



1 The Single, longa stock figure in stories, songs and personal ads, was traditionally someoneat the margins of society:a figure of fun, pity or awe.


2 Those days aregone. In the place of withered spinsters and bachelors are people likeElizabeth de Kergorlay, a 29-year-old Parisian banker who views herindependence and her own apartment as the spoils of professional success.



3 As the sageswould say, weare all ultimately alone. But an increasing number of Europeans arechoosing to be so at an ever earlier age. This isn’t the stuff of gloomy philosophical meditations,but a fact of Europe’s new economic landscape, embraced by demographers,real-estate developers and ad executives alike.



landscape: an areaof countryside or land of a particular type; the general situation in which aparticular activity takes place 风景,前景

embrace: toeagerly accept a new idea, opinion, religion etc拥抱,热情接受

4. According to therecent report “Britain in 2010” by Richard Scase, professor oforganizational behavior at the University of Kent, single-person householdswill outnumberfamilies and couples within a decade.



outnumber: to belarger in numbers than 

6. While pensioners,particularly elderly women, make up a hefty proportion of those living alone, the newest crop ofsingles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly viewliving alone as a lifestyle choice.



hefty: large andpowerful; of considerable size or amount  强壮的;有力的;异常大的;相当多的

crop: group orquantity appearing at any one time 一群, 一组;许多

7. Kaufmann,author of a recent book called The Single Woman and Prince Charming, thinks this fierce newindividualism means that people expect more and more of mates, sorelationships don’t last long — if they start at all.



10. Single-personhouseholds promotegentrification: when singles move into the neighborhood, saygeographers, latte bars, gyms and restaurants are sure to follow, and localmusic, theater and art galleries thrive.



Gentrification, orurban gentrification, is the change in an urban area associated with themovement of more affluent individuals into a lower-class area.士绅化,又译中产阶级化或贵族化

11  Women, it seems, enjoy singledom more than men do.According to Scase, single women — unlike men — tend to live near singlefriends, forming networks that serve as neo-families.



neo-: 新,新式的

12. “The last thing Iwant to do when I come home is communicate.” For Richard Moore,managing director of a sport-promotions company, his 1870s south London houseis a refugefrom work.



the last thing Iwant to do: what I don’t want to do at all

refuge: a placeproviding protection or shelter 庇护所

13. And divorcedor widowed people who hook up later in life tend to have set ways and long personalhistories with the requisite complications: “Should my piano or your piano bethe piano?” says Trost, imagining a hypothetical discussion.



hook up: to meetup with; to start having a sexual relationship with someone 交往,结交

hypothetical:based on a situation that is not real, but that might happen 假设的,假定的

14. Small wonderthat Britain’s market for ready-made convenience foods has doubled in the lastfive years.



small wonder: (=no wonder) not surprising; naturally 不足为奇,并不奇怪

15. Instead ofsaving for their kids’ college education, the home-aloners are prepared to fork out onpersonal-fitness trainers, seaweed cellulite wraps and stiletto heels.



fork out: to spenda lot of money on something 大量花钱,大把掏钱

16. The Playboymagazine promise of singledom as a portal to sublime sex doesn’t hold,according to Hamburg University sexologist Gunter Schmidt.



portal: grand andimposing entrance; means of entrance   大门;入口 the portal of knowledge

sublime: extremelygood, beautiful or enjoyable 卓越的;美妙绝伦的

hold: to continueto be true, good, available etc适用,有效,可行 What I said yesterday still holds.

17. Nightly groupdinners aren’t mandatory,though people do have to pitch in and cook for a week every two months.



mandatory:required by law; ordered by an authority (synonyms: compulsory, obligatory)) 法定的;强制性的

pitch in: to setto work vigorously; to help or cooperate 投入,参与,支援

18  The fusion of independence and community for olderpeople has proved popular: the seventy-year old group has a waiting listof 75, and visitors from Japan and the United States tramp through to learn about theSwedish method of aging gracefully.



tramp: travel onfoot

tramp though: 长途跋涉



1.   Medical advances in wonder drugs, daring surgicalprocedures, radiation therapies, and intensive-care units have brought new lifeto thousands of people. Yet to many of them, modern medicine has become a double-edged sword.

