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原创 Writing and Application Dairy

Undergraduate Dissertation

2022-05-03 14:43:26 328

原创 LeetCode常用 CPP算法

sort(children.begin(), children.end());sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](int a, int b) { return abs(a)<abs(b); });sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), [](vector<int> a, vector<int> b) {return a[1] < b[1];});max(num[i-1], num[i] + 1)

2022-04-25 11:32:19 185

原创 ram和flash的区别, SSD寿命, SSD和HHD速度比较, SSD和RAM速度比较

有人总是把 RAM 解释为用来存储临时数据的东西,我觉得并不准确,相反更容易引起误解。如果说硬盘(HDD/SSD)是书籍、试卷–用来记录你想长期保存的数据。当你需要做题或者看书的时候,你需要把这些书籍读入你的大脑或者列在草稿纸上,再进行思考或计..................

2022-06-06 14:45:58 1881 1

原创 计算机组成基础 内存,输入设备,显卡,芯片南北桥,主板


2022-06-01 09:30:46 766

原创 计算机的诞生,IBM,微软,苹果的起落,硅谷的诞生


2022-05-31 22:35:22 1310

原创 Gradient and Directional Derivatives--How CNN Learn

在阅读这篇文章之前,先阅读这一篇文章:Partial Derivatives and Vector Fields1. GradientThe gradient of a scalar-valued multivariable function f(x,y,… )f(x, y, \dots)f(x,y,…), denoted ∇f\nabla{f}∇f, packages all its partial derivative information into a vector:∇f=[∂f∂x∂f

2022-04-05 21:42:40 793

原创 Partial Derivatives and Vector Fields

1. Partial DerivativesFor a multivariable function, like f(x,y)=x2yf(x,y)=x^{2} yf(x,y)=x2y computing partial derivatives looks something like this:2. Vector Fields2.1. Vector fields in two dimensionsA vector-valued function F:R2→R2F:R^{2}→R^{2}F:R2

2022-04-05 14:50:42 306

原创 CNN 学习步骤总结--CNN 0

个人笔记,可以忽略这篇文章0. Convolutional Neural Networks这一节要对对神经网络有一个大致的把握,最重要的是了解每一层的意义,为什么一层比一层更抽象?是怎么提取更大的特征的。图像位置大小等这些是怎么解决的?带着问题探究怎么去优化每个神经元的 weight 以及 bias.接着探究梯度下降等数学知识,所以学到了积分。最后发现学的积分只能针对单一变量,那就要学习多变量积分。Convolutional Neural Networks–CNN 1Tensors in Ne

2022-04-04 21:46:23 720

原创 Gradient Descent(cost function)--CNN 5

Gradient DescentIn mathematics, gradient descent is a first-order iterative optimization algorithm for finding a local minimum of a differentiable function.In mathematics, a differentiable function of one real variable is a function whose derivative ex

2022-04-04 14:25:56 614

原创 Differential, Derivative and Calculus--CNN 4

1. DifferentialIn calculus, the differential represents the change in a function y = f(x) with respect to changes in the independent variable. The differential dy is defined bydy=f'(x)dx2. DerivativeThe derivative of a function of a single variable

2022-04-03 21:02:05 676

原创 Numbers and Linear Functions--CNN 3

Calculus is the study of how things change.For example the concept of speed of motion is a notion straight from calculus, though it surely existed long before calculus did and you know lots about it.

2022-04-02 21:37:24 191

原创 Tensors in Neural Networks--CNN 2

In Deep Learning, we store our data in the form of Tensors.Tensors can also be defined as a generalization of matrices to an arbitrary number of dimensions.Scalars (0D Tensors)A tensor that contains only one number is called a scalar, a scalar-tensor

2022-03-31 17:34:46 1542

原创 Convolutional Neural Networks--CNN 1

1. Convolutional Neural NetworksEach node connects to another and has an associated weight and threshold. If the output of any individual node is above the specified threshold value, that node is activated, sending data to the next layer of the network. O

