Libev 源码分析

1 篇文章 0 订阅

1. 概述

  • 官方文档 :
  • libev 基于 Reactor 模式实现的一个高效事件库, 将 I/O 事件、信号等统一抽象为事件, 通过 Loop 统一处理发生的事件

1.1 下载编译

# 下载
tar -zxf libev-4.25.tar.gz && cd libev-4.25/

# 编译安装
./configure --prefix=`pwd`/__build
make install

1.2 官方示例

shell> cat example.c 
#include <ev.h>
#include <stdio.h> // for puts
ev_io stdin_watcher;
ev_timer timeout_watcher;

static void stdin_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents)
  puts ("stdin ready");
  ev_io_stop (loop, w);
  // this causes all nested ev_run's to stop iterating
  ev_break (loop, EVBREAK_ALL);
static void timeout_cb (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_timer *w, int revents)
  puts ("timeout");
  // this causes the innermost ev_run to stop iterating
  ev_break (loop, EVBREAK_ONE);
int main (void)
  struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT;
  ev_io_init (&stdin_watcher, stdin_cb, /*STDIN_FILENO*/ 0, EV_READ);
  ev_io_start (loop, &stdin_watcher);
  ev_timer_init (&timeout_watcher, timeout_cb, 5.5, 0.);
  ev_timer_start (loop, &timeout_watcher);
  // now wait for events to arrive
  ev_run (loop, 0);
  return 0;
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/__build/lib
gcc -g -o example example.c -I __build/include -L __build/lib -lev


1.3 构建源码分析环境

find . -name "*.c" > cscope.files
find . -name "*.h" >> cscope.files
cscope -bq

2. 一切皆对象

2.1 事件

// 预编译去除宏并格式化, 方便查看
gcc -E ev.h > ev_dump.h
indent -kr -i4 -ts4 -l80 ev_dump.h

// 1. 事件基类
typedef struct ev_watcher {                                                   
    int active;                   // 是否处于激活状态
    int pending;                  // 是否已处理
    int priority;                 // 优先级                           
    void *data;                   // 数据
    void (*cb) (struct ev_loop * loop, struct ev_watcher * w, int revents); // 回调函数
} ev_watcher;  

// 2. I/O 事件
typedef struct ev_io {
    int active;
    int pending;
    int priority; 
    void *data;
    void (*cb) (struct ev_loop * loop, struct ev_io * w, int revents);
    struct ev_watcher_list *next;  // 事件单链表
    int fd;                        // 文件描述符
    int events;                    // 事件类型
} ev_io;

// 3. 定时器事件
typedef struct ev_timer {
    int active;
    int pending;
    int priority;
    void *data;
    void (*cb) (struct ev_loop * loop, struct ev_timer * w, int revents);
    ev_tstamp at;                   // 触发时间
    ev_tstamp repeat;               // 重复触发时间
} ev_timer;

2.2 事件循环 - ev_loop

gcc -E ev.c > ev_dump.c
indent -kr -i4 -ts4 -l80 ev_dump.c

struct ev_loop {
	ev_tstamp ev_rt_now;

#1 "ev_vars.h" 1
#42 "ev_vars.h"
	ev_tstamp now_floor;
	ev_tstamp mn_now;
	ev_tstamp rtmn_diff;

	W *rfeeds;
	int rfeedmax;
	int rfeedcnt;

	ANPENDING *pendings[5];      /* 待处理的事件(二维)和其优先级(一维) */
	int        pendingmax[5];  
	int        pendingcnt[5];    
	int        pendingpri;       /* 目前待处理的事件最高优先级 */ 
	ev_prepare pending_w;    

	ev_tstamp io_blocktime;
	ev_tstamp timeout_blocktime;

	int backend;
	int activecnt;
	sig_atomic_t volatile loop_done;

	int backend_fd;
	ev_tstamp backend_mintime;
	void (*backend_modify) (struct ev_loop * loop, int fd, int oev, int nev);
	void (*backend_poll) (struct ev_loop * loop, ev_tstamp timeout);

