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转载 rman backup

Oracle RMAN 的 show,list,crosscheck,delete命令整理1、SHOW命令:     显示rman配置: RMAN> show all;2、REPORT命令:2.1、RMAN> report schema 报告目标数据库的物理结构;2.2、RMAN>report need backup days=3; 报告最近3天没有被备份的数据文件;

2015-11-21 16:05:53 750

转载 第13题

13. View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PRODUCTS table.You need to generate a report in the following format:CATEGORIES5MP Digital Photo Camera's category is PhotoY Box's categor

2015-10-09 13:46:18 988

转载 rlwrap: No termcap nor curses library found

Linux下使用rlwrap开源工具,可以在oracle sqlplus下具有linux下命令行功能。比如上下翻命令,等等。一、安装[root@cms2 ~]#unzip rlwrap-0.28.zip[root@cms2 ~]# cd rlwrap-0.28[root@cms2 rlwrap-0.28]# ./configure ......

2015-07-28 09:06:14 1597

转载 解决SecureCRT无法用非root账号登录ssh

链接失败,提示这个:---------------------------SecureCRT---------------------------连接到会话 失败 :The server has disconnected with an error.  Server message reads:A protocol error occurred. Ch

2015-07-19 22:15:41 44386 6

转载 LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/dbs/initepps.ora'

2014-02-25 18:13 by 潇湘隐者, 1387 阅读,0 评论,收藏,编辑安装了Oracle 12C后,启动数据库的过程中出现如下错误 SQL> startup ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters LRM-00109: could not open parameter fil

2015-06-22 17:36:05 21867 1

转载 sysctl -P 报错解决办法

sysctl -P 报错解决办法问题症状修改 linux 内核文件 #vi /etc/sysctl.conf后执行sysctl  -P 报错error: "net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables" is an unknown keyerror: "net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables" is an unkn

2015-06-22 17:00:49 3206

转载 Install oracle 12c


2015-06-19 14:38:49 534

转载 putty最佳的的颜色配置

默认的putty的配色下,太毁眼睛了。根据列出来的RGB参数,稍微手动配置一下,然后保存: Window下的colours设置代码  * Default Foreground: 255/255/255  * Default Background: 51/51/51  * ANSI Black: 77/77/77  * ANSI Green: 152/

2015-06-15 18:34:02 12954 2

转载 bash regrex operator =~

If you're using a recent bash (v3+) suggest bash regex comparison operator =~, i.e.if [[ "$HOST" =~ ^user.* ]]; then echo "yes" fiTo match this or that in a regex use |, i.e.if [[

2015-05-31 17:23:48 688

转载 show bash version

bash-4.1$ bash --versionbash --versionGNU bash, version 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later

2015-05-31 17:20:39 938

转载 What does '>/dev/null 2>&1' mean in this article of crontab basics

> is for redirect/dev/null is a black hole where any data sent, will be discarded2 is the file descriptor for Standard Error> is for redirect& is the symbol for file descript

2015-05-31 17:17:15 418

转载 could not create the java virtual machine

When that happens, the easiest solution that has been tested on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8 is:Open the Control PanelGo to SystemGo to Advanced Systems PropertiesThen Environment

2015-05-30 17:32:21 819

转载 DB/DC计划模式比较分析

DB/DC计划模式比较分析根据缴费和给付方式的不同,企业年金计划可以分为三种模式:DB模式,即待遇确定型(defined benefit)计划,如英国的职业养老金计划;DC模式,即缴费确定型(defined contribution)计划,如美国的401(K)计划;混合模式,即DB、DC混合型计划。在DB模式下,企业年金缴费金额不确定,计划发起人或管理人向计划参与者作出承诺,保证其可以

2015-05-13 13:55:31 7567

转载 JDK-6202721

http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6202721 JDK-6202721 : SHA1PRNG reads from /dev/random even if /dev/urandom selectedDetails Type:Bu

2015-04-12 15:28:01 701

转载 Capture the thread dump

1. find the java process id by followingcommand $JDK/bin/jps 2. capture java thread dump by jstackutility:$JDK/bin/jstack

2015-04-12 15:26:39 635

转载 How To Trace the JDBC driver

TheJDBC driver tracing facility utilizes package java.util.logging. There are twoways to initiate JDBC tracing:use system propertiesjava.util.logging APIThisdocument introduces the tracing logge

2015-04-12 15:24:21 1032

原创 PK 自解压软件 overwrite

PK 自解压软件, 制定overwrite参数可以不弹出交互式提问 -bash-4.1$ ./10042015.001 -passphrase=Y9hiAciI7UoT1Cl -overwritePKSFX(R)  Version 12 Self Extract Utility for Linux X86 Portions copyright (C) 1989-2007 PKWAR

2015-04-12 15:21:51 764

转载 移除UTF-8文件頭的BOM

Preface:BOM (byte-order mark) 是被用來當做標示檔案是以UTF-8、UTF-16或UTF-32編碼的記號. 在 UTF-8 文件的BOM中,長度為3個字節,BOM的用意就是告訴編輯器當前文件採​​用何種編碼,方便編輯器識別。但是在Eclipse中,帶有BOM的java源碼生成javadoc時卻會出現如下錯誤:E:/workspace/Test/src/e

2014-11-03 10:31:54 807

转载 Handle UTF8 file with BOM

From Wikipedia, the byte order mark (BOM) is a Unicode character used to signal the endianness (byte order) of a text file or stream. Its code point is U+FEFF. BOM use is optional, and, if used, sho

2014-11-03 10:30:36 635

转载 remove bom

awk '{ if (NR==1) sub(/^\xef\xbb\xbf/,""); print }' INFILE > OUTFILEsed -i '1 s/^\xef\xbb\xbf//' *.txt

2014-10-25 17:46:01 4641

转载 How can I change a file's encoding with vim?

