电子书籍(c c++类)


Addison Wesley - Applied C++ Techniques for Building Better Software  
Addison Wesley - Applied C++ Techniques for Building Better Software  
Addison Wesley - C++ By Dissection 
Addison Wesley - C++ FAQs (2nd Edition)  
Addison Wesley - C++ Gotchas Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design  
Addison Wesley - C++ Network Programming 
Addison Wesley - C++ Network Programming, Volume 2 - Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks  
Addison Wesley - C++ Network Programming, Volume 2_ Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks  
Addison Wesley - C++ Networking programming 
Addison Wesley - C++ Primer  
Addison Wesley - C++ Primer (3rd Edition)  
Que - Special Edition Using Visual C++ 6 
Sams - Borland C++Builder 6 Developer's Guide  
SAMS - C Primer Plus (4th Edition)  
Sams - C++ Builder Unleashed 
Sams - C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization  
Sams - C++ Primer Plus,Fouth Edition  
Sams - C.Primer.Plus.Fourth.Edition.Preview.iNT.eBook-LiB 
Sams - CPlusPlus Footprint and Performance Optimization  
SAMS - Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days  
SAMS - Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days 
Addison Wesley - C++ Primer 3 By Wzttl For ROR  
Sams - The Waite Group's C++ Primer Plus  
Sams - The Waite Group's COM-DCOM Primer Plus 
Sams - The Waite Group's Object Oriented Programming in C++  
Sams - Visual C++.NET in 24 Hours  
Sybex - C++ No Experience Required 
Thinking in C++,vol2  
Visual C++ 6.0 参考大全  
Wiley - C++ in Plain English 
Wiley - C++ Programming with COBRA  
Wiley - C++ Your Visual Blueprint for Building .Net Applications  
Addison Wesley - C++ Primer 3e 
Wiley - c++-neural-networks-and-fuzzy-logic -- by wushi  
Wordware - Memory Management Algorithms and Implementation in C C++  
Wordware - Memory Management Algorithms and Implementation in C C++ 
Wordware - Memory Management Algorithms.And.Implementation.In.C.And.C++  
Wordware - Virtual Machine Design and Implementation in C_C Plus Plus  
Wordware - Wireless Game Development in C C++ With Brew 
Wordware - Write Your Own Programming Language using C++  
Wrox - C++ tutorial  
Wrox - Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming 
北京希望电子出版社 - Visual C++ 6.0 数据库高级编程  
Addison Wesley - c++ strategies and tactics  
华中科技大学出版社 - Essential C++中文版 
机械工业出版社 - C++语言的设计和演化  
电子工业出版社 - 编程精粹 Microsoft编写优质无错C程序秘诀  
电子工业出版社 - C++ Primer 3rd Edition 中文完美版 
电子工业出版社 - Exceptional C++中文版  
Addison Wesley - C++ Templates The Complete Guide  
Addison Wesley - C++ Transparency 
Addison Wesley - CPlusPlus Standard Library A Tutorial and Reference  
Addison Wesley - Designing Components with the C++ STL  
Addison Wesley - Effcient C++ Programming Techniques Ebook - fly 
Addison Wesley - Effective C++  
Addison Wesley - Inside C++ Object Model  
Addison Wesley - Inside the C++ Object Model  
Addison Wesley - Modern C++ Design 
Addison Wesley - Modern C++ Design Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied Ebook-fly  
Addison Wesley - More Exceptional C++  
Addison Wesley - Multi-Paradigm Design for C++ 
Addison Wesley - The C++ Programming Language Special 3rd Edition  
Addison Wesley - The C++ programming language v 3.0  
Addison Wesley - The C++ Standard Library 
Addison Wesley - The C++ Standard Library A Tutorial and Reference  
APress - Cryptography in C and C++  
Automata Publishing Company - Language Translation Using PCCTS & C++ 
Borland - C++ Builder Developer's Guide  
Borland - C++builder 6 for Windows Developer's Guide 
Cambridge University Press - Numerical Recipes in C The Art of Scientific Computing  
Cambridge University Press - Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI  
CMP - C Programming for Embedded Systems 
CRC - pattern-recognition-with-neural-networks-in-c++ --by wushi  
Hungry Minds - Visual C++6 For Dummies Quick Reference 
Jones & Bartlett Pub - C++ Plus Data Structures  
Jones and Bartlett Publishers - A Complete Guide to Programming in C++  
McGraw Hill - Borland C++ Builder The Complete Reference 
McGraw Hill - C the Complete Reference - fly  
McGraw Hill - Visual C++(r).NET Developer's Guide  
McGraw-Hill - C++ Complete Reference (3rd Ed.) 
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media - C C++ Programmer's Reference, Third Edition  
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media - Visual C++ 6 The Complete Reference  
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media - Visual C++(r).NET Developer's Guide 
Morgan Kaufmann - Who is afraid of c++  
MS Press - Desktop Applications for Microsoft VC++ 6.0 MCSD Training Kit (for exam 70-016)  
MS Press - Microsoft Visual C++ .Net Step by Step Version 2003 (Step by Step (Microsoft)) 
MS Press - Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Step by Step  
MS Press - Programming MS Visual C++ 5th.Edition  
MS Press - Programming with Managed Extensions for Microsoft Visual C++ .NET--Version 2003 
MS Press - Programming with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET  
MS Press - Programming with MS VisualC++.NET  
New Riders - C++ XML 
No Starch Press - How Not to Program in C++ 
O'Reilly - C++ in a Nutshell  
O'Reilly - Mastering Algorithms With C 
O'Reilly - Objective-C Pocket Reference  
O'Reilly - Programming Embedded Systems in C and C ++  
O'Reilly - Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++ 
OReilly - C C++嵌入式系统编程 - OCR Version  
OReilly - C Pocket Reference  
OReilly - C Pocket Reference- 
OReilly - C++ In NutShell  
OReilly - Objective-C Pocket Reference  
OReilly - Practical C Programming 
OReilly - Practical C Programming 3rd Edition  
OReilly - Practical C++ Programming 2e  
OReilly - Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ 
Other - Classical C++ Papers  
Pearson - C++Primer 题解  
Pearson Education POD - Navigating C++ and Object-Oriented Design 
Premier Press - C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner  
Premier Press - Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Professional Projects  
Prentice Hall - C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP  
Prentice Hall - C++ A Dialog Programming with the C++ Standard Library  
Prentice Hall - C++_A Dialog - Programming with the C++ Standard Library 
Prentice Hall - COM+ Programming A Practical Guide Using Visual C++ and ATL  
Prentice Hall - Core C++  
Prentice Hall - Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach 
Prentice Hall - Data Structures and Program Design in C++  
Prentice Hall - Expert C Programming  
Prentice Hall - Learning to Program in C++ 
Prentice Hall - Migrating to .NET A Pragmatic Path to Visual Basic  
Prentice Hall - Migrating to .NET A Pragmatic Path to Visual Basic  
Prentice Hall - The ANSI C Programming Language 
Prentice Hall - Thinking in C++,vol1  
Que - Ansi Iso C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook (Que Professional Series)  
Que - Practical 
Wordware - C++ Builder 6 Developer's Guide
Wordware - C++ Builder 6 Developer's Guide Ebook-fly


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