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原创 sdut 2603 Rescue The Princess(算是解析几何吧)(山东省第四届ACM省赛A题)
sdut 2603 Rescue The Princess(算是解析几何吧)(山东省第四届ACM省赛A题)
2014-05-07 17:05:29 1023
原创 Sdut 2108 Alice and Bob(数学题)(山东省ACM第四届省赛D题)
Sdut 2108 Alice and Bob(数学题)
2014-05-07 16:47:29 1411
原创 hdu 1165 Eddy's research II(数学题,递推)
hdu 1165 Eddy's research II (数学题,递推)
2014-05-03 08:49:06 1126
原创 hdu 1163 Eddy's digital Roots(九余数定理)
hdu 1163 Eddy's digital Roots 九余数定理
2014-05-02 20:18:41 1031
原创 hdu 1159 Common Subsequence
//开始DP之旅,先来道简单的Problem DescriptionA subsequence of a given sequence is the given sequence with some elements (possible none) left out. Given a sequence X = another sequence Z = is a subseq
2014-05-01 11:30:52 679
原创 hdu 1715 大菲波数(高精度数)
Problem DescriptionFibonacci数列,定义如下:f(1)=f(2)=1f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2) n>=3。计算第n项Fibonacci数值。 Input输入第一行为一个整数N,接下来N行为整数Pi(1 Output输出为N行,每行为对应的f(Pi)。 Sample Input512
2014-04-28 16:33:19 750
转载 标准C++中string类的用法
2014-04-28 16:03:39 702
原创 Hdu 1042 N! (高精度数)
Problem DescriptionGiven an integer N(0 ≤ N ≤ 10000), your task is to calculate N! InputOne N in one line, process to the end of file. OutputFor each N, output N! i
2014-04-28 10:14:46 758
原创 Sdut 2409 The Best Seat in ACM Contest(山东省第三届ACM省赛 H 题)(模拟)
题目描述Cainiao is a university student who loves ACM contest very much. It is a festival for him once when he attends ACM Asia Regional Contest because he always can find some famous ACMers there.C
2014-04-28 09:46:05 882
原创 Sdut 2416 Fruit Ninja II(山东省第三届ACM省赛 J 题)(解析几何)
Sdut 2416 Fruit Ninja II(山东省第三届ACM省赛 J 题)(解析几何)数学问题,注意精度
2014-04-27 18:43:43 1392
原创 hrbust 1328 相等的最小公倍数(数论)
Description定义An为1,2,…,n的最小公倍数,例如,A1 = 1,A2 = 2,A3 = 6,A4 = 12,A5 = 60,A6 = 60。请你判断对于给出的任意整数n,An是否等于An – 1。Input本题有多组测试数据,输入的第一行是一个整数T代表着测试数据的数量,接下来是T组测试数据。对于每组测试数据:
2014-04-26 14:06:48 998
原创 数据结构笔记之—— 顺序表实现
学习数据结构了,写下来,加深记忆。第一篇://system("cls"); 控制台屏幕刷新#include#include#include#define MAXSIZE 100typedef int DataType;typedef struct{ DataType data[MAXSIZE]; int length;}SeqList;//初始化顺序表SeqLi
2014-04-18 20:52:04 1142
原创 Hdu 1452 Happy 2004(除数和函数,快速幂乘(模),乘法逆元)
Hdu 1452 Happy 2004(除数和函数,快速幂乘(模),乘法逆元)
2014-04-18 19:56:44 1301
原创 hdu 1788 Chinese remainder theorem again(最小公倍数)
hdu 1788 最小公倍数问题,不要被题目迷惑。
2014-04-11 13:23:28 959
原创 ACM HDU 2674 N! Again(数论)
Problem DescriptionWhereIsHeroFrom: Zty,what are you doing ?Zty: Iwant to calculate N!......WhereIsHeroFrom: Soeasy! How big N is ?Zty:
2014-03-28 21:22:54 933
原创 ACM HDU Primes(素数判断)
Problem DescriptionWritea program to read in a list of integers and determine whether or not eachnumber is prime. A number, n, is prime if its only divisors are 1 and n. Forthis problem, the numbers
2014-03-28 19:29:40 1035
原创 hdu 1396 Counting Triangles(递推)
Counting TrianglesProblem DescriptionGiven an equilateral triangle with n thelength of its side, program to count how many triangles in it. InputThe length n (n process to the end of the
2014-03-26 20:23:28 803
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