
/// CU data structure class
class TComDataCU
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // class pointers
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TComPic*      m_pcPic;              ///< picture class pointer
  TComSlice*    m_pcSlice;            ///< slice header pointer
  TComPattern*  m_pcPattern;          ///< neighbour access class pointer
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CU description
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  UInt          m_uiCUAddr;           ///< CU address in a slice
  UInt          m_uiAbsIdxInLCU;      ///< absolute address in a CU. It's Z scan order
  UInt          m_uiCUPelX;           ///< CU position in a pixel (X)
  UInt          m_uiCUPelY;           ///< CU position in a pixel (Y)
  UInt          m_uiNumPartition;     ///< total number of minimum partitions in a CU
  UChar*        m_puhWidth;           ///< array of widths
  UChar*        m_puhHeight;          ///< array of heights
  UChar*        m_puhDepth;           ///< array of depths
  Int           m_unitSize;           ///< size of a "minimum partition"
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CU data
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Bool*         m_skipFlag;           ///< array of skip flags
  Char*         m_pePartSize;         ///< array of partition sizes
  Char*         m_pePredMode;         ///< array of prediction modes
  Bool*         m_CUTransquantBypass;   ///< array of cu_transquant_bypass flags
  Char*         m_phQP;               ///< array of QP values
  UChar*        m_puhTrIdx;           ///< array of transform indices
  UChar*        m_puhTransformSkip[3];///< array of transform skipping flags
  UChar*        m_puhCbf[3];          ///< array of coded block flags (CBF)
  TComCUMvField m_acCUMvField[2];     ///< array of motion vectors
  TCoeff*       m_pcTrCoeffY;         ///< transformed coefficient buffer (Y)
  TCoeff*       m_pcTrCoeffCb;        ///< transformed coefficient buffer (Cb)
  TCoeff*       m_pcTrCoeffCr;        ///< transformed coefficient buffer (Cr)
  Int*          m_pcArlCoeffY;        ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Y)
  Int*          m_pcArlCoeffCb;       ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cb)
  Int*          m_pcArlCoeffCr;       ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cr)
  Bool          m_ArlCoeffIsAliasedAllocation; ///< ARL coefficient buffer is an alias of the global buffer and must not be free()'d

  static Int*   m_pcGlbArlCoeffY;     ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Y)
  static Int*   m_pcGlbArlCoeffCb;    ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cb)
  static Int*   m_pcGlbArlCoeffCr;    ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cr)
  Pel*          m_pcIPCMSampleY;      ///< PCM sample buffer (Y)
  Pel*          m_pcIPCMSampleCb;     ///< PCM sample buffer (Cb)
  Pel*          m_pcIPCMSampleCr;     ///< PCM sample buffer (Cr)

  Int*          m_piSliceSUMap;       ///< pointer of slice ID map
  std::vector<NDBFBlockInfo> m_vNDFBlock;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // neighbour access variables
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TComDataCU*   m_pcCUAboveLeft;      ///< pointer of above-left CU
  TComDataCU*   m_pcCUAboveRight;     ///< pointer of above-right CU
  TComDataCU*   m_pcCUAbove;          ///< pointer of above CU
  TComDataCU*   m_pcCULeft;           ///< pointer of left CU
  TComDataCU*   m_apcCUColocated[2];  ///< pointer of temporally colocated CU's for both directions
  TComMvField   m_cMvFieldA;          ///< motion vector of position A
  TComMvField   m_cMvFieldB;          ///< motion vector of position B
  TComMvField   m_cMvFieldC;          ///< motion vector of position C
  TComMv        m_cMvPred;            ///< motion vector predictor
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // coding tool information
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Bool*         m_pbMergeFlag;        ///< array of merge flags
  UChar*        m_puhMergeIndex;      ///< array of merge candidate indices
  Bool          m_bIsMergeAMP;
  UChar*        m_puhLumaIntraDir;    ///< array of intra directions (luma)
  UChar*        m_puhChromaIntraDir;  ///< array of intra directions (chroma)
  UChar*        m_puhInterDir;        ///< array of inter directions
  Char*         m_apiMVPIdx[2];       ///< array of motion vector predictor candidates
  Char*         m_apiMVPNum[2];       ///< array of number of possible motion vectors predictors
  Bool*         m_pbIPCMFlag;         ///< array of intra_pcm flags

