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News about OpenWrt on Neo FreeRunner is at [1].


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Installing pre-built image

Installing to NAND-flash

As usual, you need rootfs and kernel (assuming you're using Qi or U-Boot) which are available at : http://nanl.de/files/openwrt/openmoko/

wget http://nanl.de/files/openwrt/openmoko/LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-root.jffs2-128k
wget http://nanl.de/files/openwrt/openmoko/LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-uImage
# Neofreerunner flashing:
sudo dfu-util -d 0x1d50:0x5119 -a rootfs -R -D LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-root.jffs2-128k
sudo dfu-util -d 0x1d50:0x5119 -a kernel -R -D LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-uImage
# The IDs (0x1d50:0x5119) was found by using the command #dfu-util --listdfu-util
# and looking for name="USB Device Firmware Upgrade".

Then boot from flash.

Installing to SD card via PC and Freerunner

 NOTE: Not succesful yet (20090728_r16973, U-Boot), but files seems ok.


For booting from SD card fetch this rootfs and the kernel image (same than above mentioned):

wget http://nanl.de/files/openwrt/openmoko/LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-rootfs.tgz
wget http://nanl.de/files/openwrt/openmoko/LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-uImage

Prepare your SD, SDHC card for kernel and rootfs partitions.

Assuming 8MB kernel partition mounted as /mnt/mokokernel and /path is where the file is stored on your PC. Run command from PC:

scp /path/LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-uImage root@

Assuming rootfs partition mounted as /media/card :

cat /path/LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-rootfs.tgz |ssh root@ "gunzip -d | tar -C /media/card/ -xf -"

Installing to SD card via PC

 NOTE: This part assume you use Qi as bootloader. U-Boot will not work using this setup

For booting from SD card fetch this rootfs and the kernel image (same than above mentioned):

wget http://nanl.de/files/openwrt/openmoko/LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-rootfs.tgz
wget http://nanl.de/files/openwrt/openmoko/LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-uImage

Following instructions assume that you are using a SD card reader on host PC.

  • Format SD card using ext2 or ext3.
mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdf1
  • Mount this partion
mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt/disk
  • Unpack rootfs archive to card.
tar xvzf LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-rootfs.tgz -C /mnt/disk
  • Copy kernel to card /boot/uImage-GTA02.bin
cp LATEST_openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-uImage /mnt/disk/boot/uImage-GTA02.bin
  • Umount SD card partition
umount /mnt/disk
  • Then boot from SD card with your FreeRunner.


After flashing both images, reboot your phone and depending on what packages were built into the image (if compiled yourself this means the packages you've selected) you might be able to initiate and receive phonecalls with your FreeRunner running OpenWrt :)

First start

You see nice OpenWrt bootsplash and message "split_squashfs: no squashfs found in neo1973-nand", but just wait minute or two and X will start. Enlightenment+illume starts. There are xterm installed and qwerty-button for on-screen-keyboard.

You can reach the Freerunner over wlan or usb network as usual but Freerunner under OpenWrt have IP address as default.

Enable wifi

echo s3c2440-sdi > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/s3c2440-sdi/unbind
echo s3c2440-sdi > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/s3c2440-sdi/bind

ifconfig eth0 up
iwconfig eth0 essid NAME

If your router has ip (which is recommend in usb-networking), use this to stop usb0:

ifconfig br-lan down

Or you can change the address of usb0. Is it in file: /etc/config/network

Enable SSH

To be able to SSH your phone, you must setup a password. You can use xterm and command 'passwd' or you can use telnet (if you connects over wlan, use proper ip-address):

$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
 === IMPORTANT ============================
  Use 'passwd' to set your login password
  this will disable telnet and enable SSH
BusyBox v1.13.4 (2009-07-06 01:59:55 CEST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 KAMIKAZE (bleeding edge, r16703) -------------------
  * 10 oz Vodka       Shake well with ice and strain
  * 10 oz Triple sec  mixture into 10 shot glasses.
  * 10 oz lime juice  Salute!
root@OpenWrt:/# passwd
Changing password for root
New password:
Retype password:
Password for root changed by root

