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转载 differences between active GameObjects inactive GameObjects

The differences between an active GameObject and an inactive GameObject are:The inactive GameObject's attached MonoBehaviours won't receive most Unity messages. This includes update calls (Fixed

2012-06-28 12:20:42 758

转载 经典C/C++书籍

书名(原书名)1.C++ Primer Plus(第6版)中文版(C++ Primer Plus Sixth Edition)2.Imperfect C++中文版(Imperfect C++)3.C++代码设计与重用(Designing and Coding Reusable C++)4.C和指针(Pointers on C)5.C专家编程 (Expert C Programm

2012-06-22 16:32:29 1388 1

转载 系统管理员要学习什么编程语言


2012-06-22 16:20:05 879

转载 zen card

Zen Cart是免费的购物车软件 - 用于建立自己的网上商店,为网上销售商而设计。Zen Cart是一个免费、界面友好,开放式源码的购物车软件。该软件由一些销售商、程序员、设计师和顾问们共同开发,目的就是  用户能建立风格不同的电子商务系统。现有的一些解决方案过重于编程,而不是着眼于客户的需求。Zen Cart把销售商和购物者的需求放在第一位。同时,那些程序如果没有专业人

2012-06-22 16:06:19 846

转载 phpBB

phpBB是一个论坛软件,使用PHP语言开发的并开放其原始码。是模块化设计,具专业性、安全性高、支持多国语系、支持多种数据库和自定义的版面设计等优越性能,而且功能强大。自2000年发布以来, phpBB™ 已经成为世界上应用最广泛的开源论坛软件. 与早先的版本一样, phpBB™ 3.0 “Olympus” 拥有易于使用的管理面板和友好的用户安装界面, 您可以轻松地在数分钟内建立起

2012-06-22 16:05:42 967

转载 Hardware-assisted virtualization

In computing, hardware-assisted virtualization is a platform virtualization approach that enables efficient full virtualization using help from hardware capabilities, primarily from the host proce

2012-06-22 15:16:43 984

转载 Intel VT

Hardware-Assisted VirtualizationHardware-based Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT)1 improves the fundamental flexibility and robustness of traditional software-based virtualization solu

2012-06-22 15:05:08 627

转载 Client/Server

The client/server model is a computing model that acts as distributed application which partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service re

2012-06-22 11:04:26 714

转载 程序员编程生产力相差10倍意味着什么?


2012-06-22 10:35:59 708

转载 MinGW

MinGW, a contraction of "Minimalist GNU for Windows", is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications.MinGW provides a complete Open Source programming tool set w

2012-06-21 10:24:50 659

转载 C#如何调用linux so库

//testlib.c中的内容:#includeint sum(int a,int b){    return a + b;}int minus(int a,int b){    return a - b;}//main.cs中的内容:using System;using System.Runtime.In

2012-06-21 10:09:39 10408 3

转载 unity的prefabs

Prefabs in Unity are for the time being just an Unity editor feature. Prefabs are predefined assets which can only be created in the editor. Prefabs doesn't even exist in your build. A prefab at run

2012-06-20 10:14:17 779

转载 游戏中如何实现大地图

About the specific issue of a big seamless world (like WoW) vs. game engine scenes. Since all floating point math starts to suffer accuracy errors with to big values, you can't create a big seamless

2012-06-20 09:35:31 920

转载 jquery

Jquery是继prototype之后又一个优秀的Javascrīpt框架。它是轻量级的js库(压缩后只有21k) ,它兼容CSS3,还兼容各种浏览器 (IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+)。jQuery使用户能更方便地处理HTML documents、events、实现动画效果,并且方便地为网站提供AJAX交互。jQuery还有一个比较大的优势是,

2012-06-18 22:19:17 660

转载 libarchive

libarchiveMulti-format archive and compression libraryThe source distribution includes the libarchive library, the bsdtar and bsdcpio command-line programs, full test suite, and documentation:

2012-06-18 20:39:58 2365

转载 Archive file

An archive file is a file that is composed of one or more files along with metadata. Archive files are used to collect multiple data files together into a single file for easier portability and stor

2012-06-18 20:35:40 1155

转载 tar (file format)

