
System Administration Commands                             id(1M)

     id - return user identity

     /usr/bin/id [-p] [user]

     /usr/bin/id -a [-p] [user]

     /usr/xpg4/bin/id [-p] [user]

     /usr/xpg4/bin/id -G [-n] [user]

     /usr/xpg4/bin/id -g [-nr] [user]

     /usr/xpg4/bin/id -u [-nr] [user]


     If no user operand is provided, the id  utility  writes  the
     user  and  group  IDs  and  the corresponding user and group
     names of the invoking process to  standard  output.  If  the
     effective  and  real  IDs do not match, both are written. If
     multiple groups are  supported  by  the  underlying  system,
     /usr/xpg4/bin/id also writes the supplementary group affili-
     ations of the invoking process.

     If a user operand  is  provided  and  the  process  has  the
     appropriate  privileges,  the  user  and  group  IDs  of the
     selected user are written. In this case, effective  IDs  are
     assumed  to  be  identical to real IDs. If the selected user
     has more than one allowable group membership listed  in  the
     group  database,  /usr/xpg4/bin/id  writes  them in the same
     manner as the supplementary groups described in the  preced-
     ing paragraph.

     The following formats are used when the  LC_MESSAGES  locale
     category  specifies  the  "C"  locale. In other locales, the
     strings uid, gid, euid, egid, and  groups  may  be  replaced
     with more appropriate strings corresponding to the locale.

     "uid=%u(%s) gid=%u(%s)/n" <real user ID>, <user-name>,
         <real group ID>, <group-name>

     If the effective and real user IDs do not match, the follow-
     ing  are inserted immediately before the /n character in the
     previous format:

     " euid=%u(%s)"

     with the following arguments added at the end of  the  argu-
     ment list:

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System Administration Commands                             id(1M)

     <effective user ID>, <effective user-name>

     If the effective and real group IDs do not match,  the  fol-
     lowing  is  inserted directly before the /n character in the
     format string (and after any  addition  resulting  from  the
     effective and real user IDs not matching):

     " egid=%u(%s)"

     with the following arguments added at the end of  the  argu-
     ment list:

     <effectivegroup-ID>, <effectivegroupname>

     If the process has supplementary group affiliations  or  the
     selected  user  is allowed to belong to multiple groups, the
     first is added directly before the NEWLINE character in  the
     format string:

     " groups=%u(%s)"

     with the following arguments added at the end of  the  argu-
     ment list:

     <supplementary group ID>, <supplementary group name>

     and the necessary number of the following added  after  that
     for any remaining supplementary group IDs:


     and the necessary number of the following arguments added at
     the end of the argument list:

     <supplementary group ID>, <supplementary group name>

     If any of the user ID, group ID, effective user  ID,  effec-
     tive  group ID or supplementary/multiple group IDs cannot be
     mapped by the system into printable user or group names, the
     corresponding  (%s)  and  name  argument is omitted from the
     corresponding format string.

     When any of the options are specified, the output format  is
     as described under OPTIONS.

     The following option is supported by  both  /usr/bin/id  and
     /usr/xpg4/bin/id.  For  /usr/xpg4/bin/id,  -p  is invalid if
     specified with any of the -G, -g, or -u options.

     -p                      Reports  additionally  the   current
                             project  membership  of the invoking

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System Administration Commands                             id(1M)

                             process.  The  project  is  reported
                             using the            format:


                             which is inserted prior to the 0har-
                             acter    of   the   default   format
                             described in  the  Formats  section.
                             The arguments

                             <project ID>,<project name>

                             are appended to the end of the argu-
                             ment list.  If the project ID cannot
                             be  mapped  by  the  system  into  a
                             printable    project    name,    the
                             corresponding (%s) and name argument
                             is  omitted  from  the corresponding
                             format string.

     The following option is supported for /usr/bin/id only:

     -a       Reports user name, user  ID and all the  groups  to
              which the user belongs.

     The following options  are  supported  for  /usr/xpg4/bin/id

     -G       Outputs all different group  IDs  (effective,  real
              and  supplementary)  only, using the format "%u/n".
              If there is more than one distinct  group  affilia-
              tion,  output each such affiliation, using the for-
              mat " %u", before the NEWLINE character is output.

     -g       Outputs only the effective group ID, using the for-
              mat "%u/n".

     -n       Outputs the name in the format "%s" instead of  the
              numeric ID using the format "%u".

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System Administration Commands                             id(1M)

     -r       Outputs the real ID instead of the effective ID.

     -u       Outputs only the effective user ID, using the  for-
              mat "%u/n".

     The following operand is supported:

     user     The user (login) name for which information  is  to
              be written.

     See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment
     variables  that  affect  the  execution of id: LANG, LC_ALL,

     The following exit values are returned:

     0        Successful completion.

     >0       An error occurred.

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-

    |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
    | Availability                | SUNWcsu, SUNWcar            |


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System Administration Commands                             id(1M)

    |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
    | Availability                | SUNWxcu4                    |
    | Interface Stability         | Standard                    |

     fold(1), logname(1), who(1), getgid(2),  getgroups(2),  get-
     projid(2),   getuid(2),   attributes(5),  environ(5),  stan-

     Output produced by the -G option and  by  the  default  case
     could  potentially  produce  very long lines on systems that
     support large numbers of supplementary groups.

SunOS 5.10          Last change: 24 Jan 2000              





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