美国阿拉斯加大学Jeffrey T. Freymueller教授

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Jeffrey T. Freymueller教授在固体地球科学领域研究广泛,发表了80多篇文章(包括Nature, Science等)。近10年来,Jeffrey T. Freymueller教授曾任美国地球物理联盟(AGU)之大地测量的主席,UNAVCO督导委员会主席,国际期刊JGR-SOLID副主编等。现为南加州地震中心咨询理事会主席,大地测量杂志副主编。


为了推动《Geodesy and Geodynamics》的国际化,使之尽快进入国际重要学术期刊行列,经协商,决定聘请美国阿拉斯加大学Jeffrey T. Freymueller教授为本刊的国际主编,负责文字编辑等与期刊发展有关的事务。现他已正式接受邀请,并从今年3月1日开始工作。


(updated May 28, 2012)

Jeffrey T. Freymueller

Professor of Geophysics 
Geophysical Institute 
University of Alaska, Fairbanks 
Fairbanks, AK 99775 

tel.              907-474-7286        
fax 907-474-5618 
email: jeff@giseis.alaska.edu 
web: http://www.gps.alaska.edu/jeff/jeff.html


1985 B. Sc. (Geophysics) California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

1988 M. Sc. (Geophysics) University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

1991 Ph. D. (Geophysics) University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

Professional Experience

1985-1986Graduate Student, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
1987-1991Graduate Student, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
1986-1991Member of the Technical Staff, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
1991-1995Postdoctoral Research Associate, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1995-1999Assistant Research Professor of Geophysics, Geophysical Institute
1999-2004Associate Professor of Geophysics, Geophysical Institute and Department of Geological Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks
2004-presentProfessor of Geophysics, Geophysical Institute and Department of Geological Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Professional Societies

American Geophysical Union, 1986-present

Geological Society of America, 1987-present

Seismological Society of America, 1994-present

Associate of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), 1993-present

Fellow of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), 2011-present

Individual Member, International Association of Geodesy (IAG), 2003-present

Individual Member, International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI), 2003-present


NASA Group Achievement Award, Development of OASIS/GIPSY Global Positioning System Analysis Software, 1992

Terris and Katrina Moore Prize for best research paper or accomplishment, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2000

College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Mentoring and Advising, 2005

Professional Service

Member, UNAVCO Steering Committee, 1995-1999 
Chair, UNAVCO Steering Committee, 1998-1999 
Member, Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) Advisory Council, 1998-present; Chair, 1999-2002 
Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 1999-2004 
Member, Plate Boundary Observatory Steering Committee, 1999-2002 
Member, EarthScope Working Group, 1999-2000 
Chair, 2nd Plate Boundary Observatory Workshop Organizing Committee, 2000 
President-Elect, Geodesy Section of the AGU, 2004-2006 
President, Geodesy Section of the AGU, 2006-2008 
Member, US National Committee for the IUGG, 2003-present 
US National Correspondent to the IAG, 2004-present 
Associate Editor, Journal of Geodesy, 2007-present 
Co-Chair, EarthScope Convergent Margins Thematic Working Group, 2008-present 
Member, organizing committee for the Workshop for an EarthScope Science Plan, 2009 
Co-Editor, revised EarthScope Science Plan, 2010 
Member, Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Advisory Council, 2002-2010 
Chair, Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Advisory Council, 2010-present 
Member, External Advisory Committee, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica 
Chair, US National Committee for the IUGG, 2011-present 
International Chief Editor, Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics

Books Edited

Co-Editor, Plate Boundary Zones, AGU Geodynamics Series, Vol 30, 2002 (with Seth Stein)

Editor, Active Tectonics and Seismic Potential of Alaska, AGU Geophysical Monograph 179, Jeffrey T. Freymueller, Peter J. Haeussler, Robert L. Wesson, and Göran Ekstrom, eds, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 431pp, 2008.



