
本文记录了在AIX系统上将Oracle RAC升级到11.2.0.2过程中遇到的文件拷贝错误问题及解决方案。在应用补丁9413827时,由于文件拷贝失败导致升级失败。经过分析,问题在于存在运行中的进程阻止了文件替换。通过手动停止相关进程并使用`slibclean`命令清理系统动态库后,成功解决此问题。



操作系统:AIX 6.1标准版

数据库版本: rac

目标数据库版本11.2.0.2 rac






         第二.ORAInventory/contents XML/inventory.xml,可以查看该文件,有详细的信息


      为CRS_HOME napply补丁的时候出错,当时时间是下午,大脑比较混乱,心情也比较急躁,没有好好分析日志,第二天早上仔细看了下,终于解决



$ opatch napply -local -oh  /u01/asm -id 9413827

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

UTIL session

Oracle Home       : /u01/asm
Central Inventory : /u01/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/asm/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/asm/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2012-03-06_03-26-01AM.log

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
OPatch continues with these patches:   9413827 

Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
All checks passed.
Provide your email address to be informed of security issues, install and
initiate Oracle Configuration Manager. Easier for you if you use your My
Oracle Support Email address/User Name.
Visit http://www.oracle.com/support/policies.html for details.
Email address/User Name:

You have not provided an email address for notification of security issues.
Do you wish to remain uninformed of security issues ([Y]es, [N]o) [N]:  y

Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
(Oracle Home = '/u01/asm')

Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Backing up files...
Applying interim patch '9413827' to OH '/u01/asm'

Patching component oracle.crs,

Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libdbcfg11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libdbcfg11.so'... 
Please verify all applications associated with the Oracle Home '/u01/asm' are shut down. If this is AIX, please perform solution documented in Note 739963.1 onhttps://myoraclesupport.oracle.com.

Do you want to retry copying the file? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Retry copying the file to '/u01/asm/lib/libdbcfg11.so'.

Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libhasgen11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libhasgen11.so'... 
Please verify all applications associated with the Oracle Home '/u01/asm' are shut down. If this is AIX, please perform solution documented in Note 739963.1 onhttps://myoraclesupport.oracle.com.

Do you want to retry copying the file? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Retry copying the file to '/u01/asm/lib/libhasgen11.so'.

Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libocr11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libocr11.so'... 
Please verify all applications associated with the Oracle Home '/u01/asm' are shut down. If this is AIX, please perform solution documented in Note 739963.1 onhttps://myoraclesupport.oracle.com.

Do you want to retry copying the file? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Retry copying the file to '/u01/asm/lib/libocr11.so'.

Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libocrb11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libocrb11.so'... 
Please verify all applications associated with the Oracle Home '/u01/asm' are shut down. If this is AIX, please perform solution documented in Note 739963.1 onhttps://myoraclesupport.oracle.com.

Do you want to retry copying the file? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Retry copying the file to '/u01/asm/lib/libocrb11.so'.

Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libocrutl11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libocrutl11.so'... 
Please verify all applications associated with the Oracle Home '/u01/asm' are shut down. If this is AIX, please perform solution documented in Note 739963.1 onhttps://myoraclesupport.oracle.com.

Do you want to retry copying the file? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Retry copying the file to '/u01/asm/lib/libocrutl11.so'.

Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libsrvmhas11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libsrvmhas11.so'... 
Please verify all applications associated with the Oracle Home '/u01/asm' are shut down. If this is AIX, please perform solution documented in Note 739963.1 onhttps://myoraclesupport.oracle.com.

Do you want to retry copying the file? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Retry copying the file to '/u01/asm/lib/libsrvmhas11.so'.

Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libsrvmocr11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libsrvmocr11.so'... 
Please verify all applications associated with the Oracle Home '/u01/asm' are shut down. If this is AIX, please perform solution documented in Note 739963.1 onhttps://myoraclesupport.oracle.com.

Do you want to retry copying the file? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Retry copying the file to '/u01/asm/lib/libsrvmocr11.so'.

The following actions have failed:
Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libdbcfg11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libdbcfg11.so'...
Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libhasgen11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libhasgen11.so'...
Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libocr11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libocr11.so'...
Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libocrb11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libocrb11.so'...
Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libocrutl11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libocrutl11.so'...
Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libsrvmhas11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libsrvmhas11.so'...
Copy failed from '/tmp/9413827/files/lib/libsrvmocr11.so' to '/u01/asm/lib/libsrvmocr11.so'...

Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
There are 7 copy files under ORACLE_HOME that are not patched.
Files check failed: Some files under ORACLE_HOME are not patched. Please see log file for details.
ApplySession failed in system modification phase... 'Verification of patch failed: Files are not updated completely.'

Restoring "/u01/asm" to the state prior to running NApply...
OPatch failed to restore the files from backup area. Not running "make".

NApply was not able to restore the home.  Please invoke the following scripts:
  - restore.[sh,bat]
  - make.txt (Unix only)
to restore the ORACLE_HOME.  They are located under

UtilSession failed: ApplySession failed in system modification phase... 'Verification of patch failed: Files are not updated completely.'
Log file location: /u01/asm/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2012-03-06_03-26-01AM.log

OPatch failed with error code 73

more /u01/asm/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2012-03-06_03-26-01AM.log

[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/http-web-site.xml"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/internal-settings.xml"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/j2ee-logging.xml"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/java2.policy"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/javacache.xml"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/jazn-data.xml"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/jazn.security.props"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/jazn.xml"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/jms.xml"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/mime.types"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/oc4j-connectors.xml"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/oc4j.properties"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Finish Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 CST 2012
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     OUI-67047:Copying file to "/u01/asm/oc4j/j2ee/home/OC4J_DBWLM_config/oc4jclient.policy"
[Mar 6, 2012 3:59:51 AM]     Start Copy Action at Tue Mar 06 03:59:51 C





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