  Int           m_numSucIPCM;         ///< the number of succesive IPCM blocks associated with the current log2CUSize
  Bool          m_lastCUSucIPCMFlag;  ///< True indicates that the last CU is IPCM and shares the same root as the current CU.  
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // misc. variables
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Bool          m_bDecSubCu;          ///< indicates decoder-mode
  Double        m_dTotalCost;         ///< sum of partition RD costs
  UInt          m_uiTotalDistortion;  ///< sum of partition distortion
  UInt          m_uiTotalBits;        ///< sum of partition bits
  UInt          m_uiTotalBins;       ///< sum of partition bins
  UInt*         m_sliceStartCU;    ///< Start CU address of current slice
  UInt*         m_sliceSegmentStartCU; ///< Start CU address of current slice
  Char          m_codedQP;
  /// add possible motion vector predictor candidates
  Bool          xAddMVPCand           ( AMVPInfo* pInfo, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, UInt uiPartUnitIdx, MVP_DIR eDir );
  Bool          xAddMVPCandOrder      ( AMVPInfo* pInfo, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, UInt uiPartUnitIdx, MVP_DIR eDir );

  Void          deriveRightBottomIdx        ( UInt uiPartIdx, UInt& ruiPartIdxRB );
  Bool          xGetColMVP( RefPicList eRefPicList, Int uiCUAddr, Int uiPartUnitIdx, TComMv& rcMv, Int& riRefIdx );
  /// compute required bits to encode MVD (used in AMVP)
  UInt          xGetMvdBits           ( TComMv cMvd );
  UInt          xGetComponentBits     ( Int iVal );
  /// compute scaling factor from POC difference
  Int           xGetDistScaleFactor   ( Int iCurrPOC, Int iCurrRefPOC, Int iColPOC, Int iColRefPOC );
  Void xDeriveCenterIdx( UInt uiPartIdx, UInt& ruiPartIdxCenter );
  Bool xGetCenterCol( UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, TComMv *pcMv );

  virtual ~TComDataCU();
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // create / destroy / initialize / copy
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Void          create                ( UInt uiNumPartition, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool bDecSubCu, Int unitSize
    , Bool bGlobalRMARLBuffer = false
  Void          destroy               ();
  Void          initCU                ( TComPic* pcPic, UInt uiCUAddr );
  Void          initEstData           ( UInt uiDepth, Int qp );
  Void          initSubCU             ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartUnitIdx, UInt uiDepth, Int qp );
  Void          setOutsideCUPart      ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );

  Void          copySubCU             ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartUnitIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  Void          copyInterPredInfoFrom ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList );
  Void          copyPartFrom          ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartUnitIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  Void          copyToPic             ( UChar uiDepth );
  Void          copyToPic             ( UChar uiDepth, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiPartDepth );
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // member functions for CU description
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TComPic*      getPic                ()                        { return m_pcPic;           }
  TComSlice*    getSlice              ()                        { return m_pcSlice;         }
  UInt&         getAddr               ()                        { return m_uiCUAddr;        }
  UInt&         getZorderIdxInCU      ()                        { return m_uiAbsIdxInLCU; }
  UInt          getSCUAddr            ();
  UInt          getCUPelX             ()                        { return m_uiCUPelX;        }
  UInt          getCUPelY             ()                        { return m_uiCUPelY;        }
  TComPattern*  getPattern            ()                        { return m_pcPattern;       }
  UChar*        getDepth              ()                        { return m_puhDepth;        }
  UChar         getDepth              ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_puhDepth[uiIdx]; }
  Void          setDepth              ( UInt uiIdx, UChar  uh ) { m_puhDepth[uiIdx] = uh;   }
  Void          setDepthSubParts      ( UInt uiDepth, UInt uiAbsPartIdx );
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // member functions for CU data
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Char*         getPartitionSize      ()                        { return m_pePartSize;        }
  PartSize      getPartitionSize      ( UInt uiIdx )            { return static_cast<PartSize>( m_pePartSize[uiIdx] ); }
  Void          setPartitionSize      ( UInt uiIdx, PartSize uh){ m_pePartSize[uiIdx] = uh;   }
  Void          setPartSizeSubParts   ( PartSize eMode, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  Void          setCUTransquantBypassSubParts( Bool flag, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  Bool*        getSkipFlag            ()                        { return m_skipFlag;          }
  Bool         getSkipFlag            (UInt idx)                { return m_skipFlag[idx];     }
  Void         setSkipFlag           ( UInt idx, Bool skip)     { m_skipFlag[idx] = skip;   }
  Void         setSkipFlagSubParts   ( Bool skip, UInt absPartIdx, UInt depth );

