Design Principles and Design Patterns(设计原则与设计模式) -Robert C. Martin

What is software architecture? The answer is multitiered. At the highest level, there are the architecture patterns that define the overall shape and structure of software applications. Down a level is the architecture that is specifically related to the purpose of the software application. Yet another level down resides the architecture of the modules and their interconnections. This is the domain of design patterns, packakges,components, and classes. It is this level that we will concern ourselves with in this chapter.

      什么是软件架构? 软件架构分为多个层次。最高层的架构模式定义了软件全局的形状和结构。下一层是和特定软件的用途相关的架构。再下一层是和软件中的模块和各个模块间交互相关的架构,这属于设计模式,包,组件和类的领域。本章节中我们主要关注这一层次。

Our scope in this chapter is quite limitted. There is much more to be said about the principles and patterns that are exposed here. Interested readers are referred to.


Architecture and Dependencies(架构和依赖)

What goes wrong with software? The design of many software applications begins as a vital image in the minds of its designers. At this stage it is clean, elegant, and compelling. It has a simple beauty that makes the designers and implementers itch to see it working. Some of these applications manage to maintain this purity of design through the initial development and into the first release.
But then something begins to happen. The software starts to rot. At first it isn’t so bad. An ugly wart here, a clumsy hack there, but the beauty of the design still shows through. Yet, over time as the rotting continues, the ugly festering sores and boils accumulate until they dominate the design of the application. The program becomes a festering mass of code that the developers find increasingly hard to maintain. Eventually the sheer effort required to make even the simplest of changes to the application becomes so high that the engineers and front line managers cry for a redesign project.
Such redesigns rarely succeed. Though the designers start out with good intentions,they find that they are shooting at a moving target. The old system continues to
evolve and change, and the new design must keep up. The warts and ulcers accumulate in the new design before it ever makes it to its first release. On that fateful day,
usually much later than planned, the morass of problems in the new design may be so bad that the designers are already crying for another redesign.

Symptoms of Rotting Design(腐烂设计的症状)

There are four primary symptoms that tell us that our designs are rotting. They are not orthogonal, but are related to each other in ways that will become obvious. they are: rigidity, fragility, immobility, and viscosity.


Rigidity. Rigidity is the tendency for software to be difficult to change, even in simple ways. Every change causes a cascade of subsequent changes in dependent modules. What begins as a simple two day change to one module grows into a multiweek marathon of change in module after module as the engineers chase the thread of the change through the application.


When software behaves this way, managers fear to allow engineers to fix non-critical problems. This reluctance derives from the fact that they don’t know, with any reliability,when the engineers will be finished. If the managers turn the engineers loose on such problems, they may disappear for long periods of time. The software design begins to take on some characteristics of a roach motel -- engineers check in, but they don’t check out.


When the manager’s fears become so acute that they refuse to allow changes to software,official rigidity sets in. Thus, what starts as a design deficiency, winds up being adverse management policy.


Fragility. Closely related to rigidity is fragility. Fragility is the tendency of the software to break in many places every time it is changed. Often the breakage occurs in areas that have no conceptual relationship with the area that was changed. Such errors fill the hearts of managers with foreboding. Every time they authorize a fix, they fear that the software will break in some unexpected way.


As the fragility becomes worse, the probability of breakage increases with time,asymptotically approaching 1. Such software is impossible to maintain. Every fix makes it worse, introducing more problems than are solved.


Such software causes managers and customers to suspect that the developers have lost control of their software. Distrust reigns, and credibility is lost.


Immobility. Immobility is the inability to reuse software from other projects or from parts of the same project. It often happens that one engineer will discover that he needs a module that is similar to one that another engineer wrote. However, it also often happens that the module in question has too much baggage that it depends upon. After much work, the engineers discover that the work and risk required to separate the desirable parts of the software from the undesirable parts are too great to tolerate. And so the software is simply rewritten instead of reused.


Viscosity. Viscosity comes in two forms: viscosity of the design, and viscosity of the environment. When faced with a change, engineers usually find more than one way to make the change. Some of the ways preserve the design, others do not (i.e. they are hacks.) When the design preserving methods are harder to employ than the hacks, then the viscosity of the design is high. It is easy to do the wrong thing, but hard to do the right thing.
Viscosity of environment comes about when the development environment is slow and inefficient. For example, if compile times are very long, engineers will be tempted to make changes that don’t force large recompiles, even though those changes are not optimal from a design point of view. If the source code control system requires hours to check in just a few files, then engineers will be tempted to make changes that require as few check-ins as possible, regardless of whether the design is preserved.
    环境的粘度来自于开发环境的缓慢与低效。例如,如果编译时间非常长,工程师们会执行那些能够避免引发大规模编译的改动方案,即使这些方案从设计角度来看并不是最优的。 如果需要花费数小时来提交几个文件到源码控制系统,工程师们会尽量执行那些能够减少提交文件次数的修改发难,不管这些方案是否能够保留设计时的软件架构。

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