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原创 lintcode DP 总结

107.Word BreakFollowhttps://www.lintcode.com/problem/word-break/descriptionDescription中文EnglishGiven a string s and a dictionary of words dict, determine if s can be break into a space-separa...

2019-09-28 17:57:29 239

原创 lintcode 124. 最长连续序列[unordered_set]

https://www.lintcode.com/problem/longest-consecutive-sequence/description描述中文English给定一个未排序的整数数组,找出最长连续序列的长度。您在真实的面试中是否遇到过这个题?是题目纠错说明要求你的算法复杂度为O(n)样例样例 1输入 : [100, 4, 200, 1,...

2019-09-22 18:12:42 258

原创 lintcode87. 删除二叉查找树的节点 leetcode 450. Delete Node in a BST

Given a root node reference of a BST and a key, delete the node with the given key in the BST. Return the root node reference (possibly updated) of the BST.Basically, the deletion can be divided int...

2019-09-22 14:49:16 192

原创 lintcode 85. 在二叉查找树中插入节点

描述中文English给定一棵二叉查找树和一个新的树节点,将节点插入到树中。你需要保证该树仍然是一棵二叉查找树。保证不会出现重复的值您在真实的面试中是否遇到过这个题?是题目纠错样例样例 1: 输入: tree = {}, node= 1 输出: {1} 样例解释: 在空树中插入一个点,应该插入为根节点。 样例 2: 输入: tree...

2019-09-22 00:27:15 245

原创 lintcode 11. 二叉查找树中搜索区间

中序遍历一遍就好啦/** * Definition of TreeNode: * class TreeNode { * public: * int val; * TreeNode *left, *right; * TreeNode(int val) { * this->val = val; * this-&g...

2019-09-21 21:49:40 201

原创 lintcode 448. 二叉查找树的中序后继

本来以为 既然都是找后继 都是一样的结果 都!不!一!样!查找的时候怎么用val比较呢?考虑如果当前root的值比查找的 小于或等于:淘汰掉左子树就好要是需要找到左子树了,那么递归下去同样的方法,如果找不到,那么说明当前这个根节点是要找的class Solution {public: /* * @param root: The root of the B...

2019-09-21 20:59:15 230

原创 lintcode86. 二叉查找树迭代器

https://www.lintcode.com/problem/binary-search-tree-iterator/description看着这个题无比眼熟之前亚麻暑假实习manager问过我然而 那会是有父指针的这个题思路是什么呢?就变成了纯正的中序遍历非递归版的而且写法也有要求不能是while循环在外面的是要while current的然后就出了...

2019-09-21 18:03:41 171

原创 lintcode 95. 验证二叉查找树【剑指offer】

描述中文English给定一个二叉树,判断它是否是合法的二叉查找树(BST)一棵BST定义为:节点的左子树中的值要严格小于该节点的值。 节点的右子树中的值要严格大于该节点的值。 左右子树也必须是二叉查找树。 一个节点的树也是二叉查找树。您在真实的面试中是否遇到过这个题?是题目纠错样例样例 1:输入:{-1}输出:true解释:二叉树如下(仅有一个...

2019-09-21 01:16:22 203

原创 leetcode124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

昨天晚上写了大概 今天晚上调了不到20分钟 做出了hard撒花就是dfs+dp的结合之前在微软面经看到过:)124.Binary Tree Maximum Path SumHard1992150FavoriteShareGiven anon-emptybinary tree, find the maximum path sum.For this proble...

2019-09-20 23:05:09 236

原创 lintcode 88LCA


2019-09-20 00:44:14 237

原创 剑指offer 二叉搜索树转双向链表


2019-09-13 01:20:35 235

原创 剑指offer【栈的压入 弹出序列】

https://www.nowcoder.com/practice/d77d11405cc7470d82554cb392585106?tpId=13&tqId=11174&tPage=1&rp=1&ru=/ta/coding-interviews&qru=/ta/coding-interviews/question-ranking个人觉得 还是我写...

2019-09-12 01:23:33 166

原创 剑指offer判断是否是子树


2019-09-12 00:23:54 247

原创 leetcode 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node & 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in E

You are given aperfect binary treewhereall leaves are on the same level, and every parent has two children. The binary tree has the following definition:struct Node { int val; Node *left; ...

2019-09-09 22:54:12 185

原创 leetcode 146. LRU Cache

https://leetcode.com/problems/lru-cache/submissions/Design and implement a data structure forLeast Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations:getandput.get(key)- Ge...

2019-09-08 23:38:53 165

原创 leetcode 165. Compare Version Numbers

https://leetcode.com/problems/compare-version-numbers/Compare two version numbersversion1andversion2.Ifversion1>version2return1;ifversion1<version2return-1;otherwise return0....

2019-09-06 00:41:52 137

原创 leetcode 348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe【模拟】

348.Design Tic-Tac-ToeMedium44332FavoriteShareDesign a Tic-tac-toe game that is played between two players on anxngrid.You may assume the following rules:A move is guaranteed to be vali...

2019-09-05 00:56:37 368

原创 leetcode 277. Find the Celebrity【思维】

277.Find the CelebrityMedium71894FavoriteShareSuppose you are at a party withnpeople (labeled from0ton - 1) and among them, there may exist one celebrity. The definition of a celebrity is ...

2019-09-05 00:00:14 209

原创 leetcode 151. Reverse Words in a String【剑指offer】

https://leetcode.com/problems/reverse-words-in-a-string/151.Reverse Words in a StringMedium6362394FavoriteShareGiven an input string, reverse the string word by word.Example 1:Input: ...

2019-09-03 01:07:03 173

原创 leetcode138. Copy List with Random Pointer【剑指offer】

https://leetcode.com/problems/copy-list-with-random-pointer/A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.Retur...

2019-09-03 00:09:40 228

原创 lintcode 168. 吹气球【记忆化搜索+区间dp】

168.吹气球中文English有n个气球,编号为0到n-1,每个气球都有一个分数,存在nums数组中。每次吹气球i可以得到的分数为nums[left] * nums[i] * nums[right],left和right分别表示i气球相邻的两个气球。当i气球被吹爆后,其左右两气球即为相邻。要求吹爆所有气球,得到最多的分数。样例样例 1:输入:[4, 1, 5, 10]...

2019-09-01 12:20:24 228

原创 lintcode 89. K数之和【背包】

89.K数之和中文English给定n个不同的正整数,整数k(k<=n)以及一个目标数字target。 在这n个数里面找出k个数,使得这k个数的和等于目标数字,求问有多少种方案?样例样例1输入:List = [1,2,3,4]k = 2target = 5输出: 2说明: 1 + 4 = 2 + 3 = 5样例2输入:...

2019-09-01 12:09:57 354



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