SylixOS的BSP开发实例之S3C2416 【第三篇】S3C2416 寄存器描述

**                                    中国软件开源组织
**                                   嵌入式实时操作系统
**                                SylixOS(TM)  LW : long wing
**                               Copyright All Rights Reserved
** 文   件   名: s3c24xx_reg.h
** 创   建   人: Gong.YuJian (弓羽箭)
** 文件创建日期: 2015 年 01 月 31 日
** 描        述: S3C24xx 寄存器头文件.

#ifndef __S3C24XX_REG_H
#define __S3C24XX_REG_H

  C++ 兼容声明
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif                                                                  /*  __cplusplus                 */

#define rLOCKCON0    		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000000)  		/* MPLL lock time conut			*/
#define rLOCKCON1    		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000004)  		/* EPLL lock time count			*/
#define rOSCSET      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000008)  		/* OSC stabilization control	*/
#define rMPLLCON     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000010)  		/* MPLL configuration			*/
#define rEPLLCON     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000018)  		/* EPLL configuration			*/
#define rEPLLCON_K   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C00001C)  		/* EPLL configuration			*/
#define rCLKSRC      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000020)  		/* Clock source control			*/
#define rCLKDIV0     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000024)  		/* Clock divider ratio control	*/
#define rCLKDIV1     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000028)  		/* Clock divider ratio control	*/
#define rCLKDIV2     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C00002C)  		/* Clock divider ratio control	*/
#define rHCLKCON     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000030)  		/* HCLK enable					*/
#define rPCLKCON     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000034)  		/* PCLK enable					*/
#define rSCLKCON     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000038)  		/* Special clock enable			*/
#define rPWRMODE     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000040)  		/* Power mode control			*/
#define rSWRST       		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000044)  		/* Software reset control		*/
#define rBUSPRI0     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000050)  		/* Bus priority control			*/
#define rPWRCFG      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000060)  		/* Power management cfg control	*/
#define rRSTCON      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000064)  		/* Reset control				*/
#define rRSTSTAT     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000068)  		/* Reset status					*/
#define rWKUPSTAT   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C00006c)  		/* Wakeup status				*/
#define rINFORM0     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000070)  		/* Sleep mode information 0		*/
#define rINFORM1     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000074)  		/* Sleep mode information 1		*/
#define rINFORM2     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000078)  		/* Sleep mode information 2		*/
#define rINFORM3     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C00007C)  		/* Sleep mode information 3		*/
#define rUSB_PHYCTRL 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000080)  		/* USB phy control				*/
#define rUSB_PHYPWR  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000084)  		/* USB phy power control		*/
#define rUSB_RSTCON  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C000088)  		/* USB phy reset control		*/
#define rUSB_CLKCON  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4C00008C)  		/* USB phy clock control		*/

#define rBPRIORITY0	 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4E800000)			/* Matrix core 0 priority 		*/
#define rBPRIORITY1	 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4E800004)			/* Matrix core 1 priority 		*/
#define rEBICON   	 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4E800008)			/* Bank Configuration			*/

#define rSMBIDCYR0   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000000)			/* Bank0 idle cycle control		*/
#define rSMBIDCYR1   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000020)			/* Bank1 idle cycle control		*/
#define rSMBIDCYR2   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000040)			/* Bank2 idle cycle control		*/
#define rSMBIDCYR3   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000060)			/* Bank3 idle cycle control		*/
#define rSMBIDCYR4   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000080)			/* Bank0 idle cycle control		*/
#define rSMBIDCYR5   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F0000A0)			/* Bank5 idle cycle control		*/
#define rSMBWSTRDR0  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000004)			/* Bank0 read wait state control*/
#define rSMBWSTRDR1  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000024)			/* Bank1 read wait state control*/
#define rSMBWSTRDR2  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000044)			/* Bank2 read wait state control*/
#define rSMBWSTRDR3  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000064)			/* Bank3 read wait state control*/
#define rSMBWSTRDR4  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000084)			/* Bank4 read wait state control*/
#define rSMBWSTRDR5  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F0000A4)			/* Bank5 read wait state control*/
#define rSMBWSTWRR0  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000008)			/* Bank0 write wait state 		*/
#define rSMBWSTWRR1  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000028)			/* Bank1 write wait state 		*/
#define rSMBWSTWRR2  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000048)			/* Bank2 write wait state 		*/
#define rSMBWSTWRR3  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000068)			/* Bank3 write wait state 		*/
#define rSMBWSTWRR4  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000088)			/* Bank4 write wait state 		*/
#define rSMBWSTWRR5  		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F0000A8)			/* Bank5 write wait state 		*/
#define rSMBWSTOENR0 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00000C)			/* Bank0 output enable assertion*/
#define rSMBWSTOENR1 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00002C)			/* Bank1 output enable assertion*/
#define rSMBWSTOENR2 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00004C)			/* Bank2 output enable assertion*/
#define rSMBWSTOENR3 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00006C)			/* Bank3 output enable assertion*/
#define rSMBWSTOENR4 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00008C)			/* Bank4 output enable assertion*/
#define rSMBWSTOENR5 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F0000AC)			/* Bank5 output enable assertion*/
#define rSMBWSTWENR0 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000010)			/* Bank0 write enable assertion */
#define rSMBWSTWENR1 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000030)			/* Bank1 write enable assertion */
#define rSMBWSTWENR2 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000050)			/* Bank2 write enable assertion */
#define rSMBWSTWENR3 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000070)			/* Bank3 write enable assertion */
#define rSMBWSTWENR4 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000090)			/* Bank4 write enable assertion */
#define rSMBWSTWENR5 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F0000B0)			/* Bank5 write enable assertion */
#define rSMBCR0      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000014)			/* Bank0 control				*/
#define rSMBCR1      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000034)			/* Bank1 control				*/
#define rSMBCR2     		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000054)			/* Bank2 control				*/
#define rSMBCR3      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000074)			/* Bank3 control				*/
#define rSMBCR4      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000094)			/* Bank4 control				*/
#define rSMBCR5      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F0000B4)			/* Bank5 control				*/
#define rSMBSR0      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000018)			/* Bank0 status					*/
#define rSMBSR1      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000038)			/* Bank1 status					*/
#define rSMBSR2      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000058)			/* Bank2 status					*/
#define rSMBSR3      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000078)			/* Bank3 status					*/
#define rSMBSR4      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000098)			/* Bank4 status					*/
#define rSMBSR5      		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F0000B8)			/* Bank5 status					*/
#define rSMBWSTBRDR0 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00001C)			/* Bank0 burst read wait delay 	*/
#define rSMBWSTBRDR1 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00003C)			/* Bank1 burst read wait delay 	*/
#define rSMBWSTBRDR2 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00005C)			/* Bank2 burst read wait delay 	*/
#define rSMBWSTBRDR3 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00007C)			/* Bank3 burst read wait delay 	*/
#define rSMBWSTBRDR4 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F00009C)			/* Bank4 burst read wait delay 	*/
#define rSMBWSTBRDR5 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F0000BC)			/* Bank5 burst read wait delay 	*/
#define rSMBONETYPER 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000100)			/* OneNAND type selection 		*/
#define rSMCSR		 		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000200)			/* SROMC status					*/
#define rSMCCR       		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4F000204)			/* SROMC control 				*/

#define rBANKCFG    		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x48000000)			/* Mobile DRAM configuration	*/
#define rBANKCON1   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x48000004)			/* Mobile DRAM control 			*/
#define rBANKCON2   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x48000008)			/* Mobile DRAM timing control 	*/
#define rBANKCON3   		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4800000C)			/* Mobile DRAM (E) MRS			*/
#define rREFRESH    		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x48000010)			/* Mobile DRAM refresh control	*/
#define rTIMEOUT    		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x48000014)			/* Write Buffer Time out control*/

#define rNFCONF				(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000000)	    /* Configuration register		*/
#define rNFCONT				(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000004)		/* Control register				*/
#define rNFCMMD				(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000008)		/* Command register				*/
#define rNFADDR				(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E00000C)		/* Address register				*/
#define rNFDATA				(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000010)		/* Data register				*/
#define rNFDATA8			(*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4E000010)		/* Data register 				*/
#define NFDATA              (0x4E000010)                                /*  NAND Flash data address     */
#define rNFMECCD0			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000014)		/* Main ECC data register		*/
#define rNFMECCD1			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000018)		/* Main ECC data register		*/
#define rNFSECCD			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E00001C)		/* Spare ECC read register		*/
#define rNFSBLK				(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000020)		/* Start block address register */
#define rNFEBLK  		    (*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000024)		/* End block address register	*/
#define rNFSTAT 			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000028)		/* NAND status registet			*/
#define rNFECCERR0			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E00002C)		/* ECC error status0 register	*/
#define rNFECCERR1			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000030)		/* ECC error status1 register	*/
#define rNFMECC0			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000034)		/* Generated ECC status0 reg    */
#define rNFMECC1			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000038)		/* Generated ECC status1 reg	*/
#define rNFSECC				(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E00003C)		/* Generated Spare area ECC 	*/
#define rNFMLCBITPT			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000040)		/* 4-bit ECC error bit pattern 	*/
#define rNF8ECCERR0	  		(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000044)		/* 8-bit ECC error status0 reg	*/
#define rNF8ECCERR1  		(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000048)		/* 8-bit ECC error status1 reg	*/
#define rNF8ECCERR2    		(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E00004C)		/* 8-bit ECC error status2 reg	*/
#define rNFM8ECC0			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000050)		/* Generated 8-bit ECC status0 	*/
#define rNFM8ECC1			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000054)		/* Generated 8-bit ECC status1  */
#define rNFM8ECC2			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000058)		/* Generated 8-bit ECC status2  */
#define rNFM8ECC3			(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E00005C)		/* Generated 8-bit ECC status3  */
#define rNFMLC8BITPT0		(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000060)		/* 8-bit ECC error bit pattern 0*/
#define rNFMLC8BITPT1		(*(volatile unsigned      *)0x4E000064)		/* 8-bit ECC error bit pattern 1*/