Kellogg, J. N., B. S. Wedgeworth, and J. Freymueller, Isostatic compensation and conduit structures of Western Pacific seamounts: Results of three-dimensional gravity modeling, in Seamounts, Islands, and Atolls, edited by B. H. Keating, P. Fryer, R. Batiza, and G. W. Boehlert, Am. Geophys. Union, Geophysical Monograph Series, 43, 85-96.

Davidson, J. M., C. L. Thornton, S. A. Stephens. G. Blewitt, S. M. Lichten, O. J. Sovers, P. M. Kroger, L. L. Skrumeda, J. S. Border, R. E. Neilan, C. J. Vegos, B. G. Williams, J. T. Freymueller, T. H. Dixon, W. G. Melbourne, The Spring 1985 High Precision Baseline Test of the JPL GPS-based geodetic system: A final report, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Publication 87-35, 67pp.

Freymueller, J. T., and M. P. Golombek, Geometry and Treatment of Fiducial Networks: Effect on GPS Baseline Precision in South America, Geophys. Res. Letts., 15, 1467-1469.

Freymueller, J. T., Estimation of seamount isostatic compensation in the Western Pacific, MS Thesis, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.

Freymueller, J. T. and J. N. Kellogg, The extended tracking network and indications of baseline precision and accuracy in the North Andes, CASA UNO Special Issue, Geophysical Research Letters, 17, 207-210.

Kellogg, J. N., J. T. Freymueller, T. H. Dixon, R. E. Neilan, C. Ropaín U., S. Camargo M., B. Fernandez C., J. L. Stowell, A. Salazar, J. Mora. V., L. Espín, V. Perdue, L. Leos, First GPS baseline results from the North Andes, CASA UNO Special Issue, Geophysical Research Letters, 17, 211-214.

Kornreich Wolf, S., T. H. Dixon, and J. T. Freymueller, The effect of tracking network configuration on GPS baseline estimates for the CASA UNO experiment, Geophysical Research Letters, 17, 647-650.

Freymueller, J. T. and J. N. Kellogg, Comparison of TI-4100 and Trimble 4000SST GPS receivers over short and long baselines, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Precise Positioning with the Global Positioning System, Ottawa Canada, Sep. 3-7, 1990, pp. 477-491.

Freymueller, J. T., and J. N. Kellogg, Isostasy and tectonic origins of Pacific seamounts, in B. Keating and B. Bolton eds., Geology and Offshore Mineral Resources of the Central Pacific Basin, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources Earth Science Series, 14, 39-53.

Freymueller, J. T., Comparison of baseline results for the TI-4100 and Trimble 4000SDT geodetic GPS receivers, Bulletin Géodésique, 66, 272-280, 1992.

Freymueller, J. T. and J.N. Kellogg, Plate motions and active crustal deformation in the North Andean region measured with the Global Positioning System, in W. Torge, A. Gonzalez Fletcher, J. G. Tanner (eds.): Recent Geodetic and Gravimetric Research in Latin America, 131-145, Springer-Verlag (Berlin and New York), 1993.

Freymueller, J. T., J.N. Kellogg, and V. Vega, Plate Motions in the North Andean Region, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 21,853-21,864.

Freymueller, J. T., N. E. King and P. Segall, The co-seismic slip distribution of the Landers earthquake, Bull . Seism. Soc. Am., 84, 646-659.

Hudnut, K. W., Y. Bock, M. Cline, P. Fang, Y. Feng, J. Freymueller, X. Ge, W. K. Gross, D. Jackson, M. Kim, N. E. King, J. Langbein, S. C. Larsen, M. Lisowski, Z-K. Shen, J. Svarc, and J. Zhang, Coseismic displacements of the 1992 Landers earthquake sequence, Bull . Seism. Soc. Am., 84, 625-645.

Larson, K. M. and J. Freymueller, Relative motions of the Australian, Pacific and Antarctic plates estimated by the Global Positioning System, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 37-40.

Owen, S., P. Segall, J. Freymueller, A. Miklius, and R. Denlinger, Rapid deformation of the south flank of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, Science, 267, 1328-1332.

