ERROR(get_orbfit_args): unknown arguement sp3fit_igsf5328

2 篇文章 0 订阅
1 篇文章 0 订阅
[zhao@localhost igs]$ sh_get_orbits -archive sopac -yr 2015 -doy 326 -ndays 3
ftp_info = sh_get_ftp_info -archive sopac -type sp3
Information extracted from ftp_info
ftplogin anonymous zhao@localhost.
ftpdir /pub/products/GPSW
ftpcmd ftp -invp
wlogin anonymous zhao@localhost.
Getting requested orbit files 
sh_sp3fit -f igs18720.sp3 -gnss G -o igsf -u -d 2015 326  
sestbl Y 
Generating fitted g-file for: 2015 326
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Started NGSTOT ver. 10.01 2015/11/3 13:40:00 (Linux)    Library ver. 11.18 of 2015/11/10 19:20 (Linux)
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Converting CE to CM using otlcmc.dat offsets for FES2004
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 NGSTOT/orbits/tdtrit: Successfully wrote earth-fixed T-file    96 epochs written on T-file
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Writing inertial T-file (Name tigs18720.sp3)
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Input T-file is Earth-fixed, converting to inertial
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Successfully wrote Inertial T-file: (Name tigs18720.sp3)
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 NGSTOT/orbits/gmake: Successfully wrote G-file: (Name gigs18720.sp3)
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Normal end to NGSTOT
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 ARC/aversn: Started ARC, Version 9.83 of 2015/10/24 11:00 (Linux)        Library ver. 11.18 of 2015/11/10 19:20 (Linux)
WARNING:151225:2252:55.0 ARC/check_gmodels: Requested radiation-pressure model (BERNE) differs from g-file (SPHRC) (Name gigs18720.sp3)
WARNING:151225:2252:55.0 ARC/check_gmodels: Use requested model, set RAD(1)=1.0, others = 0.0
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  1  G 1   63 IIF      PRN  1
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  2  G 2   61 IIR-B    PRN  2
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  3  G 3   69 IIF      PRN  3
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  4  G 5   50 IIR-M    PRN  5
STATUS :151225:2252:55.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  5  G 6   67 IIF      PRN  6
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  6  G 7   48 IIR-M    PRN  7
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  7  G 8   72 IIF      PRN  8
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  8  G 9   68 IIF      PRN  9
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  9  G10   73 IIF      PRN 10
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 10  G11   46 IIR-A    PRN 11
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 11  G12   58 IIR-M    PRN 12
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 12  G13   43 IIR-A    PRN 13
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 13  G14   41 IIR-A    PRN 14
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 14  G15   55 IIR-M    PRN 15
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 15  G16   56 IIR-A    PRN 16
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 16  G17   53 IIR-M    PRN 17
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 17  G18   54 IIR-A    PRN 18
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 18  G19   59 IIR-B    PRN 19
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 19  G20   51 IIR-A    PRN 20
STATUS :151225:2252:56.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 20  G21   45 IIR-A    PRN 21
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 21  G22   47 IIR-B    PRN 22
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 22  G23   60 IIR-B    PRN 23
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 23  G24   65 IIF      PRN 24
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 24  G25   62 IIF      PRN 25
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 25  G26   71 IIF      PRN 26
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 26  G27   66 IIF      PRN 27
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 27  G28   44 IIR-A    PRN 28
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 28  G29   57 IIR-M    PRN 29
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 29  G30   64 IIF      PRN 30
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 30  G31   52 IIR-M    PRN 31
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 31  G32   23 IIA      PRN 32
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIA   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:57.0 ARC/arc: Normal stop in ARC (Name t15326.tmp)
 ***ERROR(get_orbfit_args): unknown arguement sp3fit_igsf5326                   

 Usage: orbfit orb-file -sp3 sp3file(s) -ctrl ctrlfile -ics icsfile 
        -trans STRD (Scale,Translatation, Rotation, D-Rot. transformation parameters  
        -nofit no orbit fit  
        -unit  unit of output residuals  m/dm/cm/mm                 