  CF Interface
#define rMUX_REG            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801800)          /* Top level control & cfg      */
#define rPCCARD_CFG         (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801820) 		    /* PC card configuration status */
#define rPCCARD_INT			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801824)			/* PC card interrupt mask source*/
#define rPCCARD_ATTR		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801828) 		    /* PC card attribute memory area*/
#define rPCCARD_IO          (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B80182C)          /* PC card I/O area operation   */
#define rPCCARD_COMM        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801830)          /* PC card common memory area   */
#define rATA_CON            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801900)          /* ATA_CONTROL register         */
#define rATA_STAT           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801904)          /* ATA_STATUS register          */
#define rATA_CMD            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801908)          /* ATA transfer command         */
#define rATA_SWRST          (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B80190C)          /* Software reset for the ATAPI */
#define rATA_IRQ            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801910)          /* ATA_IRQ register             */
#define rATA_IRQ_MASK       (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801914)          /* ATA_IRQ Mask register        */
#define rATA_CFG            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801918)          /* ATA_CFG register             */
#define rATA_PIO_TIME       (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B80192C)          /* ATA_PIO_TIME register        */
#define rATA_UDMA_TIME      (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801930)          /* ATA_UDMA_TIME register       */
#define rATA_XFR_NUM        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801934)          /* Data transfer number register*/
#define rATA_XFR_CNT        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801938)          /* Current remaining transfer   */
#define rATA_TBUF_START     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B80193C)          /* Start address of track buffer*/
#define rATA_TBUF_SIZE      (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801940)          /* Size of track buffer         */
#define rATA_SBUF_START     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801944)          /* Start address of source buff */
#define rATA_SBUF_SIZE      (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801948)          /* Size of source buffer        */
#define rATA_CADDR_TBUR     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B80194C)          /* Current address of track buff*/
#define rATA_CADDR_SBUF     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801950)          /* Current address of source buf*/
#define rATA_PIO_DTR        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801954)          /* 16-bit PIO data register     */
#define rATA_PIO_FED        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801958)          /* 8-bit PIO device feature/err */
#define rATA_PIO_SCR        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B80195C)          /* 8-bit PIO device sector count*/
#define rATA_PIO_LLR        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801960)          /* 8-bit PIO device LBA low     */
#define rATA_PIO_LMR        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801964)          /* 8-bit PIO device LBA middle  */
#define rATA_PIO_LHR        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801968)          /* 8-bit PIO LBA high           */
#define rATA_PIO_DVR        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B80196C)          /* 8-bit PIO device             */
#define rATA_PIO_CSD        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801970)          /* 8-bit PIO device cmd/status  */
#define rATA_PIO_DAD        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801974)          /* 8-bit PIO device ctl/alter   */
#define rATA_PIO_READY      (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801978)          /* ATA_PIO_READY register       */
#define rATA_PIO_RDATA      (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B80197C)          /* PIO read data register       */
#define rBUS_FIFO_STATUS   	(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801990)          /* BUS_FIFO_STATUS  register    */
#define rATA_FIFO_STATUS	(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4B801994)          /* ATA_FIFO_STATUS  register    */

#define rDISRC0     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000000)		/* DMA 0 Initial source         */
#define rDISRCC0    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000004)		/* DMA 0 Initial source control */
#define rDIDST0     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000008)		/* DMA 0 Initial Destination    */
#define rDIDSTC0    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00000c)		/* DMA 0 Initial Destination ctl*/
#define rDCON0      	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000010)		/* DMA 0 Control                */
#define rDSTAT0     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000014)		/* DMA 0 Status (Read Only)     */
#define rDCSRC0     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000018)		/* DMA 0 Current source (RO)    */
#define rDCDST0     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00001c)		/* DMA 0 Current destination(RO)*/
#define rDMASKTRIG0 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000020)		/* DMA 0 Mask trigger           */
#define rDMAREQSEL0 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000024)		/* DMA 0 Request Selection reg  */
#define rDISRC1     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000100)		/* DMA 1 Initial source         */
#define rDISRCC1    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000104)		/* DMA 1 Initial source control */
#define rDIDST1     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000108)		/* DMA 1 Initial Destination    */
#define rDIDSTC1    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00010c)		/* DMA 1 Initial Destination ctl*/
#define rDCON1      	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000110)		/* DMA 1 Control                */
#define rDSTAT1     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000114)		/* DMA 1 Status (Read Only)     */
#define rDCSRC1     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000118)		/* DMA 1 Current source (RO)    */
#define rDCDST1     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00011c)		/* DMA 1 Current destination(RO)*/
#define rDMASKTRIG1 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000120)		/* DMA 1 Mask trigger           */
#define rDMAREQSEL1 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000124)		/* DMA 1 Request Selection reg  */
#define rDISRC2     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000200)		/* DMA 2 Initial source         */
#define rDISRCC2    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000204)		/* DMA 2 Initial source control */
#define rDIDST2     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000208)		/* DMA 2 Initial Destination    */
#define rDIDSTC2    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00020c)		/* DMA 2 Initial Destination ctl*/
#define rDCON2      	    (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x4b000210)		/* DMA 2 Control                */
#define rDSTAT2     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000214)	    /* DMA 2 Status (Read Only)     */
#define rDCSRC2     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000218)	    /* DMA 2 Current source (RO)    */
#define rDCDST2     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00021c)	    /* DMA 2 Current destination(RO)*/
#define rDMASKTRIG2 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000220)	    /* DMA 2 Mask trigger           */
#define rDMAREQSEL2 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000224)	    /* DMA 2 Request Selection reg  */
#define rDISRC3     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000300)	    /* DMA 3 Initial source         */
#define rDISRCC3    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000304)	    /* DMA 3 Initial source control */
#define rDIDST3     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000308)	    /* DMA 3 Initial Destination    */
#define rDIDSTC3    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00030c)	    /* DMA 3 Initial Destination ctl*/
#define rDCON3      	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000310)	    /* DMA 3 Control                */
#define rDSTAT3     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000314)	    /* DMA 3 Status (Read Only)     */
#define rDCSRC3     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000318)	    /* DMA 3 Current source (RO)    */
#define rDCDST3     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00031c)	    /* DMA 3 Current destination(RO)*/
#define rDMASKTRIG3 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000320)	    /* DMA 3 Mask trigger           */
#define rDMAREQSEL3 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000324)	    /* DMA 3 Request Selection reg  */
#define rDISRC4     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000400)	    /* DMA 4  Initial source        */
#define rDISRCC4    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000404)	    /* DMA 4 Initial source control */
#define rDIDST4     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000408)	    /* DMA 4 Initial Destination    */
#define rDIDSTC4    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00040c)	    /* DMA 4 Initial Destination ctl*/
#define rDCON4      	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000410)	    /* DMA 4 Control                */
#define rDSTAT4     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000414)	    /* DMA 4 Status (Read Only)     */
#define rDCSRC4     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000418)	    /* DMA 4 Current source (RO)    */
#define rDCDST4     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00041c)	    /* DMA 4 Current destination(RO)*/
#define rDMASKTRIG4 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000420)	    /* DMA 4 Mask trigger           */
#define rDMAREQSEL4 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000424)	    /* DMA 4 Request Selection reg  */
#define rDISRC5     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000500)	    /* DMA 5 Initial source         */
#define rDISRCC5    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000504)	    /* DMA 5 Initial source control */
#define rDIDST5     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000508)	    /* DMA 5 Initial Destination    */
#define rDIDSTC5    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00050c)	    /* DMA 5 Initial Destination ctl*/
#define rDCON5      	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000510)	    /* DMA 5 Control                */
#define rDSTAT5    	 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000514)	    /* DMA 5 Status (Read Only)     */
#define rDCSRC5     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000518)	    /* DMA 5 Current source (RO)    */
#define rDCDST5     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00051c)	    /* DMA 5 Current destination(RO)*/
#define rDMASKTRIG5 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000520)	    /* DMA 5 Mask trigger           */
#define rDMAREQSEL5 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000524)	    /* DMA 5 Request Selection reg  */
#define rDISRC6     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000600)	    /* DMA 6 Initial source         */
#define rDISRCC6    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000604)	    /* DMA 6 Initial source control */
#define rDIDST6     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000608)	    /* DMA 6 Initial Destination    */
#define rDIDSTC6    	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00060c)	    /* DMA 6 Initial Destination ctl*/
#define rDCON6      	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000610)	    /* DMA 6 Control                */
#define rDSTAT6         	(*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000614)	    /* DMA 6 Status (Read Only)     */
#define rDCSRC6     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000618)	    /* DMA 6 Current source (RO)    */
#define rDCDST6     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00061c)	    /* DMA 6 Current destination(RO)*/
#define rDMASKTRIG6 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000620)	    /* DMA 6 Mask trigger           */
#define rDMAREQSEL6 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000624)	    /* DMA 6 Request Selection reg  */
#define rDISRC7         	(*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000700)	    /* DMA 7 Initial source         */
#define rDISRCC7           	(*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000704)	    /* DMA 7 Initial source control */
#define rDIDST7     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000708)	    /* DMA 7 Initial Destination    */
#define rDIDSTC7        	(*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00070c)	    /* DMA 7 Initial Destination ctl*/
#define rDCON7      	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000710)	    /* DMA 7 Control                */
#define rDSTAT7     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000714)	    /* DMA 7 Status (Read Only)     */
#define rDCSRC7     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000718)	    /* DMA 7 Current source (RO)    */
#define rDCDST7     	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b00071c)      /* DMA 7 Current destination(RO)*/
#define rDMASKTRIG7 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000720)	    /* DMA 7 Mask trigger           */
#define rDMAREQSEL7 	    (*(volatile unsigned     *)0x4b000724)	    /* DMA 7 Request Selection reg  */

