1.Find the students who have never registered any course.
For each student as such, following information should be listed:
- ID of the student
- Name of the student
select student.ID,student.name
from student left join takes
on student.ID = takes.ID
where takes.course_id is null
2.Find the sections which have register records having unknown grade information.
For each section as such, following information should be listed:
- Title of the course corresponding to the section
- Id of the section
- Year of the section
- Semester of the section
select course.title,section.sec_id as ID,section.year,section.semester from section join course on course.course_id = section.course_id where course.title in (select course.title from course left join takes on course.course_id = takes.course_id where takes.grade is NULL )
3.Find the students who enroll to the department having 4 instructors at least
For each student as such, following information should be listed:
- Id of the student
- Name of the student
- Name of the department the student enrolled to
select S.name,S.ID,D.dept_name
from student S join department D on S.dept_name = D.dept_name
where D.dept_name in
(select D.dept_name
from department D join instructor I on D.dept_name = I.dept_name
group by D.dept_name
having count(I.name) >= 4
4.Find the department which hired instructors whose name contain ‘世’.
For each department as such, following information should be listed:
- Name of the department
- Building of the department
- Instructor count of the department
select D.dept_name,D.building,count(I.name) instructor_count from department D join instructor I on D.dept_name = I.dept_name where I.name like '%世%' group by D.dept_name,D.building