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2017-07-04 17:21:28 205 1

原创 Hybrid bitmap/vector plots with gnuplot

Hybrid bitmap/vector plots with gnuplot http://www.adamcrume.com/blog/archive/2013/03/12/hybrid-bitmapvector-plots-with-gnuplot Posted March 12, 2013 – 8:11 pm I have a LaTeX document ...

2015-02-02 14:32:02 258

原创 Dropbox Install

 Direct install from source will cause the miss of folder status icons. To solve this problem, a better way to install Dropbox is the follow method. sudo apt-get -y install nautilus-dropbox ...

2014-05-30 09:34:29 71537

原创 Ubuntu 14.04

 Cairo-Dock can replace AWNReboot problem can be solved by remove bumpbee* 

2014-04-21 21:29:07 163

原创 Install Oracle JDK


2014-04-20 21:15:22 1050

原创 Error: /invalidfileaccess in /findfont

 ghostscript 使用外部字体时,需要将字体名称以及文件路径添加到ghostscriptscript 到Fontmap中去。字体文件必须放在ghostscript规定到search path 中允许到目录中去。放到其他目录就会产生这个错误。...

2014-04-20 15:46:06 6534

原创 Gnuplot Output Enhanced Symbols

http://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/demo/enhancedtext.html http://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/docs_4.2/node411.html Gnuplot: bar above letter It is easy. read the last link above. Gnuplot: chec...

2014-04-17 13:54:39 583

原创 adjust itemize and enumeration indent in beamer

 In that same style file, beamer has 3 lengths that set the margins for lists: \leftmargini\leftmarginii\leftmarginiii They are each set to 2em.  You can change these values in your docume...

2014-04-04 09:16:56 1455

原创 Byobu notes

Ctrl+ac == create new windowCtrl+ap == previous windowCtrl+an == next windowCtrl+aa == toggle between two windowsCtrl+a[number] == switch to window [number]Ctrl+ad == detach from ses...

2014-02-23 21:04:23 351

原创 Why does my Ubuntu brightness control skip steps?


2014-01-09 13:36:13 1552

原创 add and subtract

Add and subtract a number see Section 26.2http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/usr_26.html

2014-01-05 22:32:46 6456

原创 Tikz node shape


2014-01-04 20:08:12 2434

原创 avant


2013-12-19 10:23:04 148

原创 条件注释

\usepackage{comment} %\includecomment{solution}  %% include the solutions \excludecomment{solution}    %% exclude the solutions \begin{solution} ... \end{solution}

2013-12-07 10:27:36 266

原创 reduce jpeg --> eps size

sam2p This is sam2p 0.49.1.Available Loaders: PS PDF JAI PNG JPEG TIFF PNM BMP GIF LBM XPM PCX TGA.Available Appliers: XWD Meta Empty BMP PNG TIFF6 TIFF6-JAI JPEG-JAI JPEG PNM GIF89a+LZW XPM PSL1...

2013-11-26 11:12:53 384

原创 vim spell check

http://tips.webdesign10.com/vim/how-use-vims-spellchecker  If you are using Vim in the terminal, or prefer to type, you can turn on spellchecking in Vim with the command :set spell and turn of...

2013-11-21 15:45:19 1122

原创 LatexMK

vim ~/.latexmkrc$pdf_previewer = "start evince %O %S"#监视源码、自动编译、实时预览latexmk -pdf -pvc -xelatex articleor:latexmk -pdf -pvc articleor: non-stop modelatexmk -pdf -pvc -interaction=no...

2013-11-21 14:50:17 1789

原创 Failed to exec method /usr/lib/apt/methods/

Failed to exec method /usr/lib/apt/methods/E: Method  has died unexpectedly!E: Sub-process  returned an error code (100)E: Method /usr/lib/apt/methods/ did not start correctlyTo fix it:$...

2013-11-17 21:44:21 11121

原创 vim 替换

三、替换变量在正规表达式中使用 \( 和 \) 符号括起正规表达式,即可在后面使用\1、\2 等变量来访问 \( 和 \) 中的内容。使用例/\(a\+\)[^a]\+\1 " 查找开头和结尾处a的个数相同的字符串," 如 aabbbaa,aaacccaaa,但是不匹配 abbbaa:s/\(http:\/\/[-a-z\._~\+%\/]\+\)/<a href="\...

2013-11-03 14:52:16 258

原创 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

 如果 apt-get 出現 “subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1″ 的錯誤dpkg: error processing util-linux (–configure): subprocess installed post-installation script return...

2013-10-23 22:05:50 640

原创 cite

cite宏包的说明文档说得不全,今天看了一下他的cite.sty文件,全都明白了,一些关键的东西记一下:cite宏包有好些选项,而且格式overcite等其它一些格式是一回事儿,就是间接调用的cite.sty,选项如下: [superscript] use superscrpts for cites without optional notes [super]       alias fo...

