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原创 Android: LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := current

Android.mk里添加 LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := current 后不能使用@hide API

2013-06-17 11:13:29 6898

原创 Android: 判断service运行状态

public static boolean isServiceRunning(Context context) { ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); for (RunningServiceInfo service : ma

2013-05-29 10:55:48 6729

原创 Android: project UrlImageViewHelper

https://github.com/koush/UrlImageViewHelperUsageUrlImageViewHelper will automatically download and manage all the web images and ImageViews. Duplicate urls will not be loaded into memory

2013-05-28 13:39:17 3556

原创 Android: Bitmap OutOfMemory

//decodes image and scales it to reduce memory consumption private Bitmap decodeFile(File f){ try { //Decode image size BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.

2013-05-23 17:41:29 2572

原创 Android: 判断网络状态

判断当前Wifi或Ethernet连接状态: public static boolean isNetworkConnected(Context context) { ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); Net

2013-04-27 17:51:18 3051

原创 Android: ImageView animations

ImageView view = ((ImageView) getView().findViewById(R.id.image)); view.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getActivity(), R.anim.fade_in)); view.setImageBitmap(mBitmap);

2013-04-27 17:35:50 2484

原创 Git: 修改提交记录

git rebase -i xxxpick xxxx修改为 edit xxxxgit commit --amend修改提交记录git rebase --continue搞定,重新push

2013-04-27 17:33:57 2376

原创 Android: 通过URL下载文件

URL url = new URL(urlString);File tempFile = null;tempFile = File.createTempFile("cache", ".tmp", new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString()));boolean downloaded = DownloadUtils.

2013-04-11 17:18:06 3659

原创 Android: ImageView and Bitmap

imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap)从res获得Bitmap:Bitmap bitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.xxx);从ByteArray获得Bitmap:Bitmap bitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeByteArr

2013-04-11 17:12:01 2805

原创 Android: ApiHelper

/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * Yo

2013-04-08 16:31:19 3824

原创 Android: notifications

android-sdk/docs/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.htmlNotificationsIN THIS DOCUMENTNotification Display ElementsNormal viewBig viewCreating a NotificationReq

2013-04-08 16:13:33 3777

原创 Android: SharedPreferences OP

SharedPreferences prefs = Utils.getSharedPreferences(context); boolean autostart = prefs.getBoolean(SettingsPreferences.KEY_BOOT_CFG, false); public static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(C

2013-04-08 16:09:41 2553

转载 Android: android 如何预置APK

ZZ: http://blog.csdn.net/sergeycao/article/details/8198205一、如何将带源码的APK预置进系统?1)     在 packages/apps 下面以需要预置的 APK的 名字创建一个新文件夹,以预制一个名为Test的APK 为例2)     将 Test APK的Source code 拷贝到 Test 文件夹下,删除 /bin

2013-03-19 09:43:02 2582

原创 Android: API Levels

import android.os.Build;private static final int SDK_VERSION = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;Platform VersionAPI LevelVERSION_CODENotesAndroid 4.2, 4.2.217JELLY_BEAN_

2013-03-18 15:29:49 2128

原创 Android: 监听解锁事件


2013-03-15 16:18:28 3050

原创 Android: DroidAirPlay Project

https://github.com/pentateu/DroidAirPlayDroidAirPlay===========Rafael Almeida (rafael@iswe.co.nz)July 2012Overview---------------The ideia is to develop a AirPlay Receiver that runs

2013-03-15 14:22:28 4330

原创 Android: AirReceiver Project

https://github.com/fgp/AirReceiverAirReceiver===========Florian G. Pflug May 2011Overview--------AirReceiver is an AirPort Express emulator, i.e. it allows streaming audiofro

2013-03-15 14:17:15 3633

原创 Git: 合并几个commit为一个commit

git log:Commit ACommit BCommit CCommit DCommit O比如要合并 A B C D 为一个commitgit rebase -i Commit O在里面把 B C D 前面设s退出rebase, 编辑commit这个时候就成了Commit XCommit O合并 branch

2013-02-22 18:50:43 25824

原创 Android: 百度个人云存储

http://developer.baidu.com/wiki/index.php?title=docs/pcs百度个人云存储(PCS)免费大空间、海量存储。支持文件、目录及缩略图管理。支持结构化数据存储 。多终端自动同步。轻松的文件分享功能。专业的技术支持团队。基于多种平台提供丰富的SDK。PCS提供了多种SDK和Demo样例,帮助您快速进行应用开发。

2013-01-31 18:33:24 5030

原创 Linux: hrtimer 用法

hrtimer = high res timer内核为高精度定时器重新设计了一套软件架构,它可以为我们提供纳秒级的定时精度,以满足对精确时间有迫切需求的应用程序或内核驱动,例如多媒体应用,音频设备的驱动程序等等。以下的讨论用hrtimer(high resolution timer)表示高精度定时器。#include static struct hrtimer hrti

2013-01-30 16:04:15 5215 1

原创 Android: eclipse 使用@hide API

编译生成的out\target\common\obj\JAVA_LIBRARIES\framework_intermediates\classes.jar添加到项目Libraries,并且在Order and Export 中调整classes.jar在系统API之前即可