I'm used to using vim to modify a file's line endings:$ file filefile: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators$ vim file:set ff=mac:wq$ file filefile: ASCII text, with CR line terminatorsI

2014-10-12 15:55:38 647

转载 Displaying the current Vim environment

You can display the current Vim environment (settings, options, commands, maps, etc) using the following commands::abbreviate - list abbreviations:args - argument list:augroup - aug

2014-10-12 15:47:30 489

原创 遍历指定文件夹中的Excel

Public Sub deleteRows()    Dim strPath As String    strPath = "C:\backup\PCW\20140603\both\result"            Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject    Set objFSO = New Scripting.FileSyste

2014-09-20 14:05:29 514

转载 Call https service

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.DataOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.net.HttpURLConnection;import java.net.URL;import java

2014-09-20 13:59:04 591

转载 Describing a ref cursor using the DBMS_SQL API

The following example illustrates how to describe the columns and values of a reference cursor, created from a dynamic DML statement using the DBMS_SQL API.Firstly, create a test table with some

2014-09-19 10:50:15 552

转载 select a specific column from a ref cursor

create table table1(column1 number, column2 date, column3 varchar2(1000), column4 clob);insert into table1select level, sysdate, level, level from dual connect by level 10;commit;

2014-09-19 10:45:13 473

原创 decode issue

select TO_DATE(decode('19461031',                      '0',                      NULL,                      to_date('19461031', 'YYYYMMDD'))),       decode('19461031', '0', NULL, to_char(to_da

2014-05-16 17:07:28 504

翻译 How to Setup and Secure Linux SSH Logins to use Private PEM Keys

SSH logins are susceptible to brute force attacks. A thousand things can go wrong which could give someone unauthorized access to your server. The best way to secure your SSH login is to use Public/Pr

2014-05-16 16:57:53 754

转载 excel encypt

In the previous tutorials we saw how to read and write Excel files using the Apache POI library. In this tutorial we will see how to create password protected excel using Apache POI.There are 2

2014-05-16 16:55:42 1806

转载 OpenSSH chrooted SFTP using public keys in Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Last modified: Sep. 11, 2009Contents1 - Summary2 - Service configuration5 - Create new group and user6 - Service check1 - SummaryThis guide will show how to configure OpenSSH with chrooted

2014-04-24 11:20:25 781

转载 crontab 的使用及注意事项

1.crontab的基本用法Usage: crontab [-u user] [-e|-l|-r]Crontab 的格式说明如下:* 逗号(‘,’) 指定列表值。如: “1,3,4,7,8″* 中横线(‘-’) 指定范围值 如 “1-6″, 代表 “1,2,3,4,5,6″* 星号 (‘*’) 代表所有可能的值*/15 表示每 15 分钟执行一次# Use the ha

2014-03-23 21:24:34 615

原创 kettle替换jar包中的class文件

jar -vxf kettle-core-5.0.1-stable.jar解压缩文件,将要替换的文件替换下。jar uf kettle-core-5.0.1-stable.jar -C org/pentaho/di/core/database OracleDatabaseMeta.class

2014-01-07 15:57:58 1282

转载 kettle jar 解压缩

jar -vxf kettle-core-5.0.1-stable.jar解压缩文件,将要替换的文件替换下。jar uf kettle-core-5.0.1-stable.jar -C org/pentaho/di/core/database OracleDatabaseMeta.class

2014-01-07 15:56:48 2891

原创 kettle build code

1. download kettle code from http://community.pentaho.com/getthecode/http://source.pentaho.org/svnkettleroot/archive/Kettle/tags/5.0.0/使用ant进行编译,如果需要设置代理set ANT_OPTS=-Dhttp.pro

2014-01-07 15:54:32 704

转载 windows xp 网络共享

To enable local Guest account using Domain Group Policy, please refer to the following steps. 1. In Group Policy Management, double-click Group Policy Objects. 2. Click the GPO that you want to

2014-01-07 07:56:40 608

转载 IE 8 download url


2014-01-04 19:17:53 482

转载 查询表被其他表索引

select table_name, constraint_name, status, ownerfrom all_constraintswhere r_owner = :r_ownerand constraint_type = 'R'and r_constraint_name in ( select constraint_name from all_constraints

2013-12-24 17:29:05 420

转载 ETL 工具简介

这些年,几乎都与ETL打交道,接触过多种ETL工具。现将这些工具做个整理,与大家分享。一 ETL工具【国外】1. datastage点评:最专业的ETL工具,价格不菲,使用难度一般下载地址:ftp://ftp.seu.edu.cn/Pub/Develop ... taStage.v7.5.1A-iSOBT种子下载:http://pan.baidu.com/s

2013-10-26 09:52:24 750

转载 oracle 9i/10g/11g安装包和PATCH下载地址汇总

把下面的地址复制到讯雷里就可以下载,更新了11g安装包及10.2.0.5的补丁包---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ORACLE 9iOracle9i Database Release 2 Enterprise/Sta

2013-10-14 00:38:07 1679

转载 Oracle Database 软件及补丁下载地址

使用迅雷新建任务下载地址填写ftp://updates.oracle.com/patch_num>/ppatch_num>_version>_os>.zip就可以下载到你想要的补丁了。 = 30952779.2.0.5 = 35019559.2.0.6 = 39484809.2.0.7 = 41634459.2.0.8 = 4547809(9i最终)10

2013-10-14 00:36:44 2216 1

firefox clippings plugins

firefox clippings plugins



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