	ANFD *anfds;            // fd 信息数组, 以 fd 为索引
	int anfdmax;            // fd 信息数组长度

	int evpipe[2];
	ev_io pipe_w;
	sig_atomic_t volatile pipe_write_wanted;
	sig_atomic_t volatile pipe_write_skipped;

	pid_t curpid;

	char postfork;

	void *vec_ri;
	void *vec_ro;
	void *vec_wi;
	void *vec_wo;

	int vec_max;

	struct pollfd *polls;
	int pollmax;
	int pollcnt;
	int *pollidxs;
	int pollidxmax;

	struct epoll_event *epoll_events;
	int epoll_eventmax;
	int *epoll_eperms;
	int epoll_epermcnt;
	int epoll_epermmax;
#128 "ev_vars.h"
	int *fdchanges;          // 改变了的 fd 数组(添加/删除)
	int fdchangemax;         // 数组长度
	int fdchangecnt;         // 使用计数

	ANHE *timers;
	int timermax;
	int timercnt;

	ANHE *periodics;
	int periodicmax;
	int periodiccnt;

	ev_idle **idles[5];
	int idlemax[5];
	int idlecnt[5];

	int idleall;

	struct ev_prepare **prepares;
	int preparemax;
	int preparecnt;

	struct ev_check **checks;
	int checkmax;
	int checkcnt;

	struct ev_fork **forks;
	int forkmax;
	int forkcnt;

	struct ev_cleanup **cleanups;
	int cleanupmax;
	int cleanupcnt;
	sig_atomic_t volatile async_pending;
	struct ev_async **asyncs;
	int asyncmax;
	int asynccnt;

	int fs_fd;
	ev_io fs_w;
	char fs_2625;
	ANFS fs_hash[((0x7f) & 2) ? 16 : 1];

	sig_atomic_t volatile sig_pending;

	int sigfd;
	ev_io sigfd_w;
	sigset_t sigfd_set;

	unsigned int origflags;
	unsigned int loop_count;
	unsigned int loop_depth;

	void *userdata;

	void (*release_cb) (struct ev_loop * loop);
	void (*acquire_cb) (struct ev_loop * loop);
	ev_loop_callback invoke_cb;
#1831 "ev.c" 2

3. 核心流程分析

3.1 ev_io_start()

shell> vim ev_dump.c

void ev_io_start(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io * w)
	int fd = w->fd;

    // 1. make event to ready
	ev_start(loop, (ev_watcher *) w, 1);

    // 2. 如果 fd 信息数组大小不够, 则扩充
    if (expect_false (fd + 1 > loop->anfdmax)) {
        int ocur_ = loop->anfdmax;
		loop->anfds = (ANFD *) array_realloc(
            fd + 1
            (void *) (loop->anfds + ocur_),
            sizeof(*(loop->anfds + ocur_)) * (loop->anfdmax - ocur_)
    // 3. add w to loop->anfds[fd] list
    wlist_add(&(loop->anfds)[fd].head, (ev_watcher_list *) w);
    // 4. 将 fd 添加改变了的 fd 数组
	fd_change(loop, fd, w->events & EV__IOFDSET | EV_ANFD_REIFY);
	w->events &= ~EV__IOFDSET;

inline_speed void ev_start (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_watcher *w, int active)
	pri_adjust (loop, w);  // 设置优先级
	w->active = active;    // 标记激活
	ev_ref (loop);         // loop->activecnt + 1

inline_size void wlist_add (ev_watcher_list **head, ev_watcher_list *elem)
  elem->next = *head;
  *head = elem;            // 链表头永远指向最新的

static __inline__ void fd_change(struct ev_loop *loop, int fd, int flags)
    unsigned char reify = loop->anfds[fd].reify;
    loop->anfds[fd].reify |= flags;

    if (expect_true (!reify)) 
        // 计数加 1
        // 改变的 fd 数组是否需要扩容
        if (expect_false (loop->fdchangecnt > loop->fdchangemax))             
            int ocur_ = loop->fdchangemax;             
            loop->fdchanges = (int *)array_realloc(
                sizeof (int), 
        // 将 fd 放入改变了的数组
        loop->fdchanges [loop->fdchangecnt - 1] = fd;

3.2 ev_run()