  Char*         getPredictionMode     ()                        { return m_pePredMode;        }
  PredMode      getPredictionMode     ( UInt uiIdx )            { return static_cast<PredMode>( m_pePredMode[uiIdx] ); }
  Bool*         getCUTransquantBypass ()                        { return m_CUTransquantBypass;        }
  Bool          getCUTransquantBypass( UInt uiIdx )             { return m_CUTransquantBypass[uiIdx]; }
  Void          setPredictionMode     ( UInt uiIdx, PredMode uh){ m_pePredMode[uiIdx] = uh;   }
  Void          setPredModeSubParts   ( PredMode eMode, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  UChar*        getWidth              ()                        { return m_puhWidth;          }
  UChar         getWidth              ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_puhWidth[uiIdx];   }
  Void          setWidth              ( UInt uiIdx, UChar  uh ) { m_puhWidth[uiIdx] = uh;     }
  UChar*        getHeight             ()                        { return m_puhHeight;         }
  UChar         getHeight             ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_puhHeight[uiIdx];  }
  Void          setHeight             ( UInt uiIdx, UChar  uh ) { m_puhHeight[uiIdx] = uh;    }
  Void          setSizeSubParts       ( UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  Char*         getQP                 ()                        { return m_phQP;              }
  Char          getQP                 ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_phQP[uiIdx];       }
  Void          setQP                 ( UInt uiIdx, Char value ){ m_phQP[uiIdx] =  value;     }
  Void          setQPSubParts         ( Int qp,   UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  Int           getLastValidPartIdx   ( Int iAbsPartIdx );
  Char          getLastCodedQP        ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx );
  Void          setQPSubCUs           ( Int qp, TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt absPartIdx, UInt depth, Bool &foundNonZeroCbf );
  Void          setCodedQP            ( Char qp )               { m_codedQP = qp;             }
  Char          getCodedQP            ()                        { return m_codedQP;           }

  Bool          isLosslessCoded(UInt absPartIdx);
  UChar*        getTransformIdx       ()                        { return m_puhTrIdx;          }
  UChar         getTransformIdx       ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_puhTrIdx[uiIdx];   }
  Void          setTrIdxSubParts      ( UInt uiTrIdx, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );

  UChar*        getTransformSkip      ( TextType eType)    { return m_puhTransformSkip[g_aucConvertTxtTypeToIdx[eType]];}
  UChar         getTransformSkip      ( UInt uiIdx,TextType eType)    { return m_puhTransformSkip[g_aucConvertTxtTypeToIdx[eType]][uiIdx];}
  Void          setTransformSkipSubParts  ( UInt useTransformSkip, TextType eType, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth); 
  Void          setTransformSkipSubParts  ( UInt useTransformSkipY, UInt useTransformSkipU, UInt useTransformSkipV, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );

  UInt          getQuadtreeTULog2MinSizeInCU( UInt absPartIdx );
  TComCUMvField* getCUMvField         ( RefPicList e )          { return  &m_acCUMvField[e];  }
  TCoeff*&      getCoeffY             ()                        { return m_pcTrCoeffY;        }
  TCoeff*&      getCoeffCb            ()                        { return m_pcTrCoeffCb;       }
  TCoeff*&      getCoeffCr            ()                        { return m_pcTrCoeffCr;       }
  Int*&         getArlCoeffY          ()                        { return m_pcArlCoeffY;       }
  Int*&         getArlCoeffCb         ()                        { return m_pcArlCoeffCb;      }
  Int*&         getArlCoeffCr         ()                        { return m_pcArlCoeffCr;      }
  Pel*&         getPCMSampleY         ()                        { return m_pcIPCMSampleY;     }
  Pel*&         getPCMSampleCb        ()                        { return m_pcIPCMSampleCb;    }
  Pel*&         getPCMSampleCr        ()                        { return m_pcIPCMSampleCr;    }

  UChar         getCbf    ( UInt uiIdx, TextType eType )                  { return m_puhCbf[g_aucConvertTxtTypeToIdx[eType]][uiIdx];  }
  UChar*        getCbf    ( TextType eType )                              { return m_puhCbf[g_aucConvertTxtTypeToIdx[eType]];         }
  UChar         getCbf    ( UInt uiIdx, TextType eType, UInt uiTrDepth )  { return ( ( getCbf( uiIdx, eType ) >> uiTrDepth ) & 0x1 ); }
  Void          setCbf    ( UInt uiIdx, TextType eType, UChar uh )        { m_puhCbf[g_aucConvertTxtTypeToIdx[eType]][uiIdx] = uh;    }
  Void          clearCbf  ( UInt uiIdx, TextType eType, UInt uiNumParts );
  UChar         getQtRootCbf          ( UInt uiIdx )                      { return getCbf( uiIdx, TEXT_LUMA, 0 ) || getCbf( uiIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_U, 0 ) || getCbf( uiIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_V, 0 ); }
  Void          setCbfSubParts        ( UInt uiCbfY, UInt uiCbfU, UInt uiCbfV, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth          );
  Void          setCbfSubParts        ( UInt uiCbf, TextType eTType, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth                    );
  Void          setCbfSubParts        ( UInt uiCbf, TextType eTType, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiDepth    );
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // member functions for coding tool information
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Bool*         getMergeFlag          ()                        { return m_pbMergeFlag;               }
  Bool          getMergeFlag          ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_pbMergeFlag[uiIdx];        }
  Void          setMergeFlag          ( UInt uiIdx, Bool b )    { m_pbMergeFlag[uiIdx] = b;           }
  Void          setMergeFlagSubParts  ( Bool bMergeFlag, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );

  UChar*        getMergeIndex         ()                        { return m_puhMergeIndex;                         }
  UChar         getMergeIndex         ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_puhMergeIndex[uiIdx];                  }
  Void          setMergeIndex         ( UInt uiIdx, UInt uiMergeIndex ) { m_puhMergeIndex[uiIdx] = uiMergeIndex;  }
  Void          setMergeIndexSubParts ( UInt uiMergeIndex, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  template <typename T>
  Void          setSubPart            ( T bParameter, T* pbBaseLCU, UInt uiCUAddr, UInt uiCUDepth, UInt uiPUIdx );

  Void          setMergeAMP( Bool b )      { m_bIsMergeAMP = b; }
  Bool          getMergeAMP( )             { return m_bIsMergeAMP; }

  UChar*        getLumaIntraDir       ()                        { return m_puhLumaIntraDir;           }
  UChar         getLumaIntraDir       ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_puhLumaIntraDir[uiIdx];    }
  Void          setLumaIntraDir       ( UInt uiIdx, UChar  uh ) { m_puhLumaIntraDir[uiIdx] = uh;      }
  Void          setLumaIntraDirSubParts( UInt uiDir,  UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  UChar*        getChromaIntraDir     ()                        { return m_puhChromaIntraDir;         }
  UChar         getChromaIntraDir     ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_puhChromaIntraDir[uiIdx];  }
  Void          setChromaIntraDir     ( UInt uiIdx, UChar  uh ) { m_puhChromaIntraDir[uiIdx] = uh;    }
  Void          setChromIntraDirSubParts( UInt uiDir,  UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  UChar*        getInterDir           ()                        { return m_puhInterDir;               }
  UChar         getInterDir           ( UInt uiIdx )            { return m_puhInterDir[uiIdx];        }
  Void          setInterDir           ( UInt uiIdx, UChar  uh ) { m_puhInterDir[uiIdx] = uh;          }
  Void          setInterDirSubParts   ( UInt uiDir,  UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  Bool*         getIPCMFlag           ()                        { return m_pbIPCMFlag;               }
  Bool          getIPCMFlag           (UInt uiIdx )             { return m_pbIPCMFlag[uiIdx];        }
  Void          setIPCMFlag           (UInt uiIdx, Bool b )     { m_pbIPCMFlag[uiIdx] = b;           }
  Void          setIPCMFlagSubParts   (Bool bIpcmFlag, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth);

  Int           getNumSucIPCM         ()                        { return m_numSucIPCM;             }
  Void          setNumSucIPCM         ( Int num )               { m_numSucIPCM = num;              }
  Bool          getLastCUSucIPCMFlag  ()                        { return m_lastCUSucIPCMFlag;        }
  Void          setLastCUSucIPCMFlag  ( Bool flg )              { m_lastCUSucIPCMFlag = flg;         }

  /// get slice ID for SU
  Int           getSUSliceID          (UInt uiIdx)              {return m_piSliceSUMap[uiIdx];      } 

  /// get the pointer of slice ID map
  Int*          getSliceSUMap         ()                        {return m_piSliceSUMap;             }

