
1. 先进行软件界面设计,确定软件界面美术包装方案
2. 根据软件界面美术设计装方案制作相应的图片,图片格式请参见AUDK的帮助文档或皮肤工具SkinTool 的 Demo
3. 打开皮肤工具 SkinTool ,创建一个软件皮肤界面项目 urp 文件,进行相关设定
4. 皮肤工具SkinTool 制作软件皮肤是所见即所得的,用户可以随时点击 "测试" ,检查软件界面包装的效果,从而调整自己的界面设计方案,直至界面设计完全确定.
5 . 如果您确定不需要再进行修改,请点击 "制作" ,稍后,SkinTool 会报告,"创建URF成功!" , 这样就制作好了一个URF皮肤界面包 。
皮肤制作工具 SkinTool
Basic URF 界面皮肤包
Powerful URF 界面皮肤包
C++写的一个简单的界面演示系统 void CMiniDrawDoc::AddFigure (CFigure *PFigure) { m_FigArray.Add (PFigure); SetModifiedFlag (); } CFigure *CMiniDrawDoc::GetFigure (int Index) { if (Index m_FigArray.GetUpperBound ()) return 0; return (CFigure *)m_FigArray.GetAt (Index); } int CMiniDrawDoc::GetNumFigs () { return m_FigArray.GetSize (); } void CMiniDrawDoc::DeleteContents() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class int Index = m_FigArray.GetSize (); while (Index--) delete m_FigArray.GetAt (Index); m_FigArray.RemoveAll (); CDocument::DeleteContents(); } void CMiniDrawDoc::OnEditClearAll() { // TODO: Add your command handler code here DeleteContents (); UpdateAllViews (0); SetModifiedFlag (); } void CMiniDrawDoc::OnUpdateEditClearAll(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { // TODO: Add your command update UI handler code here pCmdUI->Enable (m_FigArray.GetSize ()); } void CMiniDrawDoc::OnEditUndo() { // TODO: Add your command handler code here int Index = m_FigArray.GetUpperBound (); if (Index > -1) { delete m_FigArray.GetAt (Index); m_FigArray.RemoveAt (Index); } UpdateAllViews (0); SetModifiedFlag (); } void CMiniDrawDoc::OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { // TODO: Add your command update UI handler code here pCmdUI->Enable (m_FigArray.GetSize ()); } // implementation of figure classes: IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CFigure, CObject, 3) CRect CFigure::GetDimRect () { return CRect (min (m_X1, m_X2), min (m_Y1, m_Y2), max (m_X1, m_X2) + 1, max (m_Y1, m_Y2) + 1); } void CFigure::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar << m_X1 << m_Y1 << m_X2 << m_Y2 <> m_X1 >> m_Y1 >> m_X2 >> m_Y2 >> m_Color; } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CLine, CFigure, 3) CLine::CLine (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color, int Thickness) { m_X1 = X1; m_Y1 = Y1; m_X2 = X2; m_Y2 = Y2; m_Color = Color; m_Thickness = Thickness; } void CLine::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { CFigure::Serialize (ar); if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar <> m_Thickness; } void CLine::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_SOLID, m_Thickness, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); // draw figure: PDC->MoveTo (m_X1, m_Y1); PDC->LineTo (m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CRectangle, CFigure, 3) CRectangle::CRectangle (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color, int Thickness) { m_X1 = X1; m_Y1 = Y1; m_X2 = X2; m_Y2 = Y2; m_Color = Color; m_Thickness = Thickness; } void CRectangle::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { CFigure::Serialize (ar); if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar <> m_Thickness; } void CRectangle::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, m_Thickness, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); PDC->SelectStockObject (NULL_BRUSH); // draw figure: PDC->Rectangle (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CRectFill, CFigure, 3) CRectFill::CRectFill (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; } void CRectFill::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CBrush Brush, *POldBrush; CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, 1, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); Brush.CreateSolidBrush (m_Color); POldBrush = PDC->SelectObject (&Brush); // draw figure: PDC->Rectangle (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); PDC->SelectObject (POldBrush); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CRectRound, CFigure, 3) CRectRound::CRectRound (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color, int Thickness) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; m_Thickness = Thickness; } void CRectRound::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { CFigure::Serialize (ar); if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar <> m_Thickness; } void CRectRound::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, m_Thickness, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); PDC->SelectStockObject (NULL_BRUSH); // draw figure: int SizeRound = (m_X2 - m_X1 + m_Y2 - m_Y1) / 6; PDC->RoundRect (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2, SizeRound, SizeRound); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CRectRoundFill, CFigure, 3) CRectRoundFill::CRectRoundFill (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; } void CRectRoundFill::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CBrush Brush, *POldBrush; CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, 1, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); Brush.CreateSolidBrush (m_Color); POldBrush = PDC->SelectObject (&Brush); // draw figure: int SizeRound = (m_X2 - m_X1 + m_Y2 - m_Y1) / 6; PDC->RoundRect (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2, SizeRound, SizeRound); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); PDC->SelectObject (POldBrush); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CCircle, CFigure, 3) CCircle::CCircle (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color, int Thickness) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; m_Thickness = Thickness; } void CCircle::Serialize (CArchive& ar) { CFigure::Serialize (ar); if (ar.IsStoring ()) ar <> m_Thickness; } void CCircle::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, m_Thickness, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); PDC->SelectStockObject (NULL_BRUSH); // draw figure: PDC->Ellipse (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); } IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CCircleFill, CFigure, 3) CCircleFill::CCircleFill (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, COLORREF Color) { m_X1 = min (X1, X2); m_Y1 = min (Y1, Y2); m_X2 = max (X1, X2); m_Y2 = max (Y1, Y2); m_Color = Color; } void CCircleFill::Draw (CDC *PDC) { CBrush Brush, *POldBrush; CPen Pen, *POldPen; // select pen/brush: Pen.CreatePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, 1, m_Color); POldPen = PDC->SelectObject (&Pen); Brush.CreateSolidBrush (m_Color); POldBrush = PDC->SelectObject (&Brush); // draw figure: PDC->Ellipse (m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2); // remove pen/brush: PDC->SelectObject (POldPen); PDC->SelectObject (POldBrush); }
C++调用she格式皮肤(附150个she皮肤) VC++6.0编译测试通过 2017/11/19 01:28 7,508 skin.cpp 2017/11/19 00:46 3,909 skinH.dsp 2017/11/19 00:13 518 skinH.dsw 2017/11/19 01:29 41,984 skinH.ncb 2017/11/19 01:29 48,640 skinH.opt 2017/11/19 01:28 1,610 skinH.plg 2009/09/09 20:54 20,552 skinh.she 2009/09/15 10:29 86,528 SkinH_.dll 2010/07/31 12:16 11,740 弹珠.she 2010/07/19 13:51 23,718 彗星小助手皮肤 2010/07/31 13:39 10,008 恶魔.she 2010/08/02 05:39 5,088 方块点按钮.she 2010/08/02 06:47 27,155 方正淡紫.she 2011/11/01 16:14 15,574 时尚欣喜.she 2013/02/18 16:59 11,121 时空穿梭.she 2010/08/02 06:38 20,975 晶莹红绿灯.she 2010/08/02 05:59 7,715 智能滑锁.she 2010/07/31 12:22 19,752 木纹.she 2013/02/18 16:59 8,224 永不言败.she 2010/07/31 13:34 7,177 沙漠红唇.she 2010/08/02 06:19 6,896 泡泡按钮.she 2011/11/01 16:14 17,997 淡雅享受.she 2011/11/01 16:14 30,738 淡雅流光.she 2010/07/30 21:58 10,017 清新淡雅.she 2013/02/18 16:59 15,366 清爽蓝色.she 2011/11/01 16:14 29,447 渐变银白.she 2011/11/01 16:14 31,134 温暖木雕.she 2011/11/01 16:14 30,958 温馨家园.she 2011/11/01 16:14 20,863 灰色颓废.she 2009/08/18 23:23 12,564 炫绿.she 2011/11/01 16:14 12,564 炫绿亮彩.she 2010/07/31 12:37 18,056 牛仔裤.she 2011/11/01 16:14 19,770 白色火焰.she 2011/11/01 16:14 16,746 白色简约.she 2009/02/22 16:05 31,134 祝福礼物.she 2009/08/18 23:22 41,098 积木.she 2013/02/18 16:59 8,490 空间红.she 2010/08/02 05:37 24,495 简约时尚.she 2010/08/02 05:21 5,057 简约风范.she 2011/11/01 16:14 41,098 简谱积木.she 2009/12/25 01:51 39,378 粉色.she 2011/11/01 16:14 8,321 精仿华硕.she 2013/02/18 16:59 10,591 紫定义.she 2010/07/31 13:42 10,591 紫色风格.she 2011/11/01 16:14 26,370 红动中国.she 2013/02/18 16:59 26,506 红墨水.she 2009/02/22 16:04 29,447 红绿灯.she 2010/07/31 12:31 26,506 红色Q糖.she 2013/02/18 16:59 47,052 红蓝渐变.she 2010/07/31 13:48 32,808 纯白深红.she 2011/11/01 16:14 23,603 经典xp.she 等等




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