In computing, tar (derived from tape archive) is both a file format (in the form of a type of archive bitstream) and the name of a program used to handle such files. The format was created in the

2012-06-18 20:29:39 868

转载 zlib gzip bz2 tar zip 的关系

zlib是库gzip是程序,生成gzip时使用了zlibSince the late 1990s, bzip2, a file compression utility based on a block-sorting algorithm, has gained some popularity as a gzip replacement. It produces consider

2012-06-18 20:09:38 1739

转载 zlib

zlib is a software library used for data compression. zlib was written by Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler and is anabstraction of the DEFLATE compression algorithm used in their gzip file compre

2012-06-18 20:08:21 649

转载 zlib编程

zlib是通用的压缩库,提供了一套 in-memory压缩和解压函数,并能检测解压出来的数据的完整性(integrity)。zlib也支持读写 gzip (.gz)格式的文件。下面介绍两个最有用的函数——compress和uncompress。int compress(Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, const Bytef *source, uLon

2012-06-18 19:49:15 709

转载 GNU Compiler for Java

GNU Compiler for JavaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGNU Compiler for JavaDeveloper(s)The GNU ProjectOperating systemUnix-likeTypeCompilerLic

2012-06-18 12:36:35 803

转载 Using Quaternion to Perform 3D rotations

from:http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/3d/quaternions.htmlUsing Quaternion to Perform 3D rotationsBy confutedThe title of this tutorial is short and sweet.  The tutorial itself

2012-06-18 11:59:41 747

转载 apache name-based 虚拟主机的配置

The term Virtual Host refers to the practice of running more than one web site (such aswww.company1.com and www.company2.com) on a single machine. Virtual hosts can be "IP-based", meaning that you h

2012-06-16 16:07:55 730

转载 Ruby

RubyRuby,一种为简单快捷的面向对象编程(面向对象程序设计)而创的脚本语言,在20世纪90年代由日本人松本行弘(まつもとゆきひろ/Yukihiro Matsumoto)开发,遵守GPL协议和Ruby License。它的灵感与特性来自于 Perl、Smalltalk、Eiffel、Ada 以及 Lisp 语言。由 Ruby 语言本身还发展出了JRuby(Java 平台)、Ir

2012-06-16 09:43:31 777

转载 Ruby on Rails

简介  Ruby on Rails 是一个可以使你开发,部署,维护 web 应用程序变得简单的框架。来历  Ruby的作者于1993年2月24日开始编写Ruby,直至1995年12月才正式公开发布于fj(新闻组)。之所以称为Ruby,是因为Perl的发音与6月的诞生石pearl(珍珠)相同,因此Ruby以7月的诞生石ruby(红宝石)命名。介绍主要特点  当然了,所

2012-06-16 09:40:07 546

转载 lamp

lamp  lampLinux+Apache+Mysql+Perl/PHP/Python一组常用来搭建动态网站或者服务器的开源软件,本身都是各自独立的程序,但是因为常被放在一起使用,拥有了越来越高的兼容度,共同组成了一个强大的Web应用程序平台。随着开源潮流的蓬勃发展,开放源代码的LAMP已经与J2EE和.Net商业软件形成三足鼎立之势,并且该软件开发的项目

2012-06-16 09:23:08 703

转载 OpenGL Transformation

from:http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_transform.html#projectionOpenGL TransformationRelated Topics: OpenGL Pipeline,  OpenGL Projection Matrix, Homogeneous CoordinatesDownload: matrixModel

2012-06-16 09:17:33 1171

转载 PolyTrans

安奇诺计算机图形学公司(Okino Computer Graphics)出品专业的模型转换软件。提供动画转换技术(PolyTrans),一个用来导入和输出很多不同3D文件格式的3D场景转换工具,也包括Viewpoint 媒体文件的转换。

2012-06-15 11:08:53 1053

转载 OpenGL 3D Transformations — Learn about Viewing, Modeling, ModelView, Projection and Viewport Transf

from:http://www.falloutsoftware.com/tutorials/gl/gl5.htmOpenGL Transformations. OpenGL Transformations are also explained in the famous OpenGL "Blue Book", also known as the Superbible. But sinc

