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原创 常用又好用的Sql语句

--sql template pathC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\SqlWorkbenchProjectItems\Sql--plugin urlhttps://www.devart.com/dbforge/sql/sqlcomplete/?utm_campaign=ui_p...

2018-03-02 11:11:44 295

原创 jQuery如何跳转到另一个网页 就这么简单


2017-03-31 22:36:58 58556 1

转载 web.config配置连接字符串的方法

代码如下:                                 <add name="connstr4" connectionString="......" providerName="System.Data.Sqlclient"

2017-03-21 22:12:36 6018

原创 C#获取web.config配置文件内容的方法

本文实例讲述了C#获取web.config配置文件内容的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体实现方法如下:1.ConfigurationManager提供对客户端应用程序配置文件的访问。其有两个属性:ConnectionStrings 获取当前应用程序默认配置的 ConnectionStringsSection 数据。方法一:复制代码 代码如下:string myConn =S

2017-03-21 22:01:17 477

转载 left join(左联接)right join(右联接) inner join(等值连接) 区别

left join(左联接) 返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中联结字段相等的记录 right join(右联接) 返回包括右表中的所有记录和左表中联结字段相等的记录inner join(等值连接) 只返回两个表中联结字段相等的行举例如下: --------------------------------------------表A记录如下:aID     aNum1  

2017-03-10 20:12:08 1540

转载 MvcHtmlString解决MVC中从后台返回HTML代码被编码问题

因为mvc中从控制器中返回回来的字符串都是经过编译的,所以如果返回来的字符是HTML直接就进行了编译,显示出来的是经过编码的后的字符,为了能让HTML能正常的应用到页面,我们可以这样做,看下面说明:首先介绍一下MvcHtmlString:表示不应再次进行编码的 HTML 编码的字符串解决方案:ViewData["funHtml"] =new MvcHtmlStrin

2017-02-23 14:20:36 3735

原创 启动MongoDB Service步骤

比如MongoDB安装在“C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin” 目录下,以管理员形式打开cmd窗口后输入以下命令即可:cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\binmongod -dbpath "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin"

2016-12-12 16:17:29 1048

原创 3 ASP.NET Web API and SQL Server

In this video we will discuss creating ASP.NET Web API service that returns data from a SQL Server database. We will be using this service as the basis for understanding many of the Web API concepts i

2016-11-13 13:51:51 1498 1


In this video we will discuss HTTP PUT, POST and DELETE verbs. This is continuation to Part 2. Please watch Part 2 from ASP.NET Web API tutorial before proceeding. When we talk about a databas

2016-11-13 13:49:51 355

原创 1 Creating a Web API Project

In this video we will discuss1. Creating a new ASP.NET Web API Project2. Explore and understand the Web API code auto-generated by Visual Studio For this course, we will be using Visual Studio 2

2016-11-13 13:46:53 449

原创 Part 72 - HandleError attribute in mvc

In this video, we will discuss HandleError attribute in asp.net mvc. HandleErrorAttribute is used to display friendly error pages to end user when there is an unhandled exception. Let us understand

2016-11-13 13:29:54 253

原创 Part 71 - childactiononly attribute in mvc

In this video, we will discuss childactiononly attribute in asp.net mvc. Let us understand this with an example.  Step 1: Create a blank asp.net mvc 4 applicationStep 2: Add HomeController. Co

2016-11-13 13:21:01 587

原创 Part 70 - Authorize and AllowAnonymous action filters in mvc

In ASP.NET MVC, by default, all the controller action methods are accessible to both anonymous and authenticated users. If you want action methods, to be available only for authenticated and authori

2016-11-13 13:17:05 276

原创 Part 68 - What is the use of NonAction attribute in mvc

The following questions could be asked in an interviewWhat is the use of NonAction attribute in MVC?ORHow do you restrict access to public methods in a controller? An action method is a public

2016-11-13 13:14:55 225

原创 Part 69 - Action filters in mvc

What are action filters in asp.net mvc?Action filters are attributes that can be applied either on a controller action method or on a controller. When applied at the controller level, they are appli

2016-11-13 13:12:55 208

原创 Part 67 - Action selectors in mvc - ActionName AcceptVerbs

Actions are public methods in an mvc controller that responds to an URL request. You can control or influence which action method gets invoked using action selectors in mvc. Action selectors are att

2016-11-13 13:10:29 239

原创 Part 90 - Remote validation in mvc when javascript is disabled

Please watch Part 89 from asp.net mvc tutorial, before proceeding.Out of the box, Remote attribute only works when JavaScript is enabled. If the end user, disables JavaScript on his/her machine

2016-11-13 12:27:55 406

原创 Part 89 - Remote validation in asp.net mvc

Sometimes, to check if a field value is valid, we may need to make a database call.A classic example of this is the user registration page. To register a user, we need a unique username. So, to chec

2016-11-13 12:25:24 280

原创 Part 88 - Unobtrusive validation in asp.net mvc

Client side validation in asp.net mvc is unobtrusive. To turn on client side validation and unobtrusive JavaScript, make sure the following 2 keys under appSettings element within web.config file ar

2016-11-13 12:24:23 233

原创 Part 87 - What is Unobtrusive JavaScript

What is Unobtrusive JavaScript?Unobtrusive JavaScript, is a JavaScript that is separated from the web site’s html markup. There are several benefits of using Unobtrusive JavaScript. Separation of co

2016-11-13 12:23:25 192

原创 Part 86 - ValidationSummary in asp.net mvc

In this video, we will discuss displaying all validation errors at one place using validation summary html helper. A red asterisk (start) should be displayed next to every field that has failed the

