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原创 Python install Robot Framework

Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance level testing. RIDE is a lightweight and intuitive editor for Robot Framework test data.

2024-04-19 22:39:36 155

原创 python text to speaker

一款强大的语音模块,依赖于pywin32,而且它最适合做语音启动程序了。4. 用 gtts 模块。

2024-04-07 21:15:47 291 1

原创 Windows连接WSL-Ubuntu里安装的MySQL


2024-02-25 15:51:20 480

原创 Mysql-8 执行授权语句错误:ERROR 1064 (42000)

在Mysql 8版本中,不能使用GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'WITH GRANT OPTION;

2024-02-25 15:29:06 400

原创 Install Mysql and modify config on Ubuntu 20.04

要在 WSL 上运行的 Linux 发行版上安装 MySQL,只需按照 MySQL 文档中的说明进行操作。可能需要首先在wsl.conf配置文件中。sudo mysql有关使用 MySQL 数据库的更多信息,请参阅。若要在 VS Code 中使用 MySQL 数据库,请尝试使用。可能还想运行包含的安全脚本。这会更改一些不太安全的默认选项,例如远程根登录名和示例用户。此脚本还包括更改 MySQL 根用户密码的步骤。

2024-02-25 14:52:04 850

原创 Install Ubuntu using WSL on Win11

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a compatibility layer that allows you to run your favorite flavor of Linux distributions inside the Windows Operating System (Windows 10 and 11). You can run Linux on top of Windows 11 (or without the need for a dual bo

2024-02-25 14:43:41 811

原创 How to dual boot Windows 10 and Windows 11


2024-02-03 20:21:26 783

原创 New USB-C Type 2.1 Cable and Connector Specification

USB-C Type 2.1 is a USB-C cable and connector specification which allows for high power transfer and faster data speeds.

2024-02-03 20:13:57 895

原创 Wi-Fi 7 is Here for Early Adopters: What You Need to Know

​Wi-Fi 7is the next-generation wireless standard,which is set to supersede Wi-Fi 6E. Even though Wi-Fi 7 is still in the draft spec phase and hasn’t been officially certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance, there are a handful of Wi-Fi 7 routers on the market fro

2024-02-03 17:25:06 799

原创 What Is Bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology used to transmit audio, control devices, and transfer small amounts of data up to about 33 feet (10 meters) for Class 2 Bluetooth devices.Bluetooth is often used to connect headphones, keyboards, game controll

2024-02-03 13:49:40 696

原创 Which Version of Bluetooth Is My Windows 10 Computer Using?

You can find your Bluetooth version by going to the Windows Device Manager and opening the properties for your Bluetooth device.The first step is to open the Windows device manager, which you can do by searching Windows (Windows Key + S) for Device Manager

2024-02-03 13:43:00 326

原创 What Is the Latest Bluetooth Version?

The latest version of Bluetooth is 5.4. Bluetooth Core Specification Version 5.4 enables secure application data communication using connectionless bidirectional communication, allowing more scalability, energy efficiency, and flexibility in the network co

2024-02-03 13:37:12 785

转载 Pause Click plugin for VLC

VLC plugin that allows you to pause/play a video by clicking on the video image.

2023-04-09 22:47:56 222

原创 win11 搭建throughput 服务器

内外网测速工具 speedtest 服务器搭建指南

2023-01-02 15:32:41 239 1

原创 【工具】Elasticsearch安装IK分词器

在 Elasticsearch的世界中,插件是很重要的一部分,很多功能都可以通过插件来实现,因此下面就以常用的IK分词器插件的安装为例,来操作一下 Elasticsearch插件的安装。

2020-08-29 23:34:24 161

原创 【工具】elasticsearch安装可视化工具elasticsearch-head

ElasticHD 支持 ES监控、实时搜索,Index template快捷替换修改,索引列表信息查看, SQL converts to DSL工具等,体验下来感觉还是比较强大的!

2020-08-29 23:13:53 246

原创 [Solved]ElasticSearch bootstrap checks failed,elasticsearch process is too low...

修改elasticsearch.yml配置文件,允许外网访问。vim config/elasticsearch.yml# 增加network.host:[2018-05-18T17:44:59,658][INFO ][o.e.b.BootstrapChecks] [gFOuNlS] bound or publishing to a non-loopback address, enforcing bootstrap checksERROR: [2] bootstrap...

2020-08-29 22:48:15 60

原创 CentOS7 安装Node js 和 npm

Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that allows server-side execution of JavaScript code. Node.js is mainly used on the back-end, but it is also popular as a full-stack and front-end solution.npm, short for Node Package Manager is

2020-08-23 11:09:32 485

原创 [CentOS7]安装tomcat并开启自启动

安装jdk1、CentOS 6.X 和 7.X 自带有OpenJDK runtime environment (openjdk)。它是一个在linux上实现开源的Java 平台。yum search java | grep -i --color JDK2、在CentOS linux安装 JAVA SDK 在命令行终端以root用户 输入以下命令yum安装 OpenSDK : yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

2020-08-15 16:42:39 348

原创 CentOS安装mysql-5.x


2020-08-15 13:11:04 155

原创 CentOS6 yum源设置为国内aliyun yum源

简介CentOS,是基于 Red Hat Linux 提供的可自由使用源代码的企业级 Linux 发行版本;是一个稳定,可预测,可管理和可复制的免费企业级计算平台。将yum源设置为国内yum源,可以提升软件包安装和更新的速度,同时避免一些常见软件版本无法找到。国内免费提供yum源的网站有很多,如果,阿里、网易、清华、中科大等。这里以阿里yum源为例访问阿里开源镜像站:https://developer.aliyun.com/mirror配置方法1. 备份mv /etc/

2020-08-15 10:39:07 2274

原创 centos6.x redis 开机自动启动命令设置

centos6.x redis3 开机自动启动命令设置修改redis.conf,打开后台运行选项:By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use ‘yes’ if you need it.Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized.daemonize yes编写脚本,vim /etc/init.d/redis: 1 # chkconfig: 2

2020-08-15 10:08:56 578


VLC media player 播放视频点击屏幕播放/暂停插件。适用于windows 32 位,VLC media player 3.0 版本。



VLC media player 播放视频点击屏幕播放/暂停插件。适用于VLC media player 3.0 版本。



C语言入门必备,成为大牛的一本好书! 本书通过一些算法的介绍,让学习者精通C语言!



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