def raster_to_vector(source, output, simplify_tolerance=None, dst_crs=None, **kwargs):
"""Vectorize a raster dataset.
source (str): The path to the tiff file.
output (str): The path to the vector file.
simplify_tolerance (float, optional): The maximum allowed geometry displacement.
The higher this value, the smaller the number of vertices in the resulting geometry.
from rasterio import features
import geopandas as gpd
with rasterio.open(source) as src:
band = src.read()
mask = band != 0
shapes = features.shapes(band, mask=mask, transform=src.transform)
fc = [
{"geometry": shapely.geometry.shape(shape), "properties": {"value": value}}
for shape, value in shapes
if simplify_tolerance is not None:
for i in fc:
i["geometry"] = i["geometry"].simplify(tolerance=simplify_tolerance)
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(fc)
if src.crs is not None:
gdf.set_crs(crs=src.crs, inplace=True)
if dst_crs is not None:
gdf = gdf.to_crs(dst_crs)
gdf.to_file(output, **kwargs)