Freymueller, J., R. Bilham, R. Bürgmann, K. M. Larson, J. Paul, S. Jade, and V. Gaur, Global Positioning System measurements of Indian plate motion and convergence across the Lesser Himalaya, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 3107-3110, 1996.
Bilham, R., Larson, K., Freymueller, J., and Project Idylhim members, GPS measurements of present day convergence rates in the Nepal Himalaya, Nature, 336, 61-64, 1997.

Lu, Z., R. Fatland, M. Wyss, S. Li, J. Eichelberger, K. Dean, and J. Freymueller, Deformation of New Trident Volcano detected by ERS-1 SAR Interferometry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 695-698, 1997.

Larson, K. M., J. T. Freymueller, and S. Philipsen, Global plate velocities from the Global Positioning System, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 9961-9982, 1997.

Cohen, S. C., and J. T. Freymueller, Deformation of the Kenai Peninsula, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 20,479-20,487, 1997.

Lu, Z., and J. Freymueller, Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry coherence analysis over Katmai volcano group, Alaska, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 29,887-29,894, 1998.
Larson, K. M., R. Bürgmann, R. Bilham, and J. Freymueller, Kinematics of the India-Eurasia collision zone from GPS measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 1077-1093, 1999.

Freymueller, J. T., M. H. Murray, P. Segall, and D. Castillo, Kinematics of the Pacific-North America plate boundary zone, Northern California, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 7419-7441, 1999.

Freymueller, J. T., and J. Beavan, Absence of strain accumulation in the western Shumagin segment of the Alaska subduction zone, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 3233-3236, 1999.

Fletcher, H., and J. T. Freymueller, New GPS constraints on the motion of the Yakutat block, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 3029-3032, 1999.

Bendick, R., R. Bilham, J. Freymueller, K. Larson, and G. Yin, Geodetic evidence for a low slip rate in the Altyn Tagh fault and constraints on the deformation of Asia, Nature, 404, 69-72, 2000.

Freymueller, J. T., S. C. Cohen, and H. J. Fletcher, Spatial variations in present-day deformation, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, and their implications, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 8079-8101, 2000.

Lu, Z., D. Mann, J. T. Freymueller, and D. Meyer, Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry observations of Okmok volcano, Alaska 1. Radar observations, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 10,791-10,806, 2000.

Lu, Z., C. Wicks, D. Dzurisin, W. Thatcher, J. T. Freymueller, S. R. McNutt and D. Mann, Aseismic inflation of Westdahl volcano, Alaska, revealed by satellite radar interferometry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 1567-1570, 2000.

Fletcher, H. J., J. Beavan, J. Freymueller, and L. Gilbert, High interseismic coupling of the Alaska subduction zone SW of Kodiak island inferred from GPS data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 443-446, 2001.

Cohen, S. C., and J. T. Freymueller, Crustal uplift in the southcentral Alaska subduction zone: A new analysis and interpretation of tide gauge observations, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 11,259-11,270, 2001.

Wang, Q., P. Zhang , Z. Niu, J. T. Freymueller, X. Lai, Y. Li, W. Zhu, J. Liu, R. Bilham, and K. M. Larson, Present-day Crustal Movement and Tectonic Deformation in Continental China, Science in China (Series D), V31 ,No.7, P529-536, 2001.

Wang, Q., P. Zhang, J. T. Freymueller, R. Bilham, K. M. Larson, X. Lai, X. You, Z. Niu, J. Wu, Y. Li, J. Liu, Z. Yang, and Q. Chen, Present-day crustal deformation in China constrained by Global Positioning System measurements, Science, 294, 574-577, 2001.

Zweck, C., J. T. Freymueller, and S. C. Cohen, Elastic dislocation modeling of the postseismic response to the 1964 Alaska Earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 2001JB000409, 2002.

Mann, D., J. T. Freymueller, and Z. Lu, Deformation associated with the 1997 eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska, J. Geophys. Res., 2001JB000163, 2002.

