
Andy was my first boss, so to speak. I was lucky enough to have a lot of bosses. [shows slide of various bosses] That red circle is way off. Al is over here. [laughter] I dont know what the hell happened there. He's probably watching this on the webcast going, my god he's targeting and he still can't aim! [Laughter] I don't want to say much about the great bosses I've had except that they were great. And I know a lot of people in the world that have had bad bosses, and I haven't had to endure that experience and I'm very grateful to all the people that I ever had to have worked for. They have just been incredible.


安迪算是我的第一个老板。我是幸运有很多老板。 [幻灯片显示各老板 ] 这个红圈太偏了。艾而是在这里。 []我不知道这是怎么回事。他大概正在看网路转播,说,我的上帝,他有目标,他他仍不能瞄准! []我不想说太多我的好老板们,只是要说,他们都很好。我知道有很多人有坏老板,我还没有过那种经验,我也很感激所有的人我曾经为之工作的人。他们简直令人难以置信的好。


But it's not just our bosses, we learn from our students. I think the best head fake of all time comes from Caitlin Kelleher. Excuse me, Doctor Caitlin Kelleher, who just finished up here and is starting at Washington University, and she looked at Alice when it was an easier way to learn to program, and she said, yeah, but why is that fun? I was like, cause uh, Im a compulsive malelike to make the little toy soldiers move around by my command, and that's fun. She's like, hmm. And she was the one who said, no, we'll just approach it all as a storytelling activity. And she's done wonderful work showing that, particularly with middle school girls, if you present it as a storytelling activity, they're perfectly willing to learn how to write computer software. So all-time best head fake award goes to Caitlin Kelleher's dissertation.


但我们不仅从我们的老板那里学,我们也从我们的学生那里学。我认为有史以来最好的障眼法是来自凯特琳 . 凯乐荷。对不起,凯特琳 . 凯乐荷博士。她刚刚毕业,开始在华盛顿大学工作。她审视爱丽丝软件,那时这只是让学习编程变容易的一个方法,她说,是啊,但这为什么好玩呢?我当时想,因为,啊,我是个冲动的男生… …我喜欢让由我指挥玩具士兵走来走去,那对我来说很有趣。她就,嗯。然后她说,不,我们应该把它作为一个讲故事活动。她的杰出工作表明,尤其是对女中学生,如果你把编程作为一个讲故事的活动,他们非常愿意学习如何写计算机软件。所有有史以来最好的障眼法奖去授予凯特琳 . 凯乐荷的论文。

President Cohen, when I told him I was going to do this talk, he said, please tell them about having fun, because that's what I remember you for. And I said, I can do that, but it's kind of like a fish talking about the importance of water. I mean I don't know how to not have fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun. And I'm going to keep having fun every day I have left. Because there's no other way to play it.




So my next piece of advice is, you just have to decide if you're a Tigger or and Eeyore. [shows slide with an image of Tigger and Eeyore with the phrase Decide if youre Tigger or Eeyore] I think I'm clear where I stand on the great Tigger/Eeyore debate. [laughter] Never lose the childlike wonder. It's just too important. It's what drives us.


所以我的下一条建议就是, 你必须决定你是跳跳虎还是依唷驴(童话中小熊维尼Winnie the Pooh的两个朋友 , 性格一乐观 , 一悲观 . 译者注 ). [放画有跳跳虎和依唷驴的幻灯 , 文字内容为 ”决定你是跳跳虎还是依唷驴 ]我想我已表明了我对这跳跳虎/依唷驴大辩论的立场。[]不要未失去童心惊奇。它太重要了。它驱动我们前行。


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