
  Day "not only affects the dental appearance, but also lead to oral lesions, so that the" day "to becorrected in a timely manner, the sooner the better treatment.


  Surgical orthodontic experts believe that day is one of the common symptoms of oral deformity,mainly refers to the anterior teeth teeth should cover the front teeth, if the front teeth andencloses the upper anterior teeth, jaw projecting forward, midface depression is anti jaw. Day "not only affects the dental appearance, but also lead to oral lesions, so that the" day "to becorrected in a timely manner, the sooner the better treatment.


  Surgical orthodontic experts believe that day in orthodontics attention after summed up can bedivided into the following five points:


  1, do not eat too sticky food


  In addition, eat the food also want to pay attention to. Gnawing or knock things can not eat,meat should be cut or torn by hand into small pieces of meat to eat with a knife or shell, can not be used directly or tearing teeth bite; not sticky food. In addition, as New Year cake, glutinous rice products can not eat. If eat, without attention will cause the appliance of loss or damage, not only increases the cost of treatment and referral number, may also make the correct duration.


  2, to keep the mouth clean


  A dental appliance on the adhesive on the teeth, the teeth correction device to force, to achieve the desired tooth movement. A good correction effect not only require a doctor's skill, but requires close coordination with. Esther experts remind, patients need to maintain good dentalcleaning teeth. The correct brushing method should be used to head fur children toothbrush,brush. Action should be gentle, slow, every time 3 to 5 minutes.


  3, children's teeth to eat snacks


  Children's teeth, in addition to the above-mentioned matters to the attention of the outside, but also reduce the number of snacks and candy, especially chewing gum. Because the gum stuck on the corrector, difficult to remove. In the process of juvenile correction of teeth, parents should pay special attention to supervise their children follow the doctor's orders, such as: check to the hospital regularly, replacing steel wire, wear rubber ring. Otherwise, the process of correction to extend, also can not achieve the desired effect of correcting.


  In orthodontics, the traction force is small and slowly move the teeth, not give patients bring great discomfort. However, in the early days of wearing fixed appliance, the teeth will be feeling fatigued and uncomfortable. At this time, can be a gigolo or porridge like food, spent about a week after an adaptation period of normal diet, nursing but still should pay attention to the teeth and correction device.


  4, available water or tea mouthwash after the meal


  Parasitic bacteria in the human oral normal, there are a large number of microorganisms present in the air, the mouth often contact with the outside world "". Therefore, there exist a lot of normal oral pathogenic bacteria. When the teeth wear braces, interferes with the brush. If the tooth brush is not good, food residues between the teeth, then the bacteria multiply, causingdental caries or periodontal tissue inflammation, destroying the whole course of treatment.Therefore, the most ideal method for nursing teeth of the course is to brush your teeth after each meal. If you brush your teeth after meals is not convenient, available water or tea gargle.


  5, do not eat hard food, bone


  During the orthodontic treatment, in addition to comply with the doctor's instructions, but also careful nursing on teeth appliance. Suzhou Aisite beauty experts recommend, first of all should avoid eating hard food, such as: bone foods, crabs, nuts etc.. Also avoid eating large pieces of food, such as to cut the apples into small pieces before eating, it can prevent due to improper diet appliance accessories loose, so that the whole process of correction can be completed smoothly.


  If you have not the clear place, can call free consultation expert hotline: 020-38888588consulting or landing surgical orthodontic net website: http://www.hswkzy.com in our hospital from now through the network of appointment, the appointment, by appointment to see a doctor first, need not queue up to register, reduced treatment time, if necessary, please click on thelink to an expert consultation.

  如果您还有不明确的地方,可拨打免费咨询专家热线:020-38888588进行咨询或者登陆外科正牙网官网:http://www.hswkzy.com 我院现在通过网络预约就诊,预约后,凭预约号可优先就诊,无需排队挂号,减少就诊时间,如有需要请点击咨询链接预约专家。





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