# 查看去除宏后的代码, 但部分代码又手动恢复成源代码方便查看
shell> vim ev_dump.c

int ev_run(struct ev_loop *loop, int flags)

	assert (("libev: ev_loop recursion during release detected", 
				loop_done != EVBREAK_RECURSE));

	loop->loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL;

	/* in case we recurse, ensure ordering stays nice and clean */

	do {
		/* penalise the forking check even more */
		if (expect_false (loop->curpid)) {
			if (expect_false (getpid () != loop->curpid)) {
				loop->curpid = getpid ();
				loop->postfork = 1; 

		/* we might have forked, so queue fork handlers */
		if (expect_false (loop->postfork)) {
			if (loop->forkcnt) {
				queue_events (loop, (W *)loop->forks, loop->forkcnt, EV_FORK);
				loop->invoke_cb (loop);

		/* queue prepare watchers (and execute them) */
		if (expect_false (loop->preparecnt)) {
			queue_events (loop, (W *)loop->prepares, loop->preparecnt, EV_PREPARE);
			loop->invoke_cb (loop);

		if (expect_false (loop->loop_done)) {

		/* we might have forked, so reify kernel state if necessary */
		if (expect_false (loop->postfork)) {

		// 1. 注册事件

		// 计算阻塞时间
			ev_tstamp waittime = 0.;
			ev_tstamp sleeptime = 0.;

			/* remember old timestamp for io_blocktime calculation */
			ev_tstamp prev_mn_now = loop->mn_now;

			/* update time to cancel out callback processing overhead */
			time_update(loop, 1e100);

			/* from now on, we want a pipe-wake-up */
			loop->pipe_write_wanted = 1;

			/* make sure pipe_write_wanted is visible before we check for potential skips */
			__asm__ __volatile__("mfence":::"memory");

			if (expect_true (!(flags & EVRUN_NOWAIT || loop->idleall 
							|| !loop->activecnt || loop->pipe_write_skipped))) {

				waittime = MAX_BLOCKTIME;       // 59.743

				if (loop->timercnt) {
					ev_tstamp to = loop->timers[(4 - 1)].at - loop->mn_now;
					if (waittime > to)
						waittime = to;

				if (loop->periodiccnt) {
					ev_tstamp to = loop->periodics[(4 - 1)].at - loop->ev_rt_now;
					if (waittime > to)
						waittime = to;

				/*don't let timeouts decrease the waittime below timeout_blocktime */
				if (expect_false (waittime < loop->timeout_blocktime)) {
					waittime = loop->timeout_blocktime;

				/* at this point, we NEED to wait, so we have to ensure */
				/* to pass a minimum nonzero value to the backend */
				if (expect_false (waittime < loop->backend_mintime)) {
					waittime = loop->backend_mintime;

				/* extra check because io_blocktime is commonly 0 */
				if (expect_false (loop->io_blocktime)) {
					sleeptime = loop->io_blocktime - (loop->mn_now - prev_mn_now);

					if (sleeptime > waittime - loop->backend_mintime)
						sleeptime = waittime - loop->backend_mintime;

					if (expect_true (sleeptime > 0.)) {
						ev_sleep (sleeptime);
						waittime -= sleeptime;


            // 2. 等待事件发生, 实际调用的是 epoll_poll, 见 loop_init()->epoll_init()
			assert ((loop_done = EVBREAK_RECURSE, 1)); /* assert for side effect */
			loop->backend_poll (loop, waittime);
			assert ((loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL, 1));  /* assert for side effect */

			loop->pipe_write_wanted = 0; /* just an optimisation, no fence needed */

			__asm__ __volatile__("":::"memory");
			if (pipe_write_skipped) {
				assert (("libev: pipe_w not active, 
                         but pipe not written", ev_is_active (&pipe_w)));

				ev_feed_event (loop, &pipe_w, EV_CUSTOM);

			/* update ev_rt_now, do magic */
			time_update(loop, waittime + sleeptime);
		// 处理定时器事件

        // 处理绝对时间的事件                

		// 处理空闲事件

		/* queue check watchers, to be executed first */
		if (expect_false (checkcnt)) {
			queue_events (loop, (W *)loop->checks, loop->checkcnt, EV_CHECK);

