1594: 【USACO】
Farmer John traded one of his cows for a cow that Farmer Don called 'The Knight'. This cow has the unique ability to jump around thepasture in moves that looked like a knight on a chessboard (two squares over, one up... or maybe two squares down and one over,etc.). 'The Knight' can't jump on rocks or trees, but can really make her way around the pasture, which is partitioned for our purposes into an X by Y set of squares (1 <= X <= 150; 1 <= Y <= 150). 'The Knight' likes hay just like any other cow. Given a map of 'The Knight's starting place, locations of the tree, shrub, rock, and other obstacles, and the location of a bale of hay, determine how many 'hops' the Knight must make in order to get to the hay. The Knight cow will be marked by a 'K' on the map; obstacles by '*',and the haybale by 'H'. Here