Implementation of SOAP protocol in Java

This is the detail of how to implement the SOAP protocol, rather than simply use RPC SOAP.

If we want to use RPC by SOAP, we can use apache SOAP, which have implemented the detail of SOAP code, and we can just use it by class Call. In this case, we don't need to care about the implement detail. 

To study deeper knowledage of SOAP, we should figure out the detail of implement, so the following thing is introduce how to program SOAP in JAVA.

The main idea to implement SOAP:
1, create a soap message object by message Factory
2, get the soap part, envolope, body, header from soap message.
3, add some elements to the body
4, save change and create a URL
5, create a soap connection by soap connection factory
6, use to send the soap message and get the reply

1, it has to be a servlet firstly, create a class which extends HttpServlet
2, there is two method should be override. we override the doPost()
3, get inputstream from request
4, create a soap message by messageFactory and inputstream.
5, get the soap body from message.
6, read the data from body.
7. new a message and body
8, write the reply data into body
9, get outputstream by response.
10, use message.writeTo(outputstream) to reply sender.

First of all, we need to setting the environment.
The environment I use: Win 8.1 + JDK 8 + Tomcat 8 + Eclipse.
The Eclipse + JDK 8 is easy to install and setting, so I am not going to talk the detail of that.

1, Download the Tomcat file, of course.
2, Extract it to some folder
3, Open Eclipse(Java EE version) -> window -> preferences -> server ->runtime environment -> add - >apache -> tomcat 8.x -> indicate the path of Tomcat folder -> finish
4, install the pluge of Tomcat. 
     #download the tomcat pluge.
     #extract the zip file and get the jar file.
     #copy the jar file to Eclipse pluges folder.
     #restart the Eclipse
     #we can create a Tomcat project now~
5, add server
Eclipse: Window->preferences


input the correct Tomcat path


Find the Servers window box

And then we can see

Double click it, we can modify the setting of Server, like  port number

==> Finish the Tomcat setting<=====

In Eclipse

We can see the project struct in the Package Explorer

we should create a server class file in the src folder, which extends HttpServlet.
public  class  SoapServer  extends  HttpServlet
and override the doPost() method

 // orange line is the most important code
protected  void  doPost(HttpServletRequest  request , HttpServletResponse  response  )  throws  ServletException, IOException {

        SOAPMessage  message  =  null ;
        SOAPPart  part  =  null  ;
        SOAPEnvelope  envelope  =  null  ;
        SOAPHeader  header  =  null  ;
        SOAPBody  body  =  null ;
          if ( request  .getContentLength() > 0){
             try  {
                message = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage( new MimeHeaders(),request .getInputStream());
                 message .saveChanges();
                 body  =  message .getSOAPBody();
               String  nameString  =  body .getFirstChild().getTextContent();
               String  luck  =  "Good" ;
               System.  out .println( "run"  );
                 response.setContentType("text/xml" );
                 message  = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
                 body  =  message .getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody();
                 body .addChildElement(  "Luck" ).addTextNode( luck  );
                 message .saveChanges();
                 message.writeTo( response.getOutputStream());
               }  catch  (SOAPException  e  ) {
                 e .printStackTrace();
          else {
           System.  out .println( "request is null" );

 //orange line is the most important code
import  java.util.Scanner;

import  javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory;
import  javax.xml.soap.Name;
import  javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody;
import  javax.xml.soap.SOAPBodyElement;
import  javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection;
import  javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory;
import  javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import  javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
import  javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader;
import  javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;
import  javax.xml.soap.SOAPPart;

public  class  MySoapClient {
     public  static  void  main(String[]  args ){
        SOAPConnection  connection  =  null  ;
        SOAPMessage  message  =  null ;
        SOAPPart  part  =  null ;
        SOAPEnvelope  envelope  =  null ;
        SOAPHeader  header  =  null  ;
        SOAPBody  body  =  null ;
        Scanner  input  =  new  Scanner(System. in  );
        String  name  =  input .nextLine();
          try  {
            connection = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance().createConnection();
            message = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
            part = message.getSOAPPart();
            envelope = part.getEnvelope();
             header  =  envelope .getHeader();
            body = envelope.getBody();
           Name  bodyEle  =  envelope .createName( "process"  , "Request"  , ""  );
           SOAPBodyElement  bodyElement  =  body .addBodyElement( bodyEle  );
              bodyElement .addChildElement( "name"  ).addTextNode( name );
           System.  out .println( "Request:"  );
             message .writeTo(System.  out );
           System.  out .println();
           String  url = "http://localhost:7647/MyServlet/SoapServer" ;
           SOAPMessage resp = , url );
           System.  out .println( "connected"  );
             resp .writeTo(System.  out );
           System.  out .println();
           SOAPBody  reBody = resp.getSOAPBody();
           System.  out .println( "Your luck of today:" );
            System.  out .println( "==>"  + reBody  .getFirstChild().getTextContent());
        }  catch  (UnsupportedOperationException  e  ) {
             e .printStackTrace();
        }  catch  (SOAPException  e  ) {
             e .printStackTrace();
        }  catch  (IOException  e  ) {
             //  TODO  Auto-generated catch block
             e .printStackTrace();

Publish server side to Tomcat

Then start the Tomcat server.
At that time, SOAP server side is already runing on the computer!

we can run the client to test it!





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