
Prentice Hall - Multithreaded Programming with Java Technology 
Prentice Hall - Real-Time Java Platform Programming  
Addison Wesley - Java design pattern  
Prentice Hall - Real-Time Java Platform Programming - 
Prentice Hall - Sun's Core Java 2 Volume I Fundamentals 5th Edition  
Prentice Hall - Technical Java Applications for Science and Engineering  
Prentice Hall - Think in Java 中文版 
Prentice Hall - Thinking in Java 3rd  
Prentice Hall - Wireless J2ME Platform Programming  
Que - E-Commerce Application Using Oracle8I and Java from Scratch 
Que - E-Commerce Applications Using Oracle8i and Java From Scratch - fly  
Que - Java 2 From Scratch  
Que - Special Edition Using Java 2 Standard Edition 
Addison Wesley - Java Design Patterns A tutorial Ebook-fly  
Que - Special.Edition.Using.Java.Server.Pages.And.Servlets.eBook-LiB  
Sams - Ant Developer's Handbook 
Sams - Building Java Enterprise Systems with J2EE  
Sams - Building Web Services with Java  
Sams - Data Structures And Algorithms in Java 
Sams - Developing Professional Java Applets  
SAMS - J2EE Developer's Handbook  
Sams - J2EE in 21 Days 
Sams - Java 2 for Professional Developers  
Sams - Java 2 Micro Edition Application Development Ebook -fly  
Addison Wesley - Java Development on PDAs Building Applications for Pocket PC and Palm Devices 
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Sams - Java Connector Architecture-Building Enterprise Adaptors  
Sams - Java Deployment with JNLP and Webstart 
Sams - Java P2P Unleashed  
Sams - Java Thread Programming  
Sams - Java.Media.APIs.eBook-LiB 
Sams - JAX Java APIs for XML Kick Start-fly  
Sams - JBoss Administration and Development  
Sams - JBoss Administration and Development 2nd 
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Sams - Pure JSP  
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Springer - Java.and.the.Java.Virtual.Machine.English.Ebook-Elements 
Sun - Java Look And Feel Design Guidelines,2nd  
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Syngress - Developing Web Services with Java APIs for XML Using WSDP  
Syngress - Programming Lego Mindstorms with Java (With CD-ROM)  
Addison Wesley - Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines Advanced Topics 
The Coriolis Group- database porgramming with jdbc and java 2nd edition  
Waite - Black Art Of Java Game Programming  
Waite - Java Programming on Linux 
Wiley - Constructing Intelligent Agents With Java A Programmer's Guide to Smarter Applications  
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Wiley - Developing Java Web Services  
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Wiley - J2EE AntiPatterns 
Wiley - J2EE Best Practices  
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Wiley - Java in 60 Minutes A Day 
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Wiley - Java Tools for Extreme Programming 
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Wiley - More Java Pitfalls by bookz  
Wiley - Patterns in Java 2nd Edition, Volume 1 - fly  
Wiley - program mobile objects with java 
Wiley - Programming Mobile Objects With Java  
Wiley - Programming with Objects A Comparative Presentation of Object Oriented Programming  
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Wiley - Programming With VisiBroker - A Developer's Guide to VisiBroker for Java - fly  
Wiley - Securing Java Getting Down to Business with Mobile Code   W
iley - Your visual blueprint for creating Java-enhanced Web programs 
Wordware - Java 1.4 Game Programming  
Worx - J2EE-Desing-and-Development  
Wrox - Expert One on One Java J2EE Design and Development 
Wrox - Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development  
Wrox - Press.Expert.One-on-One.J2EE.Design.And.Development  
Wrox - Professional J2EE EAI 
Wrox - Professional J2EE with BEA WebLogic Server  
Addison Wesley - Java Performance And Scalability Volume1 Server-Side Programming Techniques  
中国电力出版社 - JAVA技术手册 Java in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition 
华彩 - 跨平台e化程式设计XML_Java_SOAP整合应用  
机械工业出版社 - Java编程思想(第2版)[Thinking in Java (2nd Edition)]  
机械工业出版社 - Java语言导学(原书第3版) 
机械工业出版社 - JSP 核心技术和电子商务应用实例 (上册)  
电子工业出版社 - Java2参考大全  
电子工业出版社 - 实用J2EE设计模式编程指南 
Addison Wesley - Java Performance And Scalability Volume1.Server-Side.Programming.Techniques.eBook-LiB  
