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Open Source seems to be exploding all over the place at the momentand with online services increasingly jumping on the free offerings itsbeen fantastic for developers wanting to host, manage, flaunt andcommunicate their projects online. Here’s a rundown of 6 free SVN hosting and project management offerings I like the look of.
Unfuddle -Nice name and nice site. Very web 2.0 and slick with project trackingsuch as issue tickets, source control, time tracking, milestones, etc.The free package only comes with 15Mb and restrictive user allowancesso not quite as generous as XP-Dev mentioned below.
CodeSpaces - Their free service is quite conservative with just 50Mb and oneproject allowance per account.  They make up for this though by havingsome great prices and the service is pretty good too.  Though theirfeatures don't come close to Assembla - so if you're willing to forkout the money then go with them.
Assembla - is no longer a free service but their prices have been drastically reduced to just $2 per user.
Assembla - Part of a large and feature-packed service full of project managementfeatures as well as basic 200Mb of SVN hosting. It even has a jobsboard but the project hosting comes with wiki pages, blogs, etc. Thefree package has all of this so even if you don’t stump up the $49 p/mfor the paid you’ll get one hell of a service.
OpenSVN -One of the first to release free SVN hosting of open source projectsand starting to show its age with a very clunky interface and barebonesfeatures. They had a major failure in backup and restore last yearwhich causes some worry about their reliability. So when I say “freeSVN hosting” I really mean just that!
XP-Dev - This is avery no-frills setup but they have one killer feature: Private SVN repohosting - FOR FREE!!  Made for agile and extreme programmers thisdoesn't have a lot of the features inherent in other services but thatsjust fine.  Its also got a generous repo limit.

Bounty Source
- Still going strong after I first mentioned it back in June Bounty Source offer your basic SVN along with a wiki and CMS formanaging your projects online presence as well as a task tracker.Bounty Source have a unique feature though that enables a developer tobe paid for the work they carry out on user feature requests. SomethingI really like the look of - all I need now is an open source projectpeople are going to pay me to finish!

- Like anold grandfather clock this has been around years and although veryreliable its showing its age. They tried to spruce it up with someWeb2.0 gradients and curves but you can’t scrub out the moldy smellfrom that interface and features-set.
Google Project Hosting - They seem to have taken a lot of the old school methods of projecthosting from SourceForge. Unfortunately as mentioned earlier they’relooking old and althoguh Google looks much cleaner its features stilllack the richness that the smaller providers have who’ve gone all outon innovation while Google remains formulaic.
Comparison Table

MetricUnfuddleCode SpacesOpenSVNBounty SourceXP-DevGoogleSourceForge
Project/Repo 1/Unlimited[1]1/11Unlimited5Unlimited[4]Unlimited
Space 200Mb50MbUnlimitedN/A[3]300MbUnlimited[4]Unlimited
Wiki Yes[2]YesNoYesNoYesYes
Tracking YesYesNoYesNoYesYes
Browser YesYesNoYesNoYesYes
  • [1] Unfuddle allow one active project but unlimited numbers of repos within it.
  • [2] It should be noted that these are note pages.
  • [3] They state nowhere on their site about limits to project size.
  • [4] Google claim in their terms that there's no upper limit but they reserve the right to impose one.

OpenSVN, nice!





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