  /// set the pointer of slice ID map
  Void          setSliceSUMap         (Int *pi)                 {m_piSliceSUMap = pi;               }

  std::vector<NDBFBlockInfo>* getNDBFilterBlocks()      {return &m_vNDFBlock;}
  Void setNDBFilterBlockBorderAvailability(UInt numLCUInPicWidth, UInt numLCUInPicHeight, UInt numSUInLCUWidth, UInt numSUInLCUHeight, UInt picWidth, UInt picHeight
                                          ,std::vector<Bool>& LFCrossSliceBoundary
                                          ,Bool bTopTileBoundary, Bool bDownTileBoundary, Bool bLeftTileBoundary, Bool bRightTileBoundary
                                          ,Bool bIndependentTileBoundaryEnabled );
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // member functions for accessing partition information
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Void          getPartIndexAndSize   ( UInt uiPartIdx, UInt& ruiPartAddr, Int& riWidth, Int& riHeight );
  UChar         getNumPartInter       ();
  Bool          isFirstAbsZorderIdxInDepth (UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth);
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // member functions for motion vector
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Void          getMvField            ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList, TComMvField& rcMvField );
  Void          fillMvpCand           ( UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiPartAddr, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, AMVPInfo* pInfo );
  Bool          isDiffMER             ( Int xN, Int yN, Int xP, Int yP);
  Void          getPartPosition       ( UInt partIdx, Int& xP, Int& yP, Int& nPSW, Int& nPSH);
  Void          setMVPIdx             ( RefPicList eRefPicList, UInt uiIdx, Int iMVPIdx)  { m_apiMVPIdx[eRefPicList][uiIdx] = iMVPIdx;  }
  Int           getMVPIdx             ( RefPicList eRefPicList, UInt uiIdx)               { return m_apiMVPIdx[eRefPicList][uiIdx];     }
  Char*         getMVPIdx             ( RefPicList eRefPicList )                          { return m_apiMVPIdx[eRefPicList];            }

  Void          setMVPNum             ( RefPicList eRefPicList, UInt uiIdx, Int iMVPNum ) { m_apiMVPNum[eRefPicList][uiIdx] = iMVPNum;  }
  Int           getMVPNum             ( RefPicList eRefPicList, UInt uiIdx )              { return m_apiMVPNum[eRefPicList][uiIdx];     }
  Char*         getMVPNum             ( RefPicList eRefPicList )                          { return m_apiMVPNum[eRefPicList];            }
  Void          setMVPIdxSubParts     ( Int iMVPIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  Void          setMVPNumSubParts     ( Int iMVPNum, RefPicList eRefPicList, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiDepth );
  Void          clipMv                ( TComMv&     rcMv     );
  Void          getMvPredLeft         ( TComMv&     rcMvPred )   { rcMvPred = m_cMvFieldA.getMv(); }
  Void          getMvPredAbove        ( TComMv&     rcMvPred )   { rcMvPred = m_cMvFieldB.getMv(); }
  Void          getMvPredAboveRight   ( TComMv&     rcMvPred )   { rcMvPred = m_cMvFieldC.getMv(); }
  Void          compressMV            ();
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // utility functions for neighbouring information
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TComDataCU*   getCULeft                   () { return m_pcCULeft;       }
  TComDataCU*   getCUAbove                  () { return m_pcCUAbove;      }
  TComDataCU*   getCUAboveLeft              () { return m_pcCUAboveLeft;  }
  TComDataCU*   getCUAboveRight             () { return m_pcCUAboveRight; }
  TComDataCU*   getCUColocated              ( RefPicList eRefPicList ) { return m_apcCUColocated[eRefPicList]; }

  TComDataCU*   getPULeft                   ( UInt&  uiLPartUnitIdx, 
                                              UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, 
                                              Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true, 
                                              Bool bEnforceTileRestriction=true );
  TComDataCU*   getPUAbove                  ( UInt&  uiAPartUnitIdx, 
                                              UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, 
                                              Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true, 
                                              Bool MotionDataCompresssion = false,
                                              Bool planarAtLCUBoundary = false,
                                              Bool bEnforceTileRestriction=true );
  TComDataCU*   getPUAboveLeft              ( UInt&  uiALPartUnitIdx, UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true, Bool MotionDataCompresssion = false );
  TComDataCU*   getPUAboveRight             ( UInt&  uiARPartUnitIdx, UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true, Bool MotionDataCompresssion = false );
  TComDataCU*   getPUAbove                  ( UInt&  uiAPartUnitIdx, 
                                              UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, 
                                              Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true, 
                                              Bool planarAtLCUBoundary = false,
                                              Bool bEnforceTileRestriction=true );
  TComDataCU*   getPUAboveLeft              ( UInt&  uiALPartUnitIdx, UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true );
  TComDataCU*   getPUAboveRight             ( UInt&  uiARPartUnitIdx, UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true );
  TComDataCU*   getPUBelowLeft              ( UInt&  uiBLPartUnitIdx, UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true );

  TComDataCU*   getQpMinCuLeft              ( UInt&  uiLPartUnitIdx , UInt uiCurrAbsIdxInLCU );
  TComDataCU*   getQpMinCuAbove             ( UInt&  aPartUnitIdx , UInt currAbsIdxInLCU );
  Char          getRefQP                    ( UInt   uiCurrAbsIdxInLCU                       );

