#define DEBUG printf
int len_num(int num); //to judge the length of the number
char* my_itoa(int num, int len); //to transform the number to a string
char* handle_str(char* str_num, int len); //transform num to NUM
int main()
float num_test;
int num, len;
char* str_num;
char* str_result;
printf("Please input a number: ");
if(!(scanf("%f", &num_test)))
printf("Invalid:data type not correct.\n");
num = (int)num_test;
if (num_test != num)
printf("Invalid:number type not correct.\n");
printf("number: %f\n", num_test);
else if (num == 0)
printf("Number: 0\nLength: 1\nResult: 零\n");
else if (num_test > 9999 || num_test < 0)
printf("Invalid:number overflow.\n");
printf("number: %d\n", num);
len = len_num(num);
str_num = my_itoa(num, len);
str_result = handle_str(str_num, len);
printf("Number: %d\nLength: %d\n", num, len);
printf("Result: %s\n", str_result);
return 0;
function: to get the length of the number
input : the input number, int num
output: the length of the number, int num_len
int len_num(int num)
int num_len;
if(num <= 9999 && num >= 1000)
num_len = 4;
else if(num <= 999 && num >= 100)
num_len = 3;
else if(num <= 99 && num >= 10)
num_len = 2;
else if(num <=9 && num >=0)
num_len = 1;
return num_len;
function: to transform number to a string
input : int num, int len
output: char* point to a string
char *my_itoa(int num, int len)
char *temp;
int i;
temp =(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*len);
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
if(len-i != -1)
temp[len-i] = num % 10 + '0';
// DEBUG("temp%d %c",i,temp[len-i]);
num = num / 10;
return temp;
function: to transform num to NUM
input : char* str_num
output: None
char* handle_str(char* str_num, int len)
int i=0, k;
char *str_result;
static char num_trans[10][4] = {"零","一","二","三","四","五","六","七","八","九"};
static char num_value[4][4] = {"千","百","十",'\0'};
str_result = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*32);
for(k = 4-len; k <=3 ; k++)
int j;
j = str_num[i]-'0';
if(!(str_num[i] == '0' && (str_num[i+1] == '0' || i ==len-1)))
strcat(str_result, num_trans[j]);
if(j != 0)
strcat(str_result, num_value[k]);
return str_result;