

 * A Reverse-HTTP proxy written using Node.js
 * Overview
 * --------
 * This reverse-HTTP proxy is designed to do three things:
 *  1.  Listen upon a port for incoming requests and route them to
 *     one of a number of HTTP instances, based entirely upon the
 *     Host: header submitted.
 *  2.  Expand mod_rewrite-like rules - based on URL patterns.
 *  3.  Make arbitrary rewrites via functions hooked on URL paths.
 *  In combination this means we can accept requests and pass them
 * through to local (or remote) HTTP servers, optionally rewriting
 * parts of the request.
 * Usage
 * -----
 *  This whole file is a program, and it is expected you'll invoke
 * it with the path to a configuration file, via "--config /path/foo.js"
 *  (Several example configuration files are provided with the source
 * code distribution; see ./examples/.)
 * Author
 * -----
 * Steve
 * --

 * Load the Node.js HTTP & PATH libraries.
var http = require('http');
var path = require('path');

 * The defaults for our command line parser
var cmdline = {
    'debug': false,
    'dump': false,
    'config': "./config.js"

var VERSION = "0.7";

 * Our global re-write rules.
 * This will be populated after the command-line parsing, and configuration
 * file reading.
 * NOTE:  This is where *all* the vhosts, their rewrite/function
 * definitions are stored.
 * NOTE #2:  We pre-compile all regexps.  See "loadConfigFile" for details
 * and specifically note the use of the 'compiled' + 'rw_compiled' - the
 * former for virtual host regexps and the latter for ReWrite regexps.
var global;

 * Command line parser.

function parseCommandLine()
    var inFile = false;
    var inPort = false;


        if (inFile)
            cmdline['config'] = arg;
            inFile = false;
        if (inPort)
            cmdline['port'] = arg;
            inPort = false;
        if (arg.match("-+config"))
            inFile = true;
        if (arg.match("-+debug"))
            cmdline['debug'] = true;
        if (arg.match("-+dump"))
            cmdline['dump'] = true;
        if (arg.match("-+port"))
            inPort = true;
        if (arg.match("-+help"))
            console.log("node-reverse-proxy.js - " + VERSION + " - <>");
            console.log(" node-reverse-proxy [options]")
            console.log(" ")
            console.log(" --help    Show this help.");
            console.log(" --config  Use the specified config file, not ./rewrites.js.");
            console.log(" --dump    Dump the configuration file, and exit.");
            console.log(" --debug   Show debugging information whilst running.");
            console.log(" --port    Override the port to listen upon from the config file.");

     * Ensure we weren't left dangling.
    if (inFile || inPort)
        console.log("Missing argument!");

 * Load the specified configuration file, aborting if it isn't present.
 * Pre-compile the virtual host regexps & rewrite rules for speed.

function loadConfigFile(filename)

    if (cmdline["debug"])
        console.log("Reading configuration file " + filename);

     * See if our named configuration file exists.
    if (path.existsSync(filename))
        global = require(filename);
        console.log("Configuration file not found - " + filename);

     * Pre-compile each rewrite rule regular expression, and each vhost
     * regexp.
     * Doing this offers a significant speedup.

         * Virtual Hostname regexp.
        global.options[vhost]['compiled'] = new RegExp("^" + vhost + "$");

         * Now process each existing rewrite rule for that vhost.
        rules = global.options[vhost]['rules'];

        if (rules)

             * Create a sub-hash
            global.options[vhost]['rw_compiled'] = {}


                 * Damn that is a lot of nesting...
                global.options[vhost]['rw_compiled'][rule] = new RegExp(rule);

 * Dump the virtual hosts we know about to the console,
 * along with their proxied locations and any rewrite rules
 * which might be present.

function dumpOptions()
        console.log("http://" + vhost + "/");