  TComDataCU*   getPUAboveRightAdi          ( UInt&  uiARPartUnitIdx, UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, UInt uiPartUnitOffset = 1, Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true );
  TComDataCU*   getPUBelowLeftAdi           ( UInt&  uiBLPartUnitIdx, UInt uiCurrPartUnitIdx, UInt uiPartUnitOffset = 1, Bool bEnforceSliceRestriction=true );
  Void          deriveLeftRightTopIdx       ( UInt uiPartIdx, UInt& ruiPartIdxLT, UInt& ruiPartIdxRT );
  Void          deriveLeftBottomIdx         ( UInt uiPartIdx, UInt& ruiPartIdxLB );
  Void          deriveLeftRightTopIdxAdi    ( UInt& ruiPartIdxLT, UInt& ruiPartIdxRT, UInt uiPartOffset, UInt uiPartDepth );
  Void          deriveLeftBottomIdxAdi      ( UInt& ruiPartIdxLB, UInt  uiPartOffset, UInt uiPartDepth );
  Bool          hasEqualMotion              ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx, TComDataCU* pcCandCU, UInt uiCandAbsPartIdx );
  Void          getInterMergeCandidates       ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPUIdx, TComMvField* pcMFieldNeighbours, UChar* puhInterDirNeighbours, Int& numValidMergeCand, Int mrgCandIdx = -1 );
  Void          deriveLeftRightTopIdxGeneral  ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt& ruiPartIdxLT, UInt& ruiPartIdxRT );
  Void          deriveLeftBottomIdxGeneral    ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt& ruiPartIdxLB );
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // member functions for modes
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Bool          isIntra   ( UInt uiPartIdx )  { return m_pePredMode[ uiPartIdx ] == MODE_INTRA; }
  Bool          isSkipped ( UInt uiPartIdx );                                                     ///< SKIP (no residual)
  Bool          isBipredRestriction( UInt puIdx );

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // member functions for symbol prediction (most probable / mode conversion)
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  UInt          getIntraSizeIdx                 ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx                                       );
  Void          getAllowedChromaDir             ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt* uiModeList );
  Int           getIntraDirLumaPredictor        ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx, Int* uiIntraDirPred, Int* piMode = NULL );
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // member functions for SBAC context
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  UInt          getCtxSplitFlag                 ( UInt   uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth                   );
  UInt          getCtxQtCbf                     ( TextType eType, UInt uiTrDepth );

  UInt          getCtxSkipFlag                  ( UInt   uiAbsPartIdx                                 );
  UInt          getCtxInterDir                  ( UInt   uiAbsPartIdx                                 );
  UInt          getSliceStartCU         ( UInt pos )                  { return m_sliceStartCU[pos-m_uiAbsIdxInLCU];                                                                                          }
  UInt          getSliceSegmentStartCU  ( UInt pos )                  { return m_sliceSegmentStartCU[pos-m_uiAbsIdxInLCU];                                                                                   }
  UInt&         getTotalBins            ()                            { return m_uiTotalBins;                                                                                                  }
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // member functions for RD cost storage
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Double&       getTotalCost()                  { return m_dTotalCost;        }
  UInt&         getTotalDistortion()            { return m_uiTotalDistortion; }
  UInt&         getTotalBits()                  { return m_uiTotalBits;       }
  UInt&         getTotalNumPart()               { return m_uiNumPartition;    }

  UInt          getCoefScanIdx(UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, Bool bIsLuma, Bool bIsIntra);


namespace RasterAddress
  /** Check whether 2 addresses point to the same column
   * \param addrA          First address in raster scan order
   * \param addrB          Second address in raters scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isEqualCol( Int addrA, Int addrB, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addrA % numUnitsPerRow == addrB % numUnitsPerRow
    return (( addrA ^ addrB ) &  ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) == 0;
  /** Check whether 2 addresses point to the same row
   * \param addrA          First address in raster scan order
   * \param addrB          Second address in raters scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isEqualRow( Int addrA, Int addrB, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addrA / numUnitsPerRow == addrB / numUnitsPerRow
    return (( addrA ^ addrB ) &~ ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) == 0;
  /** Check whether 2 addresses point to the same row or column
   * \param addrA          First address in raster scan order
   * \param addrB          Second address in raters scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isEqualRowOrCol( Int addrA, Int addrB, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    return isEqualCol( addrA, addrB, numUnitsPerRow ) | isEqualRow( addrA, addrB, numUnitsPerRow );
  /** Check whether one address points to the first column
   * \param addr           Address in raster scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isZeroCol( Int addr, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addr % numUnitsPerRow == 0
    return ( addr & ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) == 0;
  /** Check whether one address points to the first row
   * \param addr           Address in raster scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isZeroRow( Int addr, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addr / numUnitsPerRow == 0
    return ( addr &~ ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) == 0;
  /** Check whether one address points to a column whose index is smaller than a given value
   * \param addr           Address in raster scan order
   * \param val            Given column index value
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool lessThanCol( Int addr, Int val, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addr % numUnitsPerRow < val
    return ( addr & ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) < val;
  /** Check whether one address points to a row whose index is smaller than a given value
   * \param addr           Address in raster scan order
   * \param val            Given row index value
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool lessThanRow( Int addr, Int val, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addr / numUnitsPerRow < val
    return addr < val * numUnitsPerRow;