#define rSRCPND1			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000000)	        /* Interrupt request status     */
#define rINTMOD1			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000004)	        /* Interrupt mode control       */
#define rINTMSK1			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000008)	        /* Interrupt mask control       */
#define rINTPND1			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000010)	        /* Interrupt request status     */
#define rINTOFFSET1			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000014)	        /* Interruot request source off */
#define rSUBSRCPND			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000018)	        /* Sub source pending           */
#define rINTSUBMSK			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a00001c)	        /* Interrupt sub mask           */
#define rPRIORITY_MODE1		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000030)	        /* Interrupt request status     */
#define rPRIORITY_UPDATE1   (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000034)	        /* Interrupt mode control       */
#define rSRCPND2			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000040)	        /* Interrupt request status     */
#define rINTMOD2			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000044)	        /* Interrupt mode control       */
#define rINTMSK2			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000048)	        /* Interrupt mask control       */
#define rINTPND2			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000050)	        /* Interrupt request status     */
#define rINTOFFSET2			(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000054)	        /* Interruot request source off */
#define rPRIORITY_MODE2		(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000070)	        /* Interrupt request status     */
#define rPRIORITY_UPDATE2	(*(volatile unsigned *)0x4a000074)	        /* Interrupt mode control       */

#define rGPACON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000000))        /* Configures the pins of port A*/
#define rGPADAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000004))        /* The data register for port A */
#define rGPBCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000010))        /* Configures the pins of port B*/
#define rGPBDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000014))        /* The data register for port B */
#define rGPBUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000018))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPBSEL			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x5600001c))        /* Selects the function of portB*/
#define rGPCCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000020))        /* Configures the pins of port C*/
#define rGPCDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000024))        /* The data register for port C */
#define rGPCUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000028))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPDCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000030))        /* Configures the pins of port D*/
#define rGPDDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000034))        /* The data register for port D */
#define rGPDUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000038))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPECON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000040))        /* Configures the pins of port E*/
#define rGPEDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000044))        /* The data register for port E */
#define rGPEUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000048))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPESEL			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x5600004c))        /* Selects the function of portE*/
#define rGPFCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000050))        /* Configures the pins of port F*/
#define rGPFDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000054))        /* The data register for port F */
#define rGPFUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000058))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPGCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000060))        /* Configures the pins of port G*/
#define rGPGDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000064))        /* The data register for port G */
#define rGPGUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000068))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPHCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000070))        /* Configures the pins of port H*/
#define rGPHDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000074))        /* The data register for port H */
#define rGPHUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000078))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPJCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000d0))        /* Configures the pins of port J*/
#define rGPJDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000d4))        /* The data register for port J */
#define rGPJUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000d8))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPJSEL			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000dc))        /* Selects the function of portJ*/
#define rGPKCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000e0))        /* Configures the pins of port K*/
#define rGPKDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000e4))        /* The data register for port K */
#define rGPKUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000e8))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPLCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000f0))        /* Configures the pins of port L*/
#define rGPLDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000f4))        /* The data register for port L */
#define rGPLUDP		        (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000f8))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rGPLSEL			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000fc))        /* Selects the function of portL*/
#define rGPMCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000100))        /* Configures the pins of port M*/
#define rGPMDAT			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000104))        /* The data register for port M */
#define rGPMUDP			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000108))        /* Pull-up/down control register*/
#define rMISCCR			    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000080))        /* Miscellaneous control        */
#define rDCLKCON			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000084))        /* DCLK0/1 control              */
#define rEXTINT0			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000088))        /* External interrupt ctl reg 0 */
#define rEXTINT1			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x5600008c))        /* External interrupt ctl reg 1 */
#define rEXTINT2			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000090))        /* External interrupt ctl reg 2 */
#define rEINTFLT2			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x5600009c))        /* External interrupt ctl reg 2 */
#define rEINTFLT3			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4c6000a0))        /* External interrupt ctl reg 3 */
#define rEINTMASK			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000a4))        /* External interrupt mask reg  */
#define rEINTPEND			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000a8))        /* External interrupt pending   */
#define rGSTATUS0			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000ac))        /* External pin status 0        */
#define rGSTATUS1			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000b0))        /* External pin status 1        */
#define rDSC0				(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000c0))        /* Strength control register 0  */
#define rDSC1				(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000c4))        /* Strength control register 1  */
#define	rDSC2				(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x560000c8))        /* Strength control register 2  */
#define rDSC3		    	(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000110))        /* Strength control register 3  */
#define rPDDMCON			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000114))        /* Memory I/F control register  */
#define rPDSMCON			(*(volatile unsigned *)(0x56000118))        /* Memory I/F control register  */

#define rWTCON		        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x53000000)	        /* Watch-dog timer mode         */
#define rWTDAT		        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x53000004)	        /* Watch-dog timer data         */
#define rWTCNT		        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x53000008)	        /* Watch-dog timer count        */

#define rTCFG0  	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000000)	        /* Configures the two 8-bit pres*/
#define rTCFG1  	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000004)	        /* 5-MUX & DMA mode selecton    */
#define rTCON   	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000008)	        /* Timer control                */
#define rTCNTB0 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5100000c)	        /* Timer 0 count buffer         */
#define rTCMPB0 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000010)	        /* Timer 0 compare buffer       */
#define rTCNTO0 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000014)	        /* Timer 0 count observation    */
#define rTCNTB1 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000018)	        /* Timer 1 count buffer         */
#define rTCMPB1 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5100001c)	        /* Timer 1 compare buffer       */
#define rTCNTO1 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000020)	        /* Timer 1 count observation    */
#define rTCNTB2 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000024)	        /* Timer 2 count buffer         */
#define rTCMPB2 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000028)	        /* Timer 2 compare buffer       */
#define rTCNTO2 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5100002c)	        /* Timer 2 count observation    */
#define rTCNTB3 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000030)	        /* Timer 3 count buffer         */
#define rTCMPB3 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000034)	        /* Timer 3 compare buffer       */
#define rTCNTO3 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000038)	        /* Timer 3 count observation    */
#define rTCNTB4 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5100003c)	        /* Timer 4 count buffer         */
#define rTCNTO4 	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000040)	        /* Timer 4 count observation    */

#define rRTCCON		        (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x57000040)	/* RTC control                  */
#define rTICNT0		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000044)	    /* Tick time count register 0   */
#define rTICNT1		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700004c)	    /* Tick time count register 1   */
#define rTICNT2		        (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x57000048)		/* Tick time count register 2   */
#define rRTCALM		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000050)	    /* RTC alarm control            */
#define rALMSEC		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000054)	    /* Alarm second                 */
#define rALMMIN		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000058)	    /* Alarm minute                 */
#define rALMHOUR	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700005c)	    /* Alarm Hour                   */
#define rALMDATE	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000060)	    /* Alarm date                   */
#define rALMMON		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000064)	    /* Alarm month                  */
#define rALMYEAR	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000068)	    /* Alarm year                   */
#define rRTCRST		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700006c)	    /* RTC round reset              */
#define rBCDSEC		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000070)	    /* BCD second                   */
#define rBCDMIN		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000074)	    /* BCD minute                   */
#define rBCDHOUR	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000078)	    /* BCD hour                     */
#define rBCDDATE	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700007c)	    /* BCD date                     */
#define rBCDDAY		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000080)	    /* BCD day                      */
#define rBCDMON		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000084)	    /* BCD month                    */
#define rBCDYEAR	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000088)	    /* BCD year                     */
#define rTICKCNT	        (*(volatile unsigned  *)0x57000090)		    /* Tick count                   */
#define FROM_BCD(n)		    ((((n) >> 4) * 10) + ((n) & 0xf))
#define TO_BCD(n)		    ((((n) / 10) << 4) | ((n) % 10))

#define rULCON0             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50000000)	        /* UART 0 Line control          */
#define rUCON0              (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50000004)	        /* UART 0 Control               */
#define rUFCON0             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50000008)	        /* UART 0 FIFO control          */
#define rUMCON0             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000000c)	        /* UART 0 Modem control         */
#define rUTRSTAT0           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50000010)	        /* UART 0 Tx/Rx status          */
#define rUERSTAT0           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50000014)	        /* UART 0 Rx error status       */
#define rUFSTAT0            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50000018)	        /* UART 0 FIFO status           */
#define rUMSTAT0            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000001c)	        /* UART 0 Modem status          */
#define rUBRDIV0            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50000028)	        /* UART 0 Baud rate divisor     */
#define rUDIVSLOT0          (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000002C)	        /* UART 0 Baud rate divisor     */
#define rULCON1             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50004000)	        /* UART 1 Line control          */
#define rUCON1              (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50004004)	        /* UART 1 Control               */
#define rUFCON1             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50004008)	        /* UART 1 FIFO control          */
#define rUMCON1             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000400c)	        /* UART 1 Modem control         */
#define rUTRSTAT1           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50004010)	        /* UART 1 Tx/Rx status          */
#define rUERSTAT1           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50004014)	        /* UART 1 Rx error status       */
#define rUFSTAT1            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50004018)	        /* UART 1 FIFO status           */
#define rUMSTAT1            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000401c)	        /* UART 1 Modem status          */
#define rUBRDIV1            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50004028)	        /* UART 1 Baud rate divisor     */
#define rUDIVSLOT1          (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000402C)	        /* UART 1 Baud rate divisor     */
#define rULCON2             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50008000)	        /* UART 2 Line control          */
#define rUCON2              (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50008004)	        /* UART 2 Control               */
#define rUFCON2             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50008008)	        /* UART 2 FIFO control          */
#define rUMCON2             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000800c)	        /* UART 2 Modem control         */
#define rUTRSTAT2           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50008010)	        /* UART 2 Tx/Rx status          */
#define rUERSTAT2           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50008014)	        /* UART 2 Rx error status       */
#define rUFSTAT2            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50008018)	        /* UART 2 FIFO status           */
#define rUMSTAT2            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000801c)	        /* UART 2 Modem status          */
#define rUBRDIV2            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x50008028)	        /* UART 2 Baud rate divisor     */
#define rUDIVSLOT2          (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000802C)	        /* UART 2 Baud rate divisor     */
#define rULCON3             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C000)	        /* UART 2 Line control          */
#define rUCON3              (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C004)	        /* UART 3 Control               */
#define rUFCON3             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C008)	        /* UART 3 FIFO control          */
#define rUMCON3             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C00c)	        /* UART 3 Modem control         */
#define rUTRSTAT3           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C010)	        /* UART 3 Tx/Rx status          */
#define rUERSTAT3           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C014)	        /* UART 3 Rx error status       */
#define rUFSTAT3            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C018)	        /* UART 3 FIFO status           */
#define rUMSTAT3            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C01c)	        /* UART 3 Modem status          */
#define rUBRDIV3            (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C028)	        /* UART 3 Baud rate divisor     */
#define rUDIVSLOT3          (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5000C02C)	        /* UART 3 Baud rate divisor     */