2012-06-12 22:35:27 1278

转载 OpenGL的坐标系

from: Coordinate System Tutorial (Camera, Plane, Basics) - Introducti

2012-06-12 15:29:23 1934

转载 Threading Tutorial

The advantage of threading is the ability to create applications that use more than one thread of execution. For example, a process can have a user interface thread that manages interactions with the

2012-06-11 17:43:09 526

转载 OpenGL Overview

OpenGL OverviewIntroductionState MachineglBegin() and glEnd()glFlush() and glFinish()OpenGL IntroductionOpenGL is a software interface to graphics hardware. It is designed as a hardware-indepe

2012-06-09 11:57:45 529

转载 Threading Tutorial

from:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa645740(v=vs.71).aspxThreading TutorialVisual Studio .NET 2003235 out of 356 rated this helpful - Rate this topicThe a

2012-06-08 09:19:15 542

转载 cron

OverviewCron is driven by a crontab (cron table) file, a configuration file that specifies shell commands to run periodically on a given schedule. The crontab files are stored where the lists of

2012-06-07 13:15:01 611

转载 Web 服务器日志分析器点评

Web 服务器日志分析器点评  在评估这些软件包之前,先确定你希望用它们来分析的日志类型。虽然大多数日志分析软件不仅仅支持Web服务器日志,但是,本文仅讨论web服务器的日志记录。记录分析软件能够显示从连接到服务器的IP地址到以饼图表详细说明的哪一类文件访问的次数最多等所有的信息。大多数流行的Web日志分析工具都想努力从日志纪录出挖掘出尽可能多的信息,但是,能够让这些数据具有可读性的工具软件却

2012-06-07 11:43:53 588

转载 学习unity的资源

from:http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/12321/how-can-i-start-learning-unity-fast-list-of-tutori.htmlThe most recent version of this list can be found at http://www.virtualgamelab.com/un

2012-06-07 10:55:08 3999

转载 Unity中的线程

问:I've done some searching on this board and never really found any posts that answer my question.I've also looked up the unity script reference for coroutine and yield. I don't fully get wh

2012-06-07 10:35:36 945

转载 OpenGL Frame Buffer Object

from:http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_fbo.htmlOpenGL Frame Buffer Object (FBO)Related Topics: Pixel Buffer Object (PBO)Download: fbo.zip,fboDepth.zip,fboStencil.zipOverviewCreating FBORend

2012-06-05 20:24:50 1704

转载 移植winforms application到mono

Guide: Porting Winforms ApplicationsTable of contents1 The Project2 Getting Started2.1 MoMA Summary3 Trying It Out4 Porting Strategies4.1 Re

2012-06-05 13:28:24 1109

转载 gitosis的使用

gitosisSetup and use of git repository on FedoraPlease read the full documentation before you try it!Install Gitosis sudo yum install gitosisUpdate ssh pub key

2012-06-05 12:35:24 1161

TR069客户端 Android版本 源码 并含开发过程中收集的TR069协议开发资料集合

TR069客户端 Android版本 源码 并含开发过程中收集的TR069协议开发资料集合 CWMP


2503 2593,MTK META工具最新版本

META原名MTK Engineering Testing Architecture,即联发科工程测试架构,通过META,开发者可以查看比如MT2502或MT2503 Soc的FAT使用情况



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OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide[pdf和源代码]

详细讲解OpenGL ES 2.0 的使用; 有针对下列平台的配套代码: iOS Android Windows Web


Programming Web Services with SOAP

讲解: Wes Services SOAP WSDL 如何部署Web Services 言简意赅。


iPhone OpenGL ES 2D游戏范例-《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》

Iphone OpenGL 2D游戏范例-《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》。 《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》是一个完整可运行的游戏,目前它已在苹果的App Store发售。 《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》有配套书籍《Learning iOS Game Programming》详细讲解它是怎么做出来的。


Quartz 2D Graphics For Mac OS X Developers

详细讲解mac的Quartz 2D 库的书籍,英文版。


iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide 英文版



learn iphone and ipad cocos2d game development

iphone 2D游戏开发教程,使用cocos2D游戏引擎。 一本详细介绍如何使用cocos2D游戏引擎开发iphone游戏的数据。 英文版。


iPhone SDK Programming A.Beginner's Guide




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