//! \}



/// general YUV buffer class
class TComYuv
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  YUV buffer
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Pel*    m_apiBufY;
  Pel*    m_apiBufU;
  Pel*    m_apiBufV;
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Parameter for general YUV buffer usage
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  UInt     m_iWidth;
  UInt     m_iHeight;
  UInt     m_iCWidth;
  UInt     m_iCHeight;
  static Int getAddrOffset( UInt uiPartUnitIdx, UInt width )
    Int blkX = g_auiRasterToPelX[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiPartUnitIdx ] ];
    Int blkY = g_auiRasterToPelY[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiPartUnitIdx ] ];
    return blkX + blkY * width;

  static Int getAddrOffset( UInt iTransUnitIdx, UInt iBlkSize, UInt width )
    Int blkX = ( iTransUnitIdx * iBlkSize ) &  ( width - 1 );
    Int blkY = ( iTransUnitIdx * iBlkSize ) &~ ( width - 1 );
    return blkX + blkY * iBlkSize;
  virtual ~TComYuv();
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Memory management
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Void    create            ( UInt iWidth, UInt iHeight );  ///< Create  YUV buffer
  Void    destroy           ();                             ///< Destroy YUV buffer
  Void    clear             ();                             ///< clear   YUV buffer
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Copy, load, store YUV buffer
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Copy YUV buffer to picture buffer
  Void    copyToPicYuv         ( TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );
  Void    copyToPicLuma        ( TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );
  Void    copyToPicChroma      ( TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );
  //  Copy YUV buffer from picture buffer
  Void    copyFromPicYuv       ( TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvSrc, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx );
  Void    copyFromPicLuma      ( TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvSrc, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx );
  Void    copyFromPicChroma    ( TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvSrc, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx );
  //  Copy Small YUV buffer to the part of other Big YUV buffer
  Void    copyToPartYuv         ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst,    UInt uiDstPartIdx );
  Void    copyToPartLuma        ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst,    UInt uiDstPartIdx );
  Void    copyToPartChroma      ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst,    UInt uiDstPartIdx );
  //  Copy the part of Big YUV buffer to other Small YUV buffer
  Void    copyPartToYuv         ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst,    UInt uiSrcPartIdx );
  Void    copyPartToLuma        ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst,    UInt uiSrcPartIdx );
  Void    copyPartToChroma      ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst,    UInt uiSrcPartIdx );
  //  Copy YUV partition buffer to other YUV partition buffer
  Void    copyPartToPartYuv     ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight );
  Void    copyPartToPartLuma    ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight );
  Void    copyPartToPartChroma  ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight );
  Void    copyPartToPartChroma  ( TComYuv*    pcYuvDst, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt iWidth, UInt iHeight, UInt chromaId);

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Algebraic operation for YUV buffer
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Clip(pcYuvSrc0 + pcYuvSrc1) -> m_apiBuf
  Void    addClip           ( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiTrUnitIdx, UInt uiPartSize );
  Void    addClipLuma       ( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiTrUnitIdx, UInt uiPartSize );
  Void    addClipChroma     ( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiTrUnitIdx, UInt uiPartSize );
  //  pcYuvSrc0 - pcYuvSrc1 -> m_apiBuf
  Void    subtract          ( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiTrUnitIdx, UInt uiPartSize );
  Void    subtractLuma      ( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiTrUnitIdx, UInt uiPartSize );
  Void    subtractChroma    ( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiTrUnitIdx, UInt uiPartSize );
  //  (pcYuvSrc0 + pcYuvSrc1)/2 for YUV partition
  Void    addAvg            ( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt iPartUnitIdx, UInt iWidth, UInt iHeight );