Chen, Q., and J. T. Freymueller, Geodetic evidence for a near-fault compliant zone along the San Andreas fault in the San Francisco Bay area, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 92, 656-671, 2002.

Trenkamp, R., J. N. Kellogg, J. T. Freymueller, and H. P. Mora, Wide plate margin deformation, southern Central America and northwestern South America, CASA GPS observations, J. South American Earth Sci., 15, 157-171, 2002.

Zweck, C., J. T. Freymueller, and S. C. Cohen, The 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake: Present Day and Cumulative Postseismic Deformation in the Western Kenai Peninsula, PEPI, 132, 5-20, 2002.

Stein, S., and J. T. Freymueller, editors, Plate Boundary Zones, AGU Geodynamics Series v. 30, 425pp., Washington, DC, 2002.

Eberhart-Phillips, D., P. J. Haeussler, J. T. Freymueller, A. D. Frankel, C. M. Rubin, P. Craw, N. A. Ratchkovski, G. Anderson, G. A. Carver, A. J. Crone, T. E. Dawson, H. Fletcher, R. Hansen, E. L. Harp, R. A. Harris, D. P. Hill, S. Hreinsdóttir, R. W. Jibson, L. M. Jones, R. Kayen, D. K. Keefer, C. F. Larsen, S. C. Moran, S. F. Personius, G. Plafker, B. Sherrod, K. Sieh, N. Sitar, and W. K. Wallace, The 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake, Alaska: A Large Magnitude, Slip-Partitioned Event, Science, 300, 113-119, 2003.

Fletcher, H. J., and J. T. Freymueller, New constraints on the motion of the Fairweather fault, Alaska, from GPS observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(3), 1139, doi:10.1029/2002GL016476, 2003.

Larsen, C. F., R. Motyka, J. Freymueller, and K. Echelmeyer, Tide gauge records of uplift along the northern Pacific-North American plate boundary, 1937 to 2001, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B4), doi:10.1029/2001JB001685, 2003.

Mann, D., and J. Freymueller, Volcanic and tectonic deformation on Unimak Island in the Aleutian Arc, Alaska, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B2), 2108, doi:10.1029/2002JB001925, 2003.

Hreinsdóttir, S., J. T. Freymueller, H. J. Fletcher, C. F. Larsen, and R. Bürgmann, Coseismic slip distribution of the 2002 MW 7.9 Denali fault earthquake, Alaska, determined from GPS measurements, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 1670, doi: 10.1029/2003GL017447, 2003.

Chen, Q., J. Freymueller, Q. Wang, Z. Yang, C. Xu, and J. Liu, A deforming block model for the present-day tectonics of Tibet, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 109, No. B1, B01403, doi:10.1029/2002JB002151, 2004.

Chen, Q., J. T. Freymueller, Z. Yang, C. Xu, W. Jiang, Q. Wang, and J. Liu, Spatially variable extension in southern Tibet based on GPS measurements, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 109, No. B9, B09401, 10.1029/2002JB002350.

Cohen, S. C., and J. T. Freymueller, Crustal Deformation in Southcentral Alaska: The 1964 Prince William Sound Earthquake Subduction Zone, Advances in Geophysics, 47, 1-63, 2004.

Miyagi, Y., J. T. Freymueller, F, Kimata, T. Sato, and D. Mann, Surface deformation caused by shallow magmatic activity at Okmok Volcano, Alaska, detected by GPS campaigns 2000-2002, Earth Planets and Space, Vol. 56, e29-e32, 2004.

Larsen, C. F., R. J. Motyka, J. T. Freymueller, K. A. Echelmeyer and E. R. Ivins, Rapid uplift of southern Alaska caused by recent ice loss, Geophys. J. Intl., 158, 1118-1133, 2004.