#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN                                                     /* Big Endian                   */
#define rUTXH0              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50000023)	    /* UART 0 Transmission Hold     */
#define rURXH0              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50000027)	    /* UART 0 Receive buffer        */
#define rUTXH1              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50004023)	    /* UART 1 Transmission Hold     */
#define rURXH1              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50004027)	    /* UART 1 Receive buffer        */
#define rUTXH2              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50008023)	    /* UART 2 Transmission Hold     */
#define rURXH2              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50008027)	    /* UART 2 Receive buffer        */
#define rUTXH3              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5000C023)	    /* UART 3 Transmission Hold     */
#define rURXH3              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5000C027)	    /* UART 3 Receive buffer        */
#define WrUTXH0(ch)         (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50000023) = (unsigned char)(ch)
#define RdURXH0()           (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50000027)
#define WrUTXH1(ch)         (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50004023) = (unsigned char)(ch)
#define RdURXH1()           (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50004027)
#define WrUTXH2(ch)         (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50008023) = (unsigned char)(ch)
#define RdURXH2()           (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50008027)
#define WrUTXH3(ch)         (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5000C023) = (unsigned char)(ch)
#define RdURXH3()           (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5000C027)
#define UTXH0               (0x50000020 + 3)
#define URXH0               (0x50000024 + 3)
#define UTXH1               (0x50004020 + 3)
#define URXH1               (0x50004024 + 3)
#define UTXH2               (0x50008020 + 3)
#define URXH2               (0x50008024 + 3)
#define UTXH3               (0x5000C020 + 3)
#define URXH3               (0x5000C024 + 3)
#else                                                                   /* Little Endian                */
#define rUTXH0		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50000020)	    /* UART 0 Transmission Hold     */
#define rURXH0		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50000024)	    /* UART 0 Receive buffer        */
#define rUTXH1		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50004020)	    /* UART 1 Transmission Hold     */
#define rURXH1		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50004024)	    /* UART 1 Receive buffer        */
#define rUTXH2		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50008020)	    /* UART 2 Transmission Hold     */
#define rURXH2		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50008024)	    /* UART 2 Receive buffer        */
#define rUTXH3		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5000C020)	    /* UART 3 Transmission Hold     */
#define rURXH3		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5000C024)	    /* UART 3 Receive buffer        */
#define WrUTXH0(ch)         (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50000020) = (unsigned char)(ch)
#define RdURXH0()           (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50000024)
#define WrUTXH1(ch)         (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50004020) = (unsigned char)(ch)
#define RdURXH1()           (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50004024)
#define WrUTXH2(ch)         (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50008020) = (unsigned char)(ch)
#define RdURXH2()           (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x50008024)
#define WrUTXH3(ch)         (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5000C020) = (unsigned char)(ch)
#define RdURXH3()           (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5000C024)
#define UTXH0               (0x50000020)
#define URXH0               (0x50000024)
#define UTXH1               (0x50004020)
#define URXH1               (0x50004024)
#define UTXH2               (0x50008020)
#define URXH2               (0x50008024)
#define UTXH3               (0x5000C020)
#define URXH3               (0x5000C024)
#endif                                                                  /* __BIG_ENDIAN                 */

#define rHcRevision         (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000000)	        /* Control and status group     */
#define rHcControl          (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000004)	        /* Control and status group     */
#define rHcCommonStatus     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000008)	        /* Control and status group     */
#define rHcInterruptStatus  (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4900000C)	        /* Control and status group     */
#define rHcInterruptEnable  (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000010)	        /* Control and status group     */
#define rHcInterruptDisable (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000014)	        /* Control and status group     */
#define rHcHCCA             (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000018)	        /* Memory pointer group         */
#define rHcPeridCuttentED   (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4900001C)	        /* Memory pointer group         */
#define rHcControlHeadED    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000020)	        /* Memory pointer group         */
#define rHcControlCurrentED (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000024)	        /* Memory pointer group         */
#define rHcBulkHeadED       (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000028)	        /* Memory pointer group         */
#define rHcBulkCurrentED    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4900002C)	        /* Memory pointer group         */
#define rHcDoneHead         (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000030)	        /* Memory pointer group         */
#define rHcRmlnterval       (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000034)	        /* frame counter group          */
#define rHcFmRemaining      (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000038)	        /* frame counter group          */
#define rHcFmNumber         (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4900003C)	        /* frame counter group          */
#define rHcPeridicStart     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000040)	        /* frame counter group          */
#define rHcLSThreshold      (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000044)	        /* frame counter group          */
#define rHcRhDescriptorA    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000048)	        /* Root hub group               */
#define rHcRhDescriptorB    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4900004C)	        /* Root hub group               */
#define rHcRStatus          (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000050)	        /* Root hub group               */
#define rHcRhPortStatus1    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000054)	        /* Root hub group               */
#define rHcRhPortStatus2    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x49000058)	        /* Root hub group               */

#define rIR     	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800000)	    /* Index register               */
#define rEIR                (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800004) 	/* Endpoint interrupt register  */
#define rEIER               (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800008)	    /* Endpoint interrupt enable reg*/
#define rFAR                (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4980000C)	    /* Function address register    */
#define rFNR                (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800010) 	/* Frame number register        */
#define rEDR    	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800014)     /* Endpoint direction register  */
#define rTR    		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800018) 	/* Test register                */
#define rSSR    	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4980001C) 	/* System status register       */
#define rSCR                (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800020) 	/* System control register      */
#define rEP0SR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800024)	    /* EP0 status register          */
#define rEP0CR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800028)	    /* EP0 control register         */
#define rEP0BR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800060)	    /* EP0 buffer register          */
#define rEP1BR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800064) 	/* EP1 buffer register          */
#define rEP2BR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800068) 	/* EP2 buffer register          */
#define rEP3BR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4980006C) 	/* EP3 buffer register          */
#define rEP4BR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800070)	    /* EP4 buffer register          */
#define rEP5BR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800074) 	/* EP5 buffer register          */
#define rEP6BR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800078)	    /* EP6 buffer register          */
#define rEP7BR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4980007C)	    /* EP7 buffer register          */
#define rEP8BR              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800080)	    /* EP8 buffer register          */
#define rFCON               (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800100)     /* Burst FIFO-DMA control       */
#define rFSTAT              (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800104)	    /* Burst FIFO status            */
#define rESR  	            (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4980002C)	    /* Endpoints status register    */
#define rECR 		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800030) 	/* Endpoints control register   */
#define rBRCR 		        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800034) 	/* Byte read count register     */
#define rBWCR               (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800038)	    /* Byte write count register    */
#define rMPR                (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4980003C)	    /* Max packet register          */
#define rDCR                (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800040) 	/* DMA control register         */
#define rDTCR               (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800044)	    /* DMA transfer counter register*/
#define rDFCR               (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800048) 	/* DMA FIFO counter register    */
#define rDTTCR1             (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4980004C) 	/* DMA total transfer counter1  */
#define rDTTCR2             (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800050) 	/* DMA total transfer counter2  */
#define rMICR      	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800054)	    /* Master interface control reg */
#define rMBAR     	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x49800088)	    /* Memory base address register */
#define rMCAR     	        (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4980008C)     /* Memory current address reg   */

#define rIICCON		        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x54000000)	        /* IIC control                  */
#define rIICSTAT	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x54000004)	        /* IIC control/status           */
#define rIICADD		        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x54000008)	        /* IIC address                  */
#define rIICDS		        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5400000c)	        /* IIC transmit/receive data sft*/
#define rIICLC		        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x54000010)	        /* IIC-Bus multi-master line ctl*/
#define rIICCON1	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x54000100)	        /* IIC control                  */
#define rIICSTAT1	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x54000104)	        /* IIC control/status           */
#define rIICADD1	        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x54000108)	        /* IIC address                  */
#define rIICDS1		        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5400010c)	        /* IIC transmit/receive data sft*/
#define rIICLC1		        (*(volatile unsigned *)0x54000110)	        /* IIC-Bus multi-master line ctl*/