  //   Remove High frequency
  Void    removeHighFreq    ( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiWidht, UInt uiHeight );
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Access function for YUV buffer
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Access starting position of YUV buffer
  Pel*    getLumaAddr ()    { return m_apiBufY; }
  Pel*    getCbAddr   ()    { return m_apiBufU; }
  Pel*    getCrAddr   ()    { return m_apiBufV; }
  //  Access starting position of YUV partition unit buffer
  Pel* getLumaAddr( UInt iPartUnitIdx ) { return m_apiBufY +   getAddrOffset( iPartUnitIdx, m_iWidth  )       ; }
  Pel* getCbAddr  ( UInt iPartUnitIdx ) { return m_apiBufU + ( getAddrOffset( iPartUnitIdx, m_iCWidth ) >> 1 ); }
  Pel* getCrAddr  ( UInt iPartUnitIdx ) { return m_apiBufV + ( getAddrOffset( iPartUnitIdx, m_iCWidth ) >> 1 ); }
  //  Access starting position of YUV transform unit buffer
  Pel* getLumaAddr( UInt iTransUnitIdx, UInt iBlkSize ) { return m_apiBufY + getAddrOffset( iTransUnitIdx, iBlkSize, m_iWidth  ); }
  Pel* getCbAddr  ( UInt iTransUnitIdx, UInt iBlkSize ) { return m_apiBufU + getAddrOffset( iTransUnitIdx, iBlkSize, m_iCWidth ); }
  Pel* getCrAddr  ( UInt iTransUnitIdx, UInt iBlkSize ) { return m_apiBufV + getAddrOffset( iTransUnitIdx, iBlkSize, m_iCWidth ); }

  //  Get stride value of YUV buffer
  UInt    getStride   ()    { return  m_iWidth;   }
  UInt    getCStride  ()    { return  m_iCWidth;  }
  UInt    getHeight   ()    { return  m_iHeight;  }
  UInt    getWidth    ()    { return  m_iWidth;   }
  UInt    getCHeight  ()    { return  m_iCHeight; }
  UInt    getCWidth   ()    { return  m_iCWidth;  }  

//! \}

#endif // __TCOMYUV__


/// basic motion vector class
class TComMv
  Short m_iHor;     ///< horizontal component of motion vector
  Short m_iVer;     ///< vertical component of motion vector
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // constructors
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TComMv() :
  TComMv( Short iHor, Short iVer ) :
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // set
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Void  set       ( Short iHor, Short iVer)     { m_iHor = iHor;  m_iVer = iVer;            }
  Void  setHor    ( Short i )                   { m_iHor = i;                               }
  Void  setVer    ( Short i )                   { m_iVer = i;                               }
  Void  setZero   ()                            { m_iHor = m_iVer = 0;  }
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // get
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Int   getHor    () const { return m_iHor;          }
  Int   getVer    () const { return m_iVer;          }
  Int   getAbsHor () const { return abs( m_iHor );   }
  Int   getAbsVer () const { return abs( m_iVer );   }
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // operations
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  const TComMv& operator += (const TComMv& rcMv)
    m_iHor += rcMv.m_iHor;
    m_iVer += rcMv.m_iVer;
    return  *this;
  const TComMv& operator-= (const TComMv& rcMv)
    m_iHor -= rcMv.m_iHor;
    m_iVer -= rcMv.m_iVer;
    return  *this;
  const TComMv& operator>>= (const Int i)
    m_iHor >>= i;
    m_iVer >>= i;
    return  *this;
  const TComMv& operator<<= (const Int i)
    m_iHor <<= i;
    m_iVer <<= i;
    return  *this;
  const TComMv operator - ( const TComMv& rcMv ) const
    return TComMv( m_iHor - rcMv.m_iHor, m_iVer - rcMv.m_iVer );
  const TComMv operator + ( const TComMv& rcMv ) const
    return TComMv( m_iHor + rcMv.m_iHor, m_iVer + rcMv.m_iVer );
  Bool operator== ( const TComMv& rcMv ) const
    return (m_iHor==rcMv.m_iHor && m_iVer==rcMv.m_iVer);
  Bool operator!= ( const TComMv& rcMv ) const
    return (m_iHor!=rcMv.m_iHor || m_iVer!=rcMv.m_iVer);
  const TComMv scaleMv( Int iScale ) const
    Int mvx = Clip3( -32768, 32767, (iScale * getHor() + 127 + (iScale * getHor() < 0)) >> 8 );
    Int mvy = Clip3( -32768, 32767, (iScale * getVer() + 127 + (iScale * getVer() < 0)) >> 8 );
    return TComMv( mvx, mvy );

//! \}

#endif // __TCOMMV__

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