         * Dump host + port if present.
        port = global.options[vhost]['port'] || "";
        host = global.options[vhost]['host'] || "";

        var rules = global.options[vhost]['rules'];

        if (rules)
                console.log("\tRewriting " + rule + " to " + rules[rule]);

        if (host.length && port.length)
            console.log("\tproxying to " + host + ":" + port);


 * This is the start of our HTTP handler, which will respond to incoming
 * requests and proxy/rewrite them.
var handler = function(req, res)

     * Access the Host: which we received, ensuring it is
     * lower-case for consistancy.
    var vhost = ? : '';
    vhost = vhost.toLowerCase();

     * Log, if being verbose.
    if (cmdline['debug'])
        console.log("Request for " + vhost + req.url + " from " + req.connection.remoteAddress);

     * If there are any pre-execution filters apply them
    if ((global.filters) && (global.filters['pre']))
        global.filters['pre'](req, vhost);

     * If there is a port in the vhost-name then we'll drop it.
    var port = vhost.indexOf(':');
    if ((port) && (port > 0))
        vhost = vhost.substr(0, port);

     * Save away the original submitted Host: header, this will be passed
     * to any functional hooks which might be present for this virtual host.
    var orig_vhost = vhost;

     * The entry of rules/functions/host/port we're going to lookup
     * for this incoming request.
    var ent;

     * Find the virtual host, from our external table.
     * Note that the entries in that table are regular expressions, albeit
     * anchored ones.
    for (var host in global.options)
        var hostRE = global.options[host]['compiled'];
        if (hostRE.exec(vhost))
            ent = global.options[host];
            vhost = host;

     * If the table lookup failed then we have a request for a virtual
     * host we don't know about.
    if (!ent)

         * There might be a default host.
        if (global.defaultvhost)
             *  See if that matches any of our know hosts...
            for (var host in global.options)
                var hostRE = global.options[host]['compiled'];
                if (hostRE.exec(global.defaultvhost))
                    ent = global.options[host];
                    vhost = host;

             * If we *still* don't have a match then we have to
             * return an error.
            if (!ent)
                res.writeHead(500, {
                    'content-type': 'text/html'
                res.end('Error finding host details for virtual host <tt>' + escape(vhost) + '</tt>');

     * Find any rewrite-rules which might be present for this vhost.
    var rules = global.options[vhost]['rules'];

    if (rules)

        var stop = false;
        var done = false;


             * Find the pre-compiled regexp for this rule - execute it.
            var re = global.options[vhost]['rw_compiled'][rule];
            var match = re.exec(req.url);

            if ((match) && (!stop))

                 * If the rule matches we have a hit; we need
                 * to rewrite.
                 * Note: We generally continue to go through this loop
                 * allowing further rewrites to occur.  That seems more
                 * sensible to me than to stop at the first hit, although
                 * if you configure a rewrite to occur which ends in
                 * "-LAST" it will terminate further updates.
                 * e.g:
                 *   '/robots.txt': '/robots.txt-LAST',
                 *   '/(.*)':       '/show.cgi?path=$1',
                 * That will rewrite all rules to /show.cgi *except*
                 * for /robots.txt which will match the first rule
                 * and due to the "-LAST" will terminate further
                 * matches.
                var newURL = rules[rule];

                 * If we have a positive number of matches
                 * (i.e. "captures") then we need to search and replace
                 * them in turn.
                 *  So we replace $1 with the first capture,
                 * we replace $2 with the second capture, etc.
                if (match.length > 1)
                    var i = 1;
                    while (i <= match.length)
                        newURL = newURL.replace("$" + i, match[i]);
                        i = i + 1;

                 * If the destination rule begins with "http" we will
                 * issue a 301 redirect.
                if (newURL.match("^http"))

                     * TODO: -CODE=302 -> Will generate  a 302 redirect
                    res.writeHead(301, {
                        'Location': newURL
                    done = true