#define	rCONTROL_REG        (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408000))        /* Control register             */
#define	rINTEN_REG          (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408004))        /* Interrupt enable register    */
#define	rFIFO_INTC_REG      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408008))        /* Interrupt Control register   */
#define	rINTC_PEND_REG	    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40800c))        /* Interrupt Control Pending reg*/
#define	rFIFO_STAT_REG      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408010))        /* Command FIFO Status register */
#define	rCMD0_REG           (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408100))        /* Command register for L/P     */
#define	rCMD1_REG           (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408104))        /* Command register for BitBLT  */
#define	rCMD2_REG           (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408108))        /* For host to screen bitblt    */
#define	rCMD3_REG           (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40810c))        /* For host to screen bitblt    */
#define	rCMD4_REG           (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408110))        /* For color expansion          */
#define	rCMD5_REG           (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408114))        /* For color expansion          */
#define	rCMD6_REG           (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408118))        /* Reserved                     */
#define	rCMD7_REG           (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40811c))        /* Memory to screen             */
#define	rSRC_RES_REG	    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408200))        /* Source image resolution      */
#define	rSRC_HORI_RES_REG   (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408204))        /* Source image horizontal      */
#define	rSRC_VERT_RES_REG   (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408208))        /* Source image vertical        */
#define	rSC_RES_REG		    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408210))        /* Screen resolution            */
#define	rSC_HORI_RES_REG    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408214))        /* Screen horizontal resolution */
#define	rSC_VERT_RES_REG    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408218))        /* Screen vertical resolution   */
#define	rCW_LT_REG		    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408220))        /* Left top coordinates         */
#define	rCW_LT_X_REG	    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408224))        /* Left X coordinate            */
#define	rCW_LT_Y_REG  	    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408228))        /* Top Y coordinate             */
#define	rCW_RB_REG   	    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408230))        /* RightBottom coordinate       */
#define	rCW_RB_X_REG   	    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408234))        /* Right X coordinate           */
#define	rCW_RB_Y_REG   	    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408238))        /* Bottom Y coordinate          */
#define	rCOORD0_REG         (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408300))        /* Coordinates 0 register       */
#define	rCOORD0_X_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408304))        /* X coordinate of Coordinates 0*/
#define	rCOORD0_Y_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408308))        /* Y coordinate of Coordinates 0*/
#define	rCOORD1_REG         (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408310))        /* Coordinates 1 register       */
#define	rCOORD1_X_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408314))        /* X coordinate of Coordinates 1*/
#define	rCOORD1_Y_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408318))        /* Y coordinate of Coordinates 1*/
#define	rCOORD2_REG         (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408320))        /* Coordinates 2 register       */
#define	rCOORD2_X_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408324))        /* X coordinate of Coordinates 2*/
#define	rCOORD2_Y_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408328))        /* Y coordinate of Coordinates 2*/
#define	rCOORD3_REG         (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408330))        /* Coordinates 3 register       */
#define	rCOORD3_X_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408334))        /* X coordinate of Coordinates 3*/
#define	rCOORD3_Y_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408338))        /* Y coordinate of Coordinates 3*/
#define	rROT_OC_REG         (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408340))        /* Rotation Origin Coordinates  */
#define	rROT_OC_X_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408344))        /* X coordinate of Rotation     */
#define	rROT_OC_Y_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408348))        /* Y coordinate of Rotation     */
#define	rROTATE_REG         (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40834c))        /* Rotation Mode register       */
#define	rENDIAN_REG    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408350))
#define	rX_INCR_REG         (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408400))        /* X increment register         */
#define	rY_INCR_REG         (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408404))        /* Y increment register         */
#define	rROP_REG            (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408410))        /* Raster operation register    */
#define	rALPHA_REG          (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408420))        /* Alpha value, fading offset   */
#define	rFG_COLOR_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408500))        /* Foreground color/alpha reg   */
#define	rBG_COLOR_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408504))        /* Background Color register    */
#define	rBS_COLOR_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408508))        /* Blue Screen Color register   */
#define	rSRC_COLOR_MODE_REG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408510))        /* Src Image Color Mode register*/
#define	rDEST_COLOR_MODE_REG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408514))       /* Dest Image Color Mode reg    */
#define	rPATTERN_REG0       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408600))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG1       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408604))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG2       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408608))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG3       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40860C))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG4       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408610))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG5       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408614))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG6       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408618))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG7       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40861C))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG8       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408620))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG9       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408624))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG10      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408628))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG11      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40862C))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG12      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408630))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG13      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408634))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG14      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408638))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG15      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40863C))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG16      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408640))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG17      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408644))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG18      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408648))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG19      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40864C))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG20      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408650))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG21      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408654))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG22      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408658))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG23      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40865C))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG24      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408660))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG25      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408664))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG26      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408668))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG27      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40866C))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG28      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408670))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG29      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408674))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG30      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408678))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define rPATTERN_REG31      (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D40867C))        /* Pattern memory               */
#define	rPATOFF_REG  	    (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408700))        /* Pattern Offset XY register   */
#define	rPATOFF_X_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408704))        /* Pattern Offset X register    */
#define	rPATOFF_Y_REG       (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408708))        /* Pattern Offset Y register    */
#define	rSTENCIL_CNTL_REG   (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408720))        /* Stencil control register     */
#define	rSTENCIL_DR_MIN_REG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408724))        /* Stencil decision reference   */
#define	rSTENCIL_DR_MAX_REG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408728))        /* Stencil decision reference   */
#define	rSRC_BASE_ADDR_REG  (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408730))        /* Source Image Base Address reg*/
#define	rDEST_BASE_ADDR_REG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4D408734))        /* Dest Image Base Address reg  */

#define rSPCON0			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000000)	        /* SPI0 control                 */
#define rSPSTA0			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000004)	        /* SPI0 status                  */
#define rSPPIN0			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000008)	        /* SPI0 pin control             */
#define rSPPRE0			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5200000c)	        /* SPI0 baud rate prescaler     */
#define rSPTDAT0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000010)	        /* SPI0 Tx data                 */
#define rSPRDAT0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000014)	        /* SPI0 Rx data                 */
#define rSPCON1			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x59000000)  	    /* SPI1 control                 */
#define rSPSTA1			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x59000004)	        /* SPI1 status                  */
#define rSPPIN1			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x59000008)	        /* SPI1 pin control             */
#define rSPPRE1			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5900000c)	        /* SPI1 baud rate prescaler     */
#define rSPTDAT1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x59000000)	        /* SPI1 Tx data                 */
#define rSPRDAT1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x59000004)	        /* SPI1 Rx data                 */

#define rCH_CFG  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000000)	        /* HS_SPI configuration register*/
#define rCLK_CFG  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000004)	        /* Clock configuration register */
#define rMODE_CFG  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000008)	        /* HS_SPI FIFO control register */
#define rSLAVE_SLECTION_REG (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5200000C)	        /* Slave selection signal       */
#define rHS_SPI_INT_EN  	(*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000010)	        /* HS_SPI Interrupt Enable reg  */
#define rHS_SPI_STATUS  	(*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000014)	        /* HS_SPI status register       */
#define rHS_SPI_TX_DATA  	(*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000018)	        /* HS_SPI TX DATA register      */
#define rHS_SPI_RX_DATA     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5200001C)	        /* HS_SPI RX DATA register      */
#define rPACKET_COUNT_REG  	(*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000020)	        /*Count how many data master get*/
#define rPENDING_CLR_REG  	(*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000024)	        /* Pending clear register       */
#define rSWAP_CFG           (*(volatile unsigned *)0x52000028)          /* SWAP config register         */
#define rFB_CLK_SEL         (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5200002C)          /* Feedback clock selecting reg */
#define HS_SPI_TX_REG_ADDR  0x52000018	                                /* SPI TX data                  */
#define HS_SPI_RX_REG_ADDR  0x5200001C	                                /* SPI RX data                  */

#define rVIDCON0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800000)	        /* VIDEO CONTROL REGTISTER 0    */
#define rVIDCON1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800004)	        /* VIDEO CONTROL REGTISTER 1    */
#define rVIDTCON0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800008)	        /* VIDEO CONTROL REGTISTER 0    */
#define rVIDTCON1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c80000C)	        /* VIDEO TIME CONTROL REG 1     */
#define rVIDTCON2		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800010)	        /* VIDEO TIME CONTROL REG 2     */
#define rWINCON0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800014)	        /* WINDOW CONTROL REGTISTER 0   */
#define rWINCON1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800018)	        /* WINDOW CONTROL REGTISTER 1   */
#define rVIDOSD0A		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800028)	        /* VIDEO WIDOW 0'S POSITION CTL */
#define rVIDOSD0B		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c80002C)	        /* VIDEO WIDOW 0'S POSITION CTL */
#define rVIDOSD0C		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800030)	        /* VIDEO WIDOW 0'S POSITION CTL */
#define rVIDOSD1A		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800034)	        /* VIDEO WIDOW 1'S POSITION CTL */
#define rVIDOSD1B		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800038)	        /* VIDEO WIDOW 1'S POSITION CTL */
#define rVIDOSD1C		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c80003C)	        /* VIDEO WIDOW 1'S POSITION CTL */
#define rVIDW00ADD0B0	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800064)	        /* WIDOW 0'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDW00ADD0B1	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800068)	        /* WIDOW 0'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDW01ADD0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c80006C)	        /* WIDOW 1'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDW00ADD1B0	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c80007C)	        /* WIDOW 0'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDW00ADD1B1	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800080)	        /* WIDOW 0'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDW01ADD1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800084)	        /* WIDOW 1'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDW00ADD2B0	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800094)	        /* WIDOW 0'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDW00ADD2B1	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800098)	        /* WIDOW 0'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDW01ADD2		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c80009C)	        /* WIDOW 1'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDINTCON		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000AC)	        /* INDICATE THE VIDEO INTER CTL */
#define rW1KEYCON0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000B0)	        /* COLOR KEY CONTROL REG        */
#define rW1KEYCON1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000B4)	        /* COLOR KEY CONTROL REG        */
#define rW2KEYCON0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000B8)	        /* COLOR KEY CONTROL REG        */
#define rW2KEYCON1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000BC)	        /* COLOR KEY CONTROL REG        */
#define rW3KEYCON0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000C0)	        /* COLOR KEY CONTROL REG        */
#define rW3KEYCON1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000C4)	        /* COLOR KEY CONTROL REG        */
#define rW4KEYCON0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000C8)	        /* COLOR KEY CONTROL REG        */
#define rW4KEYCON1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000CC)	        /* COLOR KEY CONTROL REG        */
#define rWIN0MAP		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000D0)	        /* WINDOW COLOR CONTROL         */
#define rWIN1MAP		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000D4)	        /* WINDOW COLOR CONTROL         */
#define rWPALCON		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c8000E4)	        /* WINDOW PALLETTE CONTROL      */
#define rSYSIFCON0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800130)	        /* SYSTEM INTERFACE MAIN LDI    */
#define rSYSIFCON1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800134)	        /* SYSTEM INTERFACE SUB LDI     */
#define rDITHMODE1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800138)	        /* DITHERING MODE               */
#define rSIFCCON0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c80013C)	        /* SYSTEM INTERFACE COMMAND CTL */
#define rSIFCCON1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800140)	        /* SYSTEM IF COMMAND DATA WRITE */
#define rSIFCCON2		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800144)	        /* SYSTEM IF COMMAND DATA READ  */
#define rCPUTRIGCON1	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c80015C)	        /* CPU TRIGGER SOURCE MASK      */
#define rCPUTRIGCON2	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800160)	        /* SOFTWARE BSED TRIGGER CONTROL*/
#define rVIDW00ADD0B1	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c800068)	        /* WIDOW 0'S BUFFER START ADDR  */
#define rVIDW01ADD0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4c80006C)	        /* WIDOW 1'S BUFFER START ADDR  */

