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原创 Implement a Custom Accessory View For UITableView in iPhone

In this application we’ll see how to implement a custom accessory view for your UITableView in the form of a checkmark button.Step 1: Create a Window base application using template. Give the name...

2012-05-29 14:39:49 89

原创 UINavigationBar,UIBarButtonItem 相关

1. Adding a Custom UIBarButtonItemWe will use an image in the resources folder called “back.png”. To insert the image as the back button, add this piece of code to the AppDelegate.m file. This shoul...

2012-05-20 16:40:05 70

原创 iPhone Dev: UINavigationController and viewWillAppear

I recently came across a problem while developing and application that has UINavigationController inside a UITabBarController. When i tried to go back in the navigation menu that viewWillAppear or vie...

2012-05-15 15:03:11 70

原创 ASIHttpRequest 备忘

1. NSOperationQueue and NSOperation, do I have to release it?You have to release your copy that you created.I assume that you are doing something like:SomeOperation is subclass of NSOperation ...

2012-05-15 11:46:48 52

原创 objective-c 内存释放备忘 转载

//string1 将被自动释放NSString* string1 = [NSString string];//必须在用完后手工释放NSString* string2 = [[NSString alloc] init]; [string2 release];Typically, each class gets two files: a header file tha...

2012-05-14 13:30:47 79

原创 iphone 下载 解析文件名的方法

The following line does the job if url is a NSString:[code="c"]NSString *filename = [url lastPathComponent];[/code]If url is a NSURL, then the following does the job:[code="c"]NSString *fi...

2012-05-14 13:21:42 112

原创 Pass parameter to NSTimer

To pass parameter to an NSTimer, the parameter should be specified in the field userInfo of the timer. We can pass any number of parameters to NSTimer provided they are wrapped into a collection. Here...

2012-05-13 21:16:32 66

原创 让ASIHTTPRequest不占用主线程

---转载文章。。备忘。。ASIHTTPRequest是个很易用的iOS / Mac OS X平台的HTTP库,比NSURLRequest好用多了,所以我一直在用它。不过使用中我发现,当下载线程数超过2时,就会影响到主线程响应用户请求的速度了。好奇之余我测试了一下completionBlock,发现它总是在主线程调用,而NSOperation的文档中却说一般会在子线程中执行。于是看...

2012-05-10 16:51:58 95

原创 Creating a custom Table View Cell programmatically

start open xcode and create a new project, chose the template as “Navigation Based” and name it as “CustomCellTestProject”. What template you chose does not matter, refer my previous posts to find how...

2012-05-10 16:08:11 91

原创 iphone 设计灵感


2012-05-09 15:43:09 84

原创 上传APP到App Store过程中报错 备忘

1. application executable is missing a required architecture armv6In the Xcode 4.2 GM this is still a problem but you can resolve it by doing the following.Switch to the files/folders view in xc...

2012-05-02 14:53:20 70

原创 Dismissing MPMoviePlayerViewController the right way

If you have used the MPMoviePlayerViewController to play videos in iOS, chances are you have gotten a little frustrated by its rigidness. A couple of issues I personally encountered were:When pres...

2012-05-01 23:56:02 70



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