Orthanc Restful API

Orthanc - REST API : REST v1.2.0

 /{resourceType}/{id}/attachmentsynnnList the files that are attached to this patient, study, series or instance
 /{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/compressed-dataynnnReturn the (possibly compressed) data, as stored on the disk
 /{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/is-compressedynnnIs this attachment compressed: "0" means uncompressed, "1" compressed
 /{resourceType}/{id}/attachments/{name}/verify-md5nnynCheck that there is no corruption on the disk (HTTP status == 200 iff. no error)
 /changesyynn"last", "limit" and "since" arguments
 /exportsyynn"last", "limit" and "since" arguments
 /instancesynynGET: "last" and "limit" arguments; POST = Add the new DICOM file given in the POST body
 /instances/{id}/content/ynnnList the first-level DICOM tags
 /instances/{id}/content/{group}-{element}ynnnRaw access to the value of DICOM tags (comprising the padding character)
 /instances/{id}/content/{group}-{element}/{index}/...ynnnRaw access to the content of DICOM sequences
 /instances/{id}/exportnnynWrite the DICOM file to the filesystem where Orthanc is running
 /instances/{id}/frames/{frameNumber}/image-int16ynnnTruncated image to the [-32768;32767] range
 /instances/{id}/frames/{frameNumber}/image-uint16ynnnTruncated image to the [0;65535] range
 /instances/{id}/frames/{frameNumber}/image-uint8ynnnTruncated image to the [0;255] range
 /instances/{id}/frames/{frameNumber}/matlabynnna = eval(urlread('http://localhost:8042/instances/.../frames/0/matlab'))
 /instances/{id}/frames/{frameNumber}/previewynnnRescaled image (so that all the range [0;255] is used)
 /instances/{id}/frames/{frameNumber}/rawynnnAccess to the raw content of one frame (bypass image decoding)
 /instances/{id}/headerynnnGet the meta information (header) of the DICOM file, "?simplify" argument to simplify output
 /instances/{id}/image-int16ynnnTruncated image to the [-32768;32767] range
 /instances/{id}/image-uint16ynnnTruncated image to the [0;65535] range
 /instances/{id}/image-uint8ynnnTruncated image to the [0;255] range
 /instances/{id}/matlabynnna = eval(urlread('http://localhost:8042/instances/.../matlab'))
 /instances/{id}/patientynnnRetrieve the parent patient of this instance
 /instances/{id}/pdfynnnReturn the encapsulated PDF inside the DICOM file, if any
 /instances/{id}/previewynnnRescaled image (so that all the range [0;255] is used)
 /instances/{id}/reconstructnnynForce reconstruction of the main DICOM tags, JSON summary and metadata
 /instances/{id}/seriesynnnRetrieve the parent series of this instance
 /instances/{id}/studyynnnRetrieve the parent study of this instance
 /instances/{id}/tagsynnn"?simplify" argument to simplify output (same as "simplified-tags")
 /modalities/{dicom}/echonnynC-Echo SCU
 /modalities/{dicom}/movennynDICOM C-Move SCU (Retrieve)
 /modalities/{dicom}/querynnynDICOM C-Find SCU (Query), with subsequent possibility for Retrieve
 /modalities/{dicom}/storennynPOST body = UUID series, UUID instance, or raw DICOM file
 /patientsynnn"since" and "limit" arguments + "expand" argument to retrieve the content of the patients
 /patients/{id}/archiveynnnCreate ZIP
 /patients/{id}/instancesynnnRetrieve all the instances of this patient in a single REST call
 /patients/{id}/mediaynnnCreate a ZIP archive for media storage with DICOMDIR
 /patients/{id}/protectedynnyProtection against recycling: "0" means unprotected, "1" protected
 /patients/{id}/reconstructnnynForce reconstruction of the main DICOM tags, JSON summary and metadata of child instances
 /patients/{id}/seriesynnnRetrieve all the series of this patient in a single REST call
 /patients/{id}/shared-tagsynnn"?simplify" argument to simplify output