        -res   xyz/acr, type of residuals                           
        -par   par-file, corrections will be considered             
        -skip  nn (in hours), skip records of the first nn hours    
        -out   output file                                          
mv: 无法获取"" 的文件状态(stat): 没有那个文件或目录
mv: 无法获取"svs_15326.tmp_fit.apr" 的文件状态(stat): 没有那个文件或目录
sh_sp3fit -f igs18721.sp3 -gnss G -o igsf -u -d 2015 327  
sestbl Y 
Generating fitted g-file for: 2015 327
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Started NGSTOT ver. 10.01 2015/11/3 13:40:00 (Linux)    Library ver. 11.18 of 2015/11/10 19:20 (Linux)
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Converting CE to CM using otlcmc.dat offsets for FES2004
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 NGSTOT/orbits/tdtrit: Successfully wrote earth-fixed T-file    96 epochs written on T-file
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Writing inertial T-file (Name tigs18721.sp3)
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Input T-file is Earth-fixed, converting to inertial
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Successfully wrote Inertial T-file: (Name tigs18721.sp3)
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 NGSTOT/orbits/gmake: Successfully wrote G-file: (Name gigs18721.sp3)
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Normal end to NGSTOT
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/aversn: Started ARC, Version 9.83 of 2015/10/24 11:00 (Linux)        Library ver. 11.18 of 2015/11/10 19:20 (Linux)
WARNING:151225:2252:58.0 ARC/check_gmodels: Requested radiation-pressure model (BERNE) differs from g-file (SPHRC) (Name gigs18721.sp3)
WARNING:151225:2252:58.0 ARC/check_gmodels: Use requested model, set RAD(1)=1.0, others = 0.0
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  1  G 1   63 IIF      PRN  1
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  2  G 2   61 IIR-B    PRN  2
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  3  G 3   69 IIF      PRN  3
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  4  G 5   50 IIR-M    PRN  5
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  5  G 6   67 IIF      PRN  6
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  6  G 7   48 IIR-M    PRN  7
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  7  G 8   72 IIF      PRN  8
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  8  G 9   68 IIF      PRN  9
STATUS :151225:2252:58.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  9  G10   73 IIF      PRN 10
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 10  G11   46 IIR-A    PRN 11
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 11  G12   58 IIR-M    PRN 12
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 12  G13   43 IIR-A    PRN 13
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 13  G14   41 IIR-A    PRN 14
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 14  G15   55 IIR-M    PRN 15
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 15  G16   56 IIR-A    PRN 16
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 16  G17   53 IIR-M    PRN 17
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 17  G18   54 IIR-A    PRN 18
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 18  G19   59 IIR-B    PRN 19
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 19  G20   51 IIR-A    PRN 20
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 20  G21   45 IIR-A    PRN 21
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 21  G22   47 IIR-B    PRN 22
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 22  G23   60 IIR-B    PRN 23
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 23  G24   65 IIF      PRN 24
STATUS :151225:2252:59.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 24  G25   62 IIF      PRN 25
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 25  G26   71 IIF      PRN 26
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 26  G27   66 IIF      PRN 27
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 27  G28   44 IIR-A    PRN 28
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 28  G29   57 IIR-M    PRN 29
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 29  G30   64 IIF      PRN 30
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 30  G31   52 IIR-M    PRN 31
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 31  G32   23 IIA      PRN 32
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIA   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 0.0 ARC/arc: Normal stop in ARC (Name t15327.tmp)
 ***ERROR(get_orbfit_args): unknown arguement sp3fit_igsf5327                   

 Usage: orbfit orb-file -sp3 sp3file(s) -ctrl ctrlfile -ics icsfile 
        -trans STRD (Scale,Translatation, Rotation, D-Rot. transformation parameters  
        -nofit no orbit fit  
        -unit  unit of output residuals  m/dm/cm/mm                 