Addison Wesley - Java Platform Performance Strategies and Tactics  
Addison Wesley - java rmi The Remote Method Invocation Guide 
Addison Wesley - Java TM Platform Performance.PDF  
Addison Wesley - Java Tutorial Third Edition.A.Short.Course.On.The.Basics.eBook-LiB  
Addison Wesley - Java 与 UML 面向对象程序设计 
Addison Wesley - Java(TM) Network Programming and Distributed Computing  
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Addison Wesley - Java2 Platform Enterprise Edition Platform.And.Component.Specifications.eBook-LiB 
Addison Wesley - JavaDataObjects  
Addison Wesley - JavaServer.Pages.iNT.ebook-LiB  
Addison Wesley - JavaSpaces in Practice 
Addison Wesley - JDBC API Tutorial and Reference, Third Edition  
Addison Wesley - Jdbc Database Access With Java A Tutorial and Annotated Reference  
Addison Wesley - JDBC(TM) API Tutorial and Reference Universal Data Access for the Java 
Addison Wesley - JSP and XML_Integrating XML and Web Services in JSP  
Addison Wesley - LDAP Programing with Java  
Addison Wesley - Micro Java Game Development 
Addison Wesley - Micro Java(TM) Game Development  
Addison Wesley - MIDP 2.0 Style Guide for the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition  
Addison Wesley - Performance Analysis for Java Websites 
Addison Wesley - Processing XML with Java  
Addison Wesley - Programming for the Java Virtual Machine  
Addison Wesley - Programming Open Service Gateways with Java Embedded Server(TM) Technology 
Addison Wesley - Programming Wireless Devices with the Java(TM) 2 Platform (Micro Edition)  
Addison Wesley - Programming Wireless Devices with the Java2 Platform, Micro Second Edition  
Addison Wesley - Python Programming with the Java Class Libraries 
Addison Wesley - Python Programming with the JavaT Class Libraries  
Addison Wesley - The Java 3D API Specification (2nd Edition)  
Addison Wesley - The Java 3D(TM) API Specification (2nd Edition) 
Addison Wesley - The Java Language Specification, Second Edition  
Addison Wesley - The Java Web Services Tutorial  
Addison Wesley - The Java(TM) Virtual Machine Specification (2nd Edition) 
Addison Wesley - The Real-Time Specification for Java  
Addison Wesley - XML and Java  
Addison Wesley - XML and Java Developing Web Applications 
Addison Wesley - XML and Java Developing Web Applications 2nd Edition  
Addison Wesley -- Java Tutorial - A Short Course on the Basics Third Edition  
Cambridge University Press - Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java 
Cambridge University Press - Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java - fly  
Cram Bible Lab - 310-025 - JAVA Cram Bible Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform  
Cram Bible Lab - SL 310-022,310-025 SUN Certified Java Programmer Exam 
DDC - Mastering Java  
Hungry Minds - Java 2 Bible Enterprise Edition  
Hungry Minds - Java Digital Signal Processing 
Hungry Minds - Java Game Programming For Dummies  
Hungry Minds - JSP Visual Blueprint  
IBM Press - Java for RPG Programmers, 2nd Edition 
IBM Redbooks - Design and Implement Servlets, JSPs, and EJBs for IBM WebSphere Application Server  
IBM Redbooks - Factoring Javabeans in the Enterprise  
IBM Redbooks - Servlet and JSP Programming with IBM WebSphere Studio and VisualAge for Java 
IBM Redbooks - Using VisualAge for JavaDevelop CORBA Applications  
Jconnec JDBC 中文使用指南  
Jones & Bartlett Pub - Data Structures in Java A Laboratory Course 
Jones & Bartlett Pub - Introduction to Cryptography with Java Applets  
Jones & Bartlett Pub - Introduction to Java and Software Design Swing Update  
Jones & Bartlett Pub - Object-oriented Data Structures Using Java 
Jones & Bartlett Pub - Programming and Problem Solving with Java  
MacMillan - java1.2 class libraries unleashed  
Manning - Art of Java Web Development Frameworks and Best Practices 
Manning - AspectJ in Action_Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming  
Manning - Bitter Java  
Manning - Distributed Programming With Java 
Manning - Instant Messaging in Java  
Manning - Instant Messaging in Java The Jabber Protocols  
Manning - J2EE and XML Development 
Manning - Java 2 Micro Edition  
Manning - Java 3d Programming 

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