 /patients/{id}/studiesynnnRetrieve all the studies of this patient in a single REST call
 /peers/{peer}/storennynPOST body = UUID series, UUID instance, or raw DICOM file
 /pluginsynnnGet the list of all the registered plugins
 /plugins/{id}ynnnGet information about some plugin
 /plugins/explorer.jsynnnGet the JavaScript code that is injected by plugins into Orthanc Explorer
 /queries/{id}/answersynnnList all the answers for this C-Find SCU request
 /queries/{id}/answers/{index}/contentynnnAccess 1 answer of C-Find SCU; "?simplify" argument to simplify output
 /queries/{id}/answers/{index}/retrievennynC-Move SCU: Send this resource to another modality whose AET is in the body
 /queries/{id}/levelynnnGet the query retrieve level for this C-Find SCU request
 /queries/{id}/modalityynnnGet the modality to which this C-Find SCU request was issued (cf. /modalities)
 /queries/{id}/queryynnnAccess the C-Find SCU query; "?simplify" argument to simplify output
 /queries/{id}/retrievennynC-Move SCU: Send all the results to another modality whose AET is in the body
 /seriesynnn"since" and "limit" arguments + "expand" argument to retrieve the content of the series
 /series/{id}/archiveynnnCreate a ZIP archive for media storage with DICOMDIR
 /series/{id}/instancesynnnRetrieve all the instances of this series in a single REST call
 /series/{id}/mediaynnnCreate archives for media storage with DICOMDIR
 /series/{id}/moduleynnn"?simplify" argument to simplify output
 /series/{id}/ordered-slicesynnnOrder the slices of a 2D+t, 3D or 3D+t image
 /series/{id}/patientynnnRetrieve the parent patient of this series
 /series/{id}/reconstructnnynForce reconstruction of the main DICOM tags, JSON summary and metadata of child instances
 /series/{id}/shared-tagsynnn"?simplify" argument to simplify output
 /series/{id}/studyynnnRetrieve the parent study of this series
 /studiesynnn"since" and "limit" arguments + "expand" argument to retrieve the content of the studies
 /studies/{id}/archiveynnnCreate ZIP
 /studies/{id}/instancesynnnRetrieve all the instances of this patient in a single REST call
 /studies/{id}/mediaynnnCreate a ZIP archive for media storage with DICOMDIR
 /studies/{id}/moduleynnn"?simplify" argument to simplify output
 /studies/{id}/module-patientynnn"?simplify" argument to simplify output
 /studies/{id}/patientynnnRetrieve the parent patient of this study
 /studies/{id}/reconstructnnynForce reconstruction of the main DICOM tags, JSON summary and metadata of child instances
 /studies/{id}/seriesynnnRetrieve all the series of this study in a single REST call
 /studies/{id}/shared-tagsynnn"?simplify" argument to simplify output
 /tools/create-archivennynCreate a ZIP from a set of unrelated DICOM resources
 /tools/create-dicomnnynCreate and store a new DICOM instance, possibly with an image or a PDF payload
 /tools/create-mediannynCreate a ZIP-with-DICOMDIR from a set of unrelated DICOM resources
 /tools/default-encodingynnyGet the default encoding used by Orthanc, or temporarily change it until the next restart
 /tools/dicom-conformanceynnnDICOM conformance statement of this version of Orthanc
 /tools/execute-scriptnnynExecute the Lua script in the POST body
 /tools/findnnynRuns a C-Find call from the REST API
 /tools/generate-uidynnn"level" argument among "patient", "study", "series" and "instance"
 /tools/invalidate-tagsnnynInvalidate the JSON summary of all the DICOM files (useful if private tags are registered)
 /tools/lookupnnynMap DICOM UIDs to Orthanc identifiers
 /tools/nowynnnReturns the current datetime in the ISO 8601 format
 /tools/resetnnynHot restart of Orthanc, the configuration file will be read again
 /tools/shutdownnnynStop Orthanc

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