#define WIN0_PALETTE_START  (0x4c800400)                                /* Window0 palette entry0 ~ 255 */
#define WIN1_PALETTE_START  (0x4c800800)                                /* Window1 palette entry0 ~ 255 */

#define rLCDCON1    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000000)	        /* LCD control 1                */
#define rLCDCON2    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000004)	        /* LCD control 2                */
#define rLCDCON3    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000008)	        /* LCD control 3                */
#define rLCDCON4    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d00000c)	        /* LCD control 4                */
#define rLCDCON5    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000010)	        /* LCD control 5                */
#define rLCDSADDR1  	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000014)	        /* STN/TFT Frame buffer start   */
#define rLCDSADDR2  	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000018)	        /* STN/TFT Frame buffer start   */
#define rLCDSADDR3  	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d00001c)	        /* STN/TFT Virtual screen addr  */
#define rREDLUT     	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000020)	        /* STN : RED LOOKUP TABLE REG   */
#define rGREENLUT   	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000024)	        /* STN Green lookup table       */
#define rBLUELUT    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000028)	        /* STN Blue lookup table        */
#define rDITHMODE   	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d00004c)	        /* STN Dithering mode           */
#define rLCDINTPND  	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000024)	        /* LCD Interrupt pending        */
#define rLCDSRCPND  	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000028)	        /* LCD Interrupt source         */
#define rLCDINTMSK  	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d00002c)	        /* LCD Interrupt mask           */

  Camera Interface
#define rCISRCFMT		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800000)          /* Input Source Format          */
#define rCIWDOFST		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800004)          /* Window offset                */
#define rCIGCTRL		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800008)          /* Global control               */
#define rCIDOWSFT2		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800014)          /* Window option 2              */
#define rCICOYSA1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800018)          /* Y1 frame start address       */
#define rCICOYSA2		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D80001C)          /* Y2 frame start address       */
#define rCICOYSA3		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800020)          /* Y3 frame start address       */
#define rCICOYSA4		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800024)          /* Y4 frame start address       */
#define rCICOCBSA1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800028)          /* Cb1 frame start address      */
#define rCICOCBSA2		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D80002C)          /* Cb2 frame start address      */
#define rCICOCBSA3		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800030)          /* Cb3 frame start address      */
#define rCICOCBSA4		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800034)          /* Cb4 frame start address      */
#define rCICOCRSA1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800038)          /* Cr1 frame start address      */
#define rCICOCRSA2		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D80003C)          /* Cr2 frame start address      */
#define rCICOCRSA3		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800040)          /* Cr3 frame start address      */
#define rCICOCRSA4		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800044)          /* Cr4 frame start address      */
#define rCICOTRGFMT		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800048)          /* Target image format          */
#define rCICOCTRL		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D80004C)          /* Codec DMA comtrol            */
#define rCICOSCPRERATIO	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800050)          /* Codec pre-scaler ratio ctl   */
#define rCICOSCPREDST	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800054)          /* Codec pre-scaler desitination*/
#define rCICOSCCTRL		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800058)          /* Codec main-scaler control    */
#define rCICOTAREA		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D80005C)          /* Codec pre-scaler desination  */
#define rCICOSTATUS		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800064)          /* Codec path status            */
#define rCIPRCLRSA1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D80006C)          /* RGB 1st frame start address  */
#define rCIPRCLRSA2		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800070)          /* RGB 1st frame start address  */
#define rCIPRCLRSA3		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800074)          /* RGB 1st frame start address  */
#define rCIPRCLRSA4		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800078)          /* RGB 1st frame start address  */
#define rCIPRTRGFMT		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D80007C)          /* Target image format          */
#define rCIPRCTRL		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800080)          /* Codec DMA comtrol            */
#define rCIPRSCPRERATIO	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800084)          /* Codec pre-scaler ratio ctl   */
#define rCIPRSCPREDST	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800088)          /* Codec pre-scaler desitination*/
#define rCIPRSCCTRL		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D80008C)          /* Codec main-scaler control    */
#define rCIPRTAREA		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800090)          /* Codec pre-scaler desination  */
#define rCIPRSTATUS		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D800098)          /* Codec path status            */
#define rCIIMGCPT		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000A0)          /* Imahe capture enable command */
#define rCICOCPTSEQ		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000A4)          /* Codec dma capture sequence   */
#define rCICOSCOS		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000A8)          /* Codec scan line offset       */
#define rCIPRSCOS		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000Ac)          /* Preview scan line offset     */
#define rCIIMGEFF		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000B0)          /* Imahe Effects related        */
#define rCIMSYSA		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000B4)          /* MSDMA Y start address related*/
#define rCIMSCBSA		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000B8)          /* MSDMA Cb start address       */
#define rCIMSCRSA		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000BC)          /* MSDMA Cr start address       */
#define rCIMSYEND		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000C0)          /* MSDMA Y end address related  */
#define rCIMSCBEND		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000C4)          /* MSDMA Cb end address related */
#define rCIMSCREND		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000C8)          /* MSDMA Cr end address related */
#define rCIMSYOFF		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000CC)          /* MSDMA Y offset related       */
#define rCIMSCBOFF		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000D0)          /* MSDMA Cb offset related      */
#define rCIMSCROFF		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000D4)          /* MSDMA Cr offset related      */
#define rCIMSWIDTH		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000D8)          /* MSDMA source image width     */
#define rCIMSCTRL		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4D8000DC)          /* MSDMA cotrol                 */

#define rADCCON			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x58000000)	        /* ADC control                  */
#define rADCTSC			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x58000004)	        /* ADC touch screen control     */
#define rADCDLY			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x58000008)	        /* ADC start or Interval Delay  */
#define rADCDAT0		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5800000c)	        /* ADC conversion data 0        */
#define rADCDAT1		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x58000010)	        /* ADC conversion data 1        */
#define rADCUPDN		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x58000014)	        /* Stylus Up/Down interrupt sts */
#define rADCMUX			    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x58000018)	        /* Stylus Up/Down interrupt sts */

  IIS Multi Audio interface
#define rIISCON  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000000)	        /* IIS Control                  */
#define rIISMOD  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000004)	        /* IIS Mode                     */
#define rIISFIC  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000008)	        /* IIS FIFO control             */
#define rIISPSR  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5500000c)	        /* IIS clock divider control    */
#define rIISTXD  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000010)	        /* IIS tracsmit data            */
#define rIISRXD  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000014)	        /* IIS recelve data             */
#define rIISCON0  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000000)	        /* IIS Control                  */
#define rIISMOD0  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000004)	        /* IIS Mode                     */
#define rIISFIC0  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000008)	        /* IIS FIFO control             */
#define rIISPSR0  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5500000c)	        /* IIS clock divider control    */
#define rIISTXD0  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000010)	        /* IIS tracsmit data            */
#define rIISRXD0  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000014)	        /* IIS recelve data             */
#define rIISCON1  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000100)	        /* IIS Control                  */
#define rIISMOD1  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000104)	        /* IIS Mode                     */
#define rIISFIC1  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000108)	        /* IIS FIFO control             */
#define rIISPSR1  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5500010c)	        /* IIS clock divider control    */
#define rIISTXD1  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000110)	        /* IIS tracsmit data            */
#define rIISRXD1  		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x55000114)	        /* IIS recelve data             */

#define	rAC_GLBCTRL		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5B000000)          /* AC97 Global Control Register */
#define	rAC_GLBSTAT		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5B000004)          /* AC97 Global Status Register  */
#define	rAC_CODEC_CMD	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5B000008)          /* AC97 Codec Command Register  */
#define	rAC_CODEC_STAT	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5B00000C)          /* AC97 Codec Status Register   */
#define	rAC_PCMADDR		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5B000010)          /* AC97 PCM Out/In Channel FIFO */
#define	rAC_MICADDR		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5B000014)          /* AC97 MIC In Channel FIFO Addr*/
#define	rAC_PCMDATA		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5B000018)          /* AC97 PCM Out/In Channel FIFO */
#define	rAC_MICDATA		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5B00001C)          /* AC97 MIC In Channel FIFO Data*/