2022-03-31 11:59:52 540

转载 Why Python is Slow: Looking Under the Hood

Why Python is Slow: Looking Under the HoodWe’ve all heard it before: Python is slow.When I teach courses on Python for scientific computing, I make this point very early in the course, and tell the students why: it boils down to归因于 Python being a dynamic

2021-06-04 23:34:49 113

原创 hosts 文件的作用

hosts filehosts 文件是历史遗留问题。在ARPANET 时期,是没有DNS的,整个互联网上只有数百台主机,那时就是通过hosts 文件来解析域名的。后来Internet 爆发增长,已经不可能再将所有的主机名与ip的对应关系写进hosts 文件里面了,那样速度太慢。后来就出现了DNS(Domain Name System)。同时原来的hosts 文件也保留了下来 。The hosts file has priority over DNS. When you type in the domai

2021-06-04 23:33:07 247

原创 关于补码,反码的学习

as we know, char has 8 bits.char b = 128;printf("%d", b); // print -128that's overflow, so why print -128?128 的二进制形式 1000 0000char是有符号的,所以第一位是符号位且为1,那就认为这个数是负数。然后负数都是用补码表示,计算机认为这就是一个负数的补码原码被计算出来为 1000 0000(0 1000 0000 -> 0 0111 1111(减1) -&gt

2021-04-13 00:43:15 279

翻译 Resolve build errors due to circular dependency amongst classes

I often find myself in a situation where I am facing multiple compilation/linker errors in a C++ project due to some bad design decisions (made by someone else :) ) which lead to circular dependencies between C++ classes in different header files (can happ

2021-03-31 00:03:42 213

原创 IDEA连接JDBC数据库之MySQL(超详细)

1 DriverManager:用于管理JDBC驱动的服务类。程序中使用该类的主要功能是获取Connection对象,该类包含以下方法public static synchronized Connection getConnection(String url,String user,String pass) throws SQLException:该方法获得url对应数据库的连接。2 Conn...

2020-02-01 01:36:16 1643

原创 C语言 离散数学实验 求满射函数

啊,这学期做的实验网上竟然找不到,写出来了,有两种做法 ,我这个是实现的公式 这个 通过递归来求的二项式 阶乘#include <stdio.h>/*此处由于在组合数中有n-n等于0 的情况 a应等于0 不影响结果*/int jiecheng(int a){ //num=jiecheng(4) num=4*jiecheng(3)->num=4*3*jiechen...

2019-11-28 22:45:43 3679

原创 C语言 strcmp()函数用法以及怎么判断两个字符串相等

strcmp();是处理字符串的,因此它在头文件string.h中strcmp(串1, 串2);返回值有以下三种情况:串1=串2,返回0串1>串2,返回一个正整数串1<串2,返回一个负整数。有个小应用判断两个字符串是否相等if(!strcmp(串1, 串2));我们知道 在c语言中,非0就为真,因为-1是非0值,所以为真,所以!(-1)为假,值为0所以 !strcm...

2019-11-20 14:32:57 7075

原创 C语言的字符串输入问题

做了个实验,发现自己知识漏洞很多啊遂写个笔记一 scanf()读取问题1 当参数不为char类型时 它不读取缓冲区里面的空格和回车键并且认为回车是输入结束的标志即当你键入回车,这个scanf()就认为你输入结束开始从缓冲区取数 遇到空格读取结束2当参数为char类型 那么此时scanf()空格和回车都读取 并且把回车作为输入结束标志第一个图可以看到两个1之间是个空回车第二个可以看到读入的...

2019-11-20 13:53:28 1284 2

原创 C语言中的左移操作符和右移操作符是什么意思

<<左移操作符 >>右移操作符 到底是怎么计算的呢b=a<<n 等价于b=a*2^n说个容易记的左移n位就是把这个数转为二进制后 后面加n个零 前面的n位舍弃右移n位就是把这个数转为二进制后 前面加n个零 后面的n位舍弃什么意思呢咱看代码第一行是十六进制打印 第二行是十进制打印先看十进制的b=24也就是a=24,自己快拿出你的小本子算算3...

2019-11-14 23:46:37 1797 1



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