        -res   xyz/acr, type of residuals                           
        -par   par-file, corrections will be considered             
        -skip  nn (in hours), skip records of the first nn hours    
        -out   output file                                          
mv: 无法获取"" 的文件状态(stat): 没有那个文件或目录
mv: 无法获取"svs_15327.tmp_fit.apr" 的文件状态(stat): 没有那个文件或目录

sh_sp3fit -f igs18722.sp3 -gnss G -o igsf -u -d 2015 328  
sestbl Y 
Generating fitted g-file for: 2015 328
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Started NGSTOT ver. 10.01 2015/11/3 13:40:00 (Linux)    Library ver. 11.18 of 2015/11/10 19:20 (Linux)
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Converting CE to CM using otlcmc.dat offsets for FES2004
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 NGSTOT/orbits/tdtrit: Successfully wrote earth-fixed T-file    96 epochs written on T-file
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Writing inertial T-file (Name tigs18722.sp3)
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Input T-file is Earth-fixed, converting to inertial
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Successfully wrote Inertial T-file: (Name tigs18722.sp3)
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 NGSTOT/orbits/gmake: Successfully wrote G-file: (Name gigs18722.sp3)
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Normal end to NGSTOT
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/aversn: Started ARC, Version 9.83 of 2015/10/24 11:00 (Linux)        Library ver. 11.18 of 2015/11/10 19:20 (Linux)
WARNING:151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/check_gmodels: Requested radiation-pressure model (BERNE) differs from g-file (SPHRC) (Name gigs18722.sp3)
WARNING:151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/check_gmodels: Use requested model, set RAD(1)=1.0, others = 0.0
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  1  G 1   63 IIF      PRN  1
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  2  G 2   61 IIR-B    PRN  2
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  3  G 3   69 IIF      PRN  3
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  4  G 5   50 IIR-M    PRN  5
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  5  G 6   67 IIF      PRN  6
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  6  G 7   48 IIR-M    PRN  7
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  7  G 8   72 IIF      PRN  8
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  8  G 9   68 IIF      PRN  9
STATUS :151225:2253: 1.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite  9  G10   73 IIF      PRN 10
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 10  G11   46 IIR-A    PRN 11
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 11  G12   58 IIR-M    PRN 12
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 12  G13   43 IIR-A    PRN 13
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 13  G14   41 IIR-A    PRN 14
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 14  G15   55 IIR-M    PRN 15
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 15  G16   56 IIR-A    PRN 16
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 16  G17   53 IIR-M    PRN 17
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 17  G18   54 IIR-A    PRN 18
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 18  G19   59 IIR-B    PRN 19
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 19  G20   51 IIR-A    PRN 20
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 20  G21   45 IIR-A    PRN 21
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 21  G22   47 IIR-B    PRN 22
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 22  G23   60 IIR-B    PRN 23
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-B =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 23  G24   65 IIF      PRN 24
STATUS :151225:2253: 2.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 24  G25   62 IIF      PRN 25
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 25  G26   71 IIF      PRN 26
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 26  G27   66 IIF      PRN 27
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 27  G28   44 IIR-A    PRN 28
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-A =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 28  G29   57 IIR-M    PRN 29
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 29  G30   64 IIF      PRN 30
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIF   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 30  G31   52 IIR-M    PRN 31
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIR-M =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/arc:   Integrating satellite 31  G32   23 IIA      PRN 32
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/ertorb: Antenna power for BLOCK IIA   =   0.00 watts
STATUS :151225:2253: 3.0 ARC/arc: Normal stop in ARC (Name t15328.tmp)
 ***ERROR(get_orbfit_args): unknown arguement sp3fit_igsf5328                   

 Usage: orbfit orb-file -sp3 sp3file(s) -ctrl ctrlfile -ics icsfile 
        -trans STRD (Scale,Translatation, Rotation, D-Rot. transformation parameters  
        -nofit no orbit fit  
        -unit  unit of output residuals  m/dm/cm/mm                 

        -res   xyz/acr, type of residuals                           
        -par   par-file, corrections will be considered             
        -skip  nn (in hours), skip records of the first nn hours    
        -out   output file                                          
mv: 无法获取"" 的文件状态(stat): 没有那个文件或目录
mv: 无法获取"svs_15328.tmp_fit.apr" 的文件状态(stat): 没有那个文件或目录
[zhao@localhost igs]$ 
评论 1




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