Installing packages

It uses opkg and default repository is http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/s3c24xx/packages/

opkg update
opkg install nano

If the opkg install quits with error "* Packages were found, but none compatible with the architectures configured" then the following line should be checked in /etc/opkg.conf (error occured with nanl.de rootfs (22. September 09))

arch s3c24xx 1

Where ’s3c24xx’ is the architecture and ‘1′ is a ‘priority'.

Build custom image

Fetching OpenWrt trunk

First you have to create a svn checkout of the OpenWrt base system

svn co svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk openwrt

The command will fetch the OpenWrt base system and put it into the openwrt subfolder of your current working directory. From now on this HOWTO assumes that your working direcory will be the newly created openwrt folder.

cd openwrt

Add packages from extra feeds

Although this is sufficient enough to build an image for the freerunner you will not be able to build a lot of packages useful on your phone. Those packages are in extra feeds. To enable those feeds:

cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf

Then edit your feeds.conf and enable the efl (for enlightenment) and phone (for fso, paroli, ...) feeds, by removing the '#' at the beginning of these lines, so that it might look like:

src-svn packages svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/packages
src-svn xwrt http://x-wrt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/package
src-svn luci http://svn.luci.subsignal.org/luci/branches/luci-0.8/contrib/package
src-svn phone svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/phone
src-svn efl svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/efl
src-svn desktop svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/desktop
#src-svn xfce svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/xfce

Please mind that this config does not define what packages will be compiled - it just defines which package-descriptions (OpenWrt-Makefiles) will be fetched which will be listed within the menuconfig later.

After that update your feeds to download the OpenWrt-Makefiles of these packages and provide (install) them

scripts/feeds update -a
scripts/feeds install -a

Configure target and packages

Now you'll have to select the target platform for the freerunner. Run

make menuconfig

and select s3c24xx as the Target System. As Target Profile you have to choice between

  • Openmoko GTA-02 (full): This is the one you probably want since it has enlightenment and paroli preselected.
  • Openmoko GTA-02 (minimal): This profile contains only the basic OpenWrt packages, so you'll only get a shell and some command-line utils.

You now can also select additional packages you want to be installed in your image. Make sure you select as build in [*] else [M] you'll only get the packages but they will not be in the image, but can be installed later on.

You maybe also want to change the IP address under which the freerunner will be reachable. To do so select "[*] Image configuration". In its submenu you can change the images network configuration.

Per default OpenWrt is using the uclibc as libc implementation. You can use another libc (e.g. the glibc) by changing that via "[*] Advanced configuration options (for developers)" -> "--- Toolchain Options" -> "LIBC implementation".

Build your OpenWrt image

If your done configuring the image you can build it by just running:


Warning: OpenWrt build system have more or less requirements depends on selected packages. Using GTA-02 full profile, we need:

  • subversion and git to retrieve some external sources. (On Debian Lenny: subversion git-core)
  • full autotools suite. (On Debian Lenny: automake autoconf autotools-dev libtool pkg-config)
  • dbus-binding-tool to be able to compile "gsm0710muxd". (On Debian Lenny: libdbus-glib-1-dev)
  • autopoint and cvs is used by enlightenment building process. (On Debian Lenny: gettext cvs)

This will now take some time. Please make sure you have enough free space left (~4 GB for full-profile). Instead you can use "make V=99" to get debug output to see what's going on / went wrong.

Flash Neo FreeRunner

When the build process is finished you will find a rootfs (openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-root.jffs2-128k) and a kernel image (openwrt-s3c24xx-2.6-uImage) in the bin/ subfolder of your OpenWrt installation, which can be installed on your freerunner with the dfu util as normal. Then you can continue as usage section says (beware if you have disable something).



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