2013-10-21 19:01:35 1203

原创 GDB

http://blog.csdn.net/haoel/article/details/2879 GDB概述GDB是GNU开源组织发布的一个强大的UNIX下的程序调试工具。或许,各位比较喜欢那种图 形界面方式的,像VC、BCB等IDE的调试,但如果你是在UNIX平台下做软件,你会发现GDB这个调试工具有比VC、BCB的图形化调试器更强大的功 能。所谓“寸有所长,尺有所短”就是这个道理。...

2013-09-26 08:36:12 317

原创 Mongodb insert huge data: 50M*6

http://blog.zawodny.com/2011/03/06/mongodb-pre-splitting-for-faster-data-loading-and-importing/https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/mongodb-user/Y9E_v21plZQ create chunks

2013-04-19 22:55:44 238

原创 vim inserting increasing number

 Substitute with ascending numbersSuppose you want to replace each occurrence of "abc" with "xyz_N" where N is an ascending number (xyz_1, xyz_2, xyz_3, and so on).One approach uses the follo...

2013-04-12 21:26:52 886

原创 ubuntu power saving

 ubuntu 12.04 LTS 已经有很好的电源节能管理,无需再使用其他节能工具。https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagement/

2013-04-06 14:29:21 538

原创 matplotlib pyqt4


2013-02-26 20:11:53 6806

原创 gnuplot note


2013-02-21 18:50:01 1649

原创 Disable Ubuntu Overlay Scrollbars in Ubuntu 12.04

open terminal and execute gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface ubuntu-overlay-scrollbars false then it is done.

2013-02-21 18:49:34 1211

原创 ubuntu clean package configs

  dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{ print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg --purge

2013-02-18 13:18:52 1723

原创 ubuntu texlive install package

I advise to recur to an installation by hand of a tex package only when such tex package is not available in an ubuntu package.Searching for it withapt-file -x search '/textcomp.sty$'I obtai...

2013-02-16 19:55:42 257

原创 vim note

 匹配次数修饰符:*   >=0\+ >=1{2,} >=2  统计匹配次数::%s/<pattern>//gn  删除匹配行::g/pattern/d  删除重复行::sort:g/^\(.\+\)$\n\1/d...

2012-10-23 11:44:20 260

原创 EDAS提交论文时的字体嵌入

1. 先生成ps文件,然后将ps按照下面命令转为pdfgswin32c -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dCOMPatibilityLevel=1.4 -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true...

2012-07-28 01:35:25 550

原创 Getting X2GO Alt+Tab to work

 http://www.terheyden.com/blog/?p=202 x2go is an awesome remote desktop solution for windows->linux. However, by default, Alt-Tab doesn’t work! Luckily it’s easy to fix. Go into your x2go...

2012-06-23 09:14:54 14942

原创 multicol宏包可以自动产生多个列

http://yihui.name/en/2007/10/multicol-multi-column-pages-in-latex/    写道...\usepackage{multicol}...\begin{multicols}{3} % 3 columns If you are using a standard Latex document ...

2012-06-11 10:47:42 1160

原创 beamer中暗背景插入图片

http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/18685/techniques-for-embedding-images-with-transparent-backgrounds-in-latex  You need the standard package graphicx to include the image. Loaded xcolor...

2012-06-11 10:29:05 1638

原创 Size of EPS generated by Gnuplot is too large

 gnuplot 生成的eps图太大了。 原因是EPS中有很多重复的数据点。 解决方式是去除重复点。下面的python程序可以解决之。 #! /usr/bin/env python#encoding: utf-8import sysimport osdef reduce(fi,fo): fr,fw=open(fi), open(fo,'w')...

2012-05-06 19:48:04 129

原创 Ubuntu下C++ 调用matlab

http://blog.dabeale.com/2009/01/making-matlab-engine-work-from-cc-using.html  First install csh this can be installed using aptitude. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/matlab201...

2012-04-30 18:56:30 213

原创 Mathematica note

清理工作空间中所有变量   Clear["Global`*"];找最大值、最小值   FindMaximum、FindMinimum Substitution rule:  The substitution rule is a very powerful tool in Mathematica. It removes the need to con...

2012-04-19 09:55:15 507

原创 取消apache 自动启动

# 移除apache2自启动脚本,# 参数-f是为了解决 update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/apache2 exists during rc.d purge的问题sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove # 同时也可以方便的恢复自启动脚本sudo update-rc.d apache2 ...

2012-04-11 10:55:11 1020

原创 R 语言摘记(R-intro)

寻求帮助,使用 help(solve),?solve 和 help(“solve”)是一样的,如果需要搜索可以用 help.search(solve) 或者 ??solve。另外使用 help.start() 可以打开网页版的帮助,这个功能倒是和 Matlab 的 doc 有几分相似。 使用 source() 和 sink() 命令可以将 R 的输入输出重新定向,比如从一个文件中读...

2012-04-09 12:29:36 427

解密pdf的小工具 解密pdf的小工具

解密pdf,使其可以打印、设置书签等。解除一些对pdf文件操作的限制。 绿色版的 无需安装


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Python 编程思想 programmer in python pdf格式






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