2016-11-13 12:19:04 362

原创 Part 85 - Enable client side validation in asp.net mvc

Validation attributes in asp.net mvc provides both client and server side validation.There are 2 simple steps to enable client side validation in asp.net mvc.Step 1: Enable ClientValidation and Un

2016-11-13 12:17:46 308

原创 Part 84 - Compare attribute in asp.net mvc

Compare attribute is used to compare 2 properties of a model. Comparing email addresses and passwords is the common use case of Compare attribute. Let's understand using Compare attribute with an ex

2016-11-13 12:16:12 313

翻译 Part 83 - RegularExpression attribute in asp.net mvc

Regular expression attribute is great for pattern matching validation. Let's understand using Regular expression attribute with an example. We will be continuing with the example that we started in 

2016-11-13 12:14:11 371

原创 Part 82 - Creating custom validation attribute in asp.net mvc

At the moment, any value outside the range of "01/01/2000" and "01/01/2010" for HireDate filed, will raise a validation error. [Range(typeof(DateTime), "01/01/2000", "01/01/2010")][DisplayFormat(Da

2016-11-12 13:34:43 250

原创 Part 81 - Range attribute in asp.net mvc

RangeAttribute checks if the value of a data field is within a specified range of values. We will be working with the example, that we started in Part 80. Please watch Part 80, before proceeding. 

2016-11-12 13:31:48 196

原创 Part 80 - mvc 中的 StringLength 属性

用法很简单,具体示例如下:StringLength attribute is present in System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace and is used to enforce minimum and maximum length of characters that are allowed in a data field.

2016-11-10 17:10:22 1643

原创 Part 78 - MVC中不同的ActionResult 类型

In this section, we will discuss different types of ActionResult objects that can be returned by an action method.The following is the signature of a typical action method in a controller. Notice

2016-11-10 16:10:32 366

原创 Part 76 - ValidateInput attribute in mvc 允许文本框输入html标签

只需设置ValidateInput属性为false,即可允许在文本框输入html标签。若需要详细了解,请往下看:This validateInput attribute is used to enable or disable request validation. By default, request validation is enabled in asp.net mvc,  Let's

2016-11-10 15:41:55 1079 1

原创 Sql Server服务器未开启产生的error

如果用到数据库,而Sql Server数据库未开启,就会报下面的错误,解决方法就是开启数据库服务就好了。

2016-11-04 15:01:56 338

原创 Part 66 - Check及Uncheck所有CheckBox 同时删除多行数据记录的实现

实现效果:勾选Name左边的CheckBox(后面部分简称‘它’),则所有CheckBox都会被选中, 再次Unckeck它,所有都不被选中;如果其他所有CheckBox都选中了,Name左边的CheckBox会自动选中;反之,如果其他的没有全部被选中,则它不会被自动选中或者由自动Uncheck.Controller代码如下:using MVC_DeleteMultiRow.Mod

2016-11-03 23:52:32 537

原创 @Html.EditorForModel()用法

MSDN上对@Html.EditorForModel()的解释是Returns an HTML input element for each property in the model, using additional view data, 即使用另外一个View来为本VIew中Model每一个属性返回一个Html 输入元素。以Student类为例具体用法如下:1, 在Student

2016-11-03 23:08:20 4569

原创 C# Selenium 读取本地Excel文件并测试

实现效果:选择本地Excel文件,excel名称显示在ComBoBox中,excel内容显示在DataGridView中,点击"Send Web to Test" 按钮,就会进行相关测试。Form1.cs代码如下:using System;using System.Data;using System.IO;using System.Windows.Forms;using E

2016-11-01 17:52:12 1660

原创 使用OleDbConnection读取Excel时的Microsoft.Ace.OleDb.12.0异常

使用OleDbConnection读取Excel文件时,代码没问题,编译时却报错:The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.解决办法:下载AccessDatabaseEngine.exe, 并右键单击,选择Open, 然后它自动配置好环境。这样再编译就不会报错了。附一

2016-10-30 22:32:02 9083

原创 使用Selenium的一个简单程序

步骤1,创建一个控制台程序2,下载selenium-dotnet-driver包,解压后,有一个net40的文件夹,把里面的引用添加到步骤1所建的控制台程序引用中3,下载geckodriver.exe和phantomjs.exe,并把它们放到项目的debug文件夹中4,开始写代码,如下代码实现了不同的功能:using System;using System.Collecti

2016-10-30 21:52:03 1578

原创 Part 64 - MVC Sorting 排序

本文的效果是在 Part 62,及63 的基础上实现的。实现效果:       1. Name 和 Gender 列必须是可点击的超链接。        2. 点击 Name 或 Header,就可以实现排序功能, 如果没有点击 Name 或 Header, 则该列的数据以升序排列,如果点击了该列,数据降序排列 。        3. 默认情况下,数据按“Name”升序排列。

2016-10-25 17:38:21 219

原创 Part 63 - mvc 分页

By the end of this section, the index page should support both search functionality andpagination as shown below.  Step 1: Install PagedList.Mvc using NuGet package manager. PagedList.Mvc is dep

2016-10-25 13:35:18 278

原创 Part 62 - mvc search 搜索查询

Let's discuss, implementing search page in an asp.net mvc application. We should be able to search by Employee Name and Gender. The search page should be as shown below.  We will be using table

2016-10-24 23:06:37 405

原创 Part 61 - Named sections in layout files in mvc

Let us understand sections in a layout file with an example. Please watch Parts 59 and 60 before proceeding. At the moment on all the views(Index, Create, Edit, Details & Delete), we see the sam

2016-10-24 20:49:15 172

原创 Part 60 - ViewStart in asp.net mvc

To associate a view with a layout file, we have to set Layout property on each and every view. This violates DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle, and has the following disadvantages1. Redundant co

2016-10-24 17:07:38 209



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