Larsen, C. F., R. J. Motyka, J. T. Freymueller, K. A. Echelmeyer, and E. R. Ivins, Rapid viscoelastic uplift in southeast Alaska caused by post-Little Ice Age glacial retreat, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 237, 548-560, 2005.
Freed, A. M., R. Bürgmann, E. Calais, J. Freymueller, and S. Hreinsdóttir (2006), Implications of Deformation Following the 2002 Denali, Alaska Earthquake for Postseismic Relaxation Processes and Lithospheric Rheology, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2005JB003894.

Williams, T. B., H. M. Kelsey, and J. T. Freymueller, Contemporary GPS-derived strain in northwestern California: termination of the San Andreas fault system and convergence with the Sierra Nevada block contribute to southern Cascadia forearc contraction, Tectonophysics, 413, 171-184, 2006.

Hreinsdóttir, S., J. T. Freymueller, R. Bürgmann, and J. Mitchell, Coseismic Deformation of the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake: Insights from GPS measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 111, B03308, doi:10.1029/2005JB003676, 2006.

Sil, S., and J. T. Freymueller, Well water level changes in Fairbanks, Alaska, due to the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Earth Planets and Space, 58, 181-184, 2006.

Ohta, Y., J. T. Freymueller, S. Hreinsdóttir, and H. Suito, A Large Slow Slip Event and the depth of the seismogenic zone in the south central Alaska subduction zone, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Volume 247, Issues 1-2, 15 July, Pages 108-116, 2006.

Cervelli, P., T. Fournier, J. T. Freymueller, and J. Power, Ground Deformation Associated with the Precursory Unrest and Early Phases of the January 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L18304, doi:10.1029/2006GL027219, 2006.

Freed, A., R. Bürgmann, E. Calais, and J. Freymueller, Stress-dependent power-law flow in the upper mantle following the 2002 Denali, Alaska, earthquake, EPSL, 252, 481-489, 2006.

Rajendran, C.P., K. Rajendran, A. Earnest, R. Anu, T. Machado, and J. Freymueller, The style of crustal deformation and seismic history associated with the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake: A perspective from the Andaman-Nicobar Islands, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 97, no. 1A, S174-S191, 2007.

Cross, R., and J. T. Freymueller, Plate Coupling Variation and Block Translation in the Andreanof Segment of the Aleutian Arc Determined by Subduction Zone Modeling Using GPS data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2006GL029073, 2007.

Fournier, T. J., and J. T. Freymueller (2007), Transition from locked to creeping subduction in the Shumagin region, Alaska, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L06303, doi:10.1029/2006GL029073.

Elliott, J., J. T. Freymueller, and B. Rabus (2007), Coseismic deformation of the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake: Contributions from SAR range offsets, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B06421, doi:10.1029/2006JB004428.

Atwood, D. K., R. M. Guritz, R. R. Muskett, C. S. Lingle, J. M. Sauber, and J. T. Freymueller, DEM control in arctic Alaska with ICESat laser altimetry, IEEE Trans. On Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v. 45(11), 3710-3720, 2007.

Cross, R. S., and J. T. Freymueller (2008), Evidence for and implications of a Bering plate based on geodetic measurements from the Aleutians and western Alaska, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B07405, doi:10.1029/2007JB005136.

T. Sato, S. Miura, Y. Ohta, H. Fujimoto, W. Sun, C.F. Larsen, M. Heavner, A.M. Kaufman, J.T. Freymueller (2008), Earth tides observed by gravity and GPS in southeastern Alaska, Journal of Geodynamics, Volume 46, Issues 3-5, 78-89.

Fournier, T., and J. Freymueller (2008), Inflation detected at Mount Veniaminof, Alaska, with campaign GPS, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L20306, doi:10.1029/2008GL035503.

Freymueller, J.T., H. Woodard, S. Cohen, R. Cross, J. Elliott, C. Larsen, S. Hreinsdottir, C. Zweck (2008), Active deformation processes in Alaska, based on 15 years of GPS measurements, in Active Tectonics and Seismic Potential of Alaska, AGU Geophysical Monograph, 179, J.T. Freymueller, P.J. Haeussler, R. Wesson, and G. Ekstrom, eds., pp. 1-42, AGU, Washington, D.C.