2013-01-24 14:15:44 1291

原创 Android: 第三方jar打包进APK

Android.mkLOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)include $(CLEAR_VARS)LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optionalLOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := ACharDemoLOCAL_CE

2013-01-22 16:17:44 1270

转载 Android: Data Backup

Android开发指南(37) —— Data Backup 前言  本章内容为Android开发者指南的 Framework Topics/Data Storage/Data Backup章节,译为"数据备份",版本为Android 4.0 r1,翻译来自:"呆呆大虾",欢迎访问他的微博:"http://weibo.com/popapa",再次感谢"呆呆大虾" !期待

2012-12-26 13:52:30 981

转载 Android: dumpsys

http://www.2cto.com/kf/201203/125340.html首先看一下dumpsys有哪些功能:dumpsys 用来给出手机中所有应用程序的信息,并且也会给出现在手机的状态。dumpsys [Option]               meminfo 显示内存信息               cpuinfo 显示CPU信息

2012-12-19 14:41:57 1018

原创 Android: git 统计

git shortlog -s -n1) Kernel TOP10 10475  Linus Torvalds  3752  David S. Miller  3393  Ingo Molnar  3073  Takashi Iwai  2605  Al Viro  2254  Russell King  2247  Paul Mundt  2196  Tejun Heo

2012-12-13 17:22:47 971

原创 Android: frameworks\base\core\java\android\os\FileUtils

/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * Yo

2012-12-03 16:34:21 2830

原创 Android: 4.2

2012-11-21 13:48:27 888

原创 Android: ACTION_SCREEN_ON ACTION_SCREEN_OFF 为什么Manifest注册了却不能接收

frameworks\base\services\java\com\android\server\PowerManagerService.java mScreenOnIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON); mScreenOnIntent.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_

2012-11-16 17:13:00 5914

原创 Android: JellyBean 彩蛋

设置 - 关于手机 - Android版本 上不停点击,激活彩蛋

2012-10-18 15:27:36 1570

转载 Android: Tablet App Quality Checklist

http://developer.android.com/distribute/googleplay/quality/tablet.htmlQuicknavDesignDevelopDistributeLinksGoogle Play Developer ConsoleAndroid Devel

2012-10-15 18:17:32 1951

原创 Android: Java中的delay

/** * Sleep for a period of time. * @param secs the number of seconds to sleep */ private static void nap(int secs) { try { Thread.sleep(secs * 1000); }

2012-09-17 16:54:31 3671

原创 Android: 修改ramdisk.img

cp ../ramdisk.img ramdisk.cpio.gzgzip -d ramdisk.cpio.gzmkdir tmpcd tmpcpio -i -F ../ramdisk.cpio(make changes in /tmp)cpio -i -t -F ../ramdisk.cpio | cpio -o -H newc -O ../ramdisk_new.cpiocd .

2012-09-13 14:05:45 931

转载 Android: framework/Split off some packages to a new file

https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base/commit/854f6f736b90d33b59b5a85bcecf72a416c43b7dframework: Split off some packages to a new fileframeworks.jar is now hitting the maximu

2012-09-10 17:26:14 2752 1

原创 Android: wakelock

private PowerManager.WakeLock mSuspendWakeLock;mSuspendWakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "WifiSuspend");mSuspendWakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false);

2012-09-10 16:38:26 881

转载 Android: An introduction to the Edify (Updater-Script) language

An introduction to the Edify (Updater-Script) language        2011-11-08 21:53:30

2012-08-22 16:26:51 1624

原创 Android: Jelly Bean 来了!

2012-07-13 07:32:40 1004

转载 Android: WiFi direct

http://www.uns.org.tw/node/651無線網路的應用大升級:Wi-Fi Direct2011-05-30 23:41 發表技術論壇Post by InDeepNight自從網際網路經過了Web 2.0的洗禮之後,又歷經了智慧型手機的大爆發,在都會區裡幾乎四處都能夠找到能夠連接上網的熱點(先不論是否免費

2012-07-11 16:54:47 4026

原创 Android: Syncing to the Cloud

http://developer.android.com/training/cloudsync/index.htmlSyncing to the CloudGet started ›Syncing with App EngineBy providing powerful APIs for internet connectivity, the

2012-06-05 14:22:43 965

原创 Android: Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery

http://developer.android.com/training/efficient-downloads/index.htmlTransferring Data Without Draining the BatteryGet started ›Optimizing Downloads for Efficient Network Access

2012-06-05 14:03:58 920

原创 Android: 判断网络连接状态及连接类型

// Checks the network connection and sets the wifiConnected and mobileConnected // variables accordingly. private void updateConnectedFlags() { ConnectivityManager connMgr =

2012-06-04 14:58:43 5766 1


例子中截屏作为一个开机启动的后台service,在需要截屏的任何地方(系统servic或其他APK),发送 Intent "com.android.CAPTURE_SCREEN" 即可


Android 2.3截屏JNI代码

Android 2.3截屏JNI代码 Android 2.3截屏JNI代码 Android 2.3截屏JNI代码



http://blog.csdn.net/zmyde2010/article/details/5936494 代码,刚学习apk时写的一个例子,有需要就看看吧


Google USB Driver, r4




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