        // 3. 调用 ev_invoke_pending() 处理事件 
		loop->invoke_cb (loop);        

	} while (expect_true (
				&& !loop->loop_done
				&& !(flags & (EVRUN_ONCE | EVRUN_NOWAIT))

	if (loop->loop_done == EVBREAK_ONE) {
		loop->loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL;

	return loop->activecnt;
3.2.1 注册事件
static void fd_reify(struct ev_loop *loop)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < loop->fdchangecnt; ++i) {
        int fd = loop->fdchanges[i];     // 取出文件描述符
        ANFD *anfd = loop->anfds + fd;   // 取出文件描述符数据
        ev_io *w;

        unsigned char o_events = anfd->events;
        unsigned char o_reify  = anfd->reify;
        anfd->reify = 0;
            anfd->events = 0;
            // 汇总文件描述符的所有事件
            for (w = (ev_io *) anfd->head; w; w = (ev_io *) ((WL) w)->next)
                anfd->events |= (unsigned char) w->events;

            if (o_events != anfd->events)
                o_reify = EV__IOFDSET;

        // 注册到 epoll, backend_modify 指向 epoll_modify 
        if (o_reify & EV__IOFDSET)
            loop->backend_modify(loop, fd, o_events, anfd->events);

    loop->fdchangecnt = 0;

static void epoll_modify(struct ev_loop *loop, int fd, int oev, int nev)
    struct epoll_event ev;
    unsigned char oldmask;

    if (!nev)

    oldmask = loop->anfds[fd].emask;
    loop->anfds[fd].emask = nev;

    /*store the generation counter in the upper 32 bits, the fd in the lower 32 bits*/ = (uint64_t) (uint32_t) fd
        | ((uint64_t) (uint32_t)++loop->anfds[fd].egen << 32); = (nev & EV_READ ? EPOLLIN : 0)
        | (nev & EV_WRITE ? EPOLLOUT : 0); 

    // 注册事件
    if (expect_true (!epoll_ctl (backend_fd, 
			oev && oldmask != nev ? EPOLL_CTL_MOD : EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev)))

    if (expect_true (errno == ENOENT))
        /* if ENOENT then the fd went away, so try to do the right thing */
        if (!nev)
            goto dec_egen;

        if (!epoll_ctl (backend_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev))
    else if (expect_true (errno == EEXIST))
        /* EEXIST means we ignored a previous DEL, but the fd is still active */
        /* if the kernel mask is the same as the new mask, we assume it hasn't changed */
        if (oldmask == nev)
            goto dec_egen;

        if (!epoll_ctl (backend_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &ev))
    else if (expect_true (errno == EPERM))
        /* EPERM means the fd is always ready, but epoll is too snobbish */
        /* to handle it, unlike select or poll. */
        anfds [fd].emask = EV_EMASK_EPERM;

        /* add fd to epoll_eperms, if not already inside */
        if (!(oldmask & EV_EMASK_EPERM))
            array_needsize (int, epoll_eperms, epoll_epermmax, epoll_epermcnt + 1, EMPTY2);
            epoll_eperms [epoll_epermcnt++] = fd;


    fd_kill (EV_A_ fd);

    /* we didn't successfully call epoll_ctl, so decrement the generation counter again */
    --anfds [fd].egen;
3.2.2 等待事件
static void epoll_poll (struct ev_loop *loop, ev_tstamp timeout)
    int i;
    int eventcnt;

    if (expect_false (loop->epoll_epermcnt))
        timeout = 0.;

	// 等待事件发生
    eventcnt = epoll_wait (backend_fd, epoll_events, epoll_eventmax, timeout * 1e3);

    if (expect_false (eventcnt < 0))
        if (errno != EINTR)
            ev_syserr ("(libev) epoll_wait");


    for (i = 0; i < eventcnt; ++i)
        struct epoll_event *ev = epoll_events + i;

        int fd = (uint32_t)ev->data.u64; /* mask out the lower 32 bits */
        int want = anfds [fd].events;
        int got  = (ev->events & (EPOLLOUT | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP) ? EV_WRITE : 0)
            | (ev->events & (EPOLLIN  | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP) ? EV_READ  : 0);