1. 在特效药、风险性手术进程、放疗法以及特护病房方面的医学进展已为数千人带来新生。然而,对于他们中不少人而言,现代医学已成为一把双刃剑。

double-edgedsword: something that has as many bad results as good ones; something with onenegative and one positive effect 

2.   Doctor’s power to treat with an array ofspace-age techniques has outstripped the body’s capacity to heal. Moremedical problems can be treated, but for many patients, there is little hope ofrecovery. Even the fundamental distinction between life and death has been blurred.

2. 医生采用一系列航空时代技术进行治疗的能力已超过人体本身的治愈能力。从医学的角度来说,有更多的疾病能够得以诊治,可对于许多病人而言,复原的希望却微乎其微。甚至生死之间的基本差别也难以界定清楚。

an array of:agroup of people or things, especially one that is large or impressive

outstrip: v .begreater in quantity than something else; exceed or surpass 超过;超越

blur .v . to makethe difference between two ideas, subjects etc less clear 使…模糊不清

3.   Many Americans are caught in medical limbo, as wasthe South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, who was kept alive by artificial meansafter he had beenknocked unconscious in a fight and his brain ceased to function.

不少美国人身陷医学囹圄,形同南韩拳击手金得九(Duk Koo Kim)的境遇。金得九在一次打斗中受到重击,人事不省,大脑停止运转,只能依靠人为方法赖以存活。

limbo: a state ofuncertainty about a situation that you can’t control and in which there’s no advancement and improvement 前途未卜的状况;悬而未决的状况

4. In the wake oftechnology’s advances in medicine, a heated debate is taking place in hospitalsand nursing homes across the country—over whether survival or quality of lifeis the paramountgoal of medicine.

4. 医疗技术进步了,是力求生存还是注重生命质量,哪个目标更为重要,这一问题在全美的医院和疗养院里引发了激烈的争论。

in the wake of: (of something, especially something bad)happening afterwards and usually as a result of it尾随,紧跟,仿效; 随着; 跟着;

paramount: moreimportant than anything else  最重要的;首要的

7.   The dilemma posed by modern medical technologyhas created the growing new discipline of bioethics. Many of the country’s 127 medicalschools now offer courses in medical ethics, a field virtually ignored only adecade ago.


pose: exist in away that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty, etc. 提出;引起;造成

bioethics  n. the study connected with life and livingthings of what is morally right and what is not 生物伦理学

10. More than a dozen states recognize “livingwills” in which the patients leave instructions to doctors not to prolonglife by feeding them intravenously or by other methods if their illnessbecomes hopeless.


prolong:  v. deliberately make something last longer;to extend 延长;延伸

intravenously  through or into a vein (=tube in the bodytaking blood back to the heart) 通过静脉地;静脉内地

11. Despite progress in society’s understanding ofdeath and dying, thorny issues remain. Example: A woman, 87, afflictedby the nervous-system disorder of Parkinson’s disease, has a massive strokeand is found unconscious by her family.


thorny: a. causingdifficulty; complicated and difficult  棘手的;复杂困难的

afflict: affectsomeone or something in an unpleasant way, and make them suffer 使苦恼;折磨;困扰

12. Ethicists alsofear that under the guise of medical decisions not to treat certainpatients, death may become too easy, pushing the country toward the acceptanceof euthanasia.


guise n.: the waysomeone or something appears to be, which hides the truth or is only temporary 表现形式;外观;伪装

14. At the other end of the life span, technology has sorevolutionized newborn care that it is no longer clear when human life is viableoutside the womb.


span: the lengthof time over which someone's life, ability to pay attention to sth, etc.continues

viable: able tocontinue to exist as or develop into a living being; able to succeed inoperation能继续生存的;能存活的;切实可行的

15. Yet, for many infants who owe their lives tonew medical advances, survival has come at a price. A significant number emerge withpermanent physical and mental handicaps.


handicap: mentaland physical disability 生理或智力缺陷;残疾

16. “But I feelstrongly that retardationor the fact that someone is going to be less than perfect is not good groundsfor allowing an infant to die.”


retardation  the process of making something happen ordevelop more slowly than it should; slowness in mental development 迟缓;阻滞;迟钝

19. The currenttrend is toward non-treatment as doctors

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