Ruppert, N. A., K. D. Ridgway, J. T. Freymueller, R. S. Cross, and R. A. Hansen (2008), Active Tectonics of Interior Alaska: A Synthesis of Seismic, GPS and Geomorphic Studies, in Active Tectonics and Seismic Potential of Alaska, AGU Geophysical Monograph, 179, J.T. Freymueller, P.J. Haeussler, R. Wesson, and G. Ekstrom, eds., pp. 109-133, AGU, Washington, D.C.

Biggs, J., R. Bürgmann, J. Freymueller, Z. Lu, B. Parsons, I. Ryder, G. Schmalzle, and T. Wright (2008), The postseismic response to the 2002 M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake: Constraints from InSAR 2003-2005, Geophys. J. Int., 176, 353-367 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03932.x.

Johnson, K., R. Bürgmann, and J. T. Freymueller, Coupled afterslip and viscoelastic flow following the 2002 Denali Fault, Alaska earthquake, Geophysical Journal International, 176, 3.,670-682, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.04029.x, 2009.

Fournier, T., J. T. Freymueller, and P. Cervelli, Tracking magma volume recovery at Okmok Volcano using GPS and an Unscented Kalman Filter, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 114, B02405, doi:10.1029/2008JB005837, 2009.

Freymueller, J., Seasonal position variations and regional reference frame realization, in H. Drewes (ed.), Geodetic Reference Frames, International Association of Geodesy Symposia 134, pp. 191-196, Springer Verlag, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00860-3_30, 2009.

Suito, H., and J. T. Freymueller, A viscoelastic and afterslip postseismic deformation model for the 1964 Alaska earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/ 2008JB005954, 2009.

Williams, M.L., K.M. Fischer, J.T. Freymueller, B. Tikoff, A.M. Tréhu, and others, Unlocking the Secrets of the North American Continent: An EarthScope Science Plan for 2010-2020, February, 2010, 78 pp.

Elliott, J., C. F. Larsen, J. T. Freymueller, and R. J. Motyka, Tectonic Block Motion and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Southeast Alaska and Adjacent Canada Constrained by GPS Measurements, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JB007139, 2010.

Biggs, J., Z. Lu, T. Fournier, and J. T. Freymueller (2010), Magma flux at Okmok Volcano, Alaska from a joint inversion of continuous GPS, campaign GPS and InSAR, in press, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B12401, doi:10.1029/2010JB007577.

Sun, W., S. Miura, T. Sato, T. Sugano, J. T. Freymueller , M. Kaufman, C. Larsen, R. Cross , and D. Inazu, Gravity measurements in southeastern Alaska reveal negative gravity rate of change caused by Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B12406, doi:10.1029/2009JB007194, 2010.

Cervelli, P., T. J. Fournier, J. T. Freymueller, J. A. Power, M. Lisowski, and B. A. Pauk, Geodetic Constraints on Magma Movement and Withdrawal During the 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, in The 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., editors, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, 2010.

Freymueller, J. T., and A. M. Kaufman, Changes in the Magma System During the 2008 Eruption of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, Based on GPS Measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B12415, doi:10.129/2010JB007716, 2010.

Freymueller, J. T., Active Tectonics of Plate Boundary Zones, and the Continuity of Plate Boundary Deformation from Asia to North America, Current Science, 99, 1719-1732, 2010.


Freymueller, J. T., A new mechanical model for Tibet, Nature, 472, 48-49, 2011. (News and Views piece)

Kogan, M. G., N. F. Vasilenko, D. I. Frolov, J. T. Freymueller, G. M. Steblov, B. W. Levin, and A. S. Prytkov (2011), The mechanism of postseismic deformation triggered by the 2006-2007 great Kuril earthquakes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L06304, doi:10.1029/2011GL046855.