                     * Should we stop the rewrites?
                    var offset = newURL.indexOf("-LAST");
                    if (offset > 0)
                         * Strip the -LAST suffix
                        newURL = newURL.substr(0, offset);
                        stop = true;

                     * Otherwise we'll update the request - on the basis
                     * that we're going to proxy it shortly.
                    req.url = newURL;


    if (done)

     * See if we have any modification functions to invoke.
     * If there are we execute each one in turn.  If we receive
     * any true response we will regard the request as over
     * and will not continue to proxy that request.
     * The functions are invoked based upon the URL-path requested,
     * but it is possible there will be more than one.
    var func = global.options[vhost]['functions'];
    var over = false;

    if (func)


            /* The name of the function is a regexp against the path. */
            if (req.url.match(fun))

                if (global.options[vhost]['functions'][fun](orig_vhost, vhost, req, res))
                    over = true;

     * If (at least one) functional hook returned true then we're
     * done with this request.
    if (over)

     * OK at this point we have either:
     *  a.  No rewrite rules/functions defined for this vhost.
     *  b.  Rules defined, but with no matches having been made, or
     *     without a functional hook returning "true".
     * Lookup the host+port we're going to proxy to.
    port = global.options[vhost]['port'];
    host = global.options[vhost]['host'] || "";

     * If that lookup fails we're out of luck.
    if ((!port) || (!host))
        res.writeHead(500, {
            'content-type': 'text/html'
        res.end('Error finding host details for virtual host <tt>' + escape(vhost) + '</tt>');

     * Otherwise we need to create the proxy-magic.
    var proxy = http.createClient(port, host);

     * The proxied connection might fail.
    proxy.addListener('error', function(socketException)
        console.log("Request for " + vhost + " failed - back-end server " + host + ":" + port + " unreachable");
        res.writeHead(503, {
            'content-type': 'text/html'
        res.end('Back-end unreachable.');

     * Preserve the original requesting IP address.
    req.headers["X-Forwarded-For"] = req.connection.remoteAddress;

     * Create the proxy object.
    var proxy_request = proxy.request(req.method, req.url, req.headers);

    proxy_request.addListener('response', function(proxy_response)

         * If we have a "Connection: foo" header preserve it.
         * Otherwise defualt to "close".
        if (proxy_response.headers.connection)
            if (req.headers.connection)
                proxy_response.headers.connection = req.headers.connection;
                proxy_response.headers.connection = 'close';

         * If there are any post-execution filters apply them
        if ((global.filters) && (global.filters['post']))
            global.filters['post'](proxy_response, req, vhost);

         * Send the proxy's initial response back to the client.
        res.writeHead(proxy_response.statusCode, proxy_response.headers);

         * No 'data' event and no 'end'
         * Missing this will lead to oddness - don't ask.
        if (proxy_response.statusCode === 304)

         * Send results from the proxy server back to the originating
         * client.
        proxy_response.addListener('data', function(chunk)
            res.write(chunk, 'binary');
        proxy_response.addListener('end', function()


     * Wire it all up, old-school.
    req.addListener('data', function(chunk)
        proxy_request.write(chunk, 'binary');

    req.addListener('end', function()

     * Our work here is done.


 * Last ditch error-recovery
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err)
    console.log("ERROR:" + err);

 **  Start of running code.

 * Parse any command line options which might be present.

 * Load our configuration file.

 * If we're just to dump then do so.
if (cmdline['dump'])

 * Launch and display our starting options.
console.log("node-reverse-proxy.js v" + VERSION + "\n");

 * Port is either that from the command-line parser, or from the
 * configuration file.
var port = cmdline['port'] || global.port;

 * Bind to each requested address, as defined in the configuration file.
for (val in global.bind)
    console.log("Binding to " + global.bind[val] + ":" + port);
    http.createServer().addListener("request", handler).listen(port, global.bind[val]);

 * Now we're cooking on gas.
console.log("\nAwaiting requests ...");

code from





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