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转载 mount 详解

挂接命令(mount) 首先,介绍一下挂接(mount)命令的使用方法,mount命令参数非常多,这里主要讲一下今天我们要用到的。 命令格式:mount [-t vfstype] [-o options] device dir 其中: 1.-t vfstype 指定文件系统的类型,通常不必指定。mount 会自动选择正确的类型。常用类型有: 光盘或光盘镜像:iso9

2016-01-05 13:05:54 9465


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编译android 内核3.4. x 时,提示找不到compiler-gcc5.h头文件。可将此文件下载放到内核include/linux文件夹下即可编译通过。如果再报错建议选择compiler-gcc6.h试试



nRF51 SDK v10.0.0 ----------------- Release Date: Week 46 Highlights: - New BLE Peer Manager (experimental), replacement for the BLE Device Manager - FreeRTOS support - New ANT modules, additional examples, and new and expanded ANT+ profiles - Support for Dynastream's N5 Starter Kit - Three new BLE Services - Precompiled HEX files The following toolchains/devices have been used for testing and verification: - ARM: MDK-ARM version and 5.16a - GCC: GCC ARM Embedded 4.9 2015q1 - IAR: IAR Workbench 7.30.4 - Windows XP SP3 32-bit - Windows 7 SP1 64-bit - Windows 8.1 Supported SoftDevices: - S110 v8.0.0 - S120 v2.1.0 - S130 v1.0.0 - S210 v5.0.0 - S310 v3.0.0 Supported boards: - PCA10028 - PCA10031 - Dynastream's N5DK1 (only for ANT examples) For other devices and boards, see the SDK documentation, section "Using the SDK with other boards". Changes: Drivers and libraries: New features: - Ported FreeRTOS to run on nRF51. Added two FreeRTOS examples: one to run on bare metal and one running a BLE HRS example using the S110 and S130 SoftDevices. - Added a TWI transaction manager module for managing access to an I2C bus. Added an example that uses this module to control two sensors on the same I2C bus. - Added an example that shows how to use the TWI driver. - Added a low-power PWM module (software-controlled low-accuracy PWM). Added an example that shows how to use this module. - Added an LED softblink module that uses the low-power PWM. Added an example that shows how to use this module. - Ported app_uart to use the UART driver and moved it to the libraries folder. - Ported app_gpiote to use the GPIOTE driver. - Added nrf_log, a logging module that supports printf and that can use either UART or SEGGER RTT as transport medium. Fixed issues: - Mailbox module moved out of serialization. - Bug fixes in app_timer module. - App_timer module no longer requires to define the number of timers used in the application. - Bug fixes in PWM module. Changes: - FIFO library: Extended APIs for multi-byte read and write to the FIFO. - Memory Manager module: - Extended number of block categories to 7 (from 3). - More RAM-efficient management of memory blocks. - Added a diagnostic function to help determine the right configuration needed for the application. Serialization: New features: - Added a command for resetting the connectivity chip. ANT: New features: - Added the following new ANT modules: - ant_encryption - ant_key_manager - ant_search_config - Extended/changed the following existing ANT modules: - ant_channel_config - ant_stack_config - ant_state_indicator - Refactored the ANT/ANT+ examples and profiles to make them look more similar to the BLE profiles and examples: - The following ANT+ profiles have been extracted and extended: Bicycle Power (ant_bpwr), Bicycle Speed & Cadence (ant_bsc), Stride Based Speed & Distance (ant_sdm) - All ANT+ examples have been refactored to use extracted profiles. - All ANT+/ANT examples have been refactored to use created modules. - Added three new ANT examples: - ant_scalable - ant_scalable_encrypted - ant_scan_and_forward BLE: - Added an experimental module named Peer Manager. This module will eventually replace the existing Device Manager. The new Peer Manager improves on the Device Manager in multiple ways, mainly by supporting concurrent central and peripheral connections. - Added an experimental flash memory module named Flash Data Storage (FDS), which greatly reduces the need for time-consuming write and clear operations. When using FDS, data can be arbitrarily long or short (within about a page). All pieces of data are tagged with types, which makes it easy to version data. - Updated the experimental HRS/RSCS Relay example: - It now uses the new Peer Manager instead of the Device Manager. Therefore, it now supports bonding in both central and peripheral roles. - It uses the new nrf_log module, which can use SEGGER RTT. - Removed the app_s130_demo example. - Added an experimental example supporting the Eddystone beacon format. - Added the BLE Connection State module, which keeps track of certain states of each connection (for example, whether it is encrypted) and can also keep track of user-defined states. - Added the Mapped Flags module, which keeps track of flags that are mapped to keys. It is used by the BLE Connection State module. - Added ble_gatt_db.h (containing a GATT service structure) and modified ble_db_discovery module to use it. BLE Services: - Updated the Bluetoothds_template application (experimental) to be compatible with Bluetooth Developer Studio v1.0 and the Nordic Semiconductor NRF5X v1.1.8 plugin. - Added three new services: - Location Navigation Service (experimental) - Proprietary LED Button Service (experimental) - Nordic UART Client Service (experimental) Fixed issues: - App_pwm occasionally gives inverted signal. Known issues: - Device Manager is not supported in multi-role S130 operation. - Device Manager works in peripheral or central only operation on S130. This must be decided at compile time. - The DFU over BLE example has been tested to work with a minimum connection interval of 11.25 ms. The application cannot handle connection intervals lower than 11.25 ms and may undergo a system reset in the middle of a firmware update. Workaround: If you face unexpected disconnects during the firmware update process, consider increasing the connection interval used by the master. - The old manual procedure for testing buttonless DFU, as specified in the documentation, can lead to the DFU process hanging or returning an error when used with Master Control Panel 3.8 and newer. - Bootloader binaries (.bin files) generated with the GCC makefile should not be used. Instead, generate the bootloader bin files using nrfutils, found on GitHub. ========================================================================






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这些问题经常出现!其实并不是你的真正出现了什么问题,只是你的编译链接的时候编译器自身的问题而已!也许是VS2005 ,VS2008 的BUG吧,解决的方法:点class view中的工程,选右鍵,再点clean就可以了; 或者是 build->clean solusion也可以,就是如此的简单,我本人觉得,还是VS 6.0用着好用,呵呵,可能是怀旧吧!



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