Wang, Q., X. Qiao Xuejun, Q. Lan, J. T. Freymueller, S. Yang, C. Xu, Y. Yang, X. You, K. Tan, and Q. Shen, The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: Rupture of deep faults in the 2008 Wenquan earthquake and uplift of the Longmen Shan, Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/ngeo1210, 2011.

Freymueller, J. T., GPS - Tectonic Geodesy, in Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, H. Gupta, ed., Springer-Verlag, 2011.

Grapenthin, R., and J. T. Freymueller (2011), The dynamics of a seismic wave field: Animation and analysis of kinematic GPS data recorded during the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, Japan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L18308, doi:10.1029/2011GL048405.

Sato, T., C. F. Larsen, S. Miura, Y. Ohta, H. Fujimoto, W. Sun, R. J. Motyka, J. T. Freymueller (2011), Reevaluation of the viscosity of upper mantle beneath Southeast Alaska, Tectonophysics, 511, 79-88, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.05.009.


Sato, T., S. Miura, W. Sun, T. Sugano, J. T. Freymueller, C. F. Larsen, Y. Ohta, H. Fujimoto, D. Inazu, and R. J. Motyka (2012), Gravity and uplift rates observed in southeast Alaska and their comparison with GIA model predictions, J. Geophys. Res., 117, B01401, doi:10.1029/2011JB008485.

Fu, Y., and J. T. Freymueller (2012), Seasonal and Long-term Vertical Deformation in the Nepal Himalaya Constrained by GPS and GRACE Measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 117, B03407, doi:10.1029/2011JB008925.

In Press

Fu, Y., J. T. Freymueller, and T. van Dam, The effect of using inconsistent ocean tidal loading models on GPS coordinate solutions, Journal of Geodesy, doi: 10.1007/s00190-011-0528-1.

Grapenthin, R., J. T. Freymueller, and A. M. Kaufman, Geodetic Observations during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.021.


Fournier, T. J., J. T. Freymueller, J. F. Larsen, and C. Reyes, Deflation at Okmok Volcano and the role of volatiles in deformation, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research.

Fu, Y., J. T. Freymueller, and T. Jensen, Seasonal Hydrological Loading in Southern Alaska Measured by GPS and GRACE, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters, paper 2012GL052453.

Grapenthin, R., J. T. Freymueller, and S. S. Serovetnikov, Surface Deformation of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, Recorded by GPS: The Eruptions from 2005-2010 and Long-term, Long-wavelength Subsidence, submitted to Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.

Student Theses

Chen, Q., Crustal Deformation along the San Andreas Fault and within the Tibetan Plateau Measured using GPS, Ph.D. thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 140pp., 2002.

Cross, R., GPS based tectonics analysis of the Aleutian arc and Bering plate, M. Sc. Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 100pp., 2007.

Elliott, J., Coseismic deformation of the 2002 Denali fault earthquake: Contributions from synthetic aperture Radar speckle tracking, M. Sc. Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 72pp., 2005.

Elliott, J., Active Tectonics in Southern Alaska and the Role of the Yakutat Block Constrained by GPS Measurements, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 187pp., 2011

Fletcher, H. J., Crustal deformation in Alaska measured using the Global Positioning System, Ph.D. thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 135pp., 2002.

Fournier, T. J., Analysis and interpretation of volcano deformation in Alaska: Studies from Okmok and Mt. Veniaminof volcanoes, Ph.D. thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 134pp., 2009.

Hreinsdóttir, S., Coseismic deformation of the 2001 El Salvador and 2002 Denali Fault earthquakes from GPS geodetic measurements, Ph.D. thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 124pp., 2005.

Larsen, C. F., Rapid Uplift of Southern Alaska Caused by Recent Ice Loss, Ph.D. thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 110pp., 2003.

Mann, D., Deformation of Alaskan Volcanoes, Measured Using SAR Interferometry and GPS, Ph.D. thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 122pp., 2002.

Sil, S., Response of Alaskan Wells to Near and Distant Large Earthquakes, M. Sc. Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 83pp., 2006.

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