  SD Interface
#define rSDICON     	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000000)	        /* SDI control                  */
#define rSDIPRE    	 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000004)	        /* SDI baud rate prescaler      */
#define rSDICARG    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000008)	        /* SDI command argument         */
#define rSDICCON    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a00000c)	        /* SDI command control          */
#define rSDICSTA    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000010)	        /* SDI command status           */
#define rSDIRSP0    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000014)	        /* SDI response 0               */
#define rSDIRSP1    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000018)	        /* SDI response 1               */
#define rSDIRSP2    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a00001c)	        /* SDI response 2               */
#define rSDIRSP3    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000020)	        /* SDI response 3               */
#define rSDIDTIMER  	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000024)	        /* SDI data/busy timer          */
#define rSDIBSIZE   	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000028)	        /* SDI block size               */
#define rSDIDCON    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a00002c)	        /* SDI data control             */
#define rSDIDCNT    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000030)	        /* SDI data remain counter      */
#define rSDIDSTA    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000034)	        /* SDI data status              */
#define rSDIFSTA    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000038)	        /* SDI FIFO status              */
#define rSDIIMSK    	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a00003c)	        /* SDI interrupt mask           */

#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN                                                     /* Big Endian                   */
#define rSDIDAT     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a00004c)                  /* SDI data                     */
#define SDIDAT      0x5a00004c
#else                                                                   /* Little Endian                */
#define rSDIDAT     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5a000040)                  /* SDI data                     */
#define SDIDAT      0x5a000040
#endif                                                                  /* __BIG_ENDIAN                 */

  HS_MMC Interface
#define rHM1_SYSAD      	(*(volatile unsigned       *)0x4A800000)	/* SDI control register         */
#define rHM1_BLKSIZE    	(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A800004)	/* Host buffer boundary         */
#define rHM1_BLKCNT	        (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A800006)	/* Block count for current      */
#define rHM1_ARGUMENT   	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800008)	/* Command Argument             */
#define rHM1_TRNMOD	        (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A80000C)	/* Transfer Mode setting reg    */
#define rHM1_CMDREG	        (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A80000E)    /* Command register             */
#define rHM1_RSPREG0    	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800010)	/* Response 0                   */
#define rHM1_RSPREG1    	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800014)	/* Response 1                   */
#define rHM1_RSPREG2    	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800018)	/* Response 2                   */
#define rHM1_RSPREG3    	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A80001C)	/* Response 3                   */
#define rHM1_BDATA      	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800020)	/* Buffer Data register         */
#define rHM1_PRNSTS     	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800024)	/* Present state                */
#define rHM1_HOSTCTL    	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4A800028)	/* Host control                 */
#define rHM1_PWRCON     	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4A800029)	/* Power control                */
#define rHM1_BLKGAP     	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4A80002A)	/* Block Gap control            */
#define rHM1_WAKCON     	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4A80002B)	/* Wakeup control               */
#define rHM1_CLKCON     	(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A80002C)	/* Clock control                */
#define rHM1_TIMEOUTCON     (*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4A80002E)	/* Time out control             */
#define rHM1_SWRST      	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4A80002F)	/* Software reset               */
#define rHM1_NORINTSTS  	(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A800030)	/* Normal interrupt status      */
#define rHM1_ERRINTSTS  	(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A800032)	/* Error interrupt status       */
#define rHM1_NORINTSTSEN    (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A800034)	/* Normal interrupt status en   */
#define rHM1_ERRINTSTSEN    (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A800036)	/* Error interrupt status enable*/
#define rHM1_NORINTSIGEN    (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A800038)	/* Normal interrupt signal en   */
#define rHM1_ERRINTSIGEN    (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A80003A)	/* Error interrupt signal enable*/
#define rHM1_ACMD12ERRSTS   (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A80003C)	/* Auto CMD12 Error Status      */
#define rHM1_CAPAREG  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800040)	/* Capability                   */
#define rHM1_MAXCURR  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800048)	/* Maximum current Capability   */
#define rHM1_CONTROL2  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800080)	/* Control 2                    */
#define rHM1_CONTROL3  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800084)	/* Control 3                    */
#define rHM1_HCVER  		(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A8000FE)	/* Host controller version      */
#define rHM1_DEBUG  		(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800088)
#define rHM1_CONTROL4  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A80008C)
#define rHM1_FEAER  		(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A800050)
#define rHM1_FEERR  		(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4A800052)
#define rHM1_ADMAERR  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800054)
#define rHM1_ADMSYSADDR  	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4A800058)
#define rHM0_SYSAD      	(*(volatile unsigned       *)0x4AC00000)	/* SDI control register         */
#define rHM0_BLKSIZE    	(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC00004)	/* Host buffer boundary         */
#define rHM0_BLKCNT	        (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC00006)    /* Block count for current      */
#define rHM0_ARGUMENT   	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00008)	/* Command Argument             */
#define rHM0_TRNMOD	        (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC0000C)	/* Transfer Mode setting reg    */
#define rHM0_CMDREG	        (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC0000E)	/* Command register             */
#define rHM0_RSPREG0    	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00010)	/* Response 0                   */
#define rHM0_RSPREG1    	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00014)	/* Response 1                   */
#define rHM0_RSPREG2    	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00018)	/* Response 2                   */
#define rHM0_RSPREG3    	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC0001C)	/* Response 3                   */
#define rHM0_BDATA      	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00020)	/* Buffer Data register         */
#define rHM0_PRNSTS     	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00024)	/* Present state                */
#define rHM0_HOSTCTL    	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4AC00028)	/* Host control                 */
#define rHM0_PWRCON     	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4AC00029)	/* Power control                */
#define rHM0_BLKGAP     	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4AC0002A)	/* Block Gap control            */
#define rHM0_WAKCON     	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4AC0002B)	/* Wakeup control               */
#define rHM0_CLKCON     	(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC0002C)	/* Clock control                */
#define rHM0_TIMEOUTCON     (*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4AC0002E)	/* Time out control             */
#define rHM0_SWRST      	(*(volatile unsigned char  *)0x4AC0002F)	/* Software reset               */
#define rHM0_NORINTSTS  	(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC00030)	/* Normal interrupt status      */
#define rHM0_ERRINTSTS  	(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC00032)	/* Error interrupt status       */
#define rHM0_NORINTSTSEN    (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC00034)	/* Normal interrupt status en   */
#define rHM0_ERRINTSTSEN    (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC00036)	/* Error interrupt status enable*/
#define rHM0_NORINTSIGEN    (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC00038)	/* Normal interrupt signal en   */
#define rHM0_ERRINTSIGEN    (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC0003A)	/* Error interrupt signal enable*/
#define rHM0_ACMD12ERRSTS   (*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC0003C)	/* Auto CMD12 Error Status      */
#define rHM0_CAPAREG  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00040)	/* Capability                   */
#define rHM0_MAXCURR  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00048)	/* Maximum current Capability   */
#define rHM0_CONTROL2  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00080)	/* Control 2                    */
#define rHM0_CONTROL3  	    (*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00084)	/* Control 3                    */
#define rHM0_HCVER  		(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC000FE)	/* Host controller version      */
#define rHM0_DEBUG  		(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00088)
#define rHM0_CONTROL4  		(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC0008C)
#define rHM0_FEAER  		(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC00050)
#define rHM0_FEERR  		(*(volatile unsigned short *)0x4AC00052)
#define rHM0_ADMAERR  		(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00054)
#define rHM0_ADMSYSADDR  	(*(volatile unsigned int   *)0x4AC00058)

#define rPCM_CTL0 		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000000)	        /* PCM0 Main Control            */
#define rPCM_CLKCTL0 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000004)	        /* PCM0 Clock and Shift control */
#define rPCM_TXFIFO0 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000008)	        /* PCM0 TxFIFO write port       */
#define rPCM_RXFIFO0 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c00000C)	        /* PCM0 RxFIFO read port        */
#define rPCM_IRQ_CTL0 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000010)	        /* PCM0 Interrupt Control       */
#define rPCM_IRQ_STAT0 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000014)	        /* PCM0 Interrupt Status        */
#define rPCM_FIFO_STAT0     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000018)	        /* PCM0 Tx Default Value        */
#define rPCM_CLRINT0	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000020)	        /* PCM0 Interrupt Clear         */
#define rPCM_CTL1 		    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000100)	        /* PCM1 Main Control            */
#define rPCM_CLKCTL1 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000104)	        /* PCM1 Clock and Shift control */
#define rPCM_TXFIFO1 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000108)	        /* PCM1 TxFIFO write port       */
#define rPCM_RXFIFO1 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c00010C)	        /* PCM1 RxFIFO read port        */
#define rPCM_IRQ_CTL1 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000110)	        /* PCM1 Interrupt Control       */
#define rPCM_IRQ_STAT1 	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000114)	        /* PCM1 Interrupt Status        */
#define rPCM_FIFO_STAT1     (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000118)	        /* PCM1 Tx Default Value        */
#define rPCM_CLRINT1	    (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5c000120)	        /* PCM1 Interrupt Clear         */

