
博主因工作需要重新接触RF(Robot Framework),并对其命令行工具进行了研究。本文是博主个人翻译的Robot Framework帮助文件的中文译版,旨在提供参考,可能存在错误,欢迎读者指正。



robot --help
Robot Framework -- A generic automation framework

Version:  4.1.3 (Python 3.8.10 on linux)

Usage:  robot [options] paths
   or:  python -m robot [options] paths
   or:  python path/to/robot [options] paths
   or:  java -jar robotframework.jar [options] paths

Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework for acceptance testing, acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) and robotic process automation (RPA). It has simple, easy-to-use syntax that utilizes the keyword-driven automation approach. Keywords adding new capabilities are
implemented in libraries using either Python or Java. New higher level keywords can also be created using Robot Framework's own syntax.

// Robot Framework是一个用于接收测试、测试驱动开发(ATDD)、机器人流程自动化(RPA)的开源的自动化测试框架。它语法简单易用,利用关键字驱动的自动化方法。可以用Python或Java的库添加新功能的关键字,可以使用RF自己的语法创建更高级别的关键字。

The easiest way to execute Robot Framework is using the `robot` command created as part of the normal installation. Alternatively it is possible to execute the `robot` module directly like `python -m robot`, where `python` can be replaced with any supported Python interpreter such as `jython`, `ipy` or
`python3`. Yet another alternative is running the `robot` directory like `python path/to/robot`. Finally, there is a standalone JAR distribution available.

// 最简单执行RF的方法是使用robot命令,它作为正常安装的一部分被创建。或者是它可以通过robot模块被执行,像`python -m robot`,其中python可以被支持Python解析器的jpython、ipy、或python3替代,当然其他选择也可以是通过robot目录来执行,像`python path/to/robot`。最后,还有一个独立的Jar发行版可以使用。

Tests (or tasks in RPA terminology) are created in files typically having the `*.robot` extension. Files automatically create test (or task) suites and directories with these files create higher level suites. When Robot Framework is executed, paths to these files or directories are given to it as arguments.

// 测试(或RPA术语的任务)是以文件形式被创建,拥有`*.robot`扩展类型。文件自动创建测试(或任务)套件,并且包含这些文件的目录可以创建更高级的套件。当RF执行时,包含文件或目录的路径需要作为参数传递给RF。

By default Robot Framework creates an XML output file and a log and a report in HTML format, but this can be configured using various options listed below. Outputs in HTML format are for human consumption and XML output for integration with other systems. XML outputs can also be combined and otherwise further
post-processed with the Rebot tool that is an integral part of Robot Framework.

// RF默认创建XML格式的output文件,log和report文件是HTML格式,但是这些配置用户可以通过如下选项进行修改。HTML格式的Output文件可供测试人员使用,而XML格式的Output则是用于其他系统集成。XML格式的Output也可以组合,通过RF不可或缺的一部分的Robot工具做进一步后续处理。

Run `rebot --help` for more information.

// 通过`rebot --help`命令获取更多帮助信息。

Robot Framework is open source software released under Apache License 2.0. For more information about the framework and the rich ecosystem around itsee http://robotframework.org/.

// RF是在Apache License 2.0下发布的开源软件,访问http://robotframework.org/获取更多关于框架的信息和丰富的生态系统。


    --rpa                 Turn on the generic automation mode. Mainly affects terminology so that "test" is replaced with "task" in logs and reports. By default the mode is got from test/task header in data files. New in RF 3.1.
                          // 打开通用自动化模式。主要影响日志和报告中的术语,比如test会被task代替。默认情况可以从数据文件的test/task头获取模式信息。RF 3.1版本新增内容。
 -F --extension value     Parse only files with this extension when executing a directory. Has no effect when running individual files or when using resource files. If more than one extension is needed, separate them with a colon.
                          // 执行一个目录时只解析具有此扩展类型的文件。运行个人文件或使用资源文件时不受影响。如果需要多个文件类型,可通过冒号进行分隔。
                          Examples: `--extension txt`, `--extension robot:txt`, Starting from RF 3.2 only `*.robot` files are parsed by default.
                          // 示例:`--extension txt`,指定文件类型为txt格式; `--extension robot:txt`,指定文件类型为robot格式和txt格式。从RF 3.2版本开始默认解析robot格式文件。
 -N --name name           Set the name of the top level suite. By default the name is created based on the executed file or directory.
                          // 设置顶层套件名称。默认情况套件名称是基于执行文件或目录名创建的。
 -D --doc documentation   Set the documentation of the top level suite. Simple formatting is supported (e.g. *bold*). If the documentation contains spaces, it must be quoted. If the value is path to an existing file, actual documentation is read from that file.
                          // 设置顶层套件文档。支持简单格式化,如加粗。如果文档包含空格,则需要引用。如果值为一个现有文件的路径,则从该文件读取实际文档。
                          Examples: --doc "Very *good* example", --doc doc_from_file.txt.
                          // 示例:`--doc "Very *good* example"`,设置文档,Very *good* example,其中good加粗。`--doc doc_from_file.txt`,设置文件为指定路径指定文件。
 -M --metadata name:value *  Set metadata of the top level suite. Value can contain formatting and be read from a file similarly as --doc. Example: --metadata Version:1.2
                          // 设置顶层套件元数据。值可以包含格式并从文件读取,类似于--doc参数。示例:`--metadata Version:1.2`,指定顶层套件的版本信息Version:1.2。
 -G --settag tag *        Sets given tag(s) to all executed tests.
                          // 为所有执行测试设置给定的标签。
 -t --test name *         Select tests by name or by long name containing also parent suite name like `Parent.Test`. Name is case and space insensitive and it can also be a simple pattern where `*` matches anything, `?` matches any single character, and `[chars]` matches one character
                          in brackets.
                          // 通过名称或通过包含父套件的长名称(例如:Patent.Test)选择测试。名称不区分大小写和空格,可以是`*`匹配任何的简单模式,`?`匹配任何单个字符,`[chars]`匹配括号内的字符。
    --task name *         Alias to --test. Especially applicable with --rpa.
                          // --test的别名,特别适用于--rpa。
 -s --suite name *        Select suites by name. When this option is used with --test, --include or --exclude, only tests in matching suites and also matching other filtering criteria are selected. Name can be a simple pattern similarly as with --test and it can contain parent name separated with a dot. For exam




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