         * check for spurious notification.
         * this only finds spurious notifications on egen updates
         * other spurious notifications will be found by epoll_ctl, below
         * we assume that fd is always in range, as we never shrink the anfds array
        if (expect_false ((uint32_t)anfds [fd].egen != (uint32_t)(ev->data.u64 >> 32)))
            /* recreate kernel state */
            postfork |= 2;
        if (expect_false (got & ~want))
            anfds [fd].emask = want;

             * we received an event but are not interested in it, try mod or del
             * this often happens because we optimistically do not unregister fds
             * when we are no longer interested in them, but also when we get spurious
             * notifications for fds from another process. this is partially handled
             * above with the gencounter check (== our fd is not the event fd), and
             * partially here, when epoll_ctl returns an error (== a child has the fd
             * but we closed it).
            ev->events = (want & EV_READ  ? EPOLLIN  : 0)
                | (want & EV_WRITE ? EPOLLOUT : 0);

            /* pre-2.6.9 kernels require a non-null pointer with EPOLL_CTL_DEL, */
            /* which is fortunately easy to do for us. */
            if (epoll_ctl (backend_fd, want ? EPOLL_CTL_MOD : EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, ev))
                postfork |= 2; /* an error occurred, recreate kernel state */

        // 把事件加入待处理列表
        fd_event (EV_A_ fd, got);

    /* if the receive array was full, increase its size */
    if (expect_false (eventcnt == epoll_eventmax))
        ev_free (epoll_events);
        epoll_eventmax = array_nextsize (
            sizeof (struct epoll_event), 
            epoll_eventmax + 1
        epoll_events = (struct epoll_event *)ev_malloc (
            sizeof (struct epoll_event) * epoll_eventmax);

    /* now synthesize events for all fds where epoll fails, while select works... */
    for (i = epoll_epermcnt; i--; )
        int fd = epoll_eperms [i];
        unsigned char events = anfds [fd].events & (EV_READ | EV_WRITE);

        if (anfds [fd].emask & EV_EMASK_EPERM && events)
            fd_event (EV_A_ fd, events);
            epoll_eperms [i] = epoll_eperms [--epoll_epermcnt];
            anfds [fd].emask = 0;

static void fd_event(struct ev_loop *loop, int fd, int revents)
    ANFD *anfd = loop->anfds + fd; 
    if (expect_true (!anfd->reify))
        fd_event_nocheck(loop, fd, revents);

static void fd_event_nocheck(struct ev_loop *loop, int fd, int revents)
    ANFD *anfd = loop->anfds + fd;
    ev_io *w;
    for (w = (ev_io *) anfd->head; w; w = (ev_io *) ((ev_watcher_list *) w)->next) {
        int ev = w->events & revents;

        if (ev)
            ev_feed_event(loop, (ev_watcher *) w, ev);

void ev_feed_event(struct ev_loop *loop, void *w, int revents)
    ev_watcher *w_ = (ev_watcher *) w;
    int pri = w_->priority - (EV_FEATURES & 4 ? -2 : 0);
    if (expect_false (w_->pending))
        loop->pendings[pri][w_->pending - 1].events |= revents;
    else {
        w_->pending = ++loop->pendingcnt[pri];
        if (expect_false(w_->pending > loop->pendingmax[pri])) {
            loop->pendings[pri] = (ANPENDING *) array_realloc(
        // 按优先级将事件放入 loop->pendings[][]
        loop->pendings[pri][w_->pending - 1].w = w_;
        loop->pendings[pri][w_->pending - 1].events = revents;

    loop->pendingpri = ((EV_FEATURES & 4) ? +2 : 0) - ((EV_FEATURES & 4) ? -2 : 0);
3.2.3 处理事件
void ev_invoke_pending(struct ev_loop *loop)
    loop->pendingpri = 5; 

    do {

        while (loop->pendingcnt[loop->pendingpri]) {
            ANPENDING *p = loop->pendings[loop->pendingpri] + 
			// 回调事件处理函数
            p->w->pending = 0;
            p->w->cb(loop, p->w, p->events);
    while (loop->pendingpri);




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