#define pISR_RESET     	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0000))
#define pISR_UNDEF     	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0004))
#define pISR_SWI       	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0008))
#define pISR_PABORT    	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff000c))
#define pISR_DABORT    	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0010))
#define pISR_RESERVED  	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0014))
#define pISR_IRQ       	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0018))
#define pISR_FIQ        	(*(unsigned *)(0x33ff001c))
#define pISR_EINT0		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0020))
#define pISR_EINT1		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0024))
#define pISR_EINT2		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0028))
#define pISR_EINT3		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff002c))
#define pISR_EINT4_7	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0030))
#define pISR_EINT8_23	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0034))
#define pISR_CAM		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0038))
#define pISR_BAT_FLT	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff003c))
#define pISR_TICK		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0040))
#define pISR_WDT_AC97	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0044))
#define pISR_TIMER0	 	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0048))
#define pISR_TIMER1	 	    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff004c))
#define pISR_TIMER2		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0050))
#define pISR_TIMER3		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0054))
#define pISR_TIMER4		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0058))
#define pISR_UART2		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff005c))
#define pISR_LCD		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0060))
#define pISR_DMA		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0064))
#define pISR_UART3		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0068))
#define pISR_CFCON		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff006c))
#define pISR_SDI_1		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0070))
#define pISR_SDI_0		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0074))
#define pISR_SPI0		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0078))
#define pISR_UART1		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff007c))
#define pISR_NFCON		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0080))
#define pISR_USBD		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0084))
#define pISR_USBH		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0088))
#define pISR_IIC		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff008c))
#define pISR_UART0		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0090))
#define pISR_SPI1		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0094))
#define pISR_RTC		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff0098))
#define pISR_ADC		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff009c))
#define pISR_2D			    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff00a0))
#define pISR_IIC1		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff00a4))
#define pISR_ReservedIRQ0	(*(unsigned *)(0x33ff00a8))
#define pISR_ReservedIRQ1	(*(unsigned *)(0x33ff00aC))
#define pISR_PCM0		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff00b0))
#define pISR_PCM1		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff00b4))
#define pISR_I2S0		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff00b8))
#define pISR_I2S1		    (*(unsigned *)(0x33ff00bC))

#define BIT_EINT0		    (0x1 <<  0)
#define BIT_EINT1		    (0x1 <<  1)
#define BIT_EINT2		    (0x1 <<  2)
#define BIT_EINT3		    (0x1 <<  3)
#define BIT_EINT4_7		    (0x1 <<  4)
#define BIT_EINT8_15	    (0x1 <<  5)
#define BIT_CAM			    (0x1 <<  6)
#define BIT_BAT_FLT		    (0x1 <<  7)
#define BIT_TICK		    (0x1 <<  8)
#define BIT_WDT_AC97	    (0x1 <<  9)
#define BIT_TIMER0		    (0x1 << 10)
#define BIT_TIMER1		    (0x1 << 11)
#define BIT_TIMER2		    (0x1 << 12)
#define BIT_TIMER3		    (0x1 << 13)
#define BIT_TIMER4		    (0x1 << 14)
#define BIT_UART2		    (0x1 << 15)
#define BIT_LCD			    (0x1 << 16)
#define BIT_DMA			    (0x1 << 17)
#define BIT_UART3		    (0x1 << 18)
#define BIT_CFCON		    (0x1 << 19)
#define BIT_SDI1		    (0x1 << 20)
#define BIT_SDI0		    (0x1 << 21)
#define BIT_SPI0		    (0x1 << 22)
#define BIT_UART1		    (0x1 << 23)
#define BIT_NFCON		    (0x1 << 24)
#define BIT_USBD		    (0x1 << 25)
#define BIT_USBH		    (0x1 << 26)
#define BIT_IIC			    (0x1 << 27)
#define BIT_UART0		    (0x1 << 28)
#define BIT_SPI1		    (0x1 << 29)
#define BIT_RTC			    (0x1 << 30)
#define BIT_ADC			    (0x1 << 31)
#define BIT_ALLMSK		    (0xffffffff)

#define BIT_2D			    (0x1 << 0)
#define BIT_IIC1		    (0x1 << 1)
#define BIT_ReservedIRQ0	(0x1 << 2)
#define BIT_ReservedIRQ1	(0x1 << 3)
#define BIT_PCM0		    (0x1 << 4)
#define BIT_PCM1		    (0x1 << 5)
#define BIT_I2S0		    (0x1 << 6)
#define BIT_I2S1		    (0x1 << 7)
#define BIT_ALLMSK2		    (0xff)

#define BIT_SUB_ALLMSK	    (0x1fffffff)
#define BIT_SUB_AC97 	    (0x1 << 28)
#define BIT_SUB_WDT		    (0x1 << 27)
#define BIT_SUB_ERR3	    (0x1 << 26)
#define BIT_SUB_TXD3	    (0x1 << 25)
#define BIT_SUB_RXD3	    (0x1 << 24)
#define BIT_SUB_DMA7	    (0x1 << 30)
#define BIT_SUB_DMA6	    (0x1 << 29)
#define BIT_SUB_DMA5	    (0x1 << 23)
#define BIT_SUB_DMA4	    (0x1 << 22)
#define BIT_SUB_DMA3	    (0x1 << 21)
#define BIT_SUB_DMA2	    (0x1 << 20)
#define BIT_SUB_DMA1	    (0x1 << 19)
#define BIT_SUB_DMA0	    (0x1 << 18)
#define BIT_SUB_LCD4	    (0x1 << 17)
#define BIT_SUB_LCD3	    (0x1 << 16)
#define BIT_SUB_LCD2	    (0x1 << 15)
#define BIT_SUB_LCD1	    (0x1 << 14)
#define BIT_SUB_CAM_P	    (0x1 << 12)
#define BIT_SUB_CAM_C       (0x1 << 11)
#define BIT_SUB_ADC		    (0x1 << 10)
#define BIT_SUB_TC		    (0x1 <<  9)
#define BIT_SUB_ERR2	    (0x1 <<  8)
#define BIT_SUB_TXD2	    (0x1 <<  7)
#define BIT_SUB_RXD2	    (0x1 <<  6)
#define BIT_SUB_ERR1	    (0x1 <<  5)
#define BIT_SUB_TXD1	    (0x1 <<  4)
#define BIT_SUB_RXD1	    (0x1 <<  3)
#define BIT_SUB_ERR0	    (0x1 <<  2)
#define BIT_SUB_TXD0	    (0x1 <<  1)
#define BIT_SUB_RXD0	    (0x1 <<  0)

#define ClearPending(bit) {\
                rSRCPND1 = bit;\
                rINTPND1 = bit;\
#define ClearPending2(bit) {\
                rSRCPND2 = bit;\
                rINTPND2 = bit;\

#define BIT_CLR(uiReg, iBit)        		(uiReg &= ~(1u << iBit))   	/*  将某一个指定的位清零        */
#define BIT_SET(uiReg, iBit)        		(uiReg |=  (1u << iBit))   	/*  将某一个指定的位置一        */

#define INTER_ALL_IRQ()             		do {                      			\
                                        		rINTMOD1 = 0x00000000;			\
                                        		rINTMOD2 = 0x00000000;			\
                                    		} while (0)              	/*  所有中断都为 IRQ 模式       */

#define INTER_ALL_MSK()             		do {                             	\
                                        		rINTMSK1   = BIT_ALLMSK;    	\
                                        		rINTMSK2   = BIT_ALLMSK2;       \
                                        		rINTSUBMSK = BIT_SUB_ALLMSK;	\
                                    		} while (0)              	/*  屏蔽所有中断                */

#define INTER_CLR_MSK(iBit)         		(rINTMSK1 &= ~iBit)       	/*  指定位解除屏蔽              */
#define INTER_SET_MSK(iBit)         		(rINTMSK1 |=  iBit)       	/*  屏蔽指定位中断              */
#define INTER_GET_MSK(iBit)         		(rINTMSK1 &   iBit)         /*  检测是否屏蔽中断            */

#define INTER_CLR_MSK_EX(iBit)         		(rINTMSK2 &= ~iBit)      	/*  指定位解除屏蔽              */
#define INTER_SET_MSK_EX(iBit)         		(rINTMSK2 |=  iBit)       	/*  屏蔽指定位中断              */
#define INTER_GET_MSK_EX(iBit)         		(rINTMSK2 &   iBit)        	/*  检测是否屏蔽中断            */

#define INTER_CLR_SUBMSK(iBit)       		(rINTSUBMSK &= ~iBit)    	/*  指定位解除 SUB 屏蔽         */
#define INTER_SET_SUBMSK(iBit)       		(rINTSUBMSK |=  iBit)     	/*  SUB 屏蔽指定位中断          */

#define INTER_CLR_INTPND(iBit)      		(rINTPND1 = iBit)       	/*  清除 INTPND 相关位          */
#define INTER_CLR_SRCPND(iBit)      		(rSRCPND1 = iBit)          	/*  清除 SRCPND 相关位          */

#define INTER_CLR_INTPND_EX(iBit)      		(rINTPND2 = iBit)        	/*  清除 INTPND 相关位          */
#define INTER_CLR_SRCPND_EX(iBit)      		(rSRCPND2 = iBit)         	/*  清除 SRCPND 相关位          */

#define INTER_CLR_SUBSRCPND(iBit)  	 		(rSUBSRCPND = iBit)      	/*  清除 SUBSRCPND 相关位       */

#define INTER_CLR_PNDING(iBit)				do {                    \
                                        		rSRCPND1 = iBit;	\
                                        		rINTPND1 = iBit;   	\
                                        		(void)rINTPND1;   	\
                                    		} while (0)         		/*  清除中断, 默认为组 1     	*/

#define INTER_CLR_PNDING_EX(iBit)      		do {                    \
                                        		rSRCPND2 = iBit;	\
                                        		rINTPND2 = iBit;    \
                                        		(void)rINTPND2;     \
                                    		} while (0)             	/*  清除中断, 扩展为组 2     	*/

  C++ 兼容声明
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif                                                                  /*  __cplusplus                 */

#endif                                                